六一儿童节小品剧本-战争与和平 背景:寝室,一张桌子,四张椅子,三个人坐在桌旁,一个在看报纸,一个在看游戏杂志,一个在听音乐看歌词,摇头晃脑。
甲:(边看报纸边摇着头说)老美啊老美,简直就是一只冲动的猩猩。 乙:(抬头看甲)为什么像猩猩? 甲:(指报纸)你想啊,美国有实力,像猩猩一样强壮,没脑子,像猩猩一样笨。
乙:你说美国笨文秘114版权所有就好啦,不要侮辱了动物,何况猩猩又不笨。 甲:(放下报纸)不笨?好,我讲个故事给你听。
(一边说一边配上动作)很久很久以前,在一个大森林里,住着一只又黑又壮的猩猩,(揉乙的头发,乙打开甲的手挥拳头)有一天,一个猎人(做猎人的样子)提着弓,背着箭来到森林里打猎,结果遇到了猩猩,猎人扭头就跑,猩猩见猎人跑了,便追了上去,后来猎人被逼到悬崖,实在无路可逃,于是豁了出去把所有的箭都向猩猩射去,可是猩猩居然把所有的箭都接住了!猎人吓坏了,只好绝望的闭上眼睛等死,但是等了半天也没有任何动静,他睁开眼睛,发现猩猩居然死了!你猜是怎么回事? 乙:有人救了猎人? 甲:错。 乙:猎人拿枪打死它了? 甲:错。
哪来的枪?你给他送去啊? 乙:枪又不贵,一把来福才1700。 甲:你小子是打cs打傻了啊?都说了是很久很久以前了,还来福,连土炮都没有! 乙:那猩猩怎么就死了? 甲:你想啊,猩猩两只手都抓着箭,看见猎人已经没有反抗的能力了,一高兴,就做出了习惯性的动作,(做双手垂胸的样子,还学猩猩叫)把自己插死了!哈哈哈哈……你说猩猩笨不笨? 乙:(看甲,面无表情) 丙:(看甲,莫名其妙) 甲:(看他们)你们不觉得好笑吗? 乙:一点都不好笑。
与其说猩猩笨,倒不如说你笨。(甲一时气得说不出话) 丙:(摘下耳塞)你们在说什么啊? 甲:(把气发在丙身上)说你像猩猩! 丙:你才像猩猩!我惹你了我!非典型青春期抑郁症。
(不屑,又把耳机戴上) 甲:抑郁?是啊怎么会不抑郁,老美打伊拉克关我们什么事?为什么我们也要跟着受罪?自从开战以来,连老师都赶时髦,上课就上课嘛,时不时讲着讲着就跑题到伊拉克上去了。 乙:(惊奇)你们也是啊?!我还以为只有我们是这样。
你知道英语课一开始我们老师就说(作老师的腔调):“clabegineveryone.now,let'sdiscuthewar'.”(现在让我们来讨论美国与伊拉克的战况) 甲:你知道我们概率老师要我们做什么?他叫我们计算关于战争结果的几种可能的发生率! 乙:我们马哲老师还要我们用辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义分析美伊之战的必然性,并且写一篇1000字左右的论文当作平时作业。1000字啊!让我打游戏还可以,让我写这个就算写到吐血都写不出来。
甲:不过是论文嘛,你找几份报纸凑一下就好了嘛,我们老师还要我们针对伊拉克目前经济状况与社会状况,制定某产品在伊打开市场文秘114版权所有的营销策略!你说有哪个白痴企业会在这样,这样一个连走在路上都有被爆头的危险的地方作生意?太有钱了找刺激啊?! 乙:卖军火就可以啊,而且连广告费都省了,你只要站在街上“啪啪”放上两枪…… 甲:(用报纸敲乙)你嫌我死得慢啊是不是啊?! 丙:(忘情的唱起歌)(《半岛铁盒》)为什么这样子?你拉我手说你还有些忧郁…… 甲:(敲丙)喂,不要制造噪音! 丙:(一下子摘下耳机)吵死了,你们比我还吵!你们那些算什么,我还有广告作业,要求利用目前的社会焦点为某减肥药写广告策划,还要画一幅平面设计。老师说了,社会焦点,就是美伊之战!你们说我该怎么做?难道拍伊拉克难民的画面,然后打上字幕:你想像他们一样苗条吗?欢迎使用xx减肥药。
乙:不是,你应该打上:你想像他们一样苗条吗?欢迎光临伊拉克。(甲大笑) 丙:(推乙)去你的,你以为是打旅游点的广告啊?! 甲:总之,为了减轻学习负担,防止古怪的题目与作业出现,坚决反对战争,维护和平! 全部一起:(握拳高喊)nowar!nowar!。
Chapter 1. SolidWorks basis This chapter points With the PC, and the rapid development of CAD technology, in the past only in workstation environments, UNIX platform 3D design software applications, it is now the ordinary PC platform and the use of the Windows environment, become ordinary designers, engineers design tools. SolidWorks as a Windows environment of mechanical design software, has fully with the Windows user-friendly, simple operation of the characteristics of its powerful design features to satisfy the vast majority of mechanical product design needs. SolidWorks as a three-dimensional design software, a comprehensive parts and assembly modeling capabilities entities, and the model for analysis and processing, which automatically generate engineering drawings. In studying specific operations, it must first be correctly installed software to a computer, and then work with SolidWorks user interface, and by setting options to build a suitable working environment. This chapter includes: 3D design software outlined The main features of SolidWorks Installation and start SolidWorks SolidWorks user interface Set up the working environment of SolidWorks 1.1 Summary of 3D design software CAD software category from the 20th century to the 1960s computer-aided geometric design was mainly to resolve the graphics on the computer display and describe the problem, then gradually raised wireframe, surface, geometric entities such as physical description model. Today, a total experienced the following stage. computer graphics stages: focused on solving computer graphics, surface expression, and other basic issues. technical parameters and characteristics of the stage: resolving CAD data control and modification. intelligent design stages: in the design of integrating more engineering knowledge and rules, to achieve a higher level of the computer-aided design. After 40 years of development, 3D design software has been developed from a simple drawings or product model generation tools, development can provide a wide range of engineering support, covering design intent expression of design standardization, serialization, and design results of the analysis can be created, interfere with the inspection process of judgement, design optimization, and many other aspects. 3D design the model can be converted to support CAE (computer-aided engineering) and CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) applications data format. 3D design these features meet the needs of the project, which have greatly increased the quality of product development and efficiency, greatly reducing the product design and development cycle. At present, large-scale manufacturing enterprises at home and abroad, the 3-D design software has been widely used. American companies such as Boeing use 3D design and related software, in the two and a half years, achieving the 777 non-design drawings. According to the traditional design work, the whole process requires at least four years. The company also works in the implementation of the widely used parallel engineering technology, in the CAD environment with the overall product virtual assembly, the number of correct design errors, thus ensuring that the design process of the short cycle, the outcome of the high-quality design and manufacturing process the fluency. The extensive use of three-dimensional design software can be divided into high-end and mid-range CAD systems, the high-end 3D CAD software mainly I-DEAS, UG, Pro / ENgineeR, CATIA, mid-range 3D CAD system mainly SolidWorks, SolidEdges, MDT, Inventor, etc.. The general manufacturing enterprises, and the powerful features of SolidWorks to complete the general design task, and it is its ease of use and efficiency has also aroused the concern of more and more users. 3D design software experience from simple geometric model generation tools to technology to variable control of the product model, ultimately forming a complete enterprise digital process. 3D design software applications greatly enhance the efficiency of product design and development. Compared to 2D design (CAD), the biggest feature of the 3D design feature is the use of modeling techniques and the entire design process related technologies. 3D design software is not only a powerful modeling functions, but also provides a wide range of engineering support. Including a description of the design intent, design and design reuse, such as serialization. 3D design into part design, assembly design and engineering drawings generated three stages. Related 。