最终,齐灵渥斯因偏狂报复而身败名裂;丁梅斯代尔不堪愧疚,身心俱毁,临终前在公开承认了通奸事实;只有海丝特勇敢地面对未来,准备带着女儿去欧洲开始新的生活。 霍桑是美国十九世纪杰出的浪漫主义小说家。
2.英语专业论文 《红字》中海斯特.白兰不理智的一面 求意见 求观点
一直都写她的默默忍受方面的Hawthorne makes Hester a heroin and survives to a tranquil old age just by expiating her offence. She wore the scarlet letter A, somewhat willingly, for the purpose of confessing her sin, of meditating and of reforming herself. On this point, Mark Van Doren's comments about Hester, in my interpretation, agree with Hawthorne's original intention. Doren said that she is “heroic in size and strength…Although she came to be Puritanism's victim, she never surrendered the integrity of her soul. Neither did she complain of her fate. Her fate was to waste her life, yet we do not feel in the end that her life was wasted. Rather it is known, she is immortal.”⒄ Each Character has a secret sin that he or she wishes to confess and each of those sins affects the character that committed that sin as well as other characters in the story.。