



The Journal of Hand Surgery / Vol. 21A No. 2 March 1996

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences Vol.29 No.2

Journal of Cell Science 122 (17)





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……Previously, we showed that retinal progenitors, photoreceptors and RPE cells can be generated from ES cells by mimicking developmental processes in a stepwise fashion in vitro (Ikeda et al., 2005; Osakada et al.,2008; Osakada et al., 2009).


Ikeda, H., Osakada, F., Watanabe, K., Mizuseki, K., Haraguchi, T., Miyoshi, H., Kamiya, D., Honda, Y., Sasai, N., Yoshimura, N. et al. (2005). Generation of Rx+/Pax6+ neural retinal precursors from embryonic stem cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 11331-11336.



Provided that underground work is much dangerous, we developed a mining top surface layer(顶板离层)automatic detecting system which is called KZL-300 aiming for backuping the safety of mining work. This system includes 4 parts which are SUBSTATION CONNECTION PART, DATA DISPLAY PART, DATA SAVE PART and ALARM PART. 1.SUBSTATION CONNECTION PART: The function of this part is connecting system with each substation 2.DATA DISPLAY PART:This part is used for displaying data got from serial-port 3.DATA SAVE PART:In this part, current data and alarm data would be saved 4.ALARM PART:Alarm data would be displayed in this part According to run this system, manager could observe the condition of top surface layer(顶板离层) in time, whenever the abnormal condition occer effective method would be determined and offered timely, as a result, the damage would be reduced.面对目前日益增加的计算机外围设备,各类设备驱动程序的编写就变的尤为重要。

本文介绍了操作系统下的设备驱动机制,WDM驱动程序的基本设计思路和重要思想,以及DriverStudio等开发工具的使用。 In the face of the increasing Computer Peripheral Equipments(CPE),the writing of the drivers of all kinds of equipment becomes particularly important.In this paper,I introduced the driving mechanism of the equipment in the operating system,the basic design concept and the important philosophy of the driving program of WDM,and the using of the development tools such as DriverStudio. 通过基础的驱动程序知识,利用开发工具生成一个简单的驱动程序的框架,包括即插即用、电源管理、WMI和读写操作等模块。

并通过此驱动程序中几个关键例程的分析,加深对WDM驱动程序开发的了解,以便对框架细节的添加,对USB驱动程序进行更深一步的设计,以做出满足自己需要的USB驱动程序。 A simple driving program frame will be created,which including the modes of plug and play,power management,WMI and read and write operation etc. by using the basic driving program knowledge and the development tools.And by analysing some key routines in this driving program,the comprehension of the WDM driving program development is intensified,so as to add details to the frame,make further design to the driving program of USB,and work out the USB driving program which will meet the demands of ourselves.。


You will learn about the effect of mold cooling, position of cooling channel, and cooling method for each part.The temperature of a mold has a great impact on molding.For example, if the temperature of the mold is too low, molten plastic will not flow smoothly through the runner or the gate, thus may not fill up in the cavity.On the other hand, if the temperature is too high, it will take too long to cool down and solidify the molten plastic, so the molding cycle will be longer.Therefore, by controlling the temperature of the mold, the following effects can be expected. Molding cycle can be shortened by reducing time for cooling and solidification of molten plastic. The surface quality or measurement accuracy of parts can be improved by better mold ability. Warp or stress in a part can be avoided that is caused when mold shrinkage varies due to different thickness, leading internal stress difference. Effective mold cooling is done by pouring cold water into the mold through a cooling channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let''s see the detailed explanations of a cooling channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position of Cooling Channel To effectively cool down a mold, decide on a position of the cooling channel considering the following remarks.Adjust the mold temperature by pouring a large amount of water having a temperature close to the temperature required for molding. Increase the number of the cooling channels rather than enlarge the diameter of one cooling channel. Make sure to cool a cores (insert) which are difficult to cool, such as a thick core, a large size slide core, or a loose core. Use mold material that has high heat conductivity to improve effectiveness of cold water. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cavity Cooling Position a cooling channel as shown in the figure below for cavity cooling.Since the numbers shown are for a general case, it is necessary to consider the position of a cooling channel according to molding material, molding shape, or mold material type.Also, the cold water should flow from where the temperature of molten plastic is higher (closer to the gate) in the same direction as the molten plastic flows. Example of 2 dimensional cooling channel Pour cold water over the top side of parts. Example of 3 dimensional cooling channel Pour cold water to wrap parts.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Core (Insert) Cooling The cooling methods of core (insert) are listed below: If the core is too small for a cooling channel to go through:Cools down the core by inserting a copper rod or heat pipe that is highly efficient in heat conduction into the core and then cooling down the copper rod or heat pipe. If the core is large enough to go through a cooling channel.Cools down by jet method in which cold water is flushed through a pipe attached to the channel. Regular core cooling:Cools down by baffle method in which a dividing plate is attached in the cooling channel on the core and cold water is poured to cross over the plate. If there is a large cooling channel in a core:Coolds down by inserting metal fittings in the cooling channel and pouring cold water in a spiral stream.If the core is too small for a cooling channel or heat pipe to go through:Make a core of beryllium copper and cool it down.。

4.求一篇机械毕业设计 英文翻译


One kind of full-automatic sole wash machine


The originally pragmatic new model is clean machinery of one kind of brand-new household , bothering being used to scrub a sole , dispensing with to take off self's shoes entering a house, keeps the interior floor cleaning , applies to family room , ,在皮带毛刷下面设有一排托滚,与皮带毛刷相间的两侧设有支撑条,支撑条垂直的下面是固定支撑条的横向,横条固定在支架上,皮带托板和滚子轴穿过支撑条形成网状结构,水箱的前后两侧设有进出水口,水箱内设有挡板。本实用新型新颖,置于宾馆、商场、写字楼等公共场地门口,人们步行通过时,可避免鞋底污物、灰尘带入室内,既减轻保洁人员劳动强度,又保持卫生洁净空间。本实用新型有嵌入地面式和台阶式两种类型。




The thermodynamic calculation is the basis of the compressor calculation. With the help of the compressor-aided design system, the ordinary compressor is able to speed up its progress in calculation, which in turn reasonablizes the design; while the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor caused errors or inaccuracy when pictures are retrieved by hand and figures are not best chosen. It is towards this problem that the compressor-aided design system for the thermodynamic calculation of non-oil lubrication compressor is made by digitalizing all the pictures and figures. This system will simplize the calculating process of the thermodynamic non-oil lubrication compressor, enable to select data on line, retrieve pictures and figures intelligently, output, save and print them and improve the accuracy and reliability of the calculating parameters as well.

Key words:compressor , thermodynamic calculation, aided design system, non-oil


Calculation of thermodynamic calculation is the basis of the compressor. General the calculation of the compressor in heat-aided design systems have a compressor to help would greatly speed up the design process so that a more rational design. Compressor lubricating oil and has no thermodynamic calculation, the calculation in manual access map errors, data are not consistent with the calculation of the selected request, the result of incorrect calculations or inaccurate. At present there is no response to any oil-lubricated compressor-assisted calculation system. By the calculation of the required number of charts, prepared without oil lubricated compressor Thermodynamics-aided design system, simplifies the success of any oil-lubricated compressor thermodynamic calculation process, the realization of the data required to calculate the line selection, Chaturvedi smart look-up table, the output of data, save and print, and to improve the accuracy of the calculation parameters and reliability.Key words thermal calculation compressor oil-free-aided design system希望能帮到你。


机械的资料.sg/books?hl=en&id=LmAV8q_OOOgC&dq=Mechanics&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=cG5UPfTZht&sig=-----------------------华文版本passes the movement of all matter in the universe under the four fundamental interactions (or forces): gravity, the strong and weak interactions, and the electromagnetic interaction.Mechanics also constitutes a central part of technology, the application of physical knowledge for humanly defined purposes. In this connection, the discipline is often known as engineering or applied mechanics. In this sense, mechanics is used to design and analyze the behavior of structures, mechanisms, and machines. Important aspects of the fields of mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering, materials engineering, biomedical engineering and biomechanics were spawned from the study of mechanics.Classical versus quantumThe major division of the mechanics discipline separates classical mechanics from quantum mechanics.Historically, classical mechanics came first, while quantum mechanics is a comparatively recent invention. Classical mechanics originated with Isaac Newton's Laws of motion in Principia Mathematica, while quantum mechanics didn't appear until 1900. Both are commonly held to constitute the most certain knowledge that exists about physical nature. Classical mechanics has especially often been viewed as a model for other so-called exact sciences. Essential in this respect is the relentless use of mathematics in theories, as well as the decisive role played by experiment in generating and testing them.Quantum mechanics is of a wider scope, as it encompasses classical mechanics as a sub-discipline which applies under certain restricted circumstances. According to the correspondence principle, there is no contradiction or conflict between the two subjects, each simply pertains to specific situations. Quantum mechanics has superseded classical mechanics at foundational level and is indispensable for the explanation and prediction of processes at molecular and (sub)atomic level. However, for macroscopical processes classical mechanics is able to solve problems which are unmanageably difficult in quantum mechanics and hence remains useful and well used.Einsteinian versus NewtonianAnalogous to the quantum versus classical reformation, Einstein's general and special theories of relativity have expanded the scope of mechanics beyond the mechanics of Newton and Galileo, and made small corrections to them. Relativistic corrections were also needed for quantum mechanics, although relativity is categorized as a classical theory.There are no contradictions or conflicts between the two, so long as the specific circumstances are carefully kept in mind. Just as one could, in the loosest possible sense, characterize classical mechanics as dealing with "large" bodies (such as engine parts), and quantum mechanics with "small" ones (such as particles), it could be said that relativistic mechanics deals with "fast" bodies, and non-relativistic mechanics with "slow" ones. However, "fast" and "slow" are subjective concepts, depending on the state of motion of the observer. This means that all mechanics, whether classical or quantum, potentially needs to be described relativistically. On the other hand, as an observer, one may frequently arrange the situation in such a way that this is not really required.Types of mechanical bodiesThus the often-used term body needs to stand for a wide assortment of objects, including particles, projectiles, spacecraft, stars, parts of machinery, parts of solids, parts of fluids (gases and liquids), etc.Other distinctions between the various sub-disciplines of mechanics, concern the nature of the bodies being described. Particles are bodies with little (known) internal structure, treated as mathematical 。


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