

The Differences of Education between China and U.S Based on checking the extensive literature and summing up the evidence, it is clear that study about differences of higher education between China and US has carried out a lot which mainly explaines the differences from different aspects of higher edcation between China and the United States. Such aspects mainly includes the social environment and cultural tradition, higher education system and reform measures. In the Integration of these differences, advantages and evils of both educational systems have been evaluated respectively, and corresponding improvement measures were also put forwords. By summary, the detailed conclusions are listed as follows:US is a open society. The society's openness urges the American college to abandon old educational thoughts which European traditional universities stick to, adopt the open policy to absorb all advatanges from other countries and establishe a diverse and open education control system which emphasizes on the actual effect. US is the biggest imigrant country which has very strong containing nature in the culture. American economy ephiseizes on the practical value, matter rewards as well as individual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc[2].Us's higher education was considered as the best education in the world. Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores. What causes for such a view? Because the Chinese students study more, actually pay little attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application. Therefore, it is very important for Chinese higher education to cultivate the idea of unifying the study and prctice.US's education pays more attention to raise student's self-confidence,independence,spirit of supporting oneself, but China's education emphases on training the students to be strict,rigorous spiritual.Obviously, Chinese education may fruitfully develop and ultilize the function of cerebrum, but US's higher education could expand the function of cerebrum by ultilizing and synthesizing the information outside. Each national higher education as economic system's reflection serves for the economy; US education aims to adapt for society demand, they explicitly stipulate three big functions including education's service for the economic development, scientific research and teaching. The manifest of service in the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need, set up special curriculum and specialty which the society needs; In China's universities, during quite long period of time, the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and couldnot follow social demand. In order to adapt the society, the American universities has established many specialties and curriculum of choice for students; The students choose or transformate specialties and schools according to own interest and hobby. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education; In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, and transformation of school is more difficult. When American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American students donot need the mechanical memorizing, but display creative thought as far as possible; This can cultivate student's study interest, raise the ability of doing it byself and make the study be one kind of creative action.Many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in the Chinese universities, thus take a test which needs mechanical memorizing. Due to the development of science and technology, connections between higher education and national politics, economy, science,culture, military relation is day by day closer. The higher education is vigorous and upward, and it not only simply performances for the growth of quantity, but especially has had the huge change in the nature[1]. The advanced level of higher education has become a thesymbol of national strength. We should clarify the difference of higher education between China and 。


Differences between Chinese and Western Education System Most Chinese parents like to ask, “How old should be the best age for children to study overseas?” “Is the foundational education as good as China in other countries?” As the matter of fact, the argument about advantages and disadvantages between Chinese Education and Western Education is keeping on all the time. This question is also one major concern among those students who are considering going abroad. In order to find out the most suitable way for each individual, we shall gather more information and compare both matters in China and foreign countries.The basic issue of education is what kind of people we want to cultivate to be, and how to cultivate them. The concept of value, purpose of education and method of education between Chinese Education System and Western Education System are differentiated in many academic fields. Let's have a look at this with 2 cases:Darin Yokel is an art teacher from one primary school in Cincinnati, America; she is also a current student of Miami University. To be as one of the exchange teacher with Chinese, she came to Kunming, Yunan to have an academic interchange. Her objective is split into 3 parts, teaching Chinese students, communicating with Chinese teachers and independent training.In Kunming, Darin found out that the painting skills of Chinese students are very good. One day, she gave out one topic which is called “happy festival” to her students, but all the students were drawing the same Christmas tree. At first she thought that Chinese students are friendly so when they met a western teacher, they drew the Christmas tree for her. But later she found that every Christmas tree those children drown are with the same batten. She looked closer, discovered that all the students were looking toward the same direction where one of the classroom wall. Then she realized that there was one Christmas tree painting on the wall which prepared by the school as the purpose of creating a suitable painting atmosphere for students. Darin covered the painting on the wall and asked the students to create their own picture, to her surprise; she was so disappointed that once she covered the wall painting, the students could not draw a “happy festival”. Some students were scratching the head, some biting the pencil, some staring at each other, but no one knew how to start their work. With the intention of solving the embarrassment, Darin has to open the cover of wall painting.There is another case far in America: one professor mentioned in his article that his son did research when he was in primary school form two. One day he came back from school and asked father to go to library, he said he is doing one research on whales so need to go and find information. The professor took his son to two libraries and borrowed more than ten books about whale. The little boy had finished his first research in his whole life on the topic of whale. It contained 3 pages and one cover with a picture of whale and sea. There were 4 tittles inside the report: introduction, what do whales eat, how whales eat and the features of whales.The professor said that this is the shortest and simplest research he has ever seen in his life; however this is the most interesting research he has ever read as well. The main concern here is not how much knowledge of whale the boy has learnt, but the process of doing the research. He concentrated so hard to gather information, read articles, identify points, write essay and so on. He was doing individually and independently all through the procedure. He totally used his brain to carry out every step, thus he has achieved much more knowledge and skills beside only whales.And this kind of research practice is continuous improving, when he was in Form Two, his research is only collecting other people's information. But when he reached。


一、引言 文化,这两种孕育自不同半球的文化,由于历史、地理环境、生产制度等方面的原因,有着极大的差异,截然不同的特色。

这两种文化差异,一直备受关注。随着全球化的到来,全世界各民族间商业交流往来的日益频繁,了解中西方文化价值差异可以更好促进民族间经济、文化交流与沟通,从而避免所引起的不必要的误会和麻烦,导致的文化休克(culture shock)或交际失败(communication failure)。


英国著名学者培根曾说过:“The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.”(一个民族的天才、智慧和精神,都可以在其谚语中发现。)本文将从汉英谚语入手谈谈中西文化在地理环境、宗教信仰、历史、文学传统、民族性格、思想观念等方面的差异。

二、地理环境 文化是在一定的自然环境里生发出来的。人们所生存的不同环境势必影响人 们的生活、生产方式,影响人们对客观外界的观察与思考。


这些谚语必然反映出自然环境的不同特征,带有鲜明的地域文化和生态文化的色彩。 英国是个岛国,四面环海,海岸线曲折多变,港湾楔入,岛屿众多。


如: There's as good fish in the sea as ever come out of it.有了大海,还怕没鱼。 No fishing like fishing in the sea.捕鱼要到大海。

Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.船离舵,要闯祸。 A dog in the morning,sailors take warning; a dog in the night is the sailors' delight.朝虹出天际,水手心事重,夜间见彩虹,水手乐哈哈。

He goes a great voyage that goes to bottom of the sea.到达海底的人,才算做了一次远航。 特殊的地理环境形成了特有的岛国气候。

英国气候潮湿,天气变化大,岛上晴天少,雨天多,且多阵雨,因此,英国人出门常带把雨伞。由于英国天气变化无常的缘故,英国人非常关心天气,也喜欢谈论天气,并因此而产生了许多关于天气的谚语[1](P85): April weather, rain and shine both together.一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。

An English summer, three(or two)hot days and a thunderstorm.英国的一个夏季,三(两)个热天一阵大雷雨。 A misty morning may have a fine day.早晨有雾露,可能是晴天。

When the wind's in the west, the weather's at the best.风从西方起,天气最佳丽。 而处于另一个半球的中国则有着不同的地理自然风貌,中华文明发源于长江黄河流域,中国自古是典型的农耕社会,人们过着自给自足的农耕生活,农业是国民经济的重要支柱,农业在历代政府中都受到极大的重视。

因此产生了许多与农业相关的谚语。 如:庄稼百样巧,地是无价宝。

人勤地不懒,勤奋谷仓满。 田里无神无鬼,全靠肥料土水。

庄稼老汉不知闲,放下锄头拿扁担。 农夫不种田,城里断炊烟。

田像一块铁,在于人来打。[2](P240-241) 我国的天气谚语,从量上、质上,以及悠久的历史传统上,值得称道。

如“灶烟往下埋,不久雨就来”、“春天孩儿脸,一日变三变”、“太阳颜色黄,明日大风狂”、“久晴大雾必阴,久雨大雾必晴”、“夜里星光明,明朝仍旧晴”等等。[1](P85) 三、特定历史 每个民族都以不同的方式在人类历史的画卷中写着自己特定的历史。


Shoe-maker's wife goes bare feet.这句谚语正是出自于十六世纪资本主义新兴时期,小资本家拼命发家致富,属于手工业者的鞋匠们为积攒钱财,竟然连给妻子买鞋穿的钱都不舍得花。十七世纪起英国在东印度扩张,十八世纪中叶建立殖民统治。

He came safe from the East –India, and was drowned in the Thames.他从东印度安然归来,却淹死于泰晤士河。[3](P79)英国历史上曾遭到多次其他国家的入侵。


1066年法国诺曼底登陆后,英国为法国所征服。 法语很长时期成为英国的官方语言,贵族、朝臣、地主和上流社会都使用法语,如当时的英国国王爱德华是完全不会说英语的国王,因此有英谚云:Jack would be a gentleman if he could speak French.要是杰克能讲法语,那他就是个绅士了。

而三种语言交配混合到英语中,充实了英语语言,也带来了许多拉丁语、法语谚语。[1](P84) Anger is a short madness .愤怒是短暂的疯狂。

(拉丁语) Art is long, life is short. 艺术是无限,生命是有限的。(拉丁语。



他们的家庭教育是以培养孩子富有开拓精神、能够成为一个自食其力的人为出发点的。 基于这种观念,西方国家的很多家庭都十分重视孩子从小的自身锻炼。








culture differences between English and Chinese

Everything is relative, cultural difference being no exception. Culture, as the total pattern of human behavior and its products, oversteps geographical limits and historical conditions in many ways, and it is characterized by its strong penetrativeness and fusibility. The advancement of the globalized economy and the rapidity and ease of modern communication, transportation, and mass media have resulted in an ever increasing exchange between cultures, unprecedented in scale, scope, and speed. Consequently, an increase in universality and a reduction in difference between cultures is an inevitable trend. It is no surprise to see phenomena characteristic of one culture existing in another. As a result, some people even fear that the world will become a dull place when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike. Nevertheless, the “cultural sediment” formed through long-range accumulation is not to be easily removed, and the cultural tradition handed down from generation to generation shows great consistency and continuity. The cultures of different regions and nations still have their own distinctive peculiarities, and therefore significance still needs to be attached to the study of the individualities of different cultures against the background of their universality.


In Chinese, "summer sorching summer," and "hot", with intense heat in summer. While in Shakespeare's sonnets in a poem have such a plan, I thee a bother /?" Thou art more lovely/domain and temperate (can I get you? / compared with summer than you, and as more lovely summer).

The poet's compared to the summer, lovely and sweet-scented birk shades. "Summer" to the Chinese and British association was so different. Reason lies in geographic location, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to a continental climate, the four seasons, the most obvious feature of the summer is hot scorching, tough. Britain is located in north temperate climate, beautiful, summer, pleasant. And, of course, many examples of this aspect, for example, in the "dongfeng" make people think of warm sunny side, is called a person gutty icy flavor. While western opposite. Two reasons, in different geographic location, feel different.

Second, productive labor

English and aquaculture, ship relevant words very much, such as fish air (climb a tree to look for fish), an odd fish (the boat), to weirdo (miss), etc. This kind of words in Chinese is much less. Reason lies in the water, the aquatic product around the UK economy in the fishing industry and navigation in life, so many occupies an important position in such words. While in China only coastal areas and fishing nets are fishermen, these words are relatively few.

To express "physical" luck with negative verbs in Chinese language has many, such as ", the Netherlands, pick up, back, and clothing, negative, and take "etc, every word has certain negative of things with (e.g., soil, water, box), is very close. In English, but only to a nearby the tuyuhun. The Chinese will this verb fine distinction, probably because in the long run China agricultural society, especially because of the many physical labor.

7.关于美国教育的论文 要英文的 谢谢

United States educational advantagesExcellent higher education environmentIn the best universities in the world, 70~80% is a United States University. This figure has fully reflected the United States the leading position in the field of education. United States University is an elite gathering place, be open-minded community and social development engine and catalyst for economic development. United States rely on the most advantageous environment for higher education in the world, attracting talent from around the world to the United States to study and work. Microsoft, Apple and other United States in high-tech enterprises, talents from different countries, most of these elite abroad are excellent educational environment to attract the United States to their United States technological and industrial development to provide a solid talent base.Contribution of private universitiesUnited States higher education thanks to the success of United States private university system's flexibility and efficiency. United States private universities increase private donations Fund support, and has a guiding principle for running a school independently and features of their own. In such institutions, leadership teams are usually made up of experienced educators, have excellent ideas and flexible decision-making mechanism. All that would allow private universities to become United States form the core of higher education.Excellent teaching conditionsUnited States most colleges and universities have excellent teaching conditions, brings together numerous outstanding masters. This is largely because, United States the importance attached to education is very high, a professor in the United States is a dream job, income and social status are very high. At the same time, United States educational institutions also impose rigorous teacher evaluation system, objective appraisal of teachers ' qualification by peers. At United States colleges and universities, gain a tenured professorship is a very difficult thing, must be strictly of a peer-review. In addition, the United States colleges and universities stress on education and basic research in the management focus, not to encourage entrepreneurship, business, affecting the quality of teaching.Flexible teaching methodsUnited States teaching methods are also very flexible and straightforward communication of teachers and students to exchange ideas, to learn. Whether it is primary, secondary or University, United States teachers should not in General and a lot of knowledge in the area of student, experiments, case studies, discussions, interactive communication, such as a wide variety of ways to enhance students ' enthusiasm for learning.In the United States, teachers encourage students to pursue interest rather than Chase "hot". In the United States, teachers also attaches great importance to cultivating students ' ability of independent thinking, encouraging students to study suggest their own ideas and proposals. This differential treatment in education, encourage innovative education concept better embodies the United States education advancement.United States educational shortcomings:1. difficulty due to cuts in education funding and curriculum is too high, make United States college students ' graduation rate continues to decrease. United States National Center for public policy and higher education research survey shows that cannot complete their education are United States higher education of Achilles2. Tuition fees are high: for the majority of United States households, university tuition fees are increasingly difficult to afford. : "Fees are rising faster than family income growth exceeds the rate of inflation, even more than the growth rate of health care spending。


Due to historical, institutional, religion, customs, different ideas, in the West in the area of education there are many differences, these differences affect a country, a region of socio-economic development. Determinants of socio-economic development is a human, human resources and social development is the most important resource, and education is the nurture and develop the major means of human resources. In today's world competition is the final analysis, talent competition. Training and education needs, education, the success or failure of the country's future and destiny. Study differences between Chinese and foreign education and the performance of our country through science and education to implement strategies to achieve the modernization of education and promoting the socio-economic development has an important significance. A China is the hometown of the examination, but also the birthplace of the examination system. In ancient China, represented by a system of imperial examinations in the examination system of selecting and using energy, Hing Education and so have only played a positive role. Some scholars have its reputation in the world's only true for the selection of the most ancient system. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China's examination system, especially the rigid examination system gradually become confined to education, the yoke of personnel constraints. However, the Western countries just catch up soil capital, innovative, yet established a civil service examinations for employment on behalf of the Western system, the school examination system is also perfect. United States, Britain, France and Japan and other developed countries, the test is widely used in various fields of social life, quickly and profoundly changing the country's socio-economic and lifestyle. They focus on the overall quality of national culture in the examination of the brain move enough in the examination of theory and practice has accumulated abundant experience, touching on many occasions led to the examination in all areas of social reform movement, and introduced a number of fruitful examination reform program , it is worth to learn from us. Examination of the evaluation criteria is determined by education. What would like to emphasize that the content and focus on teaching students the capacity to determine which of our assessment of what the criteria to evaluate. Abroad, the examination is only a tool to study the effect of the test. However, in China, the examination is mainly as a screening tool, line scores are not admitted, it means that the current education system has been eliminated. Chinese and foreign students are required to attend a variety of examinations, but it is not the same. Foreign use of the school hierarchy, and the Chinese schools were used to test the system with the percentage that the percentage system to distinguish between high, a point can be clearly seen. The main purpose of examination is careers. And in foreign countries, the examination of the intent is to encourage innovative thinking, with the exception of mathematics outside the standard will not have any answers, as long as you are given a reasonable explanation, to obtain a reasonable grounds to answer, even if the answer is incorrect or incomplete, can get high, the ability to assess the students level of quality and innovation is the sole purpose of foreign education. For example, essay questions abroad indefinite general topics relating to their own lives, as children experience was simple, to write this article would only allow students to "fabrications." General topics are informative, but also arouse students interest in learning in this regard, the composition of these topics informative and interesting of all is reflected, but also arouse the children's thirst for knowledge. Teachers and domestic arrangements related to the essay title is the title of their own lives, but also training students in the action figure, expression, language description, the students felt that writing a facial expression, no interest. Examples can be seen from the above, our examination of education or education, it is important to meet the test. Based on examination scores as a means to raise the minority from the majority of the people selected for the sole purpose of the University into one-sided pursuit of further education. The importance of education abroad is based on the promotion of physical and mental development for the purpose of students in order to improve the ideological and moral, scientific, cultural, labor technology, for the purpose of physical and psychological quality of basic 。


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