

When open- or tandem-center valves are used in circuits requiring pilot pressure to shift the valves, there must be a means of maintaining pressure when the valves are in neutral. One method is to install a backpressure check valve in the tank line. The check valve maintains a backpressure of, say, 50 psi. Low-pressure retraction Energizing the solenoid extends the cylinder at a maximum pressure corresponding to the main system relief valve setting. De-energizing the solenoid valve retracts the cylinder and holds it retracted at the reduced pressure setting of the pilot relief valve. The check valve prevents the pilot relief valve from operating during cylinder extension. Two relief valves Using two relief valves in this circuit gives two working pressures. On the up stroke of the cylinder, the low-pressure relief valve limits system pressure. During the down stroke, the high-pressure valve limits maximum press tonnage for doing work. Using the low-pressure relief on the up stroke saves power by supporting the cylinder with low-pressure fluid. Reduced pressure In a system with only one pump, reduced pressure for one branch of the circuit can be obtained with a pressure-reducing valve. This circuit is typical for a welder, which requires high clamping force to be set by the relief valve and reduced force on。


Hydraulic Pump Station is to drive the use of electric motors, fuel tanks, hydraulic relief valve, etc., including the source device or the hydraulic control valve device, including. General principles of its role in motor driven pump to provide the pressure source, through the chip, such as hydraulic valve drive device (the fuel tank or motor) to the direction, pressure, flow regulation and control of action to achieve the various provisions. Hydraulic station on various occasions is widely used in hydraulic power transmission, it can be highly integrated and fully automatic control, the space can be made in accordance with the specific corresponding shape points on the hydraulic design of great practical significance . In this paper, the subject "before the bridge hydraulic system design - on the 2nd valve station" based on the former bridge some of the hydraulic system components detailed design of structure. First of all, set the modalities for the implementation of hydraulic components and the structure and function parameters, and then for the function of this hydraulic station, institutional characteristics, the initial stop to determine the hydraulic system schematic diagram, and then the hydraulic system of the various components of the standards in detail Select pieces, and finally the entire system will optimize the combination of various components and the check.。


Hydraulic Pump Station is to drive the use of electric motors, fuel tanks, hydraulic relief valve, etc., including the source device or the hydraulic control valve device, including. General principles of its role in motor driven pump to provide the pressure source, through the chip, such as hydraulic valve drive device (the fuel tank or motor) to the direction, pressure, flow regulation and control of action to achieve the various provisions. Hydraulic station on various occasions is widely used in hydraulic power transmission, it can be highly integrated and fully automatic control, the space can be made in accordance with the specific corresponding shape points on the hydraulic design of great practical significance . In this paper, the subject "before the bridge hydraulic system design - on the 2nd valve station" based on the former bridge some of the hydraulic system components detailed design of structure. First of all, set the modalities for the implementation of hydraulic components and the structure and function parameters, and then for the function of this hydraulic station, institutional characteristics, the initial stop to determine the hydraulic system schematic diagram, and then the hydraulic system of the various components of the standards in detail Select pieces, and finally the entire system will optimize the combination of various components and the check.。


Crane is a kind of lifting machinery, is a for loop, intermittent movement. A cycle of workincludes: extract from extract ground to bring up the product, then move to the designated placedown the items, then the reverse movement, the fetching device back in situ, so as to carry out the next cycle.


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Today, for any enterprise, rationalization and automation and flexibility are vital factor, only each process and control, and straighten out the use of advanced logistics method and automation system can solve this problem is the demand in the fierce competition in the decisive factor of advantage.

Modern industry is the development trend of informatization, automation, network, intelligent, flexibility, especially China has joined the WTO, the development of modern science and technology and the accelerated pace of global economic integration, it is required in our industrial automation


Grassland Ecology and Mongolian civil environmental knowledge.(题目)Grassland ecological zone, mainly in the western plains from the northeast, the Inner Mongolia Plateau, the Ordos Plateau, the Loess Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, west of the southern edge of the front line, that is, from latitude 51 ° to 28 ° of a broad range stretching 4500 kilometers, accounting for the National Land area of 29%. Mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet and Sichuan provinces and regions inhabited by 10 ethnic minorities, basically constituted from the northeast to the southwest of the half-moon with livestock.In these regions of the 43 ethnic minorities live, there are 19 ethnic groups to engage in animal husbandry, the main representative of the nation has Mongolia, part of the Ewenki and Daur, Kazakhstan, Yugur, Tajik, Kirgiz, Tatar, Tibetan, etc..For the Earth's land area accounted for 47% of the grassland and its ecosystem research has been of concern for people. According to the World Resources Report, 3000-4000 pasture to feed a million nomadic populations and provide a lot of food information, however, due to overgrazing, pasture land, short-term behavior of the policies and grab the most profitable pure economic sense, leading to emergence of grassland desertification and grassland degradation trends. Many experts and steppe grassland study the implementation of the program, and in the world especially in developing countries, study, fully understands the different economic, social and cultural factors that lead to the utilization of the grassland is changing and improving technology are pasture problem is also complicated social problems.According to United Nations Food and Agriculture regarding plant forage research that: "Due to a series of economic, social, political, religious factors, making further expansion of cultivation area of forage is limited. Engaged in the FAO Grassland and fodder crops development in most countries These factors are complex. The work of the future development depends on the rural sociologist or a politician for the cultivation of grass created by the economic and social environmental conditions.World Resources Report, the Indian subcontinent are the deterioration of pastures and overgrazing, drought and mismanagement caused by introduced pastures in recent years, development plans have achieved good results. In sub-Saharan Africa and rangeland management and livestock development, the sector investment, aid mostly ended in failure, it was felt necessary to develop the process of the people take part in local, needs and the local social structure, cultural traditions combine.This understanding of the changes in grassland research for new ideas. However, the current study of grassland ecosystems, from sociology, anthropology perspective on the report of the study are rare. In World Resources Report, in reference to China Ranch situation that 41% of the total land used for grazing, 25% of the grassland degradation, the trend for the risk of soil erosion is accelerated, the loss of productivity, desertification, degradation is faster than regeneration; When talking about the report and the reasons for that:(1) population pressure; (2) 27% of the desertification caused by overgrazing; (3) 50s light agriculture, animal husbandry; (4) the existing sparse and good grassland reclamation for farmland; (5) Urban development has increased the pressure on existing grassland; (6) groups of grazing; (7) of grass and forage crops mismanagement. In fact all of these reasons are related to human factors.States there are about four million square kilometers of grassland area, all over the world accounted for 13.9 percent of grassland, accounting for China's land area of 41.67%, grazing area of third place in the world, second only to Australia and the former Soviet Union. China's pastoral areas should be divided into two regions, the North "nomadic" District and the South "Agriculture" zone, from the Northeast Plain to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the mountains from Hainan to the Yellow Sea, there are grassland distribution, which are the largest area of grassland in Inner Mongolia temperate grassland.However, due to a variety of complex reasons, the use of not only the construction of grassland, my lawn is not only less productive but has 30% of the grass at different levels of degradation Medium. Long-term grassland study did not draw attention, not the 50's before a grasslands national research institutions, the 50's and began farming in the schools in training IT personnel 。


work for a specified time after the performance appraisal, but also to try to be the targets of life: hydraulic components detection device hydraulic system design, Hydraulic Components detection device hydraulic system hydraulic components of the type design, hydraulic components of the structural design, the environment pressure and adapt to the changes in the ability to conduct an effective test. This integrated detection device designed mainly include Hydraulic Test is to use hydraulic test equipment for hydraulic components and hydraulic systems for the testing and performance evaluation. So hydraulic experiment in the production of hydraulic components play an important role in the hydraulic components detection devices, Not only can the test be targeted at rated conditions, and research and analysis design a set of complete functions to detect pump-motor-cylinder power recovery of non-integrated detection device and the AUTO ACD painted on the chart, and several other aspects. This paper studies pump-motor-cylinder independent detection device, hydraulic components of the pilot project and test methods。


The filling pile department is refers to, in the project scene through the mechanical drill hole, the steel pipe pushes methods and so on earth or manpower excavation forms the pile hole in the foundation soil, and lays aside the pile which in among them the reinforcing cage, the irrigation concretes make, according to becomes the hole method to be different, the filling pile may divide into the settling tube filling pile, the drill hole filling pile and digs the hole filling pile and so on several kinds. Drills a hole the filling pile is according to becomes one kind of pile which the pile method classification defines. The filling pile earliest more than 100 year ago in 1893, because of the industry development as well as the population growth, the high-rise construction increased unceasingly, but because many city's ground conditions were quite bad, could not withstand the pressure which directly transmitted by the high-rise construction, the surface following has the thickness very big soft soil or the medium intensity clay level, the construction high-rise construction like still continued to use the friction pile which at that time used in common, had the very big subsidence inevitably. Therefore engineers used for reference have dug a well the technical invention to dig in the hole to construct the reinforced concrete artificially to become the pile. Therefore afterward 50 years later, namely developed in the early-1940s along with the high efficiency drill hole machines and tools first is published successfully in the US, after World War II, the world was specially the European and American developed country economic resurgence and the development, at this point, changes with each new day along with the science and technology the development, drilled a hole the filling pile in high-level, in the ultrahigh layer building and the heavy construction is widely applied. Certainly, in our country, drilled a hole the filling pile design and the construction level also obtained the considerable development.。


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