

论文名称: 简.奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》与《爱玛》中的婚姻与女性挣扎论文名称: Marriage and Female Struggle in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Emma关键词:简.奥斯丁 Jane Austen 傲慢与偏见 Pride and Prejudice 埃玛 Emma 浪漫时期 Romantic period 婚姻 marriage [摘要] 奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》与《爱玛》中婚姻为其中心议题。







[摘要] Marriage is the central topic in Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Emma: the plots of the novels and the actions of the characters revolve around marriage. For Austen's characters, marriage does not mean the act of ungoverned passion but a complex engagement between the marrying couple and society. Austen's characters are completely integrated into society and play out the stories within the social rules. They realize that marriage can provide opportunities of class mobility and financial support; money and class are thus closely connected in their decision of marital partners. Based on Socialist-feminism, this thesis examines social background in Austen's time and explores how social conditions influence females' psychological struggle and anxiety toward marriage. For Socialist-feminists, material factors shape women's marital consciousness in determinate ways. The discussions of male class and female status in the end of the eighteenth century are helpful for understanding why marriage is the central topic in Austen's novels. In a sense, marriage is regarded as a market place to exchange upward class mobility and financial support for Austen's characters. In order to achieve the goal of marriage, females are good at transforming themselves into commodities by displaying their appearances and accomplishments to appeal to male gazers. Women at the time were encouraged by the social value of performing manners of femininity to win husbands. However, when Austen's female characters face mate selections, an unconscious apprehension toward marriage can be observed. From the social consideration of Austen's time, this thesis will reveal female marital perspectives, anxieties, and inner struggle in Pride and Prejudice and Emma.。


《David ·section wave 》BE 19 century England criticize realism master more of a representative work.In the novel which has a strong autobiography color, more the use "the history and experience of little David's oneself", never little aspect review and tallied up own living road, reflected his life philosophy and morals ideal. The article passes host the joys and sorrows of male David's whole life, announcing to public multi-layerly at that time a social true feature, outstanding earth's surface now money's corrosion to the marriage, family and the society function.All of the formations of a series tragedy are what money causeses in the novel.The virtuous the mother who cheat to marry David is a her property;Loving the's eloping is through can not stand peculiarly come-on;The gram is a pain and sufferings, the despair of the sea isn't the bad result that the money results in neither.And mean mean person's hopings also in the money to lure a next move to tread the degenerative, coming to a shameful end of imprisonment for life finally.More the is setting out from the thought of humanitarianism, exposing the crime of money, uncovering the beautiful purdah of"Victoria peaceful times" thus, presenting to conceal afterward social true facts. Mold in the person up, David ·section wave the poured into the author's all strenuous efforts doubtless.Is his orphan in spite of, ages suffer of various whet difficult and sad, be still he struggles unyieldingly after becoming adult, all expressing a small pota to look for the painful process of exit in the capitalism society.Experience greatly bitter and big and difficult taste David of[with] the human life happiness and the warmth behind, what to depend is he sincerity, keep a rate of character, actively heading up of spirit, and to the heart of the person's clean and pure friendly affection.Annie is also the ideal female whom the author puts forth effort to beautify.She current and outside beautiful looks, and then have endocentric virtue, since the fortitude and resilience doesn't pull out ground to protect to is subjected to the old father that the rare bullies, and then supports David of bitterness of suffering the frustrate.Her end and David combine, is "thought and aim of consistent", this kind of perfect marriage makes the novelistic coda ocean overflow one parties happiness and hope of atmosphere.All of them are more a the ideal incarnation of the propertied class humanitarianism of.Formation and of this kind of thought more the is personal of career's ising friendly and bad is an inseparable.He always thinks being placed in is subjected to the common run of people of oppressing the position, its teachings the virtuous thoughts and feelings is by long odds in those ruler, oppressors.BE exactly according to this kind of conviction, in the novel many common run of peoples if the fisherman opens up a fruit to lift, sea , though house poverty if wash, have never been subjected to an education, have one truly plain, docile of heart, with full of of the suggest blessing and it make for become fresh and clear contrast.。


Jane EyreThe development of Jane Eyre's character is central to the novel. From the beginning, Jane possesses a sense of her self-worth and dignity, a commitment to justice and principle, a trust in God, and a passionate disposition. Her integrity is continually tested over the course of the novel, and Jane must learn to balance the frequently conflicting aspects of herself so as to find contentment.Click here to find out more!An orphan since early childhood, Jane feels exiled and ostracized at the beginning of the novel, and the cruel treatment she receives from her Aunt Reed and her cousins only exacerbates her feeling of alienation. Afraid that she will never find a true sense of home or community, Jane feels the need to belong somewhere, to find “kin,” or at least “kindred spirits.” This desire tempers her equally intense need for autonomy and freedom.In her search for freedom, Jane also struggles with the question of what type of freedom she wants. While Rochester initially offers Jane a chance to liberate her passions, Jane comes to realize that such freedom could also mean enslavement—by living as Rochester's mistress, she would be sacrificing her dignity and integrity for the sake of her feelings. St. John Rivers offers Jane another kind of freedom: the freedom to act unreservedly on her principles. He opens to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India. Jane eventually realizes, though, that this freedom would also constitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check.Charlotte Brontë may have created the character of Jane Eyre as a means of coming to terms with elements of her own life. Much evidence suggests that Brontë, too, struggled to find a balance between love and freedom and to find others who understood her. At many points in the book, Jane voices the author's then-radical opinions on religion, social class, and gender.Edward RochesterDespite his stern manner and not particularly handsome appearance, Edward Rochester wins Jane's heart, because she feels they are kindred spirits, and because he is the first person in the novel to offer Jane lasting love and a real home. Although Rochester is Jane's social and economic superior, and although men were widely considered to be naturally superior to women in the Victorian period, Jane is Rochester's intellectual equal. Moreover, after their marriage is interrupted by the disclosure that Rochester is already married to Bertha Mason, Jane is proven to be Rochester's moral superior.Rochester regrets his former libertinism and lustfulness; nevertheless, he has proven himself to be weaker in many ways than Jane. Jane feels that living with Rochester as his mistress would mean the loss of her dignity. Ultimately, she would become degraded and dependent upon Rochester for love, while unprotected by any true marriage bond. Jane will only enter into marriage with Rochester after she has gained a fortune and a family, and after she has been on the verge of abandoning passion altogether. She waits until she is not unduly influenced by her own poverty, loneliness, psychological vulnerability, or passion. Additionally, because Rochester has been blinded by the fire and has lost his manor house at the end of the novel, he has become weaker while Jane has grown in strength—Jane claims that they are equals, but the marriage dynamic has actually tipped in her favor.St. John RiversClick here to find out more!St. John Rivers is a foil to Edward Rochester. Whereas Rochester is passionate, St. John is austere and ambitious. Jane often describes Rochester's eyes as flashing and flaming, whereas she constantly associates St. John with rock, ice, and snow. Marriage with Rochester represents the abandonment of principle for the consummation of passion, but marriage to St. John would mean sacrificing passion for principle. When he invites her to come to India with him as a missionary, St. John offers Jane the chance to make a more meaningful contribution to society than she would as a housewife. At the same time, life with St. John would mean life without true love, in which Jane's need for spiritual solace would be filled only by retreat into the recesses of her own soul. Independence would be accompanied by loneliness, and joining St. John would require Jane to neglect her own legitimate needs for love and emotional support. Her consideration of St. John's proposal leads Jane to understand that, paradoxically, a large part of one's personal freedom is found in a 。


Jane Eyre The development of Jane Eyre's character is central to the novel. From the beginning, Jane possesses a sense of her self-worth and dignity, a commitment to justice and principle, a trust in God, and a passionate disposition. Her integrity is continually tested over the course of the novel, and Jane must learn to balance the frequently conflicting aspects of herself so as to find contentment.Click here to find out more!An orphan since early childhood, Jane feels exiled and ostracized at the beginning of the novel, and the cruel treatment she receives from her Aunt Reed and her cousins only exacerbates her feeling of alienation. Afraid that she will never find a true sense of home or community, Jane feels the need to belong somewhere, to find “kin,” or at least “kindred spirits.” This desire tempers her equally intense need for autonomy and freedom.In her search for freedom, Jane also struggles with the question of what type of freedom she wants. While Rochester initially offers Jane a chance to liberate her passions, Jane comes to realize that such freedom could also mean enslavement—by living as Rochester's mistress, she would be sacrificing her dignity and integrity for the sake of her feelings. St. John Rivers offers Jane another kind of freedom: the freedom to act unreservedly on her principles. He opens to Jane the possibility of exercising her talents fully by working and living with him in India. Jane eventually realizes, though, that this freedom would also constitute a form of imprisonment, because she would be forced to keep her true feelings and her true passions always in check.Charlotte Brontë may have created the character of Jane Eyre as a means of coming to terms with elements of her own life. Much evidence suggests that Brontë, too, struggled to find a balance between love and freedom and to find others who understood her. At many points in the book, Jane voices the author's then-radical opinions on religion, social class, and gender.Edward Rochester Despite his stern manner and not particularly handsome appearance, Edward Rochester wins Jane's heart, because she feels they are kindred spirits, and because he is the first person in the novel to offer Jane lasting love and a real home. Although Rochester is Jane's social and economic superior, and although men were widely considered to be naturally superior to women in the Victorian period, Jane is Rochester's intellectual equal. Moreover, after their marriage is interrupted by the disclosure that Rochester is already married to Bertha Mason, Jane is proven to be Rochester's moral superior.Rochester regrets his former libertinism and lustfulness; nevertheless, he has proven himself to be weaker in many ways than Jane. Jane feels that living with Rochester as his mistress would mean the loss of her dignity. Ultimately, she would become degraded and dependent upon Rochester for love, while unprotected by any true marriage bond. Jane will only enter into marriage with Rochester after she has gained a fortune and a family, and after she has been on the verge of abandoning passion altogether. She waits until she is not unduly influenced by her own poverty, loneliness, psychological vulnerability, or passion. Additionally, because Rochester has been blinded by the fire and has lost his manor house at the end of the novel, he has become weaker while Jane has grown in strength—Jane claims that they are equals, but the marriage dynamic has actually tipped in her favor.St. John Rivers Click here to find out more!St. John Rivers is a foil to Edward Rochester. Whereas Rochester is passionate, St. John is austere and ambitious. Jane often describes Rochester's eyes as flashing and flaming, whereas she constantly associates St. John with rock, ice, and snow. Marriage with Rochester represents the abandonment of principle for the consummation of passion, but marriage to St. John would mean sacrificing passion for principle. When he invites her to come to India with him as a missionary, St. John offers Jane the chance to make a more meaningful contribution to society than she would as a housewife. At the same time, life with St. John would mean life without true love, in which Jane's need for spiritual solace would be filled only by retreat into the recesses of her own soul. Independence would be accompanied by loneliness, and joining St. John would require Jane to neglect her own legitimate needs for love and emotional support. Her consideration of St. John's proposal leads Jane to understand that, paradoxically, a large part of one's personal freedom is found in a。


我也是英语专业(翻译方向),我有十多篇好的英语毕业论文,有中西文化差异的,广告翻译的 ,化妆品翻译的形美.教学的方面,跨文化交际的。

..都是写的比较好的论文,我现在在读硕士,可以交流哈,我的QQ582111675.还给你些题目做参考.选自己擅长的:1.《红字》中海丝特 • 白兰不理智的一面(The Irrational Side of Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter)2. 《董贝父子》中的矛盾冲突(The Conflict in Donbey and Son)3. 论文化不同对联想意义及翻译的影响(On Influence of Cultural Differences on Associative Meanings and Translation)4. 美国教育的衰弱(The Drop of American Education)5. 19世纪欧洲移民对美国工业化的积极影响(The Positive Impacts of European Immigration on American Industrialization in the 19th Century)6. 朱丽叶之人物分析(Character Studies in Juliet)7. 主述理论在文学中的运用(The Application of the Thematic Theory in Literature)8. 语用学中的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature Theory in Pragmatics)9. 英语语音简析及对提高初学者口语的指导(A Brief Analysis of English Phonetics as well as a Guide to Improve Learners' Oral English)10. 比较两种对于哈姆雷特复仇的评论(Comparison on Two Kinds of Comments on Hamlet's Revenge)11. 英语语言中的性别歧视 (Sexism in English Language)12. 英语的学与教 (English Learning and Teaching)13. 由美国2004年总统选举所想到的 (More than 2004 Presidential Election)14. 论腐朽世界中的纯洁品质——关于《雾都孤儿》的赏析 (The Purity in a Corrupt World—An Analysis of Oliver Twister)15. 论理智与情感之关系——对《理智与情感》的人物分析 16. 入世对中国银行业的挑战 (Challenges on Chinese Banking Sector after Entering the WTO)17. 西进运动对美国的影响 (The Influences of Westward Movement on America)18. 史蒂芬•克拉申的听读假设和二语习得 (Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis and Second Language Acquisition)19. 艾•巴•辛格——犹太文化的守护者 (L. B. Singer—the Patron of Jewish Civilization)20. 二十世纪60年代美国妇女运动的派别 (The Politics of American Women's Movement in the 1960's) 21. 论《红字》的模糊性 (Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter)22.《嘉莉姐妹》中无心的欲望 (The Limitless Desires in Sister Carrie)23. 英语广告语言修辞特点 (Rhetorical Features in Advertising English)24.《儿子与情人》中的恋母情结 (Pau Morel's Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers)25. 造成苔丝悲剧命运的原因 (The Reasons for Tess's Tragic Fate)26. 论恐怖主义的根源 (On the Root of Terrorism)27. 2003: 中印关系新纪元 (2003: A New Era of Sino-India Relationship)28. 希兹克利夫的复仇 (The Revenge of Heathcliff)29. 弗洛伊德理论对美国现代文学的影响 (The Influence of Freudian Theory on Modern American Literature)30. 论萨姆一家人之“变形” (The Etamoephosis of the Samsas)31. 亚伯拉罕 • 林肯的民主思想初探 (A Preliminary Research on Abraham Lincoln's Thought of Democracy)32. 评析《傲慢与偏见》的男主人公达西 (Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice)33.《简爱》的圣经情书 (The Relationship Between Jane Eyre and the Bible)34. 库区三角浮出水面——万州、开县、云阳经济宏图 (The Triangle of Reservoir Region Is Surfacing—Wanzhou, Kaixian and Yunyang Open a Great Diagram of Economy)35. 会话中的合作原则和礼貌原则 (Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle in Conversation)36. 浅析海明威笔下圣地亚哥与其它主人公之异同 (Analysis of the Similarities and Differences Between Santiago and Other Heroes by Hemingway)37. 对嘉尔曼的偏见 (The Prejudice Against Carmen)38. 简爱——关于简爱的性格评论 (Jane Eyre—A Review of Jane Eyre's Character in Jane Eyre)39. 《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳和希斯克力夫之间的苦痛恋情 (The Suffering Love Between Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights)40. 简评妥协——研究《傲慢与偏见》(A Brief Comment on the Compromise—A Study of Pride and Prejudice)41. 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻面面观 (Analysis of the Marriages in Pride and Prejudice)42. 试论简奥斯汀生活对其小说的影响 (On the Impact of Jane Austen's Life on Her Novels)43. “真实的诺言”与传统文化的碰撞——简析“真人秀”的实质和本地化过程 (When True Lies Challenge Tradition—An Analysis of the Reality and Localization of Reality TV)44. 从台湾问题看中美关系 (The Sino-US Relation—The Taiwan Issue)45.《傲慢与偏见》的生命力 (The Great Vitality of Pride and Prejudice)46. 平凡中的不平凡——《傲慢与偏见》(Significance in Commonplace—Pride and Prejudice)47. 萨皮尔沃夫理论 (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)4。

6.求一篇英美文学的英文论文 论某个名著的

《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析 AbstractThomas Hardy was a famous critical realistic writer at the turn of the 19th century in England; Tess of the D'Urbervilles is the most influential one of all his works. This novel describes a tragic life about one beautiful and pure girl after disgrace. The article describes the society environment, then begins to analysis of characters' personality and religion factors open out at that time. Tess's tragic life is caused by that society and it's the result of that time. Except this, it can't be separated from her own weakness in character, because she obviously has the dual nature of the society character---resistance and compromise. As a common person, Tess fought with the society helplessly. In the end, she turned out to be the sacrificial victim of society like all other things which disobey the morality and ethic.Key WordsTess's Tragedy; Social Environment; Family Environment; Moral ethic; Character 摘 要托马斯.哈代是19世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家,《德伯家的苔丝》是他最为有影响力的一部巨著。



关键词苔丝的悲剧; 社会环境; 家庭环。


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