

e, everyday art of living. When life gets you down, when it seems that your world is at an end, take courage and go the next step. You will be amazed at the power and strength you have inside. Just gather up enough courage to take you through this day. You only have to live one day at a time. You do not have to deal with all your troubles at one time. Like the Scotsman said, "The troubles of tomorrow must wait until this day is done." Yes, courage comes from deep within the heart and flushes away the paralysis created by fear. A song, a story, a poem or a friend could re-ignite the spark of courage。


e, everyday art of living.

When life gets you down, when it seems that your world is at an end, take courage and go the next step. You will be amazed at the power and strength you have inside.

Just gather up enough courage to take you through this day. You only have to live one day at a time. You do not have to deal with all your troubles at one time. Like the Scotsman said, "The troubles of tomorrow must wait until this day is done."

Yes, courage comes from deep within the heart and flushes away the paralysis created by fear. A song, a story, a poem or a friend could re-ignite the spark of courage


When I was a child, school is a dream in my heart.当我小的时候,学校就是我心中的一个梦。

I wish I could be a member in this garden.我希望成为这个花园中的一员。Teacher is the gardner, and I believe I will be stronger under their cultivation.老师是园丁,我相信我会在他们的培育下更强壮。

Now I come here, my dream comes true.现在我来到了这里,我的梦想成真了。Some day in the future, I will be a teacher in school as well.未来的某一天,我也会成为老师。

And I will follow my words.我会为我所说的话而努力。(64 words)。


Lan and Fred

Lan and Fred were boys. They were both twelve years old, and they were in the same class in their school. Last Friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher and begin writing their names.

Then Fred began crying.

The teacher looked at him and said,” Why are you crying, Fred?”

“Because his name's Lan May, and mine's Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said.






“因为他的名字是Lan May, 而我的名字确是Frederick Hollingsworth,”富雷得回答道。


Topic: My can understand each other in class Points: 1. smile 2. change my role by playing games 3. try to be friends with each other (1) understand students' hobbies, lives and moods (2) help students learn to care about others 4. an example。


演讲的四个目标 l 提供信息 To offer information; l 使听众感到乐趣 To entertain the audience; l 动之以情 To touch emotions; l 使听众行动起来 To move to action; 演讲切忌1. 语速太快; Talking too rapidly;2. 声音单调; Speaking in monotone;3. 声音尖细; Using too high a vocal pitch;4. 谈得太多,说得太少; Talking and not saying much; 5. 感情不充分; Presenting without enough emotion or passion;6. 对观众采取一种居高临下的姿态; Talking down to the audience;7. 夸张的词语使用得太多; Using too many "big" words;8. 使用抽象概念而不给出事例加以说明; Using abstractions without giving concrete examples9. 使用别人不熟悉的技术术语; Using unfamiliar technical jargon; 10. 使用俚语或粗俗语; Using slang or profanity; 11. 演讲无组织,散乱无序; Disorganized and rambling performance; 12. 说话绕弯子,不切中主题 Indirect communication i.e. beating around the bush; 怎样与听众交流 l 要有值得交流的观点; A message worth communicating; l 引起听众的注意:抓住他们的兴趣并赢得信任; Gain the listeners' attention: capture their interest and build their trust; l 重视理解; Emphasize understanding; l 获得反馈; Obtain their feedback; l 注意声调,要有感情; Watch your emotional tone; l 说服听众; Persuade the audience; 怎样变得自信 l 微笑并看着观众 Smile and glance at the audience;l 开始发言时要慢一点,身体保持昂首挺胸的姿态 Start very slowly, with your shoulders back and your chin up; l 开场白说一些真诚话 Open your speech by saying something very frankly; l 穿上自己最好的衣服 Wear your very best clothes; l 对自己说一些积极的话 Say something positive to / about yourself 怎样组织演讲 l 要有一个结构:可以分一二三点;可以从地理上分东南西北;比较与对比;我方与他方;正面与反面; To have a structure: such as first, second, third; geographically, north, south, east, west; compare and contrasts; our side versus their side; negative and positive; l 将材料归类整理,如笑话、趣事、名人名言、有趣的数据 To label the materials such as jokes, funny anecdotes, favorite sayings, interesting statistics; l 使用卡片; To use note cards; 怎样使用卡片 l 在卡片的右上角标上数字; Number your cards on the top right; l 在第一张和最后一张上写上完整的句子;l Write a complete sentence on both your first and last card; l 其他卡片上最多只能写五个关键词; l Write up to five key words on other cards; l 用颜色来标记你想强调的词; l Use color to mark the words you want to emphasize; l 在某一处提醒自己查看时间。

l Remind yourself at a particular sport to check the time. 演讲指南 l 预先计划好 Plan well in advance.l 保证自己充分了解在活动中的角色 Make sure you fully understand your role in the program.l 认真地构思演讲,使其结构符合逻辑 Devote care to structuring your speech logically.l 认真设定适当的基调 Devote care to setting the proper tone. 如何开头 l 讲个(自己的)故事 To tell a story (about yourself).l 对大家能够聚在一起表示感谢 To acknowledge the occasion of the gathering. l 称赞一下听众 To pay the listeners a compliment. l 引用名人名言 To quote l 使用一些不平常的数据 To use unusual statistics. l 问观众一个挑战性的问题 To ask the audience a challenging question; l 播放录像带或看幻灯片 To show a video or a slide.如何结尾 l 重复你的开头 To repeat your opening.l 概括你的演讲 To summarize your presentation.l 以趣事结尾 To close with an anecdote. l 以号召行动结尾 To end with a call to action.l 以反问结尾 To ask a rhetorical question.l 以一个陈述句结尾 To make a statement.l 展示演讲大纲 To show an outline of your presentation. 眼神交流 l 眼睛慢慢地从一个移动到另一个人,在每一个人身上停留两到三秒钟时间; Move your eyes slowly from person to person, and pause two or three seconds with each listener; l 眼睛直视听众,或看着他们的鼻梁或下巴 Look at people straight or look at the bridge of their noses or chins; l 找到那些看起来比较友善的听众,逐次朝他们微笑;然后目标转向那些有些怀疑的听众,也逐渐朝他们微笑; Look for the friendlier faces and smile at them one by one, then move on to the more skeptical members and smile at them one by one also; l 如果你感到紧张,不妨想象听众都穿着浴衣的样子。 Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous. 紧张的典型特征 l 手放在口袋里 Hands in pockets l 眨眼次数过多 Increased blinking of the eyes ;l 害怕眼神的接触 Failure to make eye contact; l 舔嘴唇和抿嘴唇 Licking and biting of the lips ; l 敲叩手指 Finger tapping ;l 手势又急又快 Fast, jerky gestures 如何使用手势 l 手可以指点着假想的物体,不要用食指指着别人; Point at imaginary objects and don't point at others with your index finger; l 尺寸的大小。


演 讲 十 八 招 绝招一:排比的运用 排比是一种写作修辞手法,也是一种普遍应用的演讲技巧。


绝招二:用词准确 寻找恰当的词是没有绝对的法则的,但通常最简单的词、最具体、最能生动地引起感官反应的词语是最佳选择。尽量少用形容词和各种限定词,着重实意动词和名词的使用。

平时多查阅字典,一本好的分类词典会对你有很大帮助的。 绝招三:亲切感 使用第一人称"I"而不是"one",使用简单生动的主动语态,而不是复杂乏味的波动结构,这样好像是演讲者自己直接和观众说话,拉近了双方的距离,促进双方的相互交流。

绝招四:应对意外 一般来说,演讲时可能遇到三种倒霉事:1、结巴。不用掩饰,否则会更加失态。



在合适的地方停下来改正错误,不要急躁而导致精力分散,出现更多错误。 绝招五:巧妙引用 明智地使用引语能给你的演讲增色不少,扩大权威性,增强说明力。

在引用名家的话语或文章时,要注意遵循四条原则:1、引用材料尽量简短、选择与演讲主题相关的部分;2、使引用的材料有机地成为演讲的一部分;3、不要重复引用,除非特别强调;4、引用准确,不要断章取义。 绝招六:语调的抑扬顿挫 演讲时的语调的起伏不仅能使演讲更生动,而且还能传达演讲者丰富的感情信息。


本篇演讲就是善于运用语调的变化的优秀范例,抑扬顿挫折,张弛结合,尤其是后半部分,通过语调的激越高亢以及反复的手段,将演讲推至最高潮。 绝招七:脉络清晰 在交流过程中产生误会的可有性是很大的,因此,有一个清晰的确良结构和流畅的阐述是成功演讲的必要因素之一。


绝招八:俚语的使用 俚语可以让演讲生动活泼,也可以使演讲陈旧过时。如果不太熟悉最新的俚语,会让演讲者本身显得与时代脱节。


但要注意千万不要使用带种族色彩和淫秽的俚语。 绝招九:使用身体语言 身体语言包括人的面部表情、手足动作、作立姿势等。


绝招十:正确发音 发音正确、清晰、连贯、优美是吸引听众的最有力的法宝。英语和美语有许多地方口音,这是不值得模仿的。

发音不准会引起误解,影响演说的效果。尤其要注意区别以下几个音:/ /。

其次,要注意在正确的位置连读。 绝招十一:幽默的运用 幽默不仅是生活的调味品,也是调节演讲气氛的好佐料。


绝招十二:押头韵 头韵(alliteration)也是一种修辞手法,即在一个词组或一个诗行中有两个以上彼此靠近的词,其开头的音节或其他重读音节具有同样的字母或声音,以达到强调的效果。如第六段的diverse和dynamic,South Bronx和Southern Tier,Brookiyn Buffalo,Montaukt 和 Massena, 开头字母的发音都是/d/,/s/,/b/或 /m/,这为演讲带来一种节奏感和韵律美。

绝招十三:事前准备 在战场上,知已知彼方能百战百胜;演讲也不例外。首先要客观地了解和评估点自己,选择适当的演讲题目;其次要根据主题搜集材料,并将这些材料按一定的顺序排列;最后设定讲稿框架,尤其是精心设置演讲的开头和结尾。


绝招十四:设备的使用 随着科技水平的提高,各种各样的现代化设备,如VCD、录影带、投影仪等都能为听众带来直观的视觉和听觉享受,妥善地利用这些仪器设备,能使你。


高科技无处不在When you look the lovable animated cartoon, plays is in a stew human's computer games, rides the fast train, is answering transoceanic telephone time, 。

Not only your might once realize the science the strength, the science changed this world, also changed our life, the science side us.Opens for the 20th century the grand chapters, not only we discovered the humanity to experience the blood and the fire baptism in these hundred years, has created the innumerable scientific miracles. 19th century France famous science fiction writer of fiction verne fictionalizing, at that time let the human be inconceivable, he fantasized moon landing travel, the airplane, the long-range gun and so on, all 11 became the reality in the 20th century. In the 21st century today, the high tech is ubiquitous.As cross-century one generation, how posture should we adapt the new century by, the load get up the new century heavy burden? Not only science and technology changing with each new day, causes the science to serve for the most advanced technique, also more and more many seeps to during ours daily life, this needs us who is in the young people time to deeply love the science, the study science. Participation science and technology “five small” competition, reading science and technology books, caused me to understand many truths. The precise robot, does not use the fuel the automobile, the hypothesized soccer game, high tech information transmission and so on, each one vivid interesting phenomena, aroused me to explore the science the desire.Our each people all want to study the science, the dissemination civilization, while enjoys the new life, must create the new life, now, the technical product renewal speeds up unceasingly, the visible television, the computer surfer, the pacemaker, already did not calculate was fresh. Vacuum cleaner invented which from 1901, to the artificial earth satellite, carried the human spaceship, the science and technology demonstrates the formidable strength in the different domain. Electronic industry, communication technology daily popularization, nanotechnology, superconductivity material widespread application, soon one day, perhaps in yours dinner table, can appear likely bio-engineering foods and so on outer space green pepper, man-made beefsteak. Studies the science and technology, is not merely in order to become the scientist, also is for can adapt the life, more has been able to become the new century the master, the load gets up the new century, is the national construction, makes the contribution for the human culture.Since new China had been established, our country's technical development progresses by leaps and bounds, the synthesized insulin, finishes a job plants, the hybrid rice again, explodes atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, launch satellite and airship and so on, these technical achievement which focuses attention on the common people, reduced our country and the advanced countries science and technology disparity greatly, has poured into the vigor for our country's modernization. Grandpa Deng Xiaoping said “the science and technology is the first productive forces”, indeed so, the science has inserted the wing for our motherland soaring. Chairman Mao Zedong once said to the youth that, the world was you, also is we, but is your in the final analysis. This speech, has been full of the elders to our earnest expectation. If the elders have constructed the 20th century motherlands with the industrious work, that, we should by the knowledge, get up the new century heavy burden by the scientific load.Schoolmates, we are being at the growth developmental stage, the study science, lets us start since childhood. We must learn each kind of literacy class diligently, because this is all study foundation; At the same time, to each kind the popular science books, the publication which suits our elementary student to look, should better read some in the after school; Also should begin to do each science small experiment, the small manufacture positively, writes the science small paper and so on, raises to the science interest. Long this gets down, we can certainly deeply love the science, has the rich scientific knowledge. Humanity's wisdom is infinite, regardless of is US's Challenger number detonation, the whole world computer virus' promotion, always all cannot prevent humanity's advance in technology. “The knowledge is the strength”, Bacon this sentence enjoys great popularity the maxim did not know had driven how many earnestly seeks the knowledge human. Now, lets us also use it to encourage onesel。


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