题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved
Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.
I. Introduction
A.The introduction of the author
a.A brief review of symbolid
b.The appraisal
B.The brief of the paper
II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images
A.The production of the work
B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images
III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved
A.symbolic figures
C. Body marks
D. Linguistic application
IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images
A. Memory of the past
B.Seeking self-recognition
C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture
D. Maternal love
A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.
B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.
题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's BelovedThesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.I. IntroductionA.The introduction of the authora.A brief review of symbolidb.The appraisalB.The brief of the paperII.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic ImagesA.The production of the workB.Comparing with other works in symbolic imagesIII.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in BelovedA.symbolic figuresB.SettingC. Body marksD. Linguistic applicationE.EventIV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic ImagesA. Memory of the pastB.Seeking self-recognitionC.Recuperating Afro-American traditional cultureD. Maternal loveV.ConclusionA.The contribution to Afro-American literature.B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning。
题目是:The analysis of Symbolic Images in Tony Morrison's Beloved
Thesis statement: The paper intends to analyze the symbolic images in Tony Morrison's Beloved.
I. Introduction
A.The introduction of the author
a.A brief review of symbolid
b.The appraisal
B.The brief of the paper
II.The Origin of Tony Morrison's Symbolic Images
A.The production of the work
B.Comparing with other works in symbolic images
III.Five Categories of Symbolic Images in Beloved
A.symbolic figures
C. Body marks
D. Linguistic application
IV.Theme Interpreation with Reference to Symbolic Images
A. Memory of the past
B.Seeking self-recognition
C.Recuperating Afro-American traditional culture
D. Maternal love
A.The contribution to Afro-American literature.
B.Social influence produced by Symbolic Images and its profound meaning.
Business Negotiation is the economy in all types of business,in order for the two (or more) in line with the views of the negotiations carried out consultations.The talks include not only the content of business products,including capital,technology,information,services,commodities such as supply and demand in the talks,negotiations and transfer of technology,investment talks and so on.Through business negotiations with the aim of changing the relationship between each other and exchange views,with a view to reach a collaborative process with the demand.This is a more complicated process,it is necessary to determine the respective rights and interests,but also to consider the other benefits,therefore,business negotiation game as if,in confusion in the fighting,but also the common joint,which is both contradictory and The reunification of both individual and the overall interests lie.How can we remain invincible,is the pursuit of business objectives.The success of the business negotiations the two sides are negotiating the excellent use of language arts.This paper is the main focus of the study from the talks the language of business communication and the arts to explore business negotiation skills.。
Business Negotiation is the economy in all types of business, in order for the two (or more) in line with the views of the negotiations carried out consultations. The talks include not only the content of business products, including capital, technology, information, services, commodities such as supply and demand in the talks, negotiations and transfer of technology, investment talks and so on. Through business negotiations with the aim of changing the relationship between each other and exchange views, with a view to reach a collaborative process with the demand. This is a more complicated process, it is necessary to determine the respective rights and interests, but also to consider the other benefits, therefore, business negotiation game as if, in confusion in the fighting, but also the common joint, which is both contradictory and The reunification of both individual and the overall interests lie. How can we remain invincible, is the pursuit of business objectives. The success of the business negotiations the two sides are negotiating the excellent use of language arts. This paper is the main focus of the study from the talks the language of business communication and the arts to explore business negotiation skills.。
Business Negotiation is the economy in all types of business, in order for the two (or more) in line with the views of the negotiations carried out consultations. The talks include not only the content of business products, including capital, technology, information, services, commodities such as supply and demand in the talks, negotiations and transfer of technology, investment talks and so on. Through business negotiations with the aim of changing the relationship between each other and exchange views, with a view to reach a collaborative process with the demand. This is a more complicated process, it is necessary to determine the respective rights and interests, but also to consider the other benefits, therefore, business negotiation game as if, in confusion in the fighting, but also the common joint, which is both contradictory and The reunification of both individual and the overall interests lie. How can we remain invincible, is the pursuit of business objectives. The success of the business negotiations the two sides are negotiating the excellent use of language arts. This paper is the main focus of the study from the talks the language of business communication and the arts to explore business negotiation skills.。
拟制标题 (一)标题和主题 关系十分密切,但是它服务于主题;标题可以更换,主题不能随意更换。
这样的命题,适应面广泛,力求考生都有话可说。 (二)审题立意 考试作文大都是命题作文,也有不少规定条件、提供材料后让考生自己命题,这就一定要慎重而又缓慢地审题(自己命题也要审)。
古人审题常用抓题眼的办法,如《陋室铭》的题眼是“陋”字。 古人将完整的题目分为题身、题神和题眼,如《依依惜别的深情》,题身是“惜别”,即主要内容,题神是“依依”,即程度色彩,而题眼就是“深情”,即核心关键。
步骤如下: 第一步,明确题目和主题及内容的关系,分析每个限制词语,把握题眼及重点。题目中心词的修饰成份显示了限制范围。
如《一位英雄的事迹鼓舞了我》,限制词语是“一位”和“英雄”。 标题成份还限制了作文的文体、内容、主题、人称等。
如《我的一个好习惯》,重点在“好”字。 2.对深层含义的标题,要由此及彼,联系现实和自身,小中见大。
3.对提供线索的标题,要围绕线索确定作文的范围和重点。 如《我在实践着一条格言》,线索是“格言”,要围绕它联想,特别要联想到现实生活和自身。
要分析把握材料的重心。如材料: “一九五四年三月二十七日,爱因斯坦给一位美国自学成才的实习机械师回信,说:“我认为你对我们社会的见解是颇有道理的。
……你的来信还使我认识到,智慧并不产生于学历,而是来自于对知识的终生不懈的追求。” 重心是爱因斯坦对智慧、学历和追求的看法,而不是他的贡献。
有的材料会有两个以上的重要意义,这就要从不同角度分析。如: 香港回归前夕——6月1日。
“亚州第一飞人”柯受良为了向祖国献上一份珍贵的厚礼,驾车成功地飞越了黄河壶口瀑布,完成了华夏儿女征服大自然的又一壮举。 在“飞黄”前,他说,他要用自己成功的飞越向世界宣布,中国人不是懦夫。
如标题《我的亲人》,可以确定这样的主题:“我的亲人 是一个慈爱、高尚的人。”如上述爱因斯坦的材料,可以写一个这样的主题:“智慧来自于对知识的终生追求。
(三)标题类型 给材料作文就要自定题目。这就是说,对作文的题目都要分清类别。
以标题与主题的关系为主要标准,标题类型如下。 一是文学性作文的标题: 1。
2.指出作文内容,即题材范围。 这类标题也常见。
如范文标题《妈妈眼里的我》、《深情厚谊》 和《记一次升旗活动》等。 3。
与主题有关的一事一物,或人物语言。如《 的回忆》、《书包》和《压岁钱》等。
如《母亲的爱》、《放学路上》和《我在星期天》等。 这类标题要求:形象、含蓄和新奇。
中国女排曾以0:3输给古巴队,第二年大学生运动会上以3:0击败古巴队,这件事,大多新闻标题都是平实无误地概括这一事实。 有一篇新闻的标题颇为生动,《还她一个三比0》。
Thesis mainly divided into three parts: a, business negotiation skills, principle, function, influence; Two, business English in business negotiations of integral sex; Three, use examples show the two front view.
【导言】 说到商务礼仪,有的人认为它是整个员工职业化培训课程中最容易理解的一门课程,但也有人认为,它是整个培训课程中最难以掌握的一门课程。
之所以说它容易理解,是因为商务礼仪并没有什么高深的、难于理解的定理或者结论,它是在我们日常的商务活动当中,经 过长期的积累及总结,达成了共识的一种行为的标准。为什么又说它难以掌握呢?是因为商务礼仪贯穿在我们日常工作生活的方方面面,养成良好的商务礼仪习惯,需要一个长期的艰苦的过程,需要我们不懈地努力,才能够取得成效。
商务礼仪 在日常生活和工作中,我们经常会提到商务礼仪,那么,什么是商务礼仪?它的核心问题是什么? 商务礼仪是在商务活动中体现相互尊重的行为准则。商务礼仪的核心是一种行为的准则,用来约束我们日常商务活动的方方面面。
我们可以用一种简单的方式来概括商务礼仪,它是商务活动中对人的仪容仪表和言谈举止的普遍要求。 仪容仪表是指个人的形象。
言谈举止是指每一个人在商务活动中的职业表现。 商务活动中仪容仪表的标准 我们首先谈的是仪容仪表方面需要注意的问题。
下面我们将分为男士的仪容仪表以及女士的仪容仪表两部分进行介绍。 男士的仪容仪表标准 首先思考一个问题,究竟什么是正确的男士仪容仪表标准呢?即作为一个男士,在商务活动中需要注意怎样的仪容仪表。
我们将通过以下几方面进行说明。 1.发型发式 男士的发型发式统一的标准就是干净整洁,并且要经常地注意修饰、修理,头发不应该过长,一般认为男士前部的头发不要遮住自己的眉毛,侧部的头发不要盖住自己的耳朵,同时不要留过厚,或者过长的鬓角,男士后部的头发,应该不要长过你自己西装衬衫领子的上部,这是对男士发型的统一的要求。
2.面部修饰 男士在面部修饰的时候要注意两方面的问题: 男士在进行商务活动的时候,他要每天进行剃须修面以保持面部的清洁;同时,男士在商务活动中经常会接触到香烟、酒这样有刺激性气味的物品,所以要注意随时保持口气的清新。 3.着装修饰 在正式的商务场合,男士的着装应该穿西装,打领带,衬衫的搭配要适宜。
穿着双排扣西服的时候,则应该系好所有的纽扣,这就是男士在着西装的时候需要注意的问题。 衬衫的选择。
这就是我们在穿衬衫时需要注意的问题。 领带的选择。
它的颜色和你的衬衫、西服颜色相互配合,整体颜色要协调,同时系领带的时候要注意长短的配合,领带的长度应该是正好抵达腰带的上方,或者有一两公分的距离,最为适宜。 皮鞋以及袜子的选择。
如果是穿深色的皮鞋的时候,袜子的颜色也应该以深色为主,同时避免出现比较花哨的图案。 4.必备物品 在和西装进行搭配的时候,我们需要选择哪些修饰物呢? 公司的徽标。
公司的徽标需要随身携带,它准确的佩戴位置就是男士西装的左胸的上方,这只是男士在穿西装的时候需要搭配的物品。 有几件物品是男士在商务活动中必备的: 钢笔。
因为从事商务活动经常要使用,钢笔正确的携带位置应该是男士西装内侧的口袋里,而不应该在男士西装的外侧口袋里,一般情况下尽量避免把它携带在衬衫的口袋里面,这样容易把你的衬衫弄污。 名片夹。
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