Charles Dickens The Haunted House
Thomas Hardy The Fiddler of the Reels
Anthony Trollope The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne
D. H. Lawrence The Prussian Officer
Rudyard Kipling The Phantom Rickshaw
H. G. Wells Under the Knife
Wilkie Collins The Dead Hand
Saki Tobermory
Robert Louis Stevenson A Lodging for the Night
M. R. James Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad
John Galsworthy The Broken Boot
Gissing The House of Cobwebs
Eliot The Lifted Veil
《呼啸山庄》人物关系结构 Title:Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights——The Psychoanalysis of love triangle relationship with Freud's theory of personalityAbstract:Wuthering Heights tells a story of superhuman love and revenge enacted on the English moors. In this thesis, an attempt is made to analyze the love triangle relationship which leads to Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights by virtue of Freud's theory of personality.Key words:Wuthering Heights Freud's theory of personality love triangle relationshipIn Catherine's heart she knows what is right, but chooses what is wrong. It is her wrong decision that pushes her into the inextricable [LunWenJia.Com]dilemma between her love and marriage; it is her wrong choice that plunges the two families into chaos. In the mind, she is truly out of her way.According to Sigmund Freud(1856—1939), the structure of the mind or personality consists three portions: the id, the ego, and the superego.“The id, which is the reservoir of biological impulses, constitutes the entire personality of the infant at birth. Its principle of operation, to guard the person from painful tension, is termed the pleasure principle. Inevitable frustrations of the id, together with what the child learns from his encounters with external reality, generate the ego, which is essentially a mechanism to minimize frustrations of the biological drives in the long run. It operates according to the reality principle … [LunWenNet.Com]The superego comprises the conscience, a partly conscious system of introjected moral inhibitions, and the ego-ideal, the source of the individual's standards for his own behavior. Like external reality, from which it derives, the superego often presents obstacles to the satisfaction of biological drives.”“In the mentally healthy person, these three systems form a unified and harmonious organization. Conversely, when the three systems of personality are at odds with one another the person is said to be maladjusted.” Here Catherine's tragic psychological process may be well illustrated by Freudian psychoanalysis.“I cannot express it; but surely you and everybody have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation, if I were entirely contained here?” Catherine's strange words reflect that the intelligent Emily Bronte had been earlier pondering over a same question in her work. What on earth is“the existence of Catherine's beyond Catherine”?Here we may believe that Heathcliff stands for Catherine's instinctual nature and the strongest desire—her “id” in the depths of her soul; Edgar, her ideal “superego”, represents another part of her personality: the well-bred gracefulness and the superiority of a wealthy family; and she, herself is the “ego” tortured by the friction between the two in the disharmonious situation.In the light of Freud's theory of personality, “the superego is the representation in the personality of the traditional values and ideals of society as they are handed down from parents to children.” Catherine's choice of Edgar as her husband is to satisfy her ideal “superego” to get wealth and high social position, which are the symbol of her class, on the basis of the education by her family and reality from her early childhood. She is a Miss of a noble family with a long history of about three hundred years. Only the marriage well-matched in social and economic status could be a satisfaction for all: her family, the society and even her practical self. “It would degrade me to many Heathcliff now 。
if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars?” This is her actual worry for her future. Catherine yields to the pressure from her brother, and alike, in truth, she is yielding to the moral rules of society, without the approval and identification of which, she could not live a better life or even exist in it at all.However, Catherine underestimates what her other more intrinsic self would have effect on her. The most remarkable claim by Catherine herself may be the best convincing evidence to distinguish the different roles of Heathcliff and Edgar—her “id” and her “superego”:“My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else perished, and he was annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like foliage in the woods: time will change it. I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for 。
中文摘要 地下电影是一种特殊的电影类群,它触及一个民族,国家,甚至文化的敏感神经,而它又往往最能直接的反应人们心底认同却又没有勇气表达的感情。因此,地下电影就成为了那些才华横溢而又敢于表现自己的电影。
类别:毕业论文 大小:82 KB 日期:2008-06-14
开题报告+论文摘 要本文从四个角度阐述作为一名翻译人员的多重身份,并分析翻译人员在翻译文学作品时应注意的问题。第一个角度是从译者的读者身份考虑,译者的读者身份要求他们不仅要读懂原文,还要读懂。
类别:毕业论文 大小:26 KB 日期:2008-06-08
任务书+开题报告+文献综述+外文文献翻译+答辩ppt+论文摘 要本文是对中英两方的酒吧文化对比研究。研究的内容首先是西方的酒吧历史以及现状,主要研究的是英国的酒吧,介绍英国的罗伯特酒吧—议会议员。
类别:毕业论文 大小:151 KB 日期:2008-06-07
7、(英语系毕业论文)Cultural Impacts on International Business
ABSTRACTThis thesis is briefly to try to present before readers the main elements of cultural confli。
类别:毕业论文 大小:14 KB 日期:2008-05-24
8、(英语系毕业论文)Pragmatic Consciousness in College English Teaching
类别:毕业论文 大小:23 KB 日期:2008-05-23
9、(英语系毕业论文)The Problem of Evil---A Universal Issue Seen From Western Perspectives
开题报告+论文+翻译+任务书Abstract:Human race had had the capability to land on Moon, to travel in the outer spa。
类别:毕业论文 大小:108 KB 日期:2008-05-18
【摘要】在英语合汉语中都存在者大量的动物词,而这些动物词又蕴含着不同的文化内涵。本文就汉英动物词所蕴含着的文化内涵进行分类和对比, 并进一步探讨了造成汉英动物词的不同的。【关键字】汉英动物词;文化内涵。
类别:毕业论文 大小:18 KB 日期:2008-05-17
《呼啸山庄》人物关系结构 Title:Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights——The Psychoanalysis of love triangle relationship with Freud's theory of personalityAbstract:Wuthering Heights tells a story of superhuman love and revenge enacted on the English moors. In this thesis, an attempt is made to analyze the love triangle relationship which leads to Catherine's dilemma between love and marriage in Wuthering Heights by virtue of Freud's theory of personality.Key words:Wuthering Heights Freud's theory of personality love triangle relationshipIn Catherine's heart she knows what is right, but chooses what is wrong. It is her wrong decision that pushes her into the inextricable [LunWenJia.Com]dilemma between her love and marriage; it is her wrong choice that plunges the two families into chaos. In the mind, she is truly out of her way.According to Sigmund Freud(1856—1939), the structure of the mind or personality consists three portions: the id, the ego, and the superego.“The id, which is the reservoir of biological impulses, constitutes the entire personality of the infant at birth. Its principle of operation, to guard the person from painful tension, is termed the pleasure principle. Inevitable frustrations of the id, together with what the child learns from his encounters with external reality, generate the ego, which is essentially a mechanism to minimize frustrations of the biological drives in the long run. It operates according to the reality principle … [LunWenNet.Com]The superego comprises the conscience, a partly conscious system of introjected moral inhibitions, and the ego-ideal, the source of the individual's standards for his own behavior. Like external reality, from which it derives, the superego often presents obstacles to the satisfaction of biological drives.”“In the mentally healthy person, these three systems form a unified and harmonious organization. Conversely, when the three systems of personality are at odds with one another the person is said to be maladjusted.” Here Catherine's tragic psychological process may be well illustrated by Freudian psychoanalysis.“I cannot express it; but surely you and everybody have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation, if I were entirely contained here?” Catherine's strange words reflect that the intelligent Emily Bronte had been earlier pondering over a same question in her work. What on earth is“the existence of Catherine's beyond Catherine”?Here we may believe that Heathcliff stands for Catherine's instinctual nature and the strongest desire—her “id” in the depths of her soul; Edgar, her ideal “superego”, represents another part of her personality: the well-bred gracefulness and the superiority of a wealthy family; and she, herself is the “ego” tortured by the friction between the two in the disharmonious situation.In the light of Freud's theory of personality, “the superego is the representation in the personality of the traditional values and ideals of society as they are handed down from parents to children.” Catherine's choice of Edgar as her husband is to satisfy her ideal “superego” to get wealth and high social position, which are the symbol of her class, on the basis of the education by her family and reality from her early childhood. She is a Miss of a noble family with a long history of about three hundred years. Only the marriage well-matched in social and economic status could be a satisfaction for all: her family, the society and even her practical self. “It would degrade me to many Heathcliff now 。
if Heathcliff and I married, we should be beggars?” This is her actual worry for her future. Catherine yields to the pressure from her brother, and alike, in truth, she is yielding to the moral rules of society, without the approval and identification of which, she could not live a better life or even exist in it at all.However, Catherine underestimates what her other more intrinsic self would have effect on her. The most remarkable claim by Catherine herself may be the best convincing evidence to distinguish the different roles of Heathcliff and Edgar—her “id” and her “superego”:“My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning: my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else perished, and he was annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it. My love for Linton is like foliage in the woods: time will change it. I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heath。
这是目录,看#中,口我英语双关语及其翻译英语文化动物词及其翻译 威尼斯商人人物分析)英语语合同谈判技巧模式探究虚无飘渺的美国梦《了不起的盖茨比》的文体特征论英语典故与习语的来源与翻译谈电影片名的翻译跨文化视野中的异化隐喻与翻译商务英语的语言特点及其翻译技巧汉英语言文化差异对广告的影响交际教学法在高中英语词汇教学的的应用在中学英语教学中培养文化如何教写作在高中新课程标准英语专业毕业论文英汉死亡委婉语文化对比分析巴克的野性的呼唤分析中国和西方传统节日的关键中国和西方文化之间的差异如何提高高中学生的阅读能力和学习能力├─英语系毕业论文/从传播学和文体商务信函├─英语系毕业论文/人文主义在芬兰人冒险不同类型的比较分析和麦田里的守望者├─英语系毕业论文/两复仇在呼啸山庄的外部和内部组件和红字的比较分析├─英语系毕业论文/英语和中国人称谓的对比研究├─英语系毕业论文/中国节日和美国假期的比较研究├─英语系毕业论文/英语委婉语与委婉语中国的比较研究├─英语专业毕业论文/ 英汉中国礼貌用语的比较研究├─英语专业毕业论文/英语和中国的声调和语调的比较研究├─英语专业毕业论文/世界贸易组织文件翻译的比较研究├─英语专业毕业论文/在蝇王和鲁滨逊漂流记人文主义的不同类型之间的比较├─英语专业毕业论文/的比较研究中国和西方文化的宴会├─英语专业毕业论文/体态语在中国和美国文化之间的对比分析├─英语专业毕业论文/身体语言的中国和英语国家之间的对比研究├─英语专业毕业论文/英语和中国之间的拒绝策略对比研究本科英语论文/对于流行音乐偏好├─跨文化研究├─本科英语论文/旅游资料的翻译上的文化透视├─本科英语论文/探讨英语和中国之间的双向解读├─本科英语论文/学习问题在听力理解和他们的启示听力教学综述├─本科英语论文/颜色词的英语和中国人的文化内涵研究├─本科英语论文/在理智与情感婚姻透过特性分析研究├─本科英语论文/婚姻中理智与情感的研究├─英语专业论文/以学生为中心的英语词汇教学研究├─英语专业论文/中国和西方文化之间的禁忌差异研究├─英语专业论文/在跨文化交际中的语用失误研究├─英语专业论文/对法律文件翻译的研究├─英语专业论文/从文体学角度,以国际商务合同的中国英翻译├─英语专业论文/在会展业和课程设计会展英语初探├─英语专业论文/试论英语委婉语及其功能的不同表达├─一英语专业论文/个独特的形象在澳大利亚文学├─英语论文/适应课堂为主的策略教学的远程教育语境├─英语论文/情感因素与英语教学初中├─英语论文/广告语言分析├─英语论文/国际商务合同的分析├─英语论文/在格列佛游记讽刺技术分析├─英语论文/英语词汇分析性别歧视├─英语论文/在德伯家的苔丝的悲剧分析├─英语论文/中国传统和美国的丧葬习俗探析英语论文/商务英语函电的语言特点├─探析├─英语论文/培养学生自主学习能力在学院繁体中文教学的实证研究├─英语论文/缩写在乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判的结果分析├─英语论文/在高中学生中的情感因素分析├─英语论文/商务英语翻译的可译性与不可译性分析├─英语论文/礼貌语言在商务信函的分析├─英语论文/在商务信函 - 从词汇的角度分析语言特点├─英语专业论文/分析合作原则的应用├─英语专业论文/礼貌原则在商务谈判中的应用├─英语专业论文/拒绝策略下,言语行为理论和礼貌原则在英语商务信函中的应用├─英语专业论文/广告英语的KISS原则的适用英语专业论文/语境理论├─应用到英语阅读教学├─英语专业论文/运用交际法语法教学在中学├─英语专业论文/运用全身反应,以提高小学生的英语学习兴趣├─英语专业论文/自主学习在中学英语教学├─A_Comparative_Study_of_Chinese_Festivals_and_American_Holidays├─英语专业论文/美容在音,形感和中国古典诗歌中的诗歌翻译翻译从中国到英国├─英语专业论文/身体语言与跨文化交际├─英语专业论文/汤姆叔叔的悲剧在汤姆叔叔的小屋的原因├─英语系毕业论文/中国和英文名称及其文化差异├─英语系毕业论文/英语教学的中学课堂互动├─英语系毕业论文/在跨文化商务环境中有效沟通├─英语系毕业论文/交际法与语法教学在高中├─英语系毕业论文/社区失落,社区虎子英语专业毕业论文/关键中国和西方传统节日├─对比分析├─英语专业毕业论文/中国和英语动物词汇的比较├─英语专业毕业论文/消费者行为,通过加强广告中模糊语言├─英语专业毕业论文/语境与跨文化交际├─英语专业毕业论文/培养初中英语课的审美感受├─英语专业毕业论文/培养学生的文化意识在英语教学中的高中├─英语专业毕业论文/文化中国和美国之间的差异原创英语论文/对死亡的中国和英语委婉语├─文化差异├─原创英语论文/中国与西方国家之间的文化差异├─原创英语论文/对广告文化的影响├─原创英语论文/谈英语招聘广告的语言特点├─原创英语论文/对情感教育在英语教学中的讨论├─原创英语论文/有效的商业简报├─原创英语论文/有效的口头表达在商务沟通原创英语论。
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