

Introduction During the past two decades total quality management (TQM) has spread considerably among firms, and consequently researchers have studied this management approach in some depth. Some authors find a positive relation between TQM adoption and organisational performance (e.g. Douglas & Judge, 2001; Kaynak, 2003; Powell, 1995). Powell(1995), under the framework of the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, conceptualises TQM as a strategic resource. From that standpoint, various authors have considered the RBV as a useful theoretical approach to explain TQM's impact on organisational performance(e.g. Escrig-Tena & Bou-Llusar, 2005; Reed, Lemak, & Mero, 2000; Savolainen,2000). Under the RBV, TQM constitutes a resource that is difficult to imitate (Powell,1995) and that generates competitive advantages in the firms that adopt it (Savolainen,2000). Moreover, Reed et al. (2000) deduced that TQM itself has the potential to generate barriers to imitation, necessary for sustainability. In turn, Escrig-Tena and Bou-Llusar(2005) conclude that TQM positively influences organisational performance through the development of a series of competencies (skills or specific abilities to deploy resources).Some consensus exists about TQM's capacity to improve organisational performance,so we focus our analysis on how firms can increase the benefits deriving from TQM adoption.This is the main objective of the current work. For this purpose, we use the theoretical and conceptual framework provided by Williamson's (1985) transaction cost theory(TCT). This allows us to examine the economic nature of TQM and its capacity to improve organisational performance in terms of wealth creation. Under TCT, TQM can be defined as a specific organisational design option (Wruck & Jensen, 1994). Thus, its capacity to improve organisational performance lies in its ability to solve the firm's organisational design (OD) problems. Specifically, following Milgrom and Roberts (1992),these problems are the information (coordination) and motivation (incentive) problems arising in firms.After a review of the literature on TQM and OD, we argue and conclude that TQM adoption and implementation must be consistent with OD postulates. Otherwise, the potential benefits of TQM can be diluted by the increase in the level of residual loss(ex-post transaction cost resulting from the appearance of opportunistic behaviours from the employees). We analyse a sample of firms that have adopted TQM, and find empirical evidence of complementarities when firms apply OD and TQM elements simultaneously.Our results show that firms that manage to exploit these complementarities obtain superior organisational performance.The paper is structured as follows. In the next section, we analyse TQM's capacity to generate value and solve the OD problems arising in firms (information and motivation problems). We then present the design of our empirical research project, specifically the final sample and the variables used. The penultimate section reports and analyses the results obtained. The final section presents the paper's main conclusions and business implications.Total quality management (TQM) as an organisational design (OD) option The origin of organisational design (OD) problems lies in the fact that firm resources have multiple owners. On the one hand, the presence of multiple owners implies the need for coordination. On the other, their diverging interests lead to the appearance of opportunistic behaviour.太长了,把分给我,我发给你好了。

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论文可以吗?第一篇:谈产品质量管理On product quality management and improvement [Abstract] modern society, the quality of mechanical products is particularly important here for the quality of products, as well as measures to improve the management of the program was discussed. [Key words] product quality management to improve the quality of I. Overview And improve the quality of the sound system and maintain its effective operation of the fundamental purpose is to improve the quality of management and the quality of products, improving economic efficiency, reduce waste and maximize meet the needs of users. To achieve this goal, one of the main ways and means is to carry out continuous quality improvement, including its quality system and improve the product quality improvements. This article talk about the product quality control measures and improved. Second, product quality control measures (A) customer requirements In accordance with ISO9000-2000, in the eight quality management principles, the first principle of "customer-focus of attention." The requirements of customers, including product features, performance requirements, the current and future needs are to be taken into account. To meet the requirements of customers, products will have a true sense of quality. (B) regulations Product development and manufacturing, first of all, it should be noted that the "safety". It is to protect the safety of production, workers and the safety of state property security, the prevention of major accidents and regulations. In addition, countries should also pay attention to environmental protection laws and regulations on the product. (C) standards Product development and manufacturing must follow the national standard, the provisions of the subject by the national testing agencies authorized by the check only after the production and sale of investment. (D) specific standard products of control Comply with the People's Republic of China Standardization Law, in the absence of a specific product or industry standards for national standards, the development of enterprises should be the standard. The standards must be reported to local enterprises standardized administrative departments for the record. Standard products are product design, development, production, the basis for acceptance. Product standards, taking full account of customer requirements, regulations and safety standards on the basis of the technology should also be given to the advanced nature of economic rationality and the protection of the environment. (E) control of product design Control of product design, including design input, design output and design review, design verification, to confirm the design and design to improve control. ① designed to control the importation, which is based on standard products based on the formation of the document. Design is the importation of products that meet customers, laws and regulations required by the root, it should review the design input, and there is a written record. Design and Design ② output control assessment, design output is the product of design drawings. Design of output assessment should be carried out. Assessment of its compliance with the standards, advanced technology, economy, technology and standardization. Accreditation should have a written record. Design output should be approved before publication. ③ design verification control products in the formation of the appropriate phase of the implementation of the verification to prove that the input and design compliance. ④ confirmed that the design control, to verify the records and running to prove that the product is expected to meet the requirements. ⑤ sent to the national mandate for the inspection agency review. ⑥ to change the design of control, either from outside or within the requirements changes should be authorized to carry out the assessment and approval before the implementation of change. (F) raw materials, quality control ① suppliers selected by the Ministry of Technology, Engineering, procurement department, QC 4 responsible for the supply of test makers, the assessment confirmed that point. ② suppliers must have a quality assurance system, supply capacity, to deal with complaints and service capabilities in order to be included in the assessment of suppliers. ③ through the assessment of the use of qualified suppliers to send samples, a small number of trial, low-volume trial, the bulk of the trial all qualified and have the capacity to supply over the conditions of manufacturers in order to be included in the procurement unit fixed. ④ raw materials into 。







如果城市空气质量未能满足以健康为基础的强制性或忠告性的空气质量标准,市政府和国家需要建立一种赖以行动的系统,以此来确保空气质量的改善。 在采取花费巨大的减排措施之前,市政府需要预测可供选择的污染控制政策和措施对改善空气质量的可能功效。








政府可以通过经济手段鼓励公众采取污染控制措施。 由于各个城市的情况千差万别,每个城市应根据自己的特点,认真选择所要采取的措施和市场刺激手段,使空气质量得到最大限度的改善。

本文针对全世界16亿城市居民正在遭受恶劣空气质量威胁的现实问题,描述了三大洲和许多城市污染问题的严重性,并分析了造成城市空气污染的原因;介绍了空气污染对人体的具体危害和几个重要国家执行的空气质量标准;强调了城市空气污染的多源性和复杂性;阐述了如何建立有效的城市空气质量管理系统和如何制定各种管理措施,以及如何评估这些措施的效果;同时还研究了能够阻止并最终扭转日益恶化的城市空气质量的可替代政策和技术。 并尝试运用城市空气质量管理系统的原理,研究了目前中国城市开展空气质量管理必须解决的几个关键性问题。

本文结论:解决中国城市,特别是像重庆这样的大城市的空气污染的根本性途径应该是:建立广泛的空气质量监测网络,运用模型预测未来城市活动和城市居民生活方式的变化,以及与之相关的污染物排放模式的变化;采用清洁能源替代燃煤、采取在汽车上安装尾气净化器等几项主要技术措施,同时实施交通管理控制政策;控制工业污染;充分发挥城市绿化这种改善城市空气质量的生物措施的环境生态效益;最终迫使人们改变自己的生活方式、习惯和行为。 。


Quality control of projects refers to projects to meet quality requirements, that is, in order to guarantee the project quality to meet the project contract, standard series of measures taken, methods and means. Project quality control objectives include the following three aspects: 1. The work of quality control objectives The quality of work are involved in the project refers to the entire process of construction personnel, project construction in order to ensure the quality of job performance level and degree of perfection. The goal of quality control decomposed into: the management of the quality of work, political work quality, technical quality of work and logistics, such as the quality of work of four. 2. Process Quality Control Objectives Construction projects through the entire process together with procedures to be completed. The quality of each process must have to meet the corresponding requirements under the procedures of quality standards, process quality is bound to decide the quality of products. Project quality control objectives Resolvable as: personnel, materials, machinery, construction methods and construction of the environment 5. 3. Product quality control objectives Engineering product quality refers to the project to meet the relevant standards or contractual requirements, including in the use of functional, safety and durability and environmental protection of all visible and hidden characteristics of the sum of the capacity. Product quality control objectives of the project decomposed into: applicability, safety, durability, reliability, economy and in harmony with the environment, etc. 6.工程项目质量控制是指致力于满足工程项目质量要求,也就是为了保证工程项目质量满足工程合同、规范标准所采取的一系列措施、方法和手段。

项目质量控制目标包括以下三方面: 1. 工作质量控制目标 工作质量是指参与项目建设全过程人员,为保证项目建设质量所表现的工作水平和完善程度。该项质量控制目标可分解为:管理工作质量、政治工作质量、技术工作质量和后勤工作质量等四项。

2. 工序质量控制目标 工程项目建设全过程是通过一道道工序来完成的。 每道工序的质量,必须具有满足下道工序相应要求的质量标准,工序质量必然决定产品质量。

工程质量控制目标可分解为:人员、材料、机械、施工方法和施工环境等五项。 3. 产品质量控制目标 工程产品质量是指工程项目满足相关标准规定或合同约定的要求,包括在使用功能、安全及其耐久性能、环境保护等方面所有明显和隐含的能力的特性总和。

工程产品质量控制目标可分解为:适用性、安全性、耐久性、可靠性、经济性和与环境协调性等六项。 Quality Control Quality Control Norms or rules to achieve the quality requirements of data taken by the operating technologies and measures. That is to say, quality control are adopted in order to monitor the quality of the formation process, the elimination of all stages on the quality of Central India from failed or are not satisfied with the effect of factors. To meet the quality requirements, access to economic benefits and quality of operation with the various technologies and activities. Fields in the enterprise, quality control activities are enterprises within the production site management, it has nothing to do with whether the contract is to achieve and maintain quality control and technical measures and management measures for areas of activity. Quality Inspection subordinate quality control, quality control are important activities. "Operation technology" means and methods of control are a general term, "Activity" is the operation of these technologies has planned, organized use of the system is a scientific quality management practices. The former emphasis on methods, tools, and the latter focused on the activities of the process. The purpose of quality control to prevent the main factors governing the outcome of security to ensure that requirements, cost-effective implementation. The primary function of quality control is through a series of operating techniques and activities will be a variety of quality variations and to minimize the extent of fluctuations. Wear it in quality, the formation and implementation of the entire process. In addition to controlling product differentiation, quality control department is also involved in management decision-making activities in order to determine the level of quality. Quality Control of the witness point and stop point At the international level, the quality control of important objects according to their degree of control and monitoring requirements are different, can set the "witness points" or "stop point." "Witness points" and "stop point" is the quality control point, because of their importance or impact of the consequences 。








原文就是指原作品,原件,即作者所写作品所用的语言。如莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》原文是英语。 译文就是翻译过来的文字,如在中国也可以找到莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的中文版本,这个中文版本就称为译文 。



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Introduction to Civil Engineering Papers Civil Engineering for the development of a key role, first as a material foundation for the civil engineering construction materials, followed by the subsequent development of the design theory and construction technology. Every time a new quality of building materials, civil engineering will be a leap-style development. People can only rely on the early earth, wood and other natural materials in the construction activities, and later appeared in brick and tile that artificial materials, so that the first human to break the shackles of natural building materials. China in the eleventh century BC in the early Western Zhou Dynasty created the tile. The first brick in the fifth century BC to the third century BC, when the tomb of the Warring States Period. Brick and tile better than the mechanical properties of soil, materials, and easy to manufacture. The brick and tile so that people began to appear widely, to a large number of housing construction and urban flood control project, and so on. This civil engineering technology has been rapid development. Up to 18 to the 19th century, as long as two thousand years, brick and tile has been a major civil engineering construction materials, human civilization has made a great contribution to the even was also widely used in the present. The application of a large number of steel products is the second leap in civil engineering. Seventeen 1970s the use of pig iron, the early nineteenth century, the use of wrought iron bridges and the construction of housing, which is a prelude to the emergence of steel. From the beginning of the mid-nineteenth century, metallurgical industry, smelting and rolling out high tensile and compressive strength, ductility, uniformity of the quality of construction steel and then produce high-strength steel wire, steel cables. As a result of the need to adapt to the development of the steel structure have been flourishing. In addition to the application of the original beam, arch structure, the new truss, a framework, the structure of network, cable structures to promote the gradual emergence of the structure of Yan in the form of flowers. From the brick building long-span structures, stone structures, a few meters of wood, steel structure to the development of tens of meters, a few hundred meters, until modern km above. So in the river, cross the bridge from shelves, on the ground since the construction of skyscrapers and high-rise tower, even in the laying of underground railway, to create an unprecedented miracle. In order to meet the needs of the development of steel works, on the basis of Newton's mechanics, material mechanics, structural mechanics, structural engineering design theory came into being, and so on. Construction machinery, construction technology and construction organization design theory also development, civil engineering from the experience of rising to become science, engineering practice and theoretical basis for both is a different place, which led to more rapid development of civil engineering. During the nineteenth century, 20, made of Portland cement, concrete has come out. Concrete can aggregate materials, easy-to-concrete structures forming, but the tensile strength of concrete is very small, limited use. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the surge in steel production, with the emergence of this new type of reinforced concrete composite construction materials, which bear the tension steel, concrete bear the pressure and play their own advantages. Since the beginning of the 20th century, reinforced concrete is widely used in various fields of civil engineering. From the beginning of the 1930s, there have been pre-stressed concrete. Pre-stressed concrete structure of the crack resistance, rigidity and carrying capacity, much higher than the reinforced concrete structure, which uses an even wider area. Civil Engineering into the reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete dominant historical period. Concrete buildings to bring about the emergence of new economic, aesthetic structure in the form of engineering, civil engineering so that a new construction technology and engineering design of the structure of the theory. This is another leap in the development of civil engineering. A project to build the facilities in general to go through the investigation, design and construction in three stages, require the use of geological prospecting projects, hydro-geological survey, engineering survey, soil mechanics, mechanical engineering, engineering design, building materials, construction equipment, engineering machinery, building the economy , And other disciplines and 。


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