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国家统计局 (plicated interaction of the likelihood of default, the consequences of default, term structure variables, and the pricing of factor risks in the economy. When we examine whether the risk weights accurately reflect bank asset risk, we find that the weights fail even in their limited goal of correctly quantifying credit risk. For example, our findings indicate that the RBC weights overpenalize home mortgages, which have an average credit loss of 13 basis points, relative to commercial and consumer loans. The RBC rules also contain a significant bias agains 2. Pricing Derivatives on Financial Securities Subject to Credit Risk [5.058%] Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart MDownloadable (with restrictions)! Author(s): Jarrow, Robert A & Turnbull, Stuart M. 1995 Abstract: This article provides a new methodology for pricing and hedging derivative securities involving credit risk. Two types of credit risks are considered. The first is where the asset underlying the derivative security may default. The second is where the writer of the derivative security may default. The authors apply the foreign currency analogy of R. Jarrow and S. Turnbull (1991) to decompose the dollar payoff from a risky security into a certain payoff and a 'spot exchange rate.' Arbitrage-free valuation techniques are then employed. This methodology can be applied to corporate debt and over the counter derivatives, such as swaps and caps. Copyright 1995 by American Finance Association. 3. The nature of credit risk in project finance [5.057%] Marco SorgeDownloadable ! Author(s): Marco Sorge. 2004 Abstract: In project finance, credit risk tends to be relatively high at project inception and to diminish over the life of the project. Hence, longer-maturity loans would be cheaper than shorter-term credits. 4. Valuation of Credit Risk in Agricultural Mortgages [5.056%] Sherrick, Bruce J & Barry, Peter J & Ellinger, Paul N2000 Downloadable (with restrictions)! A credit-risk valuation model is developed and empirically implemented to estimate the cost of loss distributions across a broad set of loan-level and pool-level characteristics is used to assess insuring against credit risks in pools of agricultural mortgage loans. Probabilistic information about insurance valuation and solvency likelihood. The effects on the value of credit-risk insurance of pool size, deductibles, timing alterations, premium loadings, adverse loan selection, and changing underwriting standards are also estimated. Results indicate that actuarial insurance costs are initially highly sensitive and then become relatively insensitive as pool size increases. Copyright 2000 by American Agricultural Economics Association 5. Could Regional and Cantonal Banks Reduce Credit Risk through National Diversification? [5.055%] Bertrand Rime2007 Downloadable! This paper evaluates the reduction of credit risk that can be achieved in Switzerland by a national diversification of bank lending. Using a credit risk model based on corporate default rates, I find that the risk of a nationally diversified loan portfolio is up to 20% smaller than the sum of the risks of regional portfolios. From a financial stability perspective, this substantial risk diversification potential should motivate particular scrutiny on the more than hundred Swiss banks staying on the regional business model. 6. The Credit Risk Transfer Market and Stability Implications for U.K. Financial Institutions [5.052%] Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-LauDownloadable ! Author(s): Li L. Ong & Jorge A. Chan-Lau. 2006 Abstract: The increasing ability to trade credit risk in financial markets has facilitated its dispersion across the financial and other sectors. However, specific risks attached to credit risk transfer (CRT) instruments in a market with still-limited liquidity means that its rapid expansion may actually pose problems for financial sector stability in the event of a major negative shock to credit markets. This paper attempts to quantify the exposure of major U.K. financial groups to credit 。
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