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Adjustment of agricultural structure, characteristics of the western region to speed up the development of agriculture 【Abstract】 implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of agriculture with characteristics Samangan province have provided favorable opportunities and broader space, this article from the analysis of Gansu Province, the implementation of the importance of agriculture with characteristics and the main features of the market potential of agricultural products start to understand the characteristics of Gansu Province characteristics of agricultural production and put forward the implementation of special agriculture in Gansu Province of the countermeasures and suggestions. 【Key words】 western characteristic agriculture Gansu province is located in China's western region is a vast region, is included in the national development of the western region the concept of one of 12 provinces and municipalities and autonomous regions, serious soil erosion, land desertification, water shortages, destruction of vegetation, forest grassland degradation Gansu province is a major eco-environmental problems, industrial pollution in the city after-effects of economic development. Gansu Province, the fragile ecological environment will not only hinder further development of regional economy, but also the future of the living environment has become a major risk. All this has its crux of the problem: the history of long-term low levels of productivity and ecological fragility of both cause and effect; "too much emphasis on food self-sufficiency" model of development led to forest destruction and soil erosion; economic construction does not follow the law of the ecological environment, ecological construction technology support the weak; institutional fragmentation, so that ecological protection and construction of the measures can hardly be implemented. Characteristics of agriculture refers to the unique resources, clear regional characteristics, a special product quality and specific consumer market of agricultural industrialization. Gansu Province, a vast territory, light, heat, water, soil is rich in resources, species diversity, with the development of agriculture with characteristics and potential advantages. After years of development, characteristics of Gansu Province has been a foundation of agriculture. Implementing the western development strategy and strategic adjustment of agricultural structure for the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province provided favorable opportunities and broader space. At present, we should seize the opportunity, clear thinking, focus, work out measures to speed up the characteristics of agricultural development in Gansu Province 1, the development of Gansu Province, the importance of agriculture with characteristics 1.1 The development of characteristic agriculture is implementing the western development strategy will focus on the task. Agriculture is the basis for developing the western region and an important part. Characteristics of agriculture is the focus of agricultural development in the western region. Characteristics through the development of agriculture, strengthening infrastructure construction, improve production conditions, enhance productive capacity, can further strengthen agriculture as the foundation of Gansu Province to speed up agricultural and rural economic development pace for the development of Gansu's economy and narrow the gap between east and west to create the conditions. 1.2 is the development of characteristic agriculture in Gansu Province strategic adjustment of agricultural structure of the main direction of attack. The use of Gansu Province, rich in agricultural resources, in line with local conditions and characteristics of agricultural and industrial development, nurturing characteristics with the western industrial belt of agricultural and industrial groups, agricultural resources can achieve a multi-level, multi-channel development and utilization to meet the diversification and high quality market demand is conducive to opening up new market space, Gansu Province, to promote the agricultural structure optimization and upgrading. 2. Gansu, the main features of the development potential of agricultural products and market demand analysis From the distribution of agricultural products and market demand, both in terms of Gansu Province, with resources and potential for development of agricultural resources are mainly concentrated in the food, medicinal herbs, fruit and livestock products on. 2.1, food In 2002 the province's grain 。





NFNAP》实施前,数据的国家营养的资料库来美国农业部食品工业中,mthe主要巡行的有限USDA-sponsored合同和科学文献。除了大量的有针对性的collabora——同样,食品工业绝大部分的数据提供养分这14营养授权,美国营养标记方案。提供养分剖面为超过100家的营养成分及其他化合物、遗漏值是由NDL法域的营养学家和食品科学家。其他商品养分型材配方计算公式里来回mtypical NDL或开发的员工。



1、气候独特:冬长夏短、寒暑悬殊,昼夜温差大,有利于水稻脂肪、蛋白质和淀粉等干物质的合成,因此独特的气候为大米生长提供了优越的条件 。

2、光照充足: 水稻是长日照作物,五常年日照2600小时,满足了优质米对光照的需求。3、土质肥沃:五常的土壤矿物质养分全,理化性质好,因此保证了水稻生长对多种营养元素的需要 。

4、水质优良:水稻种植采用的灌溉用水,起源于大面积原始森林,由千万个山泉汇成的三大水系,水质甘甜。是绿色、有机食品的生产保障 。





五常市为隶属于黑龙江省哈尔滨市的县级市,清咸丰四年设“举仁、由义、崇礼、尚智、诚信”五个甲社,取自“三纲五常”之意,因此得名五常。 五常大米受产区独特的地理、气候等因素影响,干物质积累多,直链淀粉含量适中,支链淀粉含量较高。


五常大米素有“贡米”之称。 中医认为大米性味甘平,有补中益气、健脾养胃、益精强志、和五脏、通血脉、聪耳明目、止烦、止渴、止泻的功效,认为多食能令“强身好颜色”。



Role of Enterprise Strategy Successful companies are those that focus their efforts strategically. Strategy should be a stretch exercise, not a fit exercise. To meet and exceed customer satisfaction, the business team needs to follow an overall organizational strategy. A successful strategy adds value for the targeted customers over the long run by consistently meeting their needs better than the competition does. Strategy is the way in which a company orients itself towards the market in which it operates and towards the other companies in the marketplace against which it competes. It is a plan an organization formulates to gain a sustainable advantage over the competition. The central strategic issue: why different companies, facing the same environment, perform differently. Strategy answers the following questions: what are the sources of the company's sustainable competitive advantage? how a company will position itself against competition in the market over the long run to secure a sustainable competitive advantage? what are the key strategic priorities? Strategy is an agreed-on guide to action that should lead business to success in the marketplace by satisfying customer needs better than the competition does. Strategy formulation is the major task for the company entrepreneur and CEO, but it is the task of middle managers and project managers to carry this strategy out and turn it into results. Strategic Leadership As a strategic leader your prime responsibility is to ensure that your organization is going in the right direction. To be able to identify the right strategy and pursue it to the desired result, you need to master two important functions: strategic thinking and strategic planning. Ten Major Schools of Strategic Management Ten deeply embedded, though quite narrow, concepts typically dominate current thinking on strategy. These range from the early Design and Planning schools to the more recent Learning, Cultural and Environmental Schools8 New Approaches to Strategy Formulation The currently dominant view of strategy is the resource-based theory. Traditional strategy models, such as Michael Porter's five forces model, focus on the company's external competitive environment. Most of them do not attempt to look inside the company. In contrast, the resource-based perspective highlights the need for a fit between the external market context in which a company operates and its internal capabilities. According to this view, a company's competitive advantage derives from its ability to assemble and exploit an appropriate combination of resources. Sustainable competitive advantage is achieved by continuously developing existing and creating new resources and capabilities in response to rapidly changing market conditions. In relation to the 10 traditional approaches, today, strategy formulation should also be a combination of them - judgmental designing, intuitive visioning, and emergent learning; it should be about transformation as well as perpetuation; it has to involve individual cognition and social interaction, co-operative as well as conflictive; it must include analyzing before and programming after as well as negotiating during; and all of this must be in response to what can be a demanding environment.8 Blue Ocean Strategy: 6 Principles Blue ocean strategy is about revolutionary value innovation. The six principles drive the successful formulation and execution of Blue Ocean Strategy. These principles attenuate the six risks。

More Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements Empowered Employees (Metal): Building Your Sustainable Competitive Advantage Sustainable competitive advantage is the prolonged benefit of implementing some unique value-creating strategy based on unique combination of internal organizational resources and capabilities that cannot be replicated by competitors。 More SWOT Analysis: Questions To Answer What is your strongest business asset? What unique resources do you have? What do you offer that makes you stand out from the rest?。

More Your Strategic Intent Strategic intent is a high-level statement of the means by which your organization will achieve its vision. It is a core component of your dynamic strategy. Strategic intent cannot be planned all in advance. It must evolve on the basis of experience during its implementation。 More Market Leadership Strategies The market leader is dominant in its industry and has substantial market share. If you want to lead the market, you must be the industry leader in developing new business models and new products or services. You must be on the 。


五常大米 1说五常,道五常,五常最著名的当是大米。




充沛的日照,天然河水灌溉,加上种植的成熟期长的优质晚熟品种的水稻,使五常大米与众不同的特点。 3五常大米受产区独特的地理、气候等因素影响,干物质积累多,直链淀粉含量适中,支链淀粉含量较高。

由于水稻成熟期产区昼夜温差大,大米中可速溶的双链糖积累较多,对人体健康非常有宜。五常大米成饭食味 清淡略甜,棉软略粘,芳香爽口,饭粒表面油光艳丽, 剩饭不回生,是百姓餐桌上的首选。







五常人无奈笑叹:名牌好辛苦!他们多么希望全国人民都能吃到真正的五常大米啊! 6正是五常大米的优势,使五常出现了不少钟情于这片黑土地的新的“庄园主”。如今,五常的稻田全部分到农户家,自己投入,自己管理,优胜劣汰,大则越来越大,小则日益萎缩。






钟情于黑土地的孙光浩就这么脚踏实地用自己的勤劳播种“绿色”,播种希望。 7握别孙光浩之后,副市长阎中告诉我,五常除了大米这个绿色食品的名牌之外,山产品的资源也特别丰富,山野菜、山野果、山药材以及菌类等绿色食品有几百个品种,就连低度古泉酒也于1995年成为全省白酒类产品中首家获绿色食品使用标志的绿色名牌产品。

在我与阎副市长话别的那一刻,他诚恳地告诉我,五常市百业待兴,视投资者、合作者为上帝,视引资者为功臣,希望通过上海的新闻单位为五常的经济发展作贡献。 在刚刚结束的第二次中国名牌产品评选活动中,五常绿风优质米开发集团有限公司生产的“五常牌”大米被评为中国名牌产品,成为目前中国仅有的7个大米名牌之一,也是我市唯一的中国名牌大米产品。

8据了解,中国名牌产品评选活动是由国家质检总局和国家名牌战略推进委员会共同组织的,是中国最具权威性的名牌产品评选机构。 9五常市是我国著名的大米产区,其良好的自然环境、悠久的种植历史及先进的生产技术,造就了五常大米的优良品质。





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