If the various rules and regulations, service codes of conduct regulating the staff of "tangible rules", corporate culture is as an "invisible rules" exist in the consciousness of employees. Corporate culture can be likened to the acts of the "gene", which, through incentives, such as ceremony and provide the core values of the enterprise, told employees in an enterprise, what is the most important goal, which is advocated and promoted staff to guide and shape the attitudes and behavior towards the same direction. Therefore the company's investment on the corporate culture is often able to reduce the huge cost of human resources management. Kentucky Fried Chicken as a franchise business, its high standards of service quality is the lifeline of its capital to compete. For this reason, KFC has created a strong sense of service-oriented corporate culture, staff accepted the organizational culture of Kentucky at the same time, the variety of complex rules and regulations of it deep in their hearts within the. "The first restaurant manager" This is Yum China established the most important group of corporate culture, which reflects the company's emphasis on productivity improvement, and all around the restaurant and the service the first line of thinking, but also to encourage positive restaurant to start healthy competition. Each year, the Group in China, Yum's annual meeting, hundreds of students from all over the country will be the restaurant manager excellent results for their outstanding medal was awarded. Yum China president, Mr. Su Jingshi outstanding performance to senior staff presented a gold medal engraved with the dragon - "Golden Dragon Award", a very Chinese characteristics and the incentive. Restaurant sales for the year in a job well done and the management company "champion detection," asked the restaurant manager assessment, the company will be given special treatment, they will fly from all over the world Baisheng Group headquarters, by the president of luxury limousine with a total Nowak Progressive Dinner. Suzhou, China, a restaurant manager region Zan Xudong new wife last year to have portability,greeted by the VIP-like. During the banquet, Nowak and department heads will be brought to the mold cute food: "Chicken," "great cheese," and that eating click one's tongue "talking teeth" in recognition of outstanding performance of these employees and as a souvenir. Yum in China Group for all enterprises, not only to the growth of enterprises, individuals have to grow up, and even manufacturers in collaboration, cooperation, joint venture partners will have to grow. That "together, together excellence." Employees of the Kentucky Fried Chicken, with a market in China, the expansion of the growth opportunities they also came into being. Yum Group believes that these young people do for the individual rules of career development is essential. It is necessary to meet the needs of young people to expand innovation and willingness to meet at the same time, the process of long-term development needs of staff reserves. In Kentucky, the staff will not be worked too long in one position. If you post in a dry two years, will someone come: how can you not promoted for so long? At present, the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant manager all have a good educational background, and a step-by-step up from the grass-roots growth of the restaurant. From the management of a restaurant, to the management of 4-5 restaurants and Restaurant 7-10, and even the management of a market. Kentucky-based career development ladder for access, so that every employee has the potential to see the hope of climbing points. For suppliers, the Kentucky Fried Chicken is not only brought about by the rapid growth of opportunities, and also from its own development to make them more competitive in the marketplace. Businesses, employees, vendor collaboration, cooperation, joint venture partners in the Kentucky Long-Term Goals of the guide, through communication, actively cooperate with each other to work together closely to form a team, to achieve the overall performance than individual performance results. Annual meeting, the group management and cooperation among partners, suppliers and mutual cooperation between the direction of future development, exchange of experience, so that efforts to strengthen the communication with each other, enhance cohesion and public enterprises together, the confidence in the pursuit of excellence. This is a session of Yum's China Group, is enthusiastic for the annual meeting of the "Business Challenge 。
If the various rules and regulations, service codes of conduct regulating the staff of "tangible rules", corporate culture is as an "invisible rules" exist in the consciousness of employees. Corporate culture can be likened to the acts of the "gene", which, through incentives, such as ceremony and provide the core values of the enterprise, told employees in an enterprise, what is the most important goal, which is advocated and promoted staff to guide and shape the attitudes and behavior towards the same direction. Therefore the company's investment on the corporate culture is often able to reduce the huge cost of human resources management. Kentucky Fried Chicken as a franchise business, its high standards of service quality is the lifeline of its capital to compete. For this reason, KFC has created a strong sense of service-oriented corporate culture, staff accepted the organizational culture of Kentucky at the same time, the variety of complex rules and regulations of it deep in their hearts within the. "The first restaurant manager" This is Yum China established the most important group of corporate culture, which reflects the company's emphasis on productivity improvement, and all around the restaurant and the service the first line of thinking, but also to encourage positive restaurant to start healthy competition. Each year, the Group in China, Yum's annual meeting, hundreds of students from all over the country will be the restaurant manager excellent results for their outstanding medal was awarded. Yum China president, Mr. Su Jingshi outstanding performance to senior staff presented a gold medal engraved with the dragon - "Golden Dragon Award", a very Chinese characteristics and the incentive. Restaurant sales for the year in a job well done and the management company "champion detection," asked the restaurant manager assessment, the company will be given special treatment, they will fly from all over the world Baisheng Group headquarters, by the president of luxury limousine with a total Nowak Progressive Dinner. Suzhou, China, a restaurant manager region Zan Xudong new wife last year to have portability,greeted by the VIP-like. During the banquet, Nowak and department heads will be brought to the mold cute food: "Chicken," "great cheese," and that eating click one's tongue "talking teeth" in recognition of outstanding performance of these employees and as a souvenir. Yum in China Group for all enterprises, not only to the growth of enterprises, individuals have to grow up, and even manufacturers in collaboration, cooperation, joint venture partners will have to grow. That "together, together excellence." Employees of the Kentucky Fried Chicken, with a market in China, the expansion of the growth opportunities they also came into being. Yum Group believes that these young people do for the individual rules of career development is essential. It is necessary to meet the needs of young people to expand innovation and willingness to meet at the same time, the process of long-term development needs of staff reserves. In Kentucky, the staff will not be worked too long in one position. If you post in a dry two years, will someone come: how can you not promoted for so long? At present, the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant manager all have a good educational background, and a step-by-step up from the grass-roots growth of the restaurant. From the management of a restaurant, to the management of 4-5 restaurants and Restaurant 7-10, and even the management of a market. Kentucky-based career development ladder for access, so that every employee has the potential to see the hope of climbing points. For suppliers, the Kentucky Fried Chicken is not only brought about by the rapid growth of opportunities, and also from its own development to make them more competitive in the marketplace. Businesses, employees, vendor collaboration, cooperation, joint venture partners in the Kentucky Long-Term Goals of the guide, through communication, actively cooperate with each other to work together closely to form a team, to achieve the overall performance than individual performance results. Annual meeting, the group management and cooperation among partners, suppliers and mutual cooperation between the direction of future development, exchange of experience, so that efforts to strengthen the communication with each other, enhance cohesion and public enterprises together, the confidence in the pursuit of excellence. This is a session of Yum's China Group, is enthusiastic for the annual meeting of the "Business Challenge Cha。
所以PC要根据各个产品不同的生产时间提前进行跟货。 例如汉堡在12点-12点10分需要15个,而现在只有5个,生产时间需要15分钟,那么他需要在11点45-11点55之间进行跟货,时间的把握上需要一些经验。
由于每个环节都利用设备,生产的时间上可以精确到分钟。 3。
冷热饮都是开店的时候就准备好的。 4。
每天每个时段的销售情况都有统计,录入系统,以供后来参考。 如果是新店,就参考其他同一环境店铺的情况。
职能部门专业培训 肯德基隶属于世界上最大的餐饮集团——百胜全球餐饮集团,中国百胜餐饮集团设有专业职能部门,分别管理着肯德基的市场开发、营建、企划、技术品控、采购、配送物流系统等专业工作。
餐厅员工岗位基础培训 作为直接面对顾客的“窗口”——餐厅员工,从进店的第一天开始,每个人就都要严格学习工作站基本的操作技能。从不会到能够胜任每一项操作,新进员工会接受公司安排的平均近200个工作小时的培训。通过考试取得结业证书。从见习助理、二级助理、餐厅经理到区经理,随后每一段的晋升,都要进入这里修习5天的课程。根据粗略估计,光是训练一名经理,肯德基就要花上好几万元。
餐厅管理技能培训 目前肯德基在中国有大约5000名餐厅管理人,针对不同的管理职位,肯德基都配有不同的学习课程,学习与成长的相辅相成,是肯德基管理技能培训的一个特点。
看来你真是刚入行,简要给你个提纲,解燃眉之急 1、分析当前客户面临的情况,从产品、市场、竞争者、商誉等方面,具体到公关还有消费者、政府关系、投资者关系等多方面;看哪方面比较不错,哪方面欠缺 2、提出你的解决方案,也就是策略 3、执行方案,如何发稿、还是要搞公关活动等 由于你的问题太泛,只能简要说一下。
任何行业经验,都不是一下能掌握的,必须经过不断的学习和实践经验的积累。给你点建议: 1、读一些相关书籍,比如公关经理实务等看一下,系统了解一下; 2、读别人写的公关策略,可以是你们公司的,也可以找别的同行的提案 3、多研习案例,自己评价,并给出自己的改进方案 4、有机会一定多参加公关实践,比如写策略、给客户提案、实际的公关活动执行等 以上浅见,仅供参考。
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