

[1]刘丽. 追求平等、幸福、自由的女性典范——谈《简·爱》中的典型人物简爱[J]. 辽宁高职学报,1999,(1). [2]龚明德. 李霁野译《简爱》与鲁迅有关吗?[J]. 鲁迅研究月刊,1999,(3). [3]李国源. 《简爱》“妇女解放”主题浅探[J]. 安徽广播电视大学学报,1999,(1). [4]杜焱. 试论《简爱》中伯莎形象[J]. 丹东师专学报,1999,(3). [5]陈姝波. 论《简爱》中的性别意识形态[J]. 外国文学研究,2002,(4). [6]潘红. 夹缝里的风景——谈黄源深先生《简爱》译本的审美特点[J]. 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2002,(2). [7]芦雪瑾. 试论《简爱》与《藻海无边》中的两位梅森[J]. 杭州教育学院学报,2002,(2). [8]陈小兆,萧好章. 从“失乐园”到“复乐园”——《简爱》故事情节的“圣经”原型意象[J]. 井冈山师范学院学报,2002,(4). [9]宋燕. 简爱:自强与自爱[J]. 当代电视,1999,(8). [10]毛梅兰,胡宜兰. 论典型形象——简爱(英文)[J]. 抚州师专学报,2001,(1). [11]毛竹生. 简爱的出走与自我实现[J]. 济南教育学院学报,2001,(6). [12]马海英. 金丝鸟、菟丝和简爱——试论南朝艳情诗与“五四”爱情诗[J]. 绵阳师范高等专科学校学报,2001,(1). [13]毛竹生. 简爱的成长之路及其心理机制[J]. 邯郸师专学报,2001,(2). [14]赵敏. 心灵的传承——试论《简爱》对《蝴蝶梦》的影响[J]. 文山师范高等专科学校学报,2001,(2). [15]赵莉. 从杜十娘和简爱的形象塑造比较东西方妇女的女性意识[J]. 新余高专学报,2001,(3). [16]张艳. 走不出困惑——论夏绿蒂在《简爱》中对妇女出路问题的探索[J]. 阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版),2001,(3). [17]王一平. 《简爱》对《圣经》的恪守与反叛[J]. 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2002,(5). [18]本报记者 戴永明. 简爱之困[N]. 贵州民族报,2010-04-09(A04). [19]简i7到简爱7 以爱之名 海尔简爱7全面升级[J]. 办公自动化,2009,(23). [20]孙伟民. 自卑情结造就了简爱鲜明的人格魅力——解析《简爱》[J]. 传奇.传记文学选刊(理论研究),2009,(1). [21]陈淑婷. 献给简爱的一朵玫瑰——简爱和苔丝的人物对比[J]. 文学界(理论版),2010,(7). [22]黄兴军. 《简爱》中的永恒魅力——解析小说《简爱》中女性反抗性格的形成[J]. 牡丹江大学学报,2009,(4). [23]王筠. 再读《简爱》:经典语言与简爱的女性形象塑造[J]. 时代文学(理论学术版),2007,(6). [24]李颖娟. 从英雄、非英雄到反英雄[D]. 兰州大学: 兰州大学,2010. [25]王康英. 论《简·爱》中女主人公简爱对真爱的追求[J]. 科技信息(科学教研),2008,(23). [26]刘丽. 一个时代的女性呐喊与追求——谈《简·爱》中的典型人物简爱[J]. 时代文学(下半月),2009,(5). [27]梁晨. 宿命的选择——对《简爱》中爱与女性独立意识的重读[J]. 安徽文学(下半月),2011,(5). [28]侯静. 浅析简爱与爱德娜的婚姻、爱情、自由观[J]. 安徽文学(下半月),2008,(11). [29]田恩波. 知识决定命运——论简爱作为罗彻斯特爱人的命运(英文)[J]. 中国科技信息,2005,(14). [30]薛瑞东. 挣扎于传统与现代之间的女性——简论简爱[J]. 江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版),2005,(5). [31]时玉珍. 简爱 人见人爱[J]. 电影评介,1996,(2). [32]赵华. 有关李霁野与祝庆英《简爱》节选译文的评述[J]. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版),2010,(5). [33]易文琴. 《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中婚姻观之比较[J]. 北方文学(下半月),2010,(3). [34]胡彦霞. 女性的力量:简爱和郝思嘉[J]. 社会科学战线,2011,(6). [35]赵竹轩. 《简爱》的叙述语言与主人公的个性发展[J]. 安徽文学(下半月),2011,(8). [36]张慧莹. 一场不同寻常的大火——原型批评视角下《简爱》中的火灾[J]. 宜宾学院学报,2011,(7). [37]张默. 商务新标杆——海尔简爱7D笔记本[J]. 消费电子,2010,(12). [38]海尔简爱7G、7D双获“红棉奖”[J]. 消费电子,2010,(12). [39]林丹. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特《简爱》与托马斯·哈代《德伯家的苔丝》之比较[J]. 黑龙江教育学院学报,2010,(12). [40]劲薄新商务——海尔简爱7D笔记本电脑[J]. 微电脑世界,2011,(1). [41]王秀娟. 《简爱》中译本语言风格比较[J]. 科学大众(科学教育),2011,(2). [42]麻秦华. 简爱性格浅析[J]. 科教导刊(中旬刊),2010,(12). [43]薛梦茹. 《简爱》与女性尊严[J]. 才智,2011,(3). [44]海尔简爱7D树立商务轻薄本新标杆[J]. 消费电子,2010,(6). [45]海尔简爱三剑客寒促回馈消费者[J]. 消费电子,2011,(2). [46]尹诗文. 从自卑到自信——解析简爱性格的两个极端[J]. 赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版),2011,(3). [47]董睿. 生活在平凡之间——浅析简爱的独立性格及依附心理[J]. 大舞台,2011,(4). [48]吴蒙,贠哲. 我看简爱性格中的自卑心理[J]. 才智,2011,(8). [49]顾国林. 薄而不贵——海尔简爱7哥笔记本电脑测试[J]. 微电脑世界,2011,(5). [50]王若水. 叛逆者简爱[J]. 科技信息,2011,(12).。


[1]刘丽. 追求平等、幸福、自由的女性典范——谈《简·爱》中的典型人物简爱[J]. 辽宁高职学报,1999,(1). [2]龚明德. 李霁野译《简爱》与鲁迅有关吗?[J]. 鲁迅研究月刊,1999,(3). [3]李国源. 《简爱》“妇女解放”主题浅探[J]. 安徽广播电视大学学报,1999,(1). [4]杜焱. 试论《简爱》中伯莎形象[J]. 丹东师专学报,1999,(3). [5]陈姝波. 论《简爱》中的性别意识形态[J]. 外国文学研究,2002,(4). [6]潘红. 夹缝里的风景——谈黄源深先生《简爱》译本的审美特点[J]. 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2002,(2). [7]芦雪瑾. 试论《简爱》与《藻海无边》中的两位梅森[J]. 杭州教育学院学报,2002,(2). [8]陈小兆,萧好章. 从“失乐园”到“复乐园”——《简爱》故事情节的“圣经”原型意象[J]. 井冈山师范学院学报,2002,(4). [9]宋燕. 简爱:自强与自爱[J]. 当代电视,1999,(8). [10]毛梅兰,胡宜兰. 论典型形象——简爱(英文)[J]. 抚州师专学报,2001,(1). [11]毛竹生. 简爱的出走与自我实现[J]. 济南教育学院学报,2001,(6). [12]马海英. 金丝鸟、菟丝和简爱——试论南朝艳情诗与“五四”爱情诗[J]. 绵阳师范高等专科学校学报,2001,(1). [13]毛竹生. 简爱的成长之路及其心理机制[J]. 邯郸师专学报,2001,(2). [14]赵敏. 心灵的传承——试论《简爱》对《蝴蝶梦》的影响[J]. 文山师范高等专科学校学报,2001,(2). [15]赵莉. 从杜十娘和简爱的形象塑造比较东西方妇女的女性意识[J]. 新余高专学报,2001,(3). [16]张艳. 走不出困惑——论夏绿蒂在《简爱》中对妇女出路问题的探索[J]. 阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版),2001,(3). [17]王一平. 《简爱》对《圣经》的恪守与反叛[J]. 河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2002,(5). [18]本报记者 戴永明. 简爱之困[N]. 贵州民族报,2010-04-09(A04). [19]简i7到简爱7 以爱之名 海尔简爱7全面升级[J]. 办公自动化,2009,(23). [20]孙伟民. 自卑情结造就了简爱鲜明的人格魅力——解析《简爱》[J]. 传奇.传记文学选刊(理论研究),2009,(1). [21]陈淑婷. 献给简爱的一朵玫瑰——简爱和苔丝的人物对比[J]. 文学界(理论版),2010,(7). [22]黄兴军. 《简爱》中的永恒魅力——解析小说《简爱》中女性反抗性格的形成[J]. 牡丹江大学学报,2009,(4). [23]王筠. 再读《简爱》:经典语言与简爱的女性形象塑造[J]. 时代文学(理论学术版),2007,(6). [24]李颖娟. 从英雄、非英雄到反英雄[D]. 兰州大学: 兰州大学,2010. [25]王康英. 论《简·爱》中女主人公简爱对真爱的追求[J]. 科技信息(科学教研),2008,(23). [26]刘丽. 一个时代的女性呐喊与追求——谈《简·爱》中的典型人物简爱[J]. 时代文学(下半月),2009,(5). [27]梁晨. 宿命的选择——对《简爱》中爱与女性独立意识的重读[J]. 安徽文学(下半月),2011,(5). [28]侯静. 浅析简爱与爱德娜的婚姻、爱情、自由观[J]. 安徽文学(下半月),2008,(11). [29]田恩波. 知识决定命运——论简爱作为罗彻斯特爱人的命运(英文)[J]. 中国科技信息,2005,(14). [30]薛瑞东. 挣扎于传统与现代之间的女性——简论简爱[J]. 江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版),2005,(5). [31]时玉珍. 简爱 人见人爱[J]. 电影评介,1996,(2). [32]赵华. 有关李霁野与祝庆英《简爱》节选译文的评述[J]. 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版),2010,(5). [33]易文琴. 《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中婚姻观之比较[J]. 北方文学(下半月),2010,(3). [34]胡彦霞. 女性的力量:简爱和郝思嘉[J]. 社会科学战线,2011,(6). [35]赵竹轩. 《简爱》的叙述语言与主人公的个性发展[J]. 安徽文学(下半月),2011,(8). [36]张慧莹. 一场不同寻常的大火——原型批评视角下《简爱》中的火灾[J]. 宜宾学院学报,2011,(7). [37]张默. 商务新标杆——海尔简爱7D笔记本[J]. 消费电子,2010,(12). [38]海尔简爱7G、7D双获“红棉奖”[J]. 消费电子,2010,(12). [39]林丹. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特《简爱》与托马斯·哈代《德伯家的苔丝》之比较[J]. 黑龙江教育学院学报,2010,(12). [40]劲薄新商务——海尔简爱7D笔记本电脑[J]. 微电脑世界,2011,(1). [41]王秀娟. 《简爱》中译本语言风格比较[J]. 科学大众(科学教育),2011,(2). [42]麻秦华. 简爱性格浅析[J]. 科教导刊(中旬刊),2010,(12). [43]薛梦茹. 《简爱》与女性尊严[J]. 才智,2011,(3). [44]海尔简爱7D树立商务轻薄本新标杆[J]. 消费电子,2010,(6). [45]海尔简爱三剑客寒促回馈消费者[J]. 消费电子,2011,(2). [46]尹诗文. 从自卑到自信——解析简爱性格的两个极端[J]. 赤峰学院学报(汉文哲学社会科学版),2011,(3). [47]董睿. 生活在平凡之间——浅析简爱的独立性格及依附心理[J]. 大舞台,2011,(4). [48]吴蒙,贠哲. 我看简爱性格中的自卑心理[J]. 才智,2011,(8). [49]顾国林. 薄而不贵——海尔简爱7哥笔记本电脑测试[J]. 微电脑世界,2011,(5). [50]王若水. 叛逆者简爱[J]. 科技信息,2011,(12).。





Of twists and turns in the journey of life, who give you the most sincere and warm care, greetings to you who is, always give your selfless dedication; who worked tirelessly to teach the truth with your interaction with others; who is for you trivia worry? Yes! Great maternal love. Maternal love is selfless and unceasing. A mother is not no love for their children. Anyway, after all, are the maternal life the most sincere and most difficult to let go of the feelings. Hemerocallis Sheng Tang stage, wandering the line End of the World; mother by a break and not see day lily flowers. Mother hands line, wandering clothing. Departure sew, For fear. Who is the inch of grass, reported in the apartments. These are poems of Meng Jiao, sons and daughters expressed gratitude to the mother, praised the world's greatest mother love, motherly love, what a divine, what a great word, the word includes all the love, it is love byword Maternal, influence everything. When you have to withstand the pressures brought about by the outside world, the mother from the top of your piece of the sky, to resist all the wind and rain; when your heart is no comfort, she enlighten you, educate you, teach you "step backward" in philosophy; When you encounter difficulties and setbacks or in a bad mood while she blew her top when she was still strong enough to endure in silence, but to enlighten; when you're learning because of fatigue, upset, she would send a cup of hot tea, not to be in any language, all feelings were translated into tears fall on your palm, nothing at all, maternal love, but simply want us to feel the warmth and love it. Mother's love is not deep, it in life. She is my favorite person in the world, but also my most trusted friends. Maternal love, sincere and selfless. When you are in danger, she was desperate to help you, even if the loss of life would complain; when you feel the pain of despair, she is more painful than you sad, but it must be strong to comfort you, make you feel at ease; when please you pleasure, she will accompany you to share his joy, but it will not occupy more than a little, let your heart be empty nothing. Friends may be enemies, but the mother does not. Even how much you hurt her heart, she still loves you, as always, but my mother does not need to return, I know, my mother's love, with my life is not yet clear. This love is too strong. Maternal love, asking nothing in return. When your birthday, she seemed much excited, nervous, make arrangements for you all, down from year to year, always remember than you know. And when I arrived at her birthday, but never saw her too much make arrangements, but still maintain the look of the TV drama smile, silently accept you forget her birthday and her indifference, grew up, I know my mother As long as I have been good, the other to pay more, are only secondary. I also learned not to let my mother sad, not let her down. Maternal love, never stops. At home, her love surrounded me like a lot of ideas; accompany the mother of truth and warmth of my time infection, maternal love is really very great, even if you every day with her and always felt her love. Sometimes rebellious, tired just want to express his love to her but no performance, so another way to let her attention. Mother's Love does not need arrangements, as long as the hard feelings, she is in you by my side. Of course, the occasion of the maternal ho knows no boundaries, but also the savior of women themselves. As long as she thought of the children, do children think of an example, think of the children must not live their lives so that she will defeat themselves from the power of rising from the good from the true from the United States. Mother love is permanent, and maternal love is great, and it is selfless, it is immersed in all things, filling in between heaven and earth. No matter where you are, can feel the warmth of her, no matter what your insurance throughout the body, can feel her heartbeat, you're happy, her happiness. You sad, she cried. Only her, never need to treasure, but never forget that this is love. Here, I want to say: Mom, I want you, I love you! When the call is connected the moment, I cried. . . This time of year I gave my mother a bath and enjoy themselves to the heart to the joy of my mother! Mom, I want to do for you?。


Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. We remember her pursuit of justice. It's like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side. We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God's feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality. We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence… When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality. Actually, she wasn't pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn't make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than 'the plain and ugly governess'. But as the little governess had said: 'Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!' This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre's mind. God hadn't given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body. In my mind, though a person's beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn't the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it's not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person's great virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that 'Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted'. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can't distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can't distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not. Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real。













Lonely people who listen to friends to read some useful books to enrich their own lives. Since when do not know, I was famous in the world have a special feeling, my favorite is a classic "Jane Eyre", although my book was pirated, I still relish to read the entire book. "Jane Eyre" Jiang Xu, a girl named Jane Eyre's story, she did not father nor mother, and led a poor life. But she firmly believes: While I can not choose to wealth, but I can choose life! Her efforts to study and work hard to live the ultimate independent property and loved ones. The plot are tear-jerking scenes, makes stronger. I began to understand the true meaning of life. I tried to brave and strong to live, despite the very hard very busy, but also sometimes very hard, but enriched OK. Helen Jane Eyre's friends will die due to infectious diseases, Jane Eyre, without fear of life spent with her last night, their outspoken words, life to death I am deeply moved by the friendship, yes ah, Jane Eyre childhood by foster families in the throat where Medvedev, where Medvedev will be abused because of jealousy, she bullied people around him, and she had only Helen, who through their ups and downs of the interest in the common living, but could be heaven so cruelly took away Helen 。

。 long-suffering of Jane Eyre, Mr. Rochester finally returned to the side, but he yet blind and arthropods. Jane talking with her eyes, silently watching Rochester. It was at that moment, feeling the Rochester of Jane Eyre - his little fairy to come back, they start talking clenched around what happened, and vowed never to separate, I was deeply moved forward, I see more Wai The more difficult for people to really love more unforgettable! Two years ago, life chose me mercilessly. I can not university, while facing the cruel reality I yielded. Mom and Dad did not afford to pay my tuition fees so high, I can only destined to be selected. Finally, I chose the teacher, where I spent most of his most memorable period of time alone, "Jane Eyre" empty and tasteless to make up my life, I think I already have a Jane Eyre, with her, though I do not can choose to wealth, but I can choose an optimistic attitude towards life. I tried to cheer up, and try hard to live in the brave. In learning, I do my best effort to learn, but also actively participate in other school activities, this road, there are flowers there are also tears, applause, I am learning very quickly to catch up, and in the school's essay contest, winter cross-country event, the Games that I have won numerous awards. I have rediscovered himself. Everyone had to survive in every folder, in the face of adversity and development. Required setbacks, the challenges of life, it is a perfect beautiful life! Life is changing, and perhaps it is like an instant the wind blew gave people has never been straightforward. Maybe it is like hanging a rainbow in the sky, but the creation of the world's most beautiful miracle! Embrace of "Jane Eyre" It gave me more than these. I fully understand: I should be strong to live, and strive to be alive. Although the sky without my footsteps, but I'm flying! Although I can not choose to wealth, but I can choose life! Can of friends said the lonely people needs to read a few good useful books , the life strengthening self. The when to begin without the knowledge of from, I have had one kind of peculiar affection to a world-famous book , my most delighted one masterpiece has been that I had better had finished reading a complete book with good relish despite of my that book is a pirate's "letter likes ",. "Letter likes " say the story having narrated a girl who is called simple loving, she does not have dad also having no the block of wood mother, live in poverty. But, she firmly believes that: Although I can not choose wealth,I can choose life! Her effort study about works , effort field life owns the independent property and loved one ultimately. The curtains circumstance is all weepy , makes person further strengthen. I begin to have understood the true meaning of life. I am trying brave live firmly, despite of very busily occupied , also risking the life very much sometimes very laboriously , but rich fine. Simple loving friend Helen will die because of infectious disease , simple love fears that the field accompanies her to have spent a final evening of life , they lead true utterance not in the least , that the friendship being parted in life and separated by death has touched me deeply, is to simplify love being entrusted to the care of cruel Madam Lide family from childhood Oh, Madam Lide just abuses her since jealous , the people on every side also bullies him , she only has Helen, they go by disturbances together , have lived under 。



你看看。这个是关于简爱的基本人物分析Jane EyreThe development of Jane Eyre's character is central to the novel. From the beginning, Jane possesses a sense of her self-worth and dignity, a commitment to justice and principle, a trust in God, and a passionate disposition. Her integrity is continually tested over the course of the novel, and Jane must learn to balance the frequently conflicting aspects of herself so as to find contentment.An orphan since early childhood, Jane feels exiled and ostracized at the beginning of the novel, and the cruel treatment she receives from her Aunt Reed and her cousins only exacerbates her feeling of alienation. Afraid that she will never find a true sense of home or community, Jane feels the need to belong somewhere, to find “kin,” or at least “kindred spirits.” This desire tempers her equally intense need for autonomy and freedom.In her search for freedom, Jane also struggles with the question of what type of freedom she wants. While Rochester initially offers Jane a chance to liberate her passions, Jane comes to realize that such freedom could also mean enslavement—by living as Rochester's mistress, she would be sacrificing her dignity and integrity for the sake of her feelings. St. John Rivers offers Jane another kind of freedom: the freedom to act unreservedly on her principles. He opens to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India. Jane eventually realizes, though, that this freedom would also constitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check.Charlotte Brontë may have created the character of Jane Eyre as a means of coming to terms with elements of her own life. Much evidence suggests that Brontë, too, struggled to find a balance between love and freedom and to find others who understood her. At many points in the book, Jane voices the author's then-radical opinions on religion, social class, and gender.关于主题的分析:Love Versus Autonomy (爱与独立)Jane Eyre is very much the story of a quest to be loved. Jane searches, not just for romantic love, but also for a sense of being valued, of belonging. Thus Jane says to Helen Burns: “to gain some real affection from you, or Miss Temple, or any other whom I truly love, I would willingly submit to have the bone of my arm broken, or to let a bull toss me, or to stand behind a kicking horse, and let it dash its hoof at my chest” (Chapter 8). Yet, over the course of the book, Jane must learn how to gain love without sacrificing and harming herself in the process.Her fear of losing her autonomy motivates her refusal of Rochester's marriage proposal. Jane believes that “marrying” Rochester while he remains legally tied to Bertha would mean rendering herself a mistress and sacrificing her own integrity for the sake of emotional gratification. On the other hand, her life at Moor House tests her in the opposite manner. There, she enjoys economic independence and engages in worthwhile and useful work, teaching the poor; yet she lacks emotional sustenance. Although St. John proposes marriage, offering her a partnership built around a common purpose, Jane knows their marriage would remain loveless.Nonetheless, the events of Jane's stay at Moor House are necessary tests of Jane's autonomy. Only after proving her self-sufficiency to herself can she marry Rochester and not be asymmetrically dependent upon him as her “master.” The marriage can be one between equals. As Jane says: “I am my husband's life as fully as he is mine. . . . To be together is for us to be at once as free as in solitude, as gay as in company. . . . We are precisely suited in character—perfect concord is the result” (Chapter 38).Social Class(社会阶级)Jane Eyre is critical of Victorian England's strict social hierarchy. Brontë's exploration of the complicated social position of governesses is perhaps the novel's most important treatment of this theme. Like Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, Jane is a figure of ambiguous class standing and, consequently, a source of extreme tension for the characters around her. Jane's manners, sophistication, and education are those of an aristocrat, because Victorian governesses, who tutored children in etiquette as well as academics, were expected to possess the “culture” of the aristocracy. Yet, as paid employees, they were more or less treated as servants; thus, Jane remains penniless and powerless while at Thornfield. Jane's understanding of the double standard 。


从普通人角度出发,所谓的“现代女性意识”怎么在一个普通女人身上体现 建议与易卜生〈娜拉〉对照研究,最好再参看像西蒙·波娃的〈第二性——女人〉这类研究著作 别把她当英雄,当成个普通女孩,以这种前提看法再细读,必有收获。

. 女性独立意识——《简爱》1847年夏洛蒂•勃朗特最负盛名的一部作品——简爱出版了,在那个年代,由女性作家创作的以女性作为主角的长篇小说实属难得,更可贵的是作品中体现出的女性独立意识,虽然这种独立意识在强大的社会价值观念的作用下显得有些无助甚至——在极端的情况下——有些病态。



所以当罗切斯特试探简爱的时候,她会几近失态地说出那段具有宣言意味的告白:你以为我贫穷、低贱、难看、矮小就没有灵魂,没有感情吗?我现在同你说话,并不借助习俗、惯例,甚至不借助肉体,而是我的灵魂在同你的灵魂对话,就好像我们都经过坟墓,站在上帝脚下,彼此平等——我们是平等的。 习俗和惯例,往往是社会观念的集中体现。







这恐怕就是当时社会观念对于女性的态度,换句话说,社会观念中的男权意识的体现。 简爱这次坚决地拒绝了,因为这次触到的是她的底线——她已经付出了巨大的代价来捍卫的主体意识。

从这个意义上说,简爱可以与《玩偶之家》中的娜拉一起作为女性启蒙时期的典型形象了。 小说最终提供了一个解决个人——社会矛盾的方式,也就是桑菲尔德的大火。









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