

operation manager, production manager and finance manager. The simulation of I worked as a financial manager, lease time and play time of these two concepts is confusion cause to test software in some of the errors in the input data, sand table simulation is over two weeks. Sand table simulation result on this course is my university course is one of the most interested in courses. I learned a lot from this course curriculum of high school less than other things, we have mechanical application of template and the labor shift comes into play, find out the reasons. The package compared to the first set of solutions. But two months later is our group plan to complete alone again, the specification is not allowed in the extensive use of emergency recruitment team, so we first planning double digits. Third is the comparison of the template into the appearance and use of the chaos, labor shift into play sometimes forget to pay into the appearance.Second, the study of the deficiencies and the process of planning our scheme where there have been some mistake or lack of. So a little difficult to do. But after all the planning group discussion or successfully completed the task. The first project of the construction and the construction process is simple, less so they also do more smoothly. Each group of different level at a profit. For example: first, since there is no good self-study reading instruction, in the first scheme is used in the emergency hiring plan of the labor shift. We advance planning before construction the construction plan, construction and according to the gantt chart every month that the budget early material purchases, calculate the loan amount needed for every month. And work out the final profit. Financial managers throughout the organization responsible for managing the money flow in the process of construction and turnover. I mainly to the course learning made a summary from a few aspects.First, the learning processThe sand table simulation we made two projects. The teacher will we were divided into six groups, each group of five members, respectively, by the project manager, procurement manager, we changed the previous set of planning scheme, make forecast plan and actual deviation appeared, and labor team frequently into play cause we need a lot of appearance, this is also our first plan eventually profit less.Immediately after analysis of these problems, and the form in the process of construction. This month we do feel very relaxed, more is to understand the rules of the simulation and process, together with our project pre-planning is teacher prepared beforehand, mainly in order to make us familiar with the rules of the construction process and simulating. Second.Project manager to lead the rest of the century bridge all finished: first is strictly in accordance with the rules set by the rules set by the software fill in template, machinery, labor shift time and play time. Followed by, reduced the labor shift into the number of appearances, so there is no need to urgent recruitment, save a lot of labor team into the cost. New planning of the package we eventually won the 980000 profit.Third, commentsThe study of the sand table, let I harvest a lot. I really think that, the company has a smart CEO, budget, finance director, familiar with the operation of the business manager, production manager skilled production rules; Accurate material purchasing manager, it is very important, everyone only do their own things, company can normal operation.1, the unity cooperation. A team unity, collective idea, only the strength to make together, can have the chance to be the best. To stay calm at the same time, also want to keep a clear head, ready to hand in the work, can't from random condition, difficult time everyone to help each other, in perspective of others shoes, mutual understanding, tolerance.2, a clear division of responsibilities. Every man for his own work to is responsible earnestly. Maybe you a little bit careless will lead to significant losses, are more likely to lead to one false move may lose the game. The real construction is no chance of again, lost is lost, so be careful each step of the way.3, well planned. Must understand the rules before planning, accomplish know fairly well, not to blindly, everything should have a certain plan, every step carefully, otherwise it may cause problems throughout the enterprise.4, positive attitude. In trouble maintain an optimistic mentality, let own work attitude more positive use efficiency, and some prospects didn't imagine so bad, don't force yourself a never know how good he is.Time is like the blink.At the beginning of the 。


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满意的感觉越强,满意度越大;反之,满意的感觉越弱,满意度越小。 员工满意度可以看作企业员工工作态度的“晴雨表”,企业人力资源管理定期了解员工的满意度,可以发现企业管理中存在的问题。

这些问题的改善可以使员工满意度保持在一个较好的水平上,从而提高企业绩效。 员工满意度一般包括以下5方面16个因素:对工作本身的满意度(工作合适度,责任匹配度,工作挑战性,工作胜任度);对工作回报的满意度(工作认可度,事业成就感,薪酬公平感,晋升机会);对工作背景的满意度(工作空间质量,工作时间制度,工作配备齐全度,福利待遇满意度);对工作人际关系的满意度(合作和谐度,信息开放度);对企业整体的满意度(企业了解度,组织参与度)。


4.工作满意度毕业论文的research design怎样写




·当你需要强化员工的服务意识时,可以通过客户满意度调查,让员工了解和关注客户满意度,推动员工以客户满意为关注焦点。·当你需要评估产品或服务改进的效果时,可以通过满意度调查 跟踪用户满意情况,检验满意度提升工作的效果,明确需进一步改善之处。



参考文献: [1] 肖明超.零点&前进新主张M].浙江教育出版社,2006:236-249。

[2] 刘德寰.市场研究与应用[J]. 北京大学出版社,2006.3 [3]张鹤 .精神薪酬:提升员工满意度的管理策略[J].机械工业出版社,2005-02-01 。 [4] 冉斌.员工满意度测量手册[J].海天出版社,2002-02-01。

[5] 龙文元编著。以人为本。

机械工业出版社,2004 [6]〔美〕马克斯·迈斯玛著刘国平齐艳华卓维维卓小芬杜芳金慧莉吴小 婷译。激励员工。



员工满意度调查问卷 尊敬的员工: 您好!我们正在进行旨在提高公司管理水平、更好适应未来发展的研究项目。





(本问卷全部为单选,复选无效!) 关于您: 1、您在公司的年资:未满一年 1-2年 2--4年 4年以上 2、您在公司担任的职位:经纪人 中层管理人员(主任、主管) 销售辅助人员 3、您担任现职位多久?3个月以内 3个月以上至1年 1-2年 2年以上 调查问题如下: 请指出您对下列陈述同意或不同意的程度:非常同意(5);同意(4);没意见(3);不同意(2);非常不同意(1)。 对工作本身的满意度: 请就您个人的看法,选择合适的分数。

( )1、公司目前提供给我的工作符合自己的期望。 ( )2、在工作过程中我经常感到很紧迫。

( )3、我能为我的能力得到了充分的发挥。 ( )4、我很喜欢目前公司提供给我的工作。

( )5、公司提供我很多的学习机会。 ( )6、我接受的培训正是我所需要的。

( )7、我清楚地了解我工作的职责和任务。 ( )8、在工作中,若有重大的事情会影响我的工作,经常会有人征求我的意见。

( )9、有写属于我的职权范围内的工作我却无负责。 ( )10、必要时,我可以根据自己的实际情况,灵活地调整个人工作日程。

( )11、我有权制定必要的方案,以便工作的开展。 ( )12、目前的工作对我来说很有挑战性。

( )13、目前的工作压力我是可以承受的。 ( )14、工作压力主要是来自任务量太大、难度太高。

( )15、工作的压力主要来自个人兴趣与任务不同。 ( )16、我认为自己拥有足够的能力和技巧完成工作任务。

( )17、我认为自己拥有足够的自信完成工作任务。 ( )18、在公司内,我感觉还有更适合我的工作。

( )19、我很愿意接受比目前难度更大的工作。 对工作回报的满意度: ( )20、距上一次我受表扬已经过了很久了。

( )21、过去半年里,有人讨论我的进步。 ( )22、当我工作做出成绩时,上级通常会给予我表扬。

( )23、在工作中,我的意见经常得到上司的重视。 ( )24、我能够从自己的工作中体验到一种成就感。

( )25、我对目前的工作感到很满意。 ( )26、我能够在公司的业绩和服务中看到自己的工作成果。

( )27、公司的考核制度能够充分体现我的绩效和表现。 ( )28、与公司其它的员工比较,我的自己的收入感到很满意。

( )29、与外单位的同行相比,我对自己的收入感到很满意。 ( )30、与外单位的朋友相比,我对自己的收入感到很满意。

( )31、与自己的付出相比,我对自己的收入感到很满意。 ( )32、我的绩效能对我的收入产生重大的影响。

( )33、公司的绩效好坏能对我的收入产生重大的影响。 ( )34、我了解公司如何确定员工薪酬调整的幅度。

( )35、我知道公司有一套完善的薪酬管理体系。 ( )36、公司有明确的员工晋升流程。

( )37、我非常清楚我在公司能够获得的职业发展机会和方向。 ( )38、在公司得到晋升的员工都是应该得到晋升的。

( )39、公司职业发展的机遇总是先给最适合的人。 ( )40、公司职业发展的机遇总是先给和领导关系最好的人。

( )41、公司空缺岗位的填补往往忽略了内部员工。 对工作环境的满意度: ( )42、公司提供了非常好的办公条件。

( )43、公司有严格的作息制度。 ( )44、公司对上下班有明确的规定。

( )45、公司给我提供了必备的办公设备。 ( )46、公司提供我的福利是其它公司不容易做到的。

( )47、我对公司处理雇员福利的方式感到很满意。 ( )48、我对自己在公司内的人际关系感到满意。

( )49、我经常能感受到上级和同事对我工作的关心。 ( )50、我的上级支持我平衡个人工作与生活方面的需求。

( )51、我和同事间的矛盾和误会比较多。 ( )52、公司通过一个有效的程序帮助我了解自己的发展需求。

( )53、业务时间,我经常和同事一起外出。 对工作群体的满意度: ( )54、通常情况下,我的同事都表现出积极的工作态度。

( )55、为实现同一目标,我的同事能紧密合作。 ( )56、我很清楚我的工作是如何同本组织中的其他员工保持协调一致。

( )57、我的同事能够尊重我的想法和感受。 ( )58、公司部门和岗位之间分工非常明确,职责清楚。

( )59、我工作所需的资料通常能够准备妥当供我使用。 ( )60、工作中,我知道在何处能获得的需要的信息。

( )61、我的工作由于获取不到必要的资料而被耽误。 ( )62、为获得必要信息资料,我不得不找多个主管审批。

对企业的满意度: ( )63、总的来说,我对公司非常满意。 ( )64、公司是同行业中的佼佼者,我为自己能够在此工作感到自豪。

( )65、公司的文化和目标给我提供了非常明确的发展方向。 ( )66、本公司是同行业中发展最快速的公司。

( )67、我对公司内部各项管理制度非常了解。 ( )68、公。

7.英语毕业论文范文“how to improve the ability of english reading ”

Some people think that reading is a verysimple matter. You move your eyes along the line, and the author's message appears somehow in your mind. When a person is highly skilled as a reader, it does seem that something like that takes place. However, the actual reading process is quite complicated. Try to think back when you were first learning to read, or observe a young child learning to read. It is a very difficult, complex, sometimes, painful process. Reduced to its simplest elements, we might say that comprehension is a part of the communication process of getting the thoughts that were in the author's mind into the reader's, but how does one reader can get the idea clearly? It depends on the reading ability of the reader's. How can the readers make improvements in reading? There are many skills to improve one's ability of reading comprehension. One of the most important skills in reading is the knowledge of word .The number of the words you know determines the difficulty and complexity of the material you can read and understand. If you have an extremely limited reading vocabulary, you will be able to read only very simple material. Obviously, vocabulary forms a stumbling block for the poor reader. The more words you memorize, the faster you read the article. So, it is necessary to memorize words as much as you can. By the way, it should be realized that approximately half of all written English material is composed of the 300 commonest words. Certain words then have a very high occurrence and are used over and over again. Since the English vocabulary is so vast, you cannot hope to master vocabulary only by learning your lessons in the classroom. Reading of course involves much more than simply knowing the dictionary meaning of individual words. When coping with unknown vocabulary. You have to develop strategies, which will allow you either to discover the meaning of the words or at least to proceed further with the text in spite of not knowing the meanings of some new words. One of the efficient ways is guessing the unknown vocabulary. Guessing the meaning of words is a shortcut in reading. While reading in our own language, we usually have an unconscious habit of making logical inference as to the meaning of words based on the context. You can use the context to get the meaning and to help you develop the comprehension skills. To be a good reader, deducing the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items through contextual lines is necessary. In order to improve reading ability. It's essential to memorize words and master the ways of guessing the meaning of words, besides, when reading, you should catch the phrases as a unit of meaning and view the sentences as a unit of meaning. Sentences are the basic building blocks for writing something that will be read. A sentence, as a larger unit of meaning, is always about something--its subject--and always has a statement about the subject. The form of a sentence may be vary, but the subject and the statement about it are always there. The idea conveyed by a sentence will always come to you as a whole. So being familiar with various sentence patterns and being able to have a good sense of what is conveyed by a sentence, even a very long one with some clauses inside, will be helpful for a more mature and efficient reading. So do the paragraph and passage. But the paragraph and passage are more complex than the sentence. A paragraph has sentences that are connected with each other in some logical ways and a passage is the connection of the paragraphs.。


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