

The power source is electronic installation's essential functional module, its performance fit and unfit quality immediate influence to electronic installation's technical performance and reliability.

This article introduced the 25V/1A switching power supply's structure, the principle and the design process and so on. The entire power source by the input circuit, the leveling circuit, the feedback circuit, the overvoltage protection electric circuit, the overflow protection circuit, from restores the electric circuit, the output circuit and so on, but also has the soft start function. The switching power supply has the efficiency to be high, the volume is small, the weight is light, the reliability is high, the load shares and so on easily a series of characteristics. This topic uses the switching mode is the entire bridge all controls the rectification filter, moreover the power source has also utilized the soft switch technology, causes its loss to reduce obviously, the DC-DC transformation use cuts the wave boosted circuit to realize, the structure is simple, the transfer efficiency is high; Selects the small breakover resistance, the high shutter speed P60N06 tube for the switching valve, to select the quick recovery diode rectification, reduces the reverse breakover time, reduces the loss. Has realized the design requirements through the experimental verification electric circuit completely the basic quota, and the DC-DC conversion efficiency achieves 85%. The circuit design also has many insufficiencies, each design target also waits for further enhancing.


In this paper, the current popular focus on a single chip switching power supply of low-power general-purpose switching power supply design and production. The choice of switching power supply a total of three major-TOP222 monolithic integrated circuit switching power supply, linear optocoupler PC817A and adjustable precision shunt regulator TL431. TOP222-chip switching power supply using the PWM duty cycle control switches to adjust the output voltage in order to achieve a stable output purposes.

The main contents of the completion of the design are: the need to choose according to the design of switching power supply circuit; design input rectifier filter circuit, and to identify the relevant device parameters; TOP222-based control of switching power supply for the core of the design; the design of high-frequency transformer, variable transformer determined than and the winding turns; the design of the output rectifier filter circuit, and to identify the relevant device parameters; design voltage feedback circuit; through the design of experiments and calculations to verify the data. Single-chip switching power supply integrated circuits with high integration, cost-effective, the most simple external circuit, the best performance index, can constitute a high-efficiency non-isolated power-frequency transformer switching power supply and so on. It was 90 years, the latter have come out in succession, they showed great vitality, it has become the current international development, low-power switching power supply, precision power supply and power switch of choice for integrated circuit modules. Posed by its switching power supply, in terms of cost with the same power supply linear regulator considerable, and significantly improve power efficiency, size and weight is greatly reduced. This new type of switching power supply for the promotion and spread, creating good conditions.



The power source is electronic installation's essential functional module, its performance fit and unfit quality immediate influence to electronic installation's technical performance and reliability. This article introduced the 25V/1A switching power supply's structure, the principle and the design process and so on. The entire power source by the input circuit, the leveling circuit, the feedback circuit, the overvoltage protection electric circuit, the overflow protection circuit, from restores the electric circuit, the output circuit and so on, but also has the soft start function. The switching power supply has the efficiency to be high, the volume is small, the weight is light, the reliability is high, the load shares and so on easily a series of characteristics. This topic uses the switching mode is the entire bridge all controls the rectification filter, moreover the power source has also utilized the soft switch technology, causes its loss to reduce obviously, the DC-DC transformation use cuts the wave boosted circuit to realize, the structure is simple, the transfer efficiency is high; Selects the small breakover resistance, the high shutter speed P60N06 tube for the switching valve, to select the quick recovery diode rectification, reduces the reverse breakover time, reduces the loss. Has realized the design requirements through the experimental verification electric circuit completely the basic quota, and the DC-DC conversion efficiency achieves 85%. The circuit design also has many insufficiencies, each design target also waits for further enhancing.。


数字控制技术在开关电源中的应用正变得越来越广泛,开关电源的数字控制器通常包含三个主要的功能模块:模数转换器、数字补偿器和数字脉宽调制器。但随着开关频率的提高,常用的数字控制技术已逐渐不能满足开关电源在电能转换效率、静态及动态响应特性、复杂度、尺寸、重量,以及成本等方面的技术要求,从而降低了高频开关电源数字控制器的性能价格比,阻碍了其市场化进程。 本论文分析、比较了当今国际上先进的高频开关电源数字控制技术,重点分析了其模数转换器体系结构和数字补偿器,并在这两方面取得了创新性研究成果:指数量化的模数转换器结构和比例—前馈控制算法。 指数量化的模数转换器结构具有转换精度高、转换范围大、转换延迟低、结构简单、将转换结果压缩为查表寻址代码后所需的存储器尺寸小等优点。它可以增大电源输出电压的调节范围,改善数字控制器的控制性能,简化数字控制器的电路结构,从而可以提高其可靠性,并降低其成本。 比例—前馈控制算法能够提供非常好的输入调整特性,具有稳态性能好、瞬态响应快、算法复杂度低、计算延时小等优点。它可以改善数字控制器的控制性能,简化数字控制器的电路结构,从而可以降低数字控制器的成本。 。

【英文摘要】 Digital control technique is becoming more and more popular in the field of switching-mode power supplies (SMPSs). It usually consists of three key building blocks: analog-to-digital converter (ADC), digital compensator and digital pulse-width modulator. However, because of the increasing swithing frequency, conventional digital control technique can no longer satisfy the technical requirement of SMPSs, such as power conversion efficiency, static and dynamic response characteristics, complexity, size, weigh。



The design is new lowly waits for an opportunity the power loss AC/DC

switching power supply. This mains input voltage for the exchange

220V±22V, the operating frequency is 65kHz, the output direct current

power is 90W, the output DC voltage is 18V, simultaneously in less-mana

under provides jumps the cyclical pattern, has very lowly waits for an

opportunity the power loss, and has beyond conquered, has flowed function

and so on protection. The design process indicated this article has

basically completed the design work, has met the design requirements.


你这两篇怎么样 摘 要 在学校、机关、厂矿企业等单位的公共场所以及居民区的公共楼道,长明灯现象十分普遍,这造成了能源的极大浪费。



夜晚光暗,电路的拾音器只要检测到有碎发声响,就会自动亮为行人照明,过几分钟后又自动熄灭,节能节点。 关键字:自动控制 声控电路 光控电路 延时电路 目 录 一.综述 二.总体电路设计 方案设计 三.单元电路设计与分析 3.1. 电源设计 3.2. 信号放大整形电路设计 3.3. 延时处理电路单稳态电路的设计 四、所需元器件清单 补充: 555定时器 五、收获和体会 六、参考文献 摘要: 彩电开关电源电路比较复杂,各部分相互影响,故障千变万化 要想维修开关电源的故障,就一定要掌握开关电源原理,故障分析以及故障的检修方法,还要掌握正确的维修方法和安全注意事项 本文主要介绍了飞利浦彩电开关电源的工作原理与维修,阐述了彩色电视机开关电源的常见故障的分析与维修,通过飞利浦彩色电视机开关电源部分的几个具体实例,以及彩色电视机开关电源部分故障的综合分析与维修,举一反三地融会贯通了彩色电视机开关电源部分故障分析与维修的技巧与方法 关键词: 开关电源 分析与维修 技巧与方法 目录 1. 绪论 5 2. 彩色电视机开关电源的维修 5 3. 开关电源电路的检修程序 7 4. 开关电源的常见故障分析 8 5. 开关电源的综合维修 9 6. 修理开关电源的安全操作原则 13 结论13 致谢14 参考文献14 图1 开关电源的基本组成框图 15 图2 飞利浦彩色电视机开关电源电路图16参考资料。


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