

The term English literature refers to literature written in the English language, including literature composed in English by writers not necessarily from England; Joseph Conrad was Polish, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Dylan Thomas was Welsh, Edgar Allan Poe was American, Salman Rushdie is Indian, V.S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad, Vladimir Nabokov was Russian. In other words, English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of English spoken around the world. In academia, the term often labels departments and programmes practising English studies in secondary and tertiary educational systems. Despite the variety of authors of English literature, the works of William Shakespeare remain paramount throughout the English-speaking world.This article primarily deals with literature from Britain written in English. For literature from specific English-speaking regions, consult the see also section at the bottom of the page.Contents [hide]1 Old English2 Renaissance literature3 Early Modern period3.1 Elizabethan Era3.2 Jacobean literature3.3 Caroline and Cromwellian literature3.4 Restoration literature3.5 Augustan literature4 18th century5 Romanticism6 Victorian literature7 Modernism8 Post-modern literature9 Views of English literature10 See also11 External linksOld EnglishMain article: Anglo-Saxon literatureThe first works in English, written in Old English, appeared in the early Middle Ages (the oldest surviving text is Cædmon's Hymn). The oral tradition was very strong in early British culture and most literary works were written to be performed. Epic poems were thus very popular and many, including Beowulf, have survived to the present day in the rich corpus of Anglo-Saxon literature that closely resemble today's Norwegian or, better yet, Icelandic. Much Anglo-Saxon verse in the extant manuscripts is probably a "milder" adaptation of the earlier Viking and German war poems from the continent. When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it. Such rhyme is a feature of Germanic languages and is opposed to vocalic or end-rhyme of Romance languages. But the first written literature dates to the early Christian monasteries founded by St. Augustine of Canterbury and his disciples and it is reasonable to believe that it was somehow adapted to suit to needs of Christian readers. Even without their crudest lines, Viking war poems still smell of blood feuds and their consonant rhymes sound like the smashing of swords under the gloomy northern sky: there is always a sense of imminent danger in the narratives. Sooner or later, all things must come to an end, as Beowulf eventually dies at the hands of the monsters he spends the tale fighting. The feelings of Beowulf that nothing lasts, that youth and joy will turn to death and sorrow entered Christianity and were to dominate the future landscape of English fiction.Renaissance literatureMain article: English RenaissanceFollowing the introduction of a printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, vernacular literature flourished. The Reformation inspired the production of vernacular liturgy which led to the Book of Common Prayer, a lasting influence on literary English language. The poetry, drama, and prose produced under both Queen Elizabeth I and King James I constitute what is today labelled as Early modern (or Renaissance).Early Modern periodFurther information: Early Modern English and Early Modern BritainElizabethan EraMain article: Elizabethan literatureThe Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field of drama. The Italian Renaissance had rediscovered the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, and this was instrumental in the development of the new drama, which was then beginning to evolve apart from the old mystery and miracle plays of the Middle Ages. The Italians were particularly inspired by Seneca (a major tragic playwright and philosopher, the tutor of Nero) and Plautus (its comic clichés, especially that of the boasting soldier had a powerful influence on the Renaissance and after). However, the Italian tragedies embraced a principle contrary to Seneca's ethics: showing blood and violence on the stage. In Seneca's plays such scenes were only acted by the characters. But the English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model: a conspicuous community of Italia。


The term English literature refers to literature written in the English language, including literature composed in English by writers not necessarily from England; Joseph Conrad was Polish, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Dylan Thomas was Welsh, Edgar Allan Poe was American, Salman Rushdie is Indian, V.S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad, Vladimir Nabokov was Russian. In other words, English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of English spoken around the world. In academia, the term often labels departments and programmes practising English studies in secondary and tertiary educational systems. Despite the variety of authors of English literature, the works of William Shakespeare remain paramount throughout the English-speaking world.This article primarily deals with literature from Britain written in English. For literature from specific English-speaking regions, consult the see also section at the bottom of the page.Contents [hide]1 Old English2 Renaissance literature3 Early Modern period3.1 Elizabethan Era3.2 Jacobean literature3.3 Caroline and Cromwellian literature3.4 Restoration literature3.5 Augustan literature4 18th century5 Romanticism6 Victorian literature7 Modernism8 Post-modern literature9 Views of English literature10 See also11 External links Old English Main article: Anglo-Saxon literature The first works in English, written in Old English, appeared in the early Middle Ages (the oldest surviving text is Cædmon's Hymn). The oral tradition was very strong in early British culture and most literary works were written to be performed. Epic poems were thus very popular and many, including Beowulf, have survived to the present day in the rich corpus of Anglo-Saxon literature that closely resemble today's Norwegian or, better yet, Icelandic. Much Anglo-Saxon verse in the extant manuscripts is probably a "milder" adaptation of the earlier Viking and German war poems from the continent. When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it. Such rhyme is a feature of Germanic languages and is opposed to vocalic or end-rhyme of Romance languages. But the first written literature dates to the early Christian monasteries founded by St. Augustine of Canterbury and his disciples and it is reasonable to believe that it was somehow adapted to suit to needs of Christian readers. Even without their crudest lines, Viking war poems still smell of blood feuds and their consonant rhymes sound like the smashing of swords under the gloomy northern sky: there is always a sense of imminent danger in the narratives. Sooner or later, all things must come to an end, as Beowulf eventually dies at the hands of the monsters he spends the tale fighting. The feelings of Beowulf that nothing lasts, that youth and joy will turn to death and sorrow entered Christianity and were to dominate the future landscape of English fiction.Renaissance literature Main article: English Renaissance Following the introduction of a printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, vernacular literature flourished. The Reformation inspired the production of vernacular liturgy which led to the Book of Common Prayer, a lasting influence on literary English language. The poetry, drama, and prose produced under both Queen Elizabeth I and King James I constitute what is today labelled as Early modern (or Renaissance).Early Modern period Further information: Early Modern English and Early Modern Britain Elizabethan Era Main article: Elizabethan literature The Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field of drama. The Italian Renaissance had rediscovered the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, and this was instrumental in the development of the new drama, which was then beginning to evolve apart from the old mystery and miracle plays of the Middle Ages. The Italians were particularly inspired by Seneca (a major tragic playwright and philosopher, the tutor of Nero) and Plautus (its comic clichés, especially that of the boasting soldier had a powerful influence on the Renaissance and after). However, the Italian tragedies embraced a principle contrary to Seneca's ethics: showing blood and violence on the stage. In Seneca's plays such scenes were only acted by the characters. But the English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model: a conspicuous 。


The term English literature refers to literature written in the English language, including literature composed in English by writers not necessarily from England; Joseph Conrad was Polish, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Dylan Thomas was Welsh, Edgar Allan Poe was American, Salman Rushdie is Indian, V.S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad, Vladimir Nabokov was Russian. In other words, English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of English spoken around the world. In academia, the term often labels departments and programmes practising English studies in secondary and tertiary educational systems. Despite the variety of authors of English literature, the works of William Shakespeare remain paramount throughout the English-speaking world.This article primarily deals with literature from Britain written in English. For literature from specific English-speaking regions, consult the see also section at the bottom of the page.Contents [hide]1 Old English 2 Renaissance literature 3 Early Modern period 3.1 Elizabethan Era 3.2 Jacobean literature 3.3 Caroline and Cromwellian literature 3.4 Restoration literature 3.5 Augustan literature 4 18th century 5 Romanticism 6 Victorian literature 7 Modernism 8 Post-modern literature 9 Views of English literature 10 See also 11 External links Old EnglishMain article: Anglo-Saxon literatureThe first works in English, written in Old English, appeared in the early Middle Ages (the oldest surviving text is Cædmon's Hymn). The oral tradition was very strong in early British culture and most literary works were written to be performed. Epic poems were thus very popular and many, including Beowulf, have survived to the present day in the rich corpus of Anglo-Saxon literature that closely resemble today's Norwegian or, better yet, Icelandic. Much Anglo-Saxon verse in the extant manuscripts is probably a "milder" adaptation of the earlier Viking and German war poems from the continent. When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it. Such rhyme is a feature of Germanic languages and is opposed to vocalic or end-rhyme of Romance languages. But the first written literature dates to the early Christian monasteries founded by St. Augustine of Canterbury and his disciples and it is reasonable to believe that it was somehow adapted to suit to needs of Christian readers. Even without their crudest lines, Viking war poems still smell of blood feuds and their consonant rhymes sound like the smashing of swords under the gloomy northern sky: there is always a sense of imminent danger in the narratives. Sooner or later, all things must come to an end, as Beowulf eventually dies at the hands of the monsters he spends the tale fighting. The feelings of Beowulf that nothing lasts, that youth and joy will turn to death and sorrow entered Christianity and were to dominate the future landscape of English fiction.Renaissance literatureMain article: English RenaissanceFollowing the introduction of a printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, vernacular literature flourished. The Reformation inspired the production of vernacular liturgy which led to the Book of Common Prayer, a lasting influence on literary English language. The poetry, drama, and prose produced under both Queen Elizabeth I and King James I constitute what is today labelled as Early modern (or Renaissance).Early Modern periodFurther information: Early Modern English and Early Modern Britain Elizabethan EraMain article: Elizabethan literatureThe Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field of drama. The Italian Renaissance had rediscovered the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, and this was instrumental in the development of the new drama, which was then beginning to evolve apart from the old mystery and miracle plays of the Middle Ages. The Italians were particularly inspired by Seneca (a major tragic playwright and philosopher, the tutor of Nero) and Plautus (its comic clichés, especially that of the boasting soldier had a powerful influence on the Renaissance and after). However, the Italian tragedies embraced a principle contrary to Seneca's ethics: showing blood and violence on the stage. In Seneca's plays such scenes were only acted by the characters. But the English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model: a conspicuous 。


The term English literature refers to literature written in the English language, including literature composed in English by writers not necessarily from England; Joseph Conrad was Polish, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Dylan Thomas was Welsh, Edgar Allan Poe was American, Salman Rushdie is Indian, V。

S。 Naipaul was born in Trinidad, Vladimir Nabokov was Russian。

In other words, English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of English spoken around the world。 In academia, the term often labels departments and programmes practising English studies in secondary and tertiary educational systems。

Despite the variety of authors of English literature, the works of William Shakespeare remain paramount throughout the English-speaking world。 This article primarily deals with literature from Britain written in English。

For literature from specific English-speaking regions, consult the see also section at the bottom of the page。 Contents [hide] 1 Old English 2 Renaissance literature 3 Early Modern period 3。

1 Elizabethan Era 3。2 Jacobean literature 3。

3 Caroline and Cromwellian literature 3。4 Restoration literature 3。

5 Augustan literature 4 18th century 5 Romanticism 6 Victorian literature 7 Modernism 8 Post-modern literature 9 Views of English literature 10 See also 11 External links Old English Main article: Anglo-Saxon literature The first works in English, written in Old English, appeared in the early Middle Ages (the oldest surviving text is Cædmon's Hymn)。 The oral tradition was very strong in early British culture and most literary works were written to be performed。

Epic poems were thus very popular and many, including Beowulf, have survived to the present day in the rich corpus of Anglo-Saxon literature that closely resemble today's Norwegian or, better yet, Icelandic。 Much Anglo-Saxon verse in the extant manuscripts is probably a "milder" adaptation of the earlier Viking and German war poems from the continent。

When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it。 Such rhyme is a feature of Germanic languages and is opposed to vocalic or end-rhyme of Romance languages。

But the first written literature dates to the early Christian monasteries founded by St。 Augustine of Canterbury and his disciples and it is reasonable to believe that it was somehow adapted to suit to needs of Christian readers。

Even without their crudest lines, Viking war poems still smell of blood feuds and their consonant rhymes sound like the smashing of swords under the gloomy northern sky: there is always a sense of imminent danger in the narratives。 Sooner or later, all things must come to an end, as Beowulf eventually dies at the hands of the monsters he spends the tale fighting。

The feelings of Beowulf that nothing lasts, that youth and joy will turn to death and sorrow entered Christianity and were to dominate the future landscape of English fiction。 Renaissance literature Main article: English Renaissance Following the introduction of a printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, vernacular literature flourished。

The Reformation inspired the production of vernacular liturgy which led to the Book of Common Prayer, a lasting influence on literary English language。 The poetry, drama, and prose produced under both Queen Elizabeth I and King James I constitute what is today labelled as Early modern (or Renaissance)。

Early Modern period Further information: Early Modern English and Early Modern Britain Elizabethan Era Main article: Elizabethan literature The Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field of drama。 The Italian Renaissance had rediscovered the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, and this was instrumental in the development of the new drama, which was then beginning to evolve apart from the old mystery and miracle plays of the Middle Ages。

The Italians were particularly inspired by Seneca (a major tragic playwright and philosopher, the tutor of Nero) and Plautus (its comic clichés, especially that of the boasting soldier had a powerful influence on the Renaissance and after)。 However, the Italian tragedies embraced a principle contrary to Seneca's ethics: showing blood and violence on the stage。

In Seneca's plays such scenes were only acted by the characters。 But the English 。


从文学空间的角度试析《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的个性 摘 要:世界名著《呼啸山庄》这部小说历来得到文学研究者与爱好者的充分关注批评,一百多年来掀起阵阵研究热潮,颇受关注,本文章从不同的批评视野,采用不同的批评方式,解析这一经典名著,本文试从文学空间的视角来解读女主人公凯瑟琳独特的复杂个性。

关键词:《呼啸山庄》;文学空间;女主人公;个性。 A Brief Analysis of the Hero Catherine in Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Space in Literary Meaning CHENG Ming-xia Abstract: The world famous novel Wuthering Heights has received enough attention and review from the researchers and lovers of literature。

It has unfolded a vigorous campaign for making researches on it from time to time during more than one hundred years。 Various articles analyzed this classic novel from different visions and ways。

This paper tries to dig out the positive and negative aspects of Catherine's character。 Key words: Wuthering Heights; space of literary meaning; heroin; character。

1《呼啸山庄》是艾米莉•勃朗特独具创造性的小说,其气势磅礴、充满激情,出版后一直被人认为是英国文学史上一部“ 最奇特的小说”,是一部神秘莫测的怪书,原因在于它一反同时代作品普遍存在的伤感主义情调, 而以强烈的爱、狂暴的恨及由之而起的无情的报复, 取代了低沉的伤感和忧郁,具有震撼人心的艺术力量,毫无愧色地奠定了她在英国及世界文坛上的重要地位。 2戴维•塞西尔说:“在维多利亚时代的小说中,《呼啸山庄》是唯一一部没有(即使是部分地)被时间的尘土遮没光辉的。”

自发表以来,评论界从未停止过对这部作品的关注。 历代批评家对《呼啸山庄》有着不同的批评视野,并采用不同的批评方式(如传记式、心理分析式、女性主义分析及神话原型批评式等)进行了分析,每一种批评方式都有其解读方式。






3小说中的主要人物希斯克利夫 (Heathcliff) 这个名字由Heath 和Cliff 两部分组成,Heath 意为荒地, 尤指石楠荒地;Cliff 指的是悬崖峭壁。 Heathcliff 这个名字就体现并加强了希斯克利夫这个人物桀骜不驯、狂野暴烈的性格。

呼啸山庄(Wuthering Heights) 和画眉田庄(Thrushcross Grange) 这两个名字,一则生动地呈现了希斯克利夫、林敦等居住的截然不同的自然环境,二则体现了生活在这两个地方的人物完全不同的人物性格。 因此,这些富有空间感的名字大大地加强了对人物的刻画。

4 艾米莉通过对呼啸山庄和画眉山庄这两个主人公感情纠葛的主要文学空间的对比描写, 刻画了两类个性相反的人物——暴风雨式的和风平浪静的。 呼啸山庄位于荒野高地之上, 常年经受风吹雨打,呼啸是当地的方言, 即风啸雨吼, 它是原始、自然、野性、狂暴的生存空间,代表着暴风雨似的陈明霞:从文学空间角度试析《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳的个性生活,而主人公个性狂野、又如烈火般富有激情、桀骜不驯,喜怒哀乐溢于言表。

与此相对应的画眉山庄座落于鸟语花香的山谷, 这样平静、文明、理性的生存空间给主人以豪华、舒适、高贵、典雅的生活, 那儿的人们柔弱温顺、举止文雅,敏感被动,较为自制和理智。处于两个世界的卡瑟琳就象是月光交织闪电、冰霜糅合火焰, 其内心的巨大冲突和矛盾借助于这一外在自然力空间的叙写得以现。

5小说中女主人公凯瑟琳是一个复杂, 难以捉磨的人物,“ 宛如来自其它星球”她不仅自始至终联系着希思克利夫这一复仇的灵魂,而且是全书的关键所在。 6 孩童时的凯瑟琳在呼啸山庄这个原始封闭的世界里生活, 我们看到的, 是她身上与大自然浑然一体的原始天性,单纯、善良、野性、顽劣是她性格中最本质最原始的一面:“ 再说,我相信她的心眼儿到底是不坏的;她一旦把你当真弄得哭出来,她很少不陪你一起哭闹的,让你不得不制住了哭反而去安慰她。

” [1]当希思克利夫被欣德利关起来后, 凯瑟琳食不下咽, “ 脸蛋涨得通红, 泪水从上面滚滚而下”。凯瑟琳除了单纯善良、天真无邪外,浑身上下还洋溢着与山庄一样的野性与顽劣:呼。


"A Dream of Red Mansions" Du Hougan 2005-2-27 字数:1516 Author: Heart of the Ark Source: unknown entry: Anonymous date: 2005-2-27 Volume: 1516 Throughout human history of the evolution of intelligence Love, can be roughly divided into emotional history of prehistoric, ancient and modern history of emotional feelings history of three stages. If the literary history of human emotion is a reflection of the history of reproduction, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of the times in a position to more clearly. Like an arch bridge, just across her feelings in ancient history and the end of the beginning of modern history on emotion. In view of this, "A Dream of Red Mansions," a book of our time and the distance is more clear-cut. The classical works show a comprehensive picture so vivid in the past to preserve the impact of the times, so that we can from grade to the ancient and modern people in the area of great emotion and subtle similarities and differences. We Beixijiaojia to see that the history of human emotion and history as a rational move forward in the evolution, despite the evolution of the track is so heavy and slow, step by step, fought, including the cost of blood and life, Zhuanyan Jian burn, Ben things. Modern people still feel strongly from the destroyed in the Li Yumei, and we have to admit that such feelings of sympathy mixed with water Mochizuki Chiang Kai-shek, the Pioneer Press Baccalaureates told the alienation and divide. More than half of this era when men would choose Spouse Choosing Xue Baochai, as the madness Qingchi Yihong son, the loss of his illustrious door first, he more than half of women in the eyes of it is worthless. Modern tears certainly less and less, less than in the past at least one of the Yellow River water. This means that emotions do not know the barren drought or mental well-being of pleasure. People become emotionally intelligent volatile and more ignorance cunning. They are often insincerely, emotional and rational from the inconsistent state of mind is not ideal but obey the call of ideals. They have Qiqingliuyu, but often runs counter to sentiment. If the classical era of personal feelings of love from family and social tragedy, several non-adjustable, but is, after all, in a forward. Works within its power to complete the mission entrusted to the times, for the emotional history of classical zoned under a colorful close.。


2006 年1 月 Jan. 2006 天津外国语学院学报 Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University 第13 卷第1 期 Vol . 13 No. 1 收稿日期:2005 - 08 - 29 作者简介:梁晓晖(1970 - ) ,女,副教授,研究方向:西方文论、英语文体学 从女主人公的性格矛盾 看《傲慢与偏见》的自我解构 梁晓晖 (国际关系学院英文系,北京100091) 摘 要: 《傲慢与偏见》历来被认为是作者为讴歌女性追求幸福婚姻的不懈努力而作。

而从分析 女主人公在小说关键情节中的矛盾性格,可以透析作者真正的初衷其实与历来的解读恰恰相反, 她原是为更淋漓地揭露女子在当时的条件下难以得到理想婚姻这一社会现实,于是作家实际要 表达的思想对作品表面上展现的意义形成了解构。 关键词: 《傲慢与偏见》;性格矛盾;解构 Abstract : Pride and Prejudice has traditionally been interpreted as a work praising those women who fought for a happy marriage. However ,when observed from the conflicting character of the heroine Elizabeth , the work is found to contain a contrary underlying message ,which deconstructs the obvious significance of the novel . In fact , the author intends to expose a reality that a woman at the end of the 18th century can find no freedom at all to challenge the social convention. Key words : Pride and Prejudice ;charater conflict ; deconstruction 中图分类号: I106. 4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008 - 665x(2006) 01 - 0049 - 06 一、对《傲慢与偏见》的传统认识 《傲慢与偏见》自诞生不久就成为家喻户晓 的作品,并吸引了历代评论家的关注。

很多对 这部作品的评注与关于莎翁、狄更斯、勃朗特姐 妹的文评在数量上同时名列榜首。在众多对这 部小说的述评中,关注的焦点大多集中在作品 女主人公伊丽莎白( Elizabeth Bennet) 的性格展 开上,以及她在婚姻中对金钱与爱情的抉择而 体现的作品意义上;对人物的观察也从小说的 小环境指向当时社会的大背景: 18 世纪末19 世纪初的英国,妇女在经济上从而也在社会与 家庭地位上附属于男性(Brown ,1985 :1 - 26) , 这一点在财产传男不传女的制度上可见一斑。

小说中伊丽莎白的父亲因无男性子嗣,如果过 世之后,家庭财产将划归其侄子所有,而妻子及 亲生女儿则无权问津。对于像伊丽莎白这样中 产阶级出身但财产微薄的知识女性,要想获得 一种体面的生活和地位,唯一的途径就是嫁给 一个好男人。

与此相矛盾的是,社会等级制度 森严,婚姻讲究门当户对,于是这些中产阶级的 姑娘们也只能在中产阶级内部依照个人条件优 劣尽量择优录取配偶了。总之,婚姻是人们寻 求经济保障及社会地位的途径。

伊丽莎白的堂 兄柯林斯(Collins Bennet) 深知这一点,所以经济 殷实但庸俗不堪的他在向才貌出众的伊丽莎白 求婚时,认为自己这是便宜了伊丽莎白;伊丽莎 白的好友夏绿蒂(Charlotte Lucus) 也深知这一 点,所以在柯林斯向好友伊丽莎白求婚未果转 而隔天就向自己求婚时她也欣然应允。达西 (Darcy) 、宾礼小姐(Miss Bingley) 都深知这一点, 这两个上流社会的宠儿曾极力想要拆散伊丽莎 白的姐姐珍妮与宾礼先生的结合———珍妮个人 9 4 无论有多么优秀,她的中产阶级身份是难以弥 补的。

只有伊丽莎白鄙视这一点,在历来评注者 的心目中她崇尚以爱情为基础的婚姻,反对以 经济条件或社会地位作为择偶标准(Jones , 1987 : 28) 。所以她首先不顾母亲的极力反对 拒绝了能给自己带来殷实生活的柯林斯的求 婚;之后又因误解拒绝了能给自己带来奢华生 活及显赫地位的达西的第一次求婚,尽管后者 正在努力逾越等级差别的藩篱。

在她周围人包 括在她自己眼中,她都是出类拔萃、与众不同 的。她父亲评价说,自己的女儿们“没有哪一个 值得夸奖的⋯⋯她们跟人家的姑娘一样,又傻, 又无知;倒是丽萃(伊丽莎白昵称) 要比她的几 个姐妹伶俐些”(Austen ,1991 :3) 。

在与达西尽 释前嫌后, 当伊丽莎白问及达西喜欢上自己的 原因时,达西说是她的“脑子灵活”吸引了自己, 伊丽莎白自己更补充说“你对于殷勤多礼的客 套已经感到腻烦。天下有种女人,她们无论是 说话、思想、表情,都只是为了博得你称赞一声, 你对这种女人已经觉得讨厌。

我所以会引起你 的注意,打动了你的心, 就因为我不像她们” (Austen ,1991 :338) 。奥斯汀(Jane Austen) 笔下 的这位女子,在批评家眼里是追求自由与平等 的楷模,她“从不允许让他人左右自己的意志, 也从不屈从于传统上妇女的从属地位(does not permit her'will'to be dictated to by another ,and she will never admit the submissive role traditionally as2 cribed to women. . . ) ”(Hardy ,1984 :47) 。

在读者 心目中她是漂亮、聪慧、勇敢的化身,她不慕金 钱,不依权贵,在200 多年前就敢于冲破世俗的 偏见追求并得到了自己理想中的幸福。 那么,这种美满的结局在当时的英国社会 真的能够出现吗? 一个乡村女性真的能够冲破 等级差别的束缚吗? 在随后半个多世纪里的作 家们的笔下,妇女地位都远没有提升到能够这 样随心所欲的地步。

《名利场》( Vanity Fair。


你好: 狄更斯的文章现实性太强,我觉得以大多数人的文化背景和经历来说,是不容易理解的。

讲到英国文学的话,还是Jane Austen的文章最好写吧。主题贴近生活,从各个方面都能切入。






还有华兹华斯的诗歌也写的很多,很好参考。 网站多了去了,光CNKI就看死你了,我常用的还有GALE文学资源数据库,不过是全英的外文数据库。


还有一些比如中外文学讲坛之类的博客,可以关注一下,主要大概作品确定以后要找一些新的理论来支撑,这样才能把论文写好。 书的话南京大学出版社《欧美文学研究导引》不错,里面的思考题都是很好的论文选题,还有《文学理论名词解释》,相关的批评论文也看一些,注意要找权威期刊的做引用。

----------------------------------------------------------------- 五星级回答,一定要采纳哦,不要辜负我的辛苦劳动! 【来自英语牛人团】 —————————————————————— 最详细的文学解答,最专业的阅读指导 【来自世界文学知道点团队】 (因为你这个问题涉及到英美还有文学,我就把我带的两个团队都写上了,熬夜帮你打的哦,这个必须采纳啊~~有其他问题以后直接点击我名字提问就可以,两个答案都是我帮你回答的,放心采纳。我是【阿美莉猫】)。


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