


长久以来,麦克白夫人都是是作为诱导唆使其丈夫走向堕落的因素出现,被人视为文中的第四位女巫,而本文则从其女性的心理角度来对麦克白夫人进行剖析,以揭示这个女性形象的深层情感及悲剧命运。 关键词:麦克白夫人;麦克白;莎士比亚;女性;悲剧。



2.莎士比亚的《macbeth(麦克白》中,lady macbeth为什么会自杀,她





3.论文:薇拉凯瑟的三部小说:《哦 拓荒者》《我的安东尼亚》《一个迷

Willa Cather was one of the few “uneasy survivers of th e nineteenth century.”Most of the frontier women images make her fiction more m ature and make her one of the best novelists of her time.Cather's pioneer heroin es show her strong identity of women and enrich the feminist studies in the Amer ican literature. 维拉·凯瑟(1873-1947)是美国现代著名的女作家,于1922年获得普利策文学奖.她以饱蘸深情的笔触和优美的抒情手法,从各个侧面描写上世纪末叶美国中西部开拓者的顽强创业精神和坚韧不拔的刚毅性格,歌颂他们的高尚情操和美好心灵,因此她被评论家誉为人类追逐物质文明过程中精神美的捍卫者.近年来,她的作品越来越为西方评论界所重视,声誉越来越高.许多评论家把她与亨利·詹姆斯,海明威并列为美国最杰出的小说家,甚至有人把她推崇为美国立国以来一名最伟大的女作家.《我的安东尼亚》是凯瑟作品中最有力,最成功的一部.书中的文体,是凯瑟成熟后的散文体,文学舒展自如,易于引起联系,并且已经练得质朴无华却不流于苍白凉薄.该书的创作技巧,实属上乘,结构看似松散,却在错综复杂中又线索分明;人物也伸展到象征的暗示里,自然得就象树木在草原上夕照中投下的长长的影子;主题表现得充分,也隐含得紧密.薇拉·凯瑟的代表作<;我的安东妮亚>;以其塑造的伟大的、经历了重重困难依然坚强乐观的女英雄安东妮亚的形象而备受推崇.薇拉·凯瑟在小说中流露出明显的对西部拓荒者,尤其是女性拓荒者的敬慕之情,但同时也为女英雄的宿命思想感到同情和惋惜.本文主要通过对作品中人物的经历和性格的分析来揭示在生命轮回过程中的人,尤其是女性与艰难生活抗争过程的顽强与悲哀:她们在勇敢地接受生活的挑战,成为人们心目中的女英雄的同时,也接受了命运的安排. 《我的安东尼亚》中的女主人公就有几分《尖枞之乡》的阿尔弥丽·托德太太的影子。

Abstract After Willa Cather (1873-1947) won the world reputation for her success of My Antonia, more and more literary critics started to project insight into Cather's world and to present various criticisms on the novelist's work. Insightful as their discussions are, they have not paid serious attention to a systematic analysis of the archetypes lurking in her novelistic world. The present thesis is an attempt to offer a tentative study on female images in Willa Cather's O Pioneers! and My Antonia from the perspective of myth and archetypal criticism. In Chapter 1, the writer makes a literature review on the study of Willa Cather's literary work and introduces her literary life and the social background at that time. Chapter 2 provides a brief introduction to myth and archetypal criticism for the convenience of analysis in this study. Chapter 3 and 4 attempt to offer a tentative study on systems of female images in O Pioneers! and My Antonia based upon the theories of myth and archetypal criticism. Chapter 5 concludes with the fruitful result after the analytical study on the two novels. The images of Alexandra and Antonia can be considered to be Great Mother and Earth Mother in ancient mythology. In these two novels, Willa Cather focuses her writing muscles on the mythical goddesses who reflect her unconscious of myth and archetypes in human beings' memories. Key Words: female; image; myth; archetype; pioneer 请给我加分哦 我才有动力继续下去。


About Sonnet 18 K081141141 刘艳KEY WORDS: Beauty Transiency SummerABSTRACT: Sonnet 18 is one of the poems of Shakespeare'ssonnet, the age of Shakespeare is in the Elizabeth time of England, which is aworld of love poems, As a result, writing sonnet has become the modern works.Then Shakespeare's sonnet is become the outstanding works in this age. Hissonnet is totally different from others which is known as affectation, emptyand weak, as we can say meaningless, this poem is 18th of hissonnets, which is dedicated to young nobleman, This long poem encompasses abrilliant satire on contemporary English society through the experiences of ayoung noble, with great literature value.TEXT: Not only because of the ingeniousstructure, rich vocabulary of it, but also because it is a reflection of humanismin Elizabeth age made it has a high literarystatus, and is enjoyed the reputation of unique. I will appreciate and analyze sonnet 18 from 3 aspects. Firs, as the background of it and thelife of Shakespeare. William Shakespearewas born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden some time in late April 1564in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth, but his baptism wasrecorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the 23 of April. Hisfather was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town ofStratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College ofHeralds. All that is known of Shakespeare's youth is that he presumablyattended the Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford orCambridge. He was said to be a teacher, Shakespeare entertained theking and the people for another ten years until June 19, 1613, when a canonfired from the roof of the theatre for a gala performance of Henry VIII setfire to the thatch roof and burned the theatre to the ground. The audienceignored the smoke from the roof at first, being to absorbed in the play, untilthe flames caught the walls and the fabric of the curtains. Amazingly therewere no casualties, Sonnets make up of majority of Shakespeare's poetry work.Shakespeare did not originate the sonnet form. The basic structure of thesonnet arose in medieval Italy, its most prominent exponent being the EarlyRenaissance poet Petrarch. The appearance of English sonnets, however, occurredwhen Shakespeare was an adolescent (around 1580). Both Edmund Spenser andPhilip Sydney, among others, worked in this form a decade or so beforeShakespeare took it up in the early 1590s, possibly seeking to exploit theongoing popularity of the sonnet among literary patrons of the day. What wecall Shakespearian sonnets today have different forms with the Italian sonnetsin that the Shakespearean sonnets end with a rhymed couplet and follows therhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg. In 1609, “Shakespeare's Sonnets. Never beforeImprinted” was published, which collected 154 sonnets commonly thought to bewritten between 1593 and 1599. Concerning the content, these sonnets canroughly be categorized into three groups: sonnet 1—17 addressed a young man'slove of a lady; sonnet 18—126 describe the young man's relationship withanother young male poet; sonnet 127—154 portrait a mysterious dark-haired lady.Given this and the intimacy of the themes broached by Shakespeare in thesonnets, it is natural that scholars would entertain a search forautobiographical sources, and that this search would focus on three identityissues: (1) who is the young man to whom Sonnets 1-126 are addressed? (2) whois。


How to improve your English in full detail (my experience) The Third Edition To be good at English is not particularly easy but not terribly hard either.Before you start to learn sentences, or new words, the first and also the most important step is the "pronunciation". To pronounce perfectly you should buy a tape to assist you to learn and practise. This is the fundamental step to learn English, ignore or pay no attention to this step; you will not learn proper English and you will find the later steps more and more difficult. If you are solid and accurate in pronunciation, you will find the later steps much easier and you will stand firmly on the right track.After mastering the pronunciation perfectly, it is the time to accumulate new words and useful expressions. Of course start from the simplest words like “hello, hi, you, me, he, him, his, her”, etc。

. and expressions like “how are you, how old are you, how do you do”, etc。

. It is essential to write the words on a piece of paper so that you remember them well. Actually everyone had done these at his/her primary school.*************Now let me tell you how I learnt English in China. ******************* Speaking:In China, you won't have enough chances to speak English. What I did was in the morning I got up early and read aloud the texts in the textbooks. The initial aim was to achieve the same speed as the tape, and then being able to read aloud the texts with the same style as the English announcer in the tape. By doing this, it helps you to consolidate your pronunciation and grammar.Listening:Nowadays it is much easier to learn English in China because you can watch some TV channels in English. The more channels in English the better because you can choose your preferred programmes and it helps you to learn English with interests of your own, hence ideal for listening and expression/words accumulations.Writing:It is also very useful to write diaries. On writing diaries, it is not useful if you just write it without the care of grammar and spelling. When you finish you should always read your diaries again to check for errors and refine your sentences (e.g. remove repetitive words, use better expressions, and sort out the structure of the sentences).Reading:It is also very important to read story books in English, starting from thin ones with not many new words. Read as many thin books as you possibly can. Little by Little you will want to read thicker books, and your reading ability will get even better.Putting four elements together:I have to emphasise that when you do all these reading, listening, writing and speaking; you should join them together as a whole, apply the new words you learn from watching TV, reading books to your writing and speaking.The enhancement of learning comes from getting hold of the possible opportunities to speak English (in China or abroad):In China, you should try to go to local English corner to practise your oral English. If you are abroad then you should make a lot of English or international friends so you always have the opportunity to speak English.On Spoken English, attitude is very important. You need to be very keen and you must not be shy. Never be afraid to make mistakes. Always think that a talk in English with some one will help you significantly.You can think in this way: since my parents have paid so much to support me to study abroad, the money is partly spent on the international environment for learning English; therefore I ought to try my best to take every opportunity to practise my English. My English has risen to a higher level in the last 2 years, because I talk in English most of the time. Having some international friends is particularly useful indeed. Summing up the activities:I have also been watching TV too. The real improvement lies in staying with international friends long enough and watching a lot of TV such as news, football, dramas, documentaries etc。

. Writing diaries also helps me to remember good words, good expressions and practise sentence structuring.*****Now, I have finished talking about how to learn and improve General English.It is the time to switch to "Your Major in English" ******************************* Knowing general English on its own is not going to be sufficient for most people. Skills are as important as mastering another language. General English helps people to communicate with each other in their lives. Technical English helps you to take on challenges to change the world for the highest, to earn money for your living for the lower.Some people who have a degree in English go abroad to learn something different but heavily based on the language such as Media study, 。

6.大学生求一篇 英语论文 对比中西方男女平等 提纲和论文 谢谢大侠们

Where was a time when, if a lady got into a crowded bus or train, a gentleman would immediately stand up and bring to offer his seat. But now, things are different. Today a gentleman will probably look out of the window,or if he feels a bit shy, hide behind his newspaper. Either way,the lady will have to stand until someone else gets off.

You can't entirely blame men for this change in manners, though. Gone are the days when women could be referred to as the weaker ones without causing trouble. A whole generation of women has grown up demanding equality with men, not just equality in jobs or education, but in social life. Hold a door open for some women and you are likely to get an angry lecture on treating women as weaker ones unable to open doors for themselves. Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably insist on paying her share of the bill. On second thought, that is perhaps not a bad idea.

It's no wonder, then that men have given up some ways of politeness and consideration which they used to show towards women. On the other hand, the man's active politeness is perhaps slowly being replaced by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings, rather than as weaker ones or something that can be used to please men.

Maybe it is worth women's while to stand in the bus or train.










Mr. Darcy: An extremely wealthy aristocrat, Darcy is proud, haughty and extremely conscious of class differences at the beginning of the novel. He does, however, have a strong sense of honor and virtue. Elizabeth's rebukes after his first proposal to her help him to recognize his faults of pride and social prejudice. It is, in fact, precisely because Elizabeth is not so awed by his high social status as to be afraid to criticize his character that he is attracted to her. The self-knowledge acquired from Elizabeth's rebukes and the desire to win Elizabeth's love spur him to change and judge people more by their character than by their social class.

Fitzwilliam Darcy

The son of a wealthy, well-established family and the master of the great estate of Pemberley, Darcy is Elizabeth's male counterpart. The narrator relates Elizabeth's point of view of events more often than Darcy's, so Elizabeth often seems a more sympathetic figure. The reader eventually realizes, however, that Darcy is her ideal match. Intelligent and forthright, he too has a tendency to judge too hastily and harshly, and his high birth and wealth make him overly proud and overly conscious of his social status. Indeed, his haughtiness makes him initially bungle his courtship. When he proposes to her, for instance, he dwells more on how unsuitable a match she is than on her charms, beauty, or anything else complimentary. Her rejection of his advances builds a kind of humility in him. Darcy demonstrates his continued devotion to Elizabeth, in spite of his distaste for her low connections, when he rescues Lydia and the entire Bennet family from disgrace, and when he goes against the wishes of his haughty aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, by continuing to pursue Elizabeth. Darcy proves himself worthy of Elizabeth, and she ends up repenting her earlier, overly harsh judgment of him.


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