

We have no and naked, no natural born poor. Life is up to grab is accepted, the old man, all is the guide, the heart of choice. Someone to heal old daughter, dissolved, To support the old people, not hesitate heavy gold. Someone believes in "good filial first", Someone ran XiaoYi ShengSiGuan "a". Some old people choose to choose, Shan refused. Beauty and ugliness, good and evil, all in a deathless, science, or, in the twinkling. Show filial obedience so much, just want to tell you, choose filial piety, don't let cloud cover, and let bilge blind eyes, for old people, for himself, and holding a pure, filial piety. Filial piety and sentenced to between inverse for pushing, pion, choose die, LiKui split between mother tiger newspaper alone, choose DE zhao later, Father: for the incense is warm, age WangWenYi body feed mosquitoes. Father can help you a lot. Make a valuable, the real life social conscience of conscience, people will donative you return. A man in the storm, will survive their lives to save the old man, A journey in the desert will resolutely solution under a pot of water to his last old man. But the old man ride in some apparent pride; and under, Someone from a degenerate into key son, That old man to save someone variable labor, Someone is playing time points, old man, scold, short pleasure, long lament. Standing in the crossroads in my life, don't go the wrong way! Land and buildings, money, don't take it with, want so much why? End, but nothing, even old man, even life, even if again, even turn, whereby the sympathy and earned a few tears? No one to help you. If you are the eagle, choose to respect, If you are ShaOu, knew support, If you are a sparrow, will consciously serve elder, If you are a person, he should know filial respect parent, old man. If you are a reluctant to lose your personality, a mediocre, will not corrode your, do a pure matchless you, holding on as snow filial piety, clean and beautiful, despite all filthiness and all society, selfish, filial piety to man. If the father, the world will become more beautiful tradition. You will find himself very beautiful, the old man is beauty. You will know, father is satisfied, pay is happy. Choose filial old man! Action is the proof!。


We have no and naked, no natural born poor. Life is up to grab is accepted, the old man, all is the guide, the heart of choice. Someone to heal old daughter, dissolved, To support the old people, not hesitate heavy gold. Someone believes in "good filial first", Someone ran XiaoYi ShengSiGuan "a". Some old people choose to choose, Shan refused. Beauty and ugliness, good and evil, all in a deathless, science, or, in the twinkling. Show filial obedience so much, just want to tell you, choose filial piety, don't let cloud cover, and let bilge blind eyes, for old people, for himself, and holding a pure, filial piety. Filial piety and sentenced to between inverse for pushing, pion, choose die, LiKui split between mother tiger newspaper alone, choose DE zhao later, Father: for the incense is warm, age WangWenYi body feed mosquitoes. Father can help you a lot. Make a valuable, the real life social conscience of conscience, people will donative you return. A man in the storm, will survive their lives to save the old man, A journey in the desert will resolutely solution under a pot of water to his last old man. But the old man ride in some apparent pride; and under, Someone from a degenerate into key son, That old man to save someone variable labor, Someone is playing time points, old man, scold, short pleasure, long lament. Standing in the crossroads in my life, don't go the wrong way! Land and buildings, money, don't take it with, want so much why? End, but nothing, even old man, even life, even if again, even turn, whereby the sympathy and earned a few tears? No one to help you. If you are the eagle, choose to respect, If you are ShaOu, knew support, If you are a sparrow, will consciously serve elder, If you are a person, he should know filial respect parent, old man. If you are a reluctant to lose your personality, a mediocre, will not corrode your, do a pure matchless you, holding on as snow filial piety, clean and beautiful, despite all filthiness and all society, selfish, filial piety to man. If the father, the world will become more beautiful tradition. You will find himself very beautiful, the old man is beauty. You will know, father is satisfied, pay is happy. Choose filial old man! Action is the proof!。


1.Phillip. Kotler: "Marketing Management", Shanghai People's Publishing House 2003

2. Ji: "Marketing Guide", published by Renmin University of China, 1989

3. Michael. Porter: "competitive advantage", Huaxia Publishing House 2001

4. Hoang steel made: "Marketing", the Shanghai Financial Publishing 2003

5. Tai Wang: "Marketing in China", Guangzhou Publishing House, 2001 Edition

6. Lan Ling, editor-in-chief "of Marketing", the Central Radio and Television University Press

7. Wu and: "Marketing", Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Publishing House 2002

8.song xiaomin: "marketing case examples and analysis," Wuhan University Press, 1992

9.qu yunbo: "marketing strategy planning," China Business Press, 1994

10. Mr Chan Kin-ping, such as: "Planning and design planning book" The Chinese People's University Press .2002

11. Li: "planning Wang," Capital University of Economics Press, 1997

12.kotler ,Armstrong Principles of Marketing (9th ed),prentice-Hall,inc,2001

13. Philip Kotler Marketing Management (10th ed), prentice-Hall,inc,2000

14. Payne,A.chritopher,M.and Peck,H.(1998)Relationship Mketing For


15. Perreault,McCarthy.Basic Marketing (12th ed),Richard D Irwin 1996

16. Warren J.Keegan.Global Marketing Management (5th ed) prentice-Hall,inc,1995

17. Valued Prduct Attributes in an Emerging Market-A Comparison Between French and Malaysian Consumers

18. Executive Insights-Global Marketing Management-at the Dawn of the New Millennium

19. Global standardization as a success formula for marketing in central eastern Europe

20. Heterogeneity of regional trading blocs and global marketing strategies


22. Lessons for pan-European marketing


First, services marketing. Modern economic development is characterized by a significant service industry booming national economy, the status of its growing importance of services marketing highlights the growing importance of China has joined WTO, foreign companies have to seize the Chinese, and foreign services, marketing war will appear white-hot trend. Economic life of service can be divided into two categories. One is service products, product creation and delivery for customers mainly from the core interests of intangible services. The other is the function of services, products, mainly from the formation of the core interests of the ingredients, invisible only to meet customer service needs of non-major. Berry think that the source of the product's core interests, the tangible and intangible elements of composition to be more than that, then the product can be seen as a "commodity" (tangible products); if intangible components of tangible elements to more than that, then the product can be seen as a "service." And services consistent with this distinction, service marketing research formed the two major areas, namely services, products, marketing and customer service marketing. Service is the essence of product marketing, how to promote the exchange of product services; customer service is of the essence of marketing, how to use the services as a marketing tool to promote the exchange of tangible products. However, both services product marketing, or customer service, marketing, service marketing is the core concept of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and by obtaining customer satisfaction and loyalty to the promotion of mutually beneficial exchange, and ultimately sales performance improvement and long-term business growth. Second, network marketing. Use of the Internet is a communication line, into the international network of global computer information delivery system will be the next most important channel for marketing. Internet Marketing features include; can provide anytime, anywhere 24 hours of global marketing services; computer can store large amounts of information, on behalf of consumer inquiries, the amount of information transmitted and accuracy, far more than other media; to meet market demands in a timely manner Update product or price adjustments; reduce printing and mailing costs; and no store rent, saving water and labor costs; can avoid the interference of a salesman selling strong; can talk through the provision of information and interaction with consumers long-term good relations. Internet is the most powerful marketing tool, it also combines Qudao, marketing, electronic transactions, interactive customer service and market information analysis and delivery of a variety of functions. It features sound and light interactive communication, as of time, the media, who have been attracted to the eyes of the younger generation. In addition, it has a one to one marketing capabilities, it is consistent with [Focus marketing] and [direct marketing] future trend. Internet marketing can be considered as an emerging marketing channels, it is not necessarily to replace the traditional channels, but through the development of information technology to innovation and re-marketing channels. But it is undeniable that online marketing is bound to impact traditional marketing, so the business community must pay attention to this trend, and with the software industry for close contact and cooperation. Advertising industry as an example, in the latest media age, sales are consistent from start to finish operation, that is attracting attention from the triggered interest, resulting in purchases, procurement, these cities become, and advertising companies will participate in the marketing of the whole. Commercial enterprises also need to change the traditional organizational forms, to enhance the functions of the new media sector, the introduction of both quality and marketing personnel in computer technology, the future can have the market's competitive advantage. Third, green marketing. The so-called "green marketing" refers to the social and enterprises are fully aware of the increasing environmental awareness of consumers and the resulting need for clean-based pollution-free products based on the discovery, creation and select market opportunities, through a series of rational means of marketing to meet consumer and community development needs of the ecological environment and realize sustainable development process. Green Marketing is the core ecological principles in accordance with environmental protection and to select and 。


The competitive nature of the automobile industry has prompted the companies to take up new and innovative marketing strategies to thwart the competition. The B segment of cars is the segment which sees maximum competition as the consumer has a number of models to choose from and it's the volumes which drive the margins. All the companies as a part of their marketing strategy offers a range of vehicles in all the segment to make sure that the customer is driving one of their vehicles only. Advertisements on the Audio visual medium are a rage as it gives the car makers an opportunity to flaunt their cars. Flashy cars can be demonstrated on television but when it comes to the finer prints of the cars, print and online media comes to the rescue.The online medium offers a greater flexibility to the car companies since they come with a lot of interactive features like demonstrating the interiors of the car with its salient features. The print medium on the other hand provides an opportunity to the car makers to explain the function of a car in detail.Celebrity endorsements and testimonial advertisements have come a long way and they are also doing their bit to sell the cars. Super star Shahrukh Khan has been associated with Hyundai Motor Company for a long time and he comes regularly on television to promote the Santro car. Similarly Ford has roped in Junior Bachan for the promotion of the latest offering from the company Ford Fiesta. On a similar note Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukherjee is shown chasing each other with a Chevrolet aveo. Aamir Khan who is considered to be one of the most talented actors in the industry is frequently seen changing roles on screen to promote the Toyota Innova, a car which is generations ahead of its predecessor Toyota Qualis.Cricketers haven't been left behind in the race of promoting cars; Fiat Palio had received a great thrust when the promotion of the car was taken up by the batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar.In addition to the publicity and advertisement which is done by the companies there are certain innovative strategies which are taken up by the companies to beat the competition from time to time.。


The competitive nature of the automobile industry has prompted the companies to take up new and innovative marketing strategies to thwart the competition. The B segment of cars is the segment which sees maximum competition as the consumer has a number of models to choose from and it's the volumes which drive the margins. All the companies as a part of their marketing strategy offers a range of vehicles in all the segment to make sure that the customer is driving one of their vehicles only. Advertisements on the Audio visual medium are a rage as it gives the car makers an opportunity to flaunt their cars. Flashy cars can be demonstrated on television but when it comes to the finer prints of the cars, print and online media comes to the rescue.The online medium offers a greater flexibility to the car companies since they come with a lot of interactive features like demonstrating the interiors of the car with its salient features. The print medium on the other hand provides an opportunity to the car makers to explain the function of a car in detail.Celebrity endorsements and testimonial advertisements have come a long way and they are also doing their bit to sell the cars. Super star Shahrukh Khan has been associated with Hyundai Motor Company for a long time and he comes regularly on television to promote the Santro car. Similarly Ford has roped in Junior Bachan for the promotion of the latest offering from the company Ford Fiesta. On a similar note Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukherjee is shown chasing each other with a Chevrolet aveo. Aamir Khan who is considered to be one of the most talented actors in the industry is frequently seen changing roles on screen to promote the Toyota Innova, a car which is generations ahead of its predecessor Toyota Qualis.Cricketers haven't been left behind in the race of promoting cars; Fiat Palio had received a great thrust when the promotion of the car was taken up by the batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar.In addition to the publicity and advertisement which is done by the companies there are certain innovative strategies which are taken up by the companies to beat the competition from time to time.。



现代经济发展的一个显著特征是服务业的蓬勃发展,其在国民经济中的地位愈来愈重要,服务营销的重要性日益突出,中国已经加入WTO ,外资企业纷纷抢滩中国,中外服务市场营销大战将出现白热化的态势。现实经济生活中的服务可以区分为两大类。


贝瑞认为,在产品的核心利益来源中,有形的成分比无形的成分要多,那么这个产品就可以看作是一种“商品”(有形产品) ;如果无形的成分比有形的成分要多,那么这个产品就可以看作是一种“服务”。与服务的这种区分相一致,服务营销的研究形成了两大领域,即服务产品的营销和顾客服务营销。


First, services marketing. Modern economic development is characterized by a significant service industry booming national economy, the status of its growing importance of services marketing highlights the growing importance of China has joined WTO, foreign companies have to seize the Chinese, and foreign services, marketing war will appear white-hot trend. Economic life of service can be divided into two categories. One is service products, product creation and delivery for customers mainly from the core interests of intangible services. The other is the function of services, products, mainly from the formation of the core interests of the ingredients, invisible only to meet customer service needs of non-major. Berry think that the source of the product's core interests, the tangible and intangible elements of composition to be more than that, then the product can be seen as a "commodity" (tangible products); if intangible components of tangible elements to more than that, then the product can be seen as a "service." And services consistent with this distinction, service marketing research formed the two major areas, namely services, products, marketing and customer service marketing. Service is the essence of product marketing, how to promote the exchange of product services; customer service is of the essence of marketing, how to use the services as a marketing tool to promote the exchange of tangible products. However, both services product marketing, or customer service, marketing, service marketing is the core concept of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and by obtaining customer satisfaction and loyalty to the promotion of mutually beneficial exchange, and ultimately sales performance improvement and long-term business growth. 二、网络营销。 互联网络是一种利用通讯线路,将全球电脑纳入国际联网的信息传送系统必将是未来市场营销最重要的渠道。

网络营销的特性包括;可24 小时随时随地地提供全球性营销服务;电脑可储存大量的信息,代消费者查询,可传送的信息数量与精确度,远超过其他媒体;能因应市场需求,及时更新产品或调整价格;减少印刷与邮递成本;且无店面租金,节约水电与人工成本;可避免推销员强势推销的干扰;可经由信息提供与互动交谈,与消费者建立长期良好的关系。互联网络是一种功能最强大的营销工具,它同时兼具渠道、促销、电子交易、互动顾客服务以及市场信息分析与提供的多种功能。

它以声光互动沟通的特质,作为跨越时空的媒体,已深深吸引年青一代人的眼光。此外,它所具备的一对一营销能力,正是符合[ 分众营销]与[ 直效营销]的未来趋势。



Second, network marketing. Use of the Internet is a communication line, into the international network of global computer information delivery system will be the next most important channel for marketing. Internet Marketing features include; can provide anytime, anywhere 24 hours of global marketing services; computer can store large amounts of information, on behalf of consumer 。

8.市场营销 英文版论文 20000英文字符

市场营销 Marketing 市场营销(Marketing)又称为 市场学、市场行销或行销学。

简称“营销”,台湾常称作“行销”,是指个人或集体通过交易其创造的产品或价值以获得所需之物实现双赢或多赢的过程。 权威定义 美国市场营销协会下的定义是: 行销是创造、沟通与传送价值给顾客,及经营顾客关系以便让组织与其利益关系人受益的一种组织功能与程序 菲利普·科特勒下的定义强调了营销的价值导向: 市场营销是个人和集体通过创造,提供出售,并同别人交换和价值,以获得其所需所欲之物的一种社会和管理过程。

而格隆罗斯给的定义强调了营销的目的: 营销是在一种利益之上下,通过相互交换和承诺,建立、维持、巩固与消费者及其他参与者的关系,实现各方的目的)。 [编辑] 新式定义 台湾的江亘松在中强调行销的变动性,利用行销的英文 Marketing 作了下面的定义 「什麽是行销?」就字面上来说,「行销」的英文是「Marketing」,若把 Marketing 这个字拆成 Market(市场)与 ing(英文的现在进行式表示方法)这两个部分,那行销可以用「市场的现在进行式」来表达产品、价格、促销、通路的变动性导致供需双方的微妙关系。

ISBN: 978-986-82609-5-5,理财文化, 2007.08 出版 [编辑] 市场营销理论发展的四个阶段 初创阶段(1900年—1920年) 功能研究阶段(1921年—1945年) 现代市场营销学形成和发展阶段(1945年—1980年) 营销扩展阶段(1980年以后) [编辑] 市场与需求 市场营销学中的市场可以等同于需求,即研究消费者的现实需求和潜在需求。 美国市场营销协会(AMA)的定义委员会1960年对市场提出以下的定义: “ 市场是指一种货物或劳务的潜在购买者的集合需求。

” 菲利普·科特勒把市场定义为 “ 市场是指某种产品的所有实际的和潜在的购买者的集合。 ” [编辑] 市场的类型 市场从不同角度,可以划分为不同的类型。


对以上两种市场作分析时一般要研究消费者市场,产业市场和政府市场。 市场营销环境分析常用的方法为SWOT分析方法,它是英文Strength(优势)、Weakness(劣势)、Opportunity(机会)、Threaten(威胁)的意思。

从内部环境分析优劣势,从外部环境分析机会与威胁。 [编辑] 市场营销策略 营销组合的四个因素常称作4P,即: 产品(Product) 价格 (Price) 推广 (Promotion) 通路与配销 (Place&Distribution) 这四个因素应用到营销过程中,就形成了四方面的营销策略。

加上政治POLITICS和公共关系PUBLIC,是为6P。 1981年布姆斯(Booms)和比特纳(Bitner)建议在传统市场营销理论4Ps的基础上增加三个“服务性的P”,即:人员(People)、流程(Process)、环境(或是或实体环境;Physical evidence)。


当时还是大众媒体盛行的时代,依靠大众媒体促进销售,无差异化策略成为这一阶段的明显特征。 [编辑] 产品 产品策略主要研究新产品开发,产品生命周期,品牌策略等,是价格策略,促销策略和分销策略的基础。

[编辑] 价格 价格策略又称定价策略,主要研究产品的定价、调价等[[市场营销工具] [编辑] 推广 推广是将组织与产品讯息传播给目标市场的活动,它主要的焦点在於沟通。透过推广,企业试图让消费者知晓、了解、喜爱或购买产品,进而影响产品的知名度、形象、销售量,乃至於企业的生长与生存。

有了推广,消费者才可得知产品提供何种利益、价格多少、可以到什麽地方购买及如何购买等,而这些消费者反应会进一步协助推动其他行销组合(产品、价格、通路)。 [编辑] 通路 又称渠道策略,也称为促销。


企业制定分销政策的目的是:让产品更顺畅地到达顾客手中,既要保证分销成本低廉,又要保证顾客对送货期、送货量、装配服务、疑难咨询等方面的要求。 在产品日益丰富的情况下,分销政策可能变得越来越难制定,因为相对于产品和品牌的过量,分销商则显得稀少,因而后者拥有了大量讨价还价的权力,力图从制造商或上游企业那里获得更大的利益分成比例。

零售商在最近10年的表现尤其令人瞩目,它们不仅从事零售,也开始插手于产品的上游生产过程,并以自己的店铺名称或独创名称作为自己所产新品的品牌——即自有品牌(private brand/label),或叫店铺品牌(store brand/label)。这更深地威胁到了纯粹的制造企业的利润空间,当然也大大增加了后者制定分销策略的难度。

[编辑] 人员(People) 所有的人都直接或间接地被卷入某种服务的消费过程中,这是7P营销组合很重要的。


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本文主要为您介绍毕业论文开题报告客户的开发与维护,内容包括毕业论文关于客户关系的维护,毕业论文关于客户关系的维护,针对分析客户,怎么写维护与开发报告。职务分析报告范例时 间:*月*日9:30至11:30 地 点:小会议室 职务分析人员姓名:***被












本文主要为您介绍电信行业工商管理毕业论文,内容包括急求工商管理毕业论文(关于通信行业的)要有摘要关键词论文爱问知,工商管理专业毕业论文,求毕业论文题目,工商管理专业的,给点参考下。网络经济时代的企业营销管理变革 摘要:伴随着计算机网




本文主要为您介绍基于javaweb的聊天系统毕业论文,内容包括java聊天软件设计论文,java聊天软件设计论文,基于java及时聊天系统毕业论文引言怎么写。java聊天软件设计论文 摘 要 随着互联网的快速发展,网络聊天工具已经作为一种重要的信息交流




本文主要为您介绍网络课程毕业论文,内容包括有关于网络的毕业论文题目,然后给几篇范文,网络专业毕业论文怎么写,求一篇有关计算机网络专业的毕业论文。浅谈计算机网络安全对策分析 论文关键词:计算机 网络 安全 对策 论文摘要:本文对计算机







