某百货店POS积分管理系统 ——积分添加和通票回收 摘要 百货商店是与人们生活密切相关的重要部分,是人们购买日常生活用品最为方便,且日常用品最为丰富集中,日常消费也最为频繁的场所,随着现代社会的进步,生活节奏的加快,它的重要地位越来越显著。
而通票回收主要是根据初期的参数数据对通票回收数据再度处理,生成新的通票回收数据文件。模块是基于日文系统Windows 2000,采用C#开发语言,并使用SQL server 2000的数据库来实现了积分点添加以及通票回收处理的功能。
系统着重程序的运行异常处理,CSV文件的读写和数据库的基本操作处理。 关键词:计算机应用;管理信息系统;POS;SQL数据库;积分添加;通票回收 The Integral Management of POS System for a Department Store ——The Integral adding and Ticket Recovering Abstract The department store is playing an important role in our daily life, where we can purchase something conveniently. It is also a place that having a large numbers of goods and attracting so many customers to consuming in it. With the development of modern society and speeding up of the pace of the life, its importance is becoming more and more evident. In order to give consumers a more convenient service platform and standardize the business, a system of POS Integral adding is designed. This system is worked in the form of integral adding points, statistic the circumstance of shopping of the client in the shop. In order to increase the sale and bring more discounts to the clients, the store would return the consumers something when the point is accumulated to a certain degree, The integral adding inserting and ticket recovering is playing an important role in store. Integral adding is dealing with the points which produced from every daily transaction and change the relating data table information. Ticket recovering is dealing with the recalling data again according to the primary parameter data and produces the new file of recalling data. This module is based on the Windows 2000 of Japan's system and the C# developing language SQL server 2000 database are adopted to realize the functions of integral adding inserting and ticket recovering. More attention is paid to the abnormal processing, the reading and writing of CSV file, and the base operating of database. Key words: Computer application; Management information system; POS; SQL database; integral adding; ticket recovering 目录 以上参考于三七毕业设计网,只是作品的部分简介,完整的全套作品均包含开题报告+可执行程序(网站)+源代码+论文+答辩稿PPT+中英文翻译材料,更多参考请点击访问,不明白之处可以请教客服人员。
某百货店POS积分管理系统 ——积分添加和通票回收 摘要 百货商店是与人们生活密切相关的重要部分,是人们购买日常生活用品最为方便,且日常用品最为丰富集中,日常消费也最为频繁的场所,随着现代社会的进步,生活节奏的加快,它的重要地位越来越显著。
而通票回收主要是根据初期的参数数据对通票回收数据再度处理,生成新的通票回收数据文件。模块是基于日文系统Windows 2000,采用C#开发语言,并使用SQL server 2000的数据库来实现了积分点添加以及通票回收处理的功能。
系统着重程序的运行异常处理,CSV文件的读写和数据库的基本操作处理。 关键词:计算机应用;管理信息系统;POS;SQL数据库;积分添加;通票回收 The Integral Management of POS System for a Department Store ——The Integral adding and Ticket Recovering Abstract The department store is playing an important role in our daily life, where we can purchase something conveniently. It is also a place that having a large numbers of goods and attracting so many customers to consuming in it. With the development of modern society and speeding up of the pace of the life, its importance is becoming more and more evident. In order to give consumers a more convenient service platform and standardize the business, a system of POS Integral adding is designed. This system is worked in the form of integral adding points, statistic the circumstance of shopping of the client in the shop. In order to increase the sale and bring more discounts to the clients, the store would return the consumers something when the point is accumulated to a certain degree, The integral adding inserting and ticket recovering is playing an important role in store. Integral adding is dealing with the points which produced from every daily transaction and change the relating data table information. Ticket recovering is dealing with the recalling data again according to the primary parameter data and produces the new file of recalling data. This module is based on the Windows 2000 of Japan's system and the C# developing language SQL server 2000 database are adopted to realize the functions of integral adding inserting and ticket recovering. More attention is paid to the abnormal processing, the reading and writing of CSV file, and the base operating of database. Key words: Computer application; Management information system; POS; SQL database; integral adding; ticket recovering 目录 以上参考于三七毕业设计网,只是作品的部分简介,完整的全套作品均包含开题报告+可执行程序(网站)+源代码+论文+答辩稿PPT+中英文翻译材料,更多参考请点击访问,不明白之处可以请教客服人员。
有一本李永芬写的《收银实务》有一本 杨涛写的《收银实务 》 阅读这两位作者的书,有助于你写好论文。
下面是书的目录:第一章收银概述第一节收银职业道德规范及收银员基本素质要求第二节收银工作主要业务内容第二章收银工作组成要素第一节收银工作组成要素第二节收银工作岗位职责第三节商品编码与条码第三章收银业务操作第一节电子收银机使用常识第二节收银员工作流程第三节主要收银业务操作第四节收银工作中突发问题的处理第五节百威商业POS管理系统软件操作第四章收银员基本技能第一节点钞技术第二节验钞技术第三节会计数字书写规范第五章收银员礼仪规范第一节收银员礼仪概述第二节收银员仪表礼仪第三节收银员语言礼仪第四节收银员行为礼仪第六章收银工作管理第一节收银工作排班和排岗第二节总收款室工作第三节现金与支票的管理第四节防损安全管理第五节发票与印章的管理第六节收银设备管理附录一商品条码管理办法附录二中国人民银行假币收缴、鉴定管理办法附录三收银员常用英语词汇与短语目录前言项目一 掌握收银知识 1任务一 遵守收银员职业道德 2任务二 规范收银员仪容仪表 7任务三 认识POS机 15项目二 掌握收银技能 25任务一 掌握收银操作流程 26任务二 扫描商品 38任务三 手工录入商品条码 51任务四 消磁 57任务五 装袋 65任务六 识别假钞 71任务七 找零 83附录 92附录A 某小型连锁超市收银部员工工作规范 92附录B 北京市商业零售企业员工行为礼仪规范(试行) 93附录C 中国人民银行假币收缴鉴定管理办法 96附录D 零售业常用专业术语 99。
1 自动售货机的简介
2 自动售货机的系统结构
3 中央控制元件设计
4 货币识别系统
5 货物选择系统
6 出货及显示花钱数系统
7 找钱及显示找钱数系统
8 出错报警系统
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