

Improve the urban medical service system of China's Countermeasures Community health service is to urbanization with Chinese characteristics with the health care system an important component of the. Community health services in community work as an important component of the various parts are actively promoting this work, and some have achieved good results. However, the construction of the current community health service there are still major problems to the following: First, the development of community awareness of the importance of health services is not in place. Community health services should be the basic medical insurance is a major commitment, and it can be a timely, convenient and economical way to provide insurance services, rational and effective use of medical insurance fund. Only do a good job of community building can be the most direct and convenient for the general population, a good, efficient service. However, some of the staff of local health services to develop community awareness of the importance of also not enough. Some think that hospitals, health centers, abundant resources, has been able to meet the need, and there is no need for further development of community health service organizations; Some think we should go with the flow development, it is not necessary to vigorously promote the development of awareness of less than urgency. In recognition of the bias, a number of local community health service lags behind the building of socio-economic development lags behind medical insurance and health, medicine circulation system reform, health services lags behind the demand for urban development. Secondly, the expansion of community health service functions are not in place. Community health service as a product of urbanization, the demand for its functions as the guide is based on the residents, for residents to provide preventive, medical, health, rehabilitation, health education, family planning, "Six in One" integrated health services. However, in actual operation, there is understanding in some areas of misunderstanding. Some believe that the community health services similar to the grass-roots hospitals, but is set by the district offices, for more than a brand; some believe that the community health services is only secondary and tertiary hospitals to district offices sent a number of branches. In the provision of services, and some believe that the main headache for the treatment of patients with influenza, vaccination for children, such as disease prevention. This function of community health services, one-sided understanding of the impact of a community health service institutions and functions of standardized construction brought into full play. Third, the community health care measures are not in place. The development of community health services, not only to keep up with the hardware construction, and the need for sound policies and measures. At present, the absence of a unified planning or planning is not scientific, in some areas of community health service agencies, hospitals or the streets from the hospital transfer form to send agencies, personnel, shortage of funds, facilities, backward, obsolete equipment; affected the normal work process. Not even a lot of community health services, development is very uneven. In terms of software development, taxation, prices and other preferential policies in place, two-way referral system is established, not covered by medical insurance institutions, the limited community health services, economic difficulties, the slow development. Fourth, inadequate personnel training mechanism. Community health service need is general practitioners, and the establishment of China's medical education system in general. At present, engaged in community health services, health care workers, mainly low-level specialist qualifications or other industries to switch from non-school medical staff, some staff had only received a small number of special education. Whether it is health care personnel or nursing staff, in terms of quantity and quality are far failed to meet the development needs of community health services. Strategies to address these problems: First, the practical importance of community health services building. The development of community health services, not only can effectively satisfy the growing urban demand for health services, but also conducive to urban health service system to adjust the structure, function and layout, to improve efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time, the stability of the urban basic medical insurance system operation, but also plays an importa。







Improve the urban medical service system of China's Countermeasures Community health service is to urbanization with Chinese characteristics with the health care system an important component of the. Community health services in community work as an important component of the various parts are actively promoting this work, and some have achieved good results. However, the construction of the current community health service there are still major problems to the following: First, the development of community awareness of the importance of health services is not in place. Community health services should be the basic medical insurance is a major commitment, and it can be a timely, convenient and economical way to provide insurance services, rational and effective use of medical insurance fund. Only do a good job of community building can be the most direct and convenient for the general population, a good, efficient service. However, some of the staff of local health services to develop community awareness of the importance of also not enough. Some think that hospitals, health centers, abundant resources, has been able to meet the need, and there is no need for further development of community health service organizations; Some think we should go with the flow development, it is not necessary to vigorously promote the development of awareness of less than urgency. In recognition of the bias, a number of local community health service lags behind the building of socio-economic development lags behind medical insurance and health, medicine circulation system reform, health services lags behind the demand for urban development. Secondly, the expansion of community health service functions are not in place. Community health service as a product of urbanization, the demand for its functions as the guide is based on the residents, for residents to provide preventive, medical, health, rehabilitation, health education, family planning, "Six in One" integrated health services. However, in actual operation, there is understanding in some areas of misunderstanding. Some believe that the community health services similar to the grass-roots hospitals, but is set by the district offices, for more than a brand; some believe that the community health services is only secondary and tertiary hospitals to district offices sent a number of branches. In the provision of services, and some believe that the main headache for the treatment of patients with influenza, vaccination for children, such as disease prevention. This function of community health services, one-sided understanding of the impact of a community health service institutions and functions of standardized construction brought into full play. Third, the community health care measures are not in place. The development of community health services, not only to keep up with the hardware construction, and the need for sound policies and measures. At present, the absence of a unified planning or planning is not scientific, in some areas of community health service agencies, hospitals or the streets from the hospital transfer form to send agencies, personnel, shortage of funds, facilities, backward, obsolete equipment; affected the normal work process. Not even a lot of community health services, development is very uneven. In terms of software development, taxation, prices and other preferential policies in place, two-way referral system is established, not covered by medical insurance institutions, the limited community health services, economic difficulties, the slow development. Fourth, inadequate personnel training mechanism. Community health service need is general practitioners, and the establishment of China's medical education system in general. At present, engaged in community health services, health care workers, mainly low-level specialist qualifications or other industries to switch from non-school medical staff, some staff had only received a small number of special education. Whether it is health care personnel or nursing staff, in terms of quantity and quality are far failed to meet the development needs of community health services. Strategies to address these problems: First, the practical importance of community health services building. The development of community health services, not only can effectively satisfy the growing urban demand for health services, but also conducive to urban health service system to adjust the structure, function and layout, to improve efficiency, reduce costs and at the same time, the stability of the urban basic medical insurance system operation, but also plays an 。


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照片、图稿等电子文件需备份一份随稿件一并提交。 9、参考文献的项目要列全,例如: [1]主编.结构力学.北京:出版社,2003 [2]主编.城市规划.上海:出版社,2001 (三)文稿最后应有附件页,注明作者个人信息,。


14.4.2 外文文献

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[24]JONES R M.Mechanics of Composite Materials[M].New York:McGraw Hill Book Company,1975.

[25]Marcel Merle.Sociologie des Relations Internationales[M]. 4th ed. Paris: Dalloz,1988.

[26]CHERNIK B E. Introduction to Library Services for Library Technicians[M]. Littleton,Colo.:Libraries Unlimited,Inc,1982.

[27]International Federation of Library Association and Institutions.Names of Persons:National Usages for Entry in Catalogues[M]. 3rd ed.London:IFLA International Office for UBC,1977ر

[28]Klaus Hildbrand.Das Drite Reich[M].Müchen:Bund-Verlag GmbH,1979.

[29]Григорян С В.Рудничная Геохимия[M].Москва: Недра,1992.


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