广告中的男女人物承担了完全不同的社 会分工,男性更多地出现在工作场景中,女性在广告中常常忙碌于家务劳动,或仅仅是其他 男性的观赏对象。有研究者对1994年全国十大城市电视广告的调查分析发现,在广告中,女 性出现在家庭场景中的比例为50. 8%,其中26. 8%的女性在做家务,而在从事工作的女性形 象仅占14. 5%;出现在家庭场景中的男性占36. 6%,但在做家务的仅占男性形象的5. 3%, 其余表现的是男性在家庭中休闲、娱乐的情景。
这一现象反映出了媒体对于男女两性评判标 准的不同,对男性以事业成就为导向,而女性的价值则以为家庭的付出或外表特征为导向。 在这种视角下,是否对男性具有吸引力成为衡量女性的重要标准,而女性的主体性、独立性 被忽视和淡化。
关键词:白先勇;女性观 ;女性形象
Analysis of the Female Images in
Bai Xianyong's Works
Abstract: Bai Xianyong's novels are well known all over the world because of his skill of portraying female images in his works. Bai's novels tend to open up the female's hearts and reveal their pain and sorrow. Bai Xianyong broke the traditional cultural and ethical rules by making females the most important roles and masters in his work. In order to empress his revolt spirit against traditional ethic and his recognition of the life value that belongs to females, he described their constrained desire. Every woman in his works has a tragic destiny, which can be used to reflect the nature of society and humanity. By analyzing the relationship between man and woman, female 's depressed desire and their tragic fate, this thesis will display Bai's viewpoint on female and reveal his concern and sympathy for female.
Keywords: Bai Xianyong; outlook on female; female image
1924年,万宝路被宣传为女性的香烟,宣传口号为"Mild As May"。
1960年代初,为万宝路制作广告的Don Tennant创造了万宝路郊野(Marlboro Country),并塑造出一个西部牛仔名为"Marlboro Man",以加强男性化形象,万宝路随即大受欢迎,销量在宣传计划推出8个月内上升高达5000%。1980年代,万宝路曾拍摄多个令人印象深刻的电视广告,以西部牛仔以至中国故宫等为主题,但由于世界各国禁止在电视播出香烟广告,这些广告已成为历史。
"Mild as May" was the advertising campaign used by Marlboro brand before they added a filtered tip to their product. The product was endorsed by Mae West and marketed towards women."Malboro Miles" on three packs of Marlboro Menthol Lights, oldest to newest. When the program was discontinued in 2006, the packs were redesigned as well (at right).One of the features of Marlboro cigarettes at the time was a red tip, which hid lipstick marks that women would leave while smoking.This campaign was dropped in favor of a more masculine Marlboro Man campaign lest filters be considered unmanly. In the early 1960s Philip Morris (with advertising director Thomas Hutzler) invented "Marlboro Country" and distilled their manly imagery into a rugged cowboy known as the "Marlboro Man." Television commercials included Elmer Bernstein's theme for the classic western "The Magnificent Seven." Marlboro quickly gained market share and saw their sales increase 5,000% within 8 months of the ad campaign's premiere.Through the years, Marlboro ad campaigns have been represented by reddish colors, American Western landscapes and a rugged cowboy. These three elements, either combined or separate, are well recognizable and known as Marlboro Country, even without mentioning the brand name or slogan. The image embodied by the Marlboro ad campaign has become an immediately and universally recognizable icon embodying an idealized and appealing American lifestyle.As a tie-in to the new "Marlboro Man" advertising campaign, Philip Morris began including "Marlboro Miles" above the barcode on each pack of Marlboro cigarettes. These Miles could be redeemed via a mail-order catalog for a variety of merchandise emblazoned with the Marlboro brand and logo, running the gamut from cooking implements and camping gear to apparel and lighters. This promotion--similar to the "C-note" redemption system for coupons found on packs of Camel cigarettes--was phased out in 2006. The redemption campaigns were referred to at various times as "Marlboro Country Store" and "Marlboro Gear".In the US Outwit the West is an annual promotional competition first run in 2004. It is a targeted campaign to selected adults on the Marlboro mailing list. Four-member teams receive 100 questions which are cryptic clues to locations in the American West. The 20 teams who submit the largest number of correct answers by the deadline (December 18, 2006 for Outwit the West 3) win a trip to the Marlboro Ranch. Once at the ranch, the top group is revealed and awarded the $1,000,000 prize. The campaign aims to build a brand community.In 2007, in retaliation of the advertisement ban in Forumula One, Marlboro released a limited edition packet for their Marlboro Red brand, featuring a slide out box, and depicting a Ferrari Formula One Car.。
电影:《网》《鲁镇往事》 《闪灵凶猛》
广告作品:乐事薯片、Tic-tac、雀巢咖啡、娇爽 、招商银行、高露洁牙膏、飘柔洗发水、和路雪、肯德基、绿箭口香糖、德芙巧克力等
个人经历:身材娇小的陈俊君毕业于上海体育学院体育管理专业,现在商贸公司从事市场推广工作。她不但精通美术设计,而且还是兼职模特。 03年参加“达芙妮”杯首届“上海小姐”选举,陈俊君参加“上海小姐”评选的理由很特别:她两年前在香港看到“香港小姐”评选时,感叹为什么同样时尚的大都市,上海却没有这样的活动。那时她就下决心:如果哪天有“上海小姐”评选,一定要参加。
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