

The Design And implementation of Online-shopping Mall

Key Words: Internet, Electronic commerce, JPS online shopping mall


In today's highly developed internet context,People's shopping means and shopping behavior have been connected to the Internet. Thus, the System of Online-shopping Mall has became an essential carrier for e-commerce on the internet.This system use the JSP language to compile the website , which can completely implement the basic functions of an e-commerce web. Shoppers can make registation to be a VIP member of the web ,after logging onto their VIP account,they could realize their purchase. By the shopping cart,the VIP members can buy whatever at their own will, they can also add,delete as well as check out. Through the inner product management section, the system administrator can do many operations including adding ,deleting,modifying the goods on the website, as well as the relative information of the users'. Daily maintenance of the site can also be done.




Abstract The office supplies management system management system is foreach business, the institution makes the shop design service, isbusiness, enterprise indispensable software. This system has thecontact surface to be clear, the operation simple, the stored datumsecurity higher characteristic, considered people's some operationcustoms, enhanced its have been possible to be operational, definitelycould meet your need. This is section the procedure which designs inview of mid- and small-scale enterprise. The convenience carries onthe thing management, the nimble search and the inquiry functionenable you completely to get rid of under the traditional managementpattern the operator facing the huge office supplies, did not knowwhich things has, which goods lacks, the quantity has how many. The office supplies is a business unit essential part, therefore theoffice supplies management system management system should be able toprovide the sufficient information and the quick data processingmethod for the user. But the people have since always used thetraditional artificial way to carry on the office supplies management,this management way has many shortcomings, for example: Efficiencylow, secrecy bad, moreover the time one is long, will produce themassive documents and the data, this regarding the search, the renewaland the maintenance has all brought many difficulties. Along with thescience and technology unceasing enhancement, the computer science ismature day after day, its formidable function had profoundly known forthe people, it entered the human society each domain and is playingthe more and more vital role. As a computer application part, uses the computer to carry on themanagement for the office supplies information, has merit which themanual administration center is unable to compare For example:Retrieves, the search rapidly convenient, is easy to revise, thereliability high, the data processing, the cost is quickly low, isadvantageous for the printing and so on. These merits can enormouslyenhance the office supplies management the efficiency. Therefore,develops this kind of set of management software to have the hugesocial demand. This system uses Visual Basic to take the development kit, Access tookbackstage database, this is the classical single plane version databank administration information system development combination. In thesystem massively uses the SQL inquiry sentence, the contact surface ina friendly way, the function is stronger. Carries on in the database and between the procedure to the image dataalternately is one of questions which in the information systemdevelopment needs to solve. Own controlled in this case using VisualBasic to solve this problem, has realized the report form nimbleproduction and looks at the printing function in advance.。


Abstract The office supplies management system management system is foreach business, the institution makes the shop design service, isbusiness, enterprise indispensable software. This system has thecontact surface to be clear, the operation simple, the stored datumsecurity higher characteristic, considered people's some operationcustoms, enhanced its have been possible to be operational, definitelycould meet your need. This is section the procedure which designs inview of mid- and small-scale enterprise. The convenience carries onthe thing management, the nimble search and the inquiry functionenable you completely to get rid of under the traditional managementpattern the operator facing the huge office supplies, did not knowwhich things has, which goods lacks, the quantity has how many. The office supplies is a business unit essential part, therefore theoffice supplies management system management system should be able toprovide the sufficient information and the quick data processingmethod for the user. But the people have since always used thetraditional artificial way to carry on the office supplies management,this management way has many shortcomings, for example: Efficiencylow, secrecy bad, moreover the time one is long, will produce themassive documents and the data, this regarding the search, the renewaland the maintenance has all brought many difficulties. Along with thescience and technology unceasing enhancement, the computer science ismature day after day, its formidable function had profoundly known forthe people, it entered the human society each domain and is playingthe more and more vital role. As a computer application part, uses the computer to carry on themanagement for the office supplies information, has merit which themanual administration center is unable to compare For example:Retrieves, the search rapidly convenient, is easy to revise, thereliability high, the data processing, the cost is quickly low, isadvantageous for the printing and so on. These merits can enormouslyenhance the office supplies management the efficiency. Therefore,develops this kind of set of management software to have the hugesocial demand. This system uses Visual Basic to take the development kit, Access tookbackstage database, this is the classical single plane version databank administration information system development combination. In thesystem massively uses the SQL inquiry sentence, the contact surface ina friendly way, the function is stronger. Carries on in the database and between the procedure to the image dataalternately is one of questions which in the information systemdevelopment needs to solve. Own controlled in this case using VisualBasic to solve this problem, has realized the report form nimbleproduction and looks at the printing function in advance.。


The graduation papers based the Yuan Jialing earthwork enclosure and preparation of bidding documents, the design drawings as the basis for the preparation of the project management structure during construction buleprint, construction preparation, some of the major sub-project construction method, project quality assurance measures, safety and civilized construction measures, construction site management, emergency rescue, and many other factors into account as fully as possible, Highlighting scientific, applicability and relevance are to ensure high-quality, low cost, safe, civilized and high-speed to complete all construction documents abuot the important economics and technology.。


Topic: YuZhou the flute solo singing technique of late

Abstract: the flute solo YuZhou sing night is a LiGuoQuan by Mr Adaptation of the flute. This paper analyses the song of breathing, flute, tongue trills, fingers, speed, strength, and etc. Also on the flute music works of Chinese style, can help players more correct performance of China's works.

Key words: "YuZhou sing late, flute, playing skills

6.求翻译 大学毕业论文摘要

Regional road transport in recent years also has been rapid development of vehicle ownership increased rapidly. On the one hand is seen as a product of rapid economic development and economic prosperity of the symbol, on the other hand if the lack of effective management tool, it may be the cause of economic development of the infarct artery. Therefore, to create a "safe unimpeded county" activities to address the factors that affect traffic safety, it becomes urgent.

Paper first describes the "smooth counties to create peace," made the background and significance of this research, then introduces the "counties to create safe smooth" implementation of the results of the evaluation. Then from the establishment of evaluation system for urban traffic management purpose and meaning, the selected standards and principles, the method chosen three face "to create safe smooth counties," Evaluation of the implementation of a preliminary study. Then in Urumqi, Shihezi, Karamay and other cities, for example, on our region, "the county to create safe smooth" implementation of the results were horizontal, vertical comparison.

Keywords: Creating a safe smooth implementation of the county Evaluation Index System


With the progress of society, the development of science, our country through science and education has become an important development strategy. To use the Internet for educational services, especially for basic education services, is the general trend. How to build effective teaching resources site is to enhance the education network tests.

This article from the website of teaching resources needs analysis proceed, outlined in the current social context of secondary school teaching resources site of the purpose and significance of the building. First of all, from the overall site layout, columns of, file storage site, the site selection of development tools, database design, and so on five areas of the site planning and design, then, from the interface design, technology and other key aspects of the design and analysis Finally, in the form of Web sites to be achieved and verified. "



Discussion on the Construction of Compensation System for Damages Caused by Fraudulent Custody AbstractIn recent years due to the impact of many factors,the extramarital affairs and adultery behaviors continue to grow,and so does the number of the children that born out of wedlock.But because of the restraint of traditional thoughts and the low social status of most women in our country,the rights and statuses of children born out of wedlock are not been protected,therefore the fraudulent custody behaviors have gradually increased.But the legislation about fraudulent custody remains nearly empty in judicial practices nowadays,and it becomes a troublesome issue,so it is necessary to do some further research and discussion on the fraudulent custody issues and the construction of legal remedy system.This article consists of three sections.The first section briefly explains what is fraudulent custody,and how fraudulent custody is defined by most scholars nowadays.The second section starts with several theories on ascertaining the legal nature of fraudulent custody in our country,and does some preliminary exploration on the jurisprudence basis of the right to claim restitution for child support payments in fraudulent custody conditions.Finally this article offers some opinions and suggestions from the aspects of subjects and the scope of compensation on the construction of compensation system for damages caused by fraudulent custody.key words: children born out of wedlock;fraudulent custody; right to claim restitution for child support payments;compensation for damages 其中“欺诈性抚养”“抚养费返还请求权”“损害赔偿”请再确认其法律上的专业说法。这三个词我是按字面翻译的,可能与专业说法有小的偏差。


9.求翻译 大学毕业论文摘要

Regional road transport in recent years also has been rapid development of vehicle ownership increased rapidly. On the one hand is seen as a product of rapid economic development and economic prosperity of the symbol, on the other hand if the lack of effective management tool, it may be the cause of economic development of the infarct artery. Therefore, to create a "safe unimpeded county" activities to address the factors that affect traffic safety, it becomes urgent. Paper first describes the "smooth counties to create peace," made the background and significance of this research, then introduces the "counties to create safe smooth" implementation of the results of the evaluation. Then from the establishment of evaluation system for urban traffic management purpose and meaning, the selected standards and principles, the method chosen three face "to create safe smooth counties," Evaluation of the implementation of a preliminary study. Then in Urumqi, Shihezi, Karamay and other cities, for example, on our region, "the county to create safe smooth" implementation of the results were horizontal, vertical comparison. Keywords: Creating a safe smooth implementation of the county Evaluation Index System。


Title: The Desigh and Realisation of Online Shopping MallAbstract:Under the background of the highly sophisticated Internet, consumer behaviour and buying patterns have borne a relationship to the Internet. As an indispensible vehicle of E-commerce, online shopping mall system could basically function as an online shopping website through using JSP language to programme the website. Purchasers could register for membership and start purchase after logon. With the help of “shopping cart”, members could buy whatever they want, add and delete goods at any time, and complete payment. In the section of management and monitoring, the system manager could add, revise and delete the products on the site, and they are also in charge of revising and deleting users' details, as well as daily maintenance of the website.Key Words: Internet, E-commece, JSP online shopping mall。


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