
1.跪求 关于 了不起的盖茨比和美国梦的 英文论文拜托了各位 谢谢

The Great Gatsby and American dream Abstract : critics have always been holding different attitudes towards the debate that whether Fitzgerald criticized American dream in The Great Gatsby. By analyzing the tragedy of Gatsby, we will see Fitzgerald's ambivalence towards American dream. One hand, the author hated the corruption and villainy of it, on the other hand, he was obsessed with its charms and luxuries. Key words : American dream The Great Gatsby tragedy American dream refers to the pursuit of the equality, freedom and corporeal property. American dream has always been one of the most popular motifs in American literature. As a spirit came into being as America was founded, American dream became stronger and stronger in American people's mind. It seemed American people can get what they want by work. This kind of spirit encourages American people generation by generation and prompts America to become the most developed country and own the most wealth in this world. Nowadays, America is the super power, however, America dream has more connotations as time goes by. And it has different meanings in different times. The impression of American dream in the early 18 th century is that America is a country of freedom and opportunities which people could enjoy equally. At that time, the immigrants were puritans from Europe. Among them, British puritans and peasants were the most typical ones. When they arrived in America, their desires for political equality were strong, so the demand for democracy had been accomplished. Thus, the equal rights became the connotation of American dream in that period. As gold rush in the late 18 th century and the early 19 th century began to emerge, some lucky dogs made fortune over night, this gold rush became a legend and promoted the immigration rush. American dream was decorated with the color of gold. But after the Civil War, especially after 1990s, America began to industrialize. American dream had new connotations. Most people thought that it means to pursue wealth and money. They got successful by hard work and endeavor. People gave positive meaning, wisdom and endeavor for American. Since then, America experienced a long time of rapid expansion, more and more people went to America to find their own dreams. However, after the WWI,the connotation of American dream had been changing gradually, because of the post war stability and prosperity, the atmosphere seemed to be harmonious, people thought that they didn't need war any more, young people turned to be debauched. They compensate themselves in the luxurious lifestyles. Young people didn't believe in risks and hard work any more, they began to get much wealth by promotion strategies which included cheat and illegal methods. Most of them treated wealth as the only standard to comment whether a person was successful or not. But the pursuit of wealth and ideal cannot be balanced, the broken dream is the necessary ending of the American dream. Gatsby is the typical representative that succeed in the process of pursuing for American dream. This novel's greatness embodies that it concerns the individuals in America and finally associates them with the whole American nation. Fitzgerald figured a classical tragedy, and it is a tragedy of the American dream. Gatsby is doomed to lose and finally reduced to a tragic character. Because at the very beginning, Gatsby's love for Daisy is partly based on the glamour he associates with the money, and he pursues her by becoming wealthy himself. His passion for Daisy blends with earlier desires for financial success going all the way back to the daily schedule he established as a boy. His dream is completely misguided. When they meet again, Gatsby become a rich man who is still innocent, but the girl—Daisy he pursues merely becomes his empty imagination with symbolistic meaning. So what Gatsby wants is not real Daisy, but the Daisy that figured, decorated and glorified in his imagination. This kind of imagination is beyond Gatsby's ability and power, and it is also beyond the reality. Gatsby's old flame becomes his spirit world. In his heart, Daisy is beautiful and innocent, and she represents all the merits in the upper class of America. Gatsby creates the perfect image of Daisy, and treat her as the avatar of dream to sacrifice himself. Gatsby pursue for money, but he dosen't treat money as the final goal, he just wants to accomplish his love dream by using money. But Daisy's preference for wealth is stronger than any love in her heart. Because 。




文章通过对盖茨比的浪漫梦想和对现实的回避的分析揭示了其悲剧的根源。 【关键词】浪漫;永恒;盖茨比;悲剧一、《了不起的盖茨比》内容简介 故事借尼克的回忆讲述了主人公盖茨比(以下称盖)一生追求梦想的经历。



紧接着黛在一次车祸中把汤姆的情妇茉特尔撞死,竟伙同汤姆将此嫁祸于盖,直接导致了盖的死亡。 二、辛酸的浪漫 畅通论文 盖的一生是追梦的一生。




黛轻而易举地玩弄了他,嫁祸与他,撕扯着他的梦,撕碎了他的身心,而他到死都还沉浸在自己一厢情愿的的浪漫里。 盖茨比情愿把自己的全部身心奉献给对黛的爱,盖的爱是真实的,当他试图依靠高超的想象达到真与美的完美结合时,新的现实无情地将其挫败了。


三、无法企及的永恒 他把自己的爱情视为最高的价值,这就是他的永恒,同时也是他活着的全部价值和意义。对他来说,时间已经不再是标志和衡量现实和梦想的的标准。



当然,他始终沉醉在那样的眩晕状态之中,沉醉于与黛的爱情中,所以当尼克清醒地向他质疑道, “你不能重温旧梦的。 ” “不能重温旧梦?” 他大不以为然地喊道,“哪儿的话,我当然能够!” 他发狂地东张西望,仿佛他的旧梦就隐藏在这里,他的房子的阴影里,几乎一伸手就可以抓到的。


盖专注于每一个现在,他当然在意识里无数遍重温过他与黛在一起的时光,但对他来而言,那不是感伤的回忆,而是他的现在,和他的现在在一起供他行动的心理动力。 盖执着于一个永远不变的目标,他超越了人为的时间界限。






在等待盖的焦躁中,她躲进了汤姆给予的稳定而麻木的婚姻生活中;在芝加哥引起麻烦后,他们迁徙到纽约,他们不断的迁徙正是他们不断要的躲避的一个外在表现,这表明了他们的麻木不仁,“他们砸碎了东西,毁灭了人,然后就退缩到自己的金钱或者麻木不仁或者不管什么使他们留在一起的东西之中……”。 盖与黛5年。



1.引言 《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby)是美国二十年代著名小说家司各特·菲茨杰拉德(Scott Fitzgerald,1896-1940)的杰作,它以完美的艺术形式向读者诉说了一场美国梦的破灭。


本文依据文体学的有关理论,从小说的语言特征出发,试图发掘《了不起的盖茨比》怎样达到这种优美而悲伤的文体效果。 2.功能语言学在小说中的应用 利奇(Leech, Geoffrey)和肖特(Short, Michael)在他们的著作《小说的文体》(Style in Fiction, 1981:174)中根据功能语言学的理论从三方面对小说文体进行分析:描写角度(point of view),叙述顺序(fictional sequencing)和描写焦点(descriptive focus)。

这三方面分别与韩礼德所提出的语言的三个“元功能”——人际功能,语篇功能和概念功能相对应。 描写角度是指一篇文学作品中叙述者对叙述事件的态度或意见。

作者可以第一人称“我”的角度进行叙述,也可从小说中某一人物的角度入手,或者以一个第三者的身份来叙述。在《了不起的盖茨比》这部作品中,作者创造了一个名叫尼克·卡罗威(Nick Carraway)的人物,把他作为整个故事的叙述者,同时他又参与和目睹了故事的发生、过程和结束。

这一双重的描写角度拉大了读者与盖茨比这个故事的距离,无形中给整篇小说造成了一种深沉幽怨的氛围。以下两段分别取自不同的描写角度: (1) When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart. Only Gatsby, the man who gives his name to this book, was exempt from my reaction—Gatsby, who represented every thing for which I have an unaffected scorn. If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away. … ( P2-3, The Great Gatsby, 上海译文出版社, 1994 ) (2) I decided to call to him. Miss Baker had mentioned him at dinner and that would do for an introduction. But I didn't call to him, for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone—he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. …( P34, 同上)。




Her voice is full of money. 当他终于不得不直面Daisy的声音里充斥着世俗金钱的味道,直面Daisy似乎从来就不是他所想象的纯真女子,却凄凉又决绝地继续选择爱她。她是他昔日旧梦,也是毕生追求的美好,明知已物是人非,然若就此舍弃,却像是要掏空他最不设防最为柔软的真心,摧毁他一直依靠着残喘活下的信仰。

或许从这一刻起,他的梦想已经支离破碎,他的爱情已经灰飞烟灭,他也已经死,他的死已是宿命。 Dream, love, art, the world all good things are worth to offer his life. Book, Gatsby belief that immortal green, although this green light distant and faint, but he still desperate to seize it. He means to obtain money wealth, do everything we can elaborate gorgeousness, only to regain its former pure love, former lovers, but helpless green cover has a thin layer of fog. Its ehrs voice is full of money. When he finally had to face to face with Daisy's voice was filled with the flavor of the secular money, face to face with Daisy seems to have not pure woman, what he thought was dismal and refuse to continue to choose to love Her. She is his past again, is also a lifelong pursuit of better, knowing that left them, and yet to give up, hollowed his most don't like to fortify the most soft heart, he has relied on the deeds it survived destruction of faith. Perhaps from this moment, his dream has been broken, and his love has been destroyed, he has died, his death is destiny.。


1.The Great Gatsby was published in 1922 by F. Scott Fitzgerald. At first glance, the novel appears to be a simple love story, but further examination reveals Fitzgerald's masterful scrutiny of American society during the 1920s and the corruption of the American dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1926) is, at first sight, a novel about love, idealism and disillusionment. However, it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas. What is the significance of the strange "waste land" between West Egg and New York, where Myrtle Wilson meets her death, an alien landscape presided over by the eyes of T J Eckleburg whose eyes, like God's, "see everything"? And what are we to make of the novel's unobtrusive symbolism (the green light, the colour of American dollar bills, which burns at the end of Daisy's dock, the references to the elements - land, sea and earth - over which Gatby claims mastery, the contrast between "East" and "West"), or its subtle use of the personalised first narrator, the unassuming Nick Carraway? It is a novel which has intrigued and fascinated readers. Clearly, as a self-proclaimed "tale of the West", it is exploring questions about America and what it means to be American. In this sense Gatsby is perhaps that legendary opus, the "Great American Novel", following in the footsteps of works such as Moby Dick and Huckleberry Finn. We will return to this aspect of the novel in more detail later on. However, we also need to be aware that it is a novel which has much to be say about more abstract questions to do with faith, belief and illusion. Although rooted in the "Jazz Age" which Fitzgerald is so often credited with naming, it is also a novel which should be considered alongside works like The Waste Land, exploring that "hollowness at the heart of things" which lies just below the surface of modern life. Eliot himself remarked that the novel "interested and excited me more than any new novel I have seen, either English or American, for a number of years". Viewed from more distant perspectives it is possible to see Gatsby as an archetypally tragic figure, the epitome of idealism and innocence which strives for order, purpose and meaning in a chaotic and hostile world. In this sense Gatsby contains religious and metaphysical dimensions: the young man who shapes a "Platonic vision of himself" and who endows the worthless figure of Daisy with religious essence, eventually passes away into nothingness, with few at the funeral to lament the passing of his romantic dream。

6.了不起的盖茨比的评论书目 要英文的 急求 谢谢 论文文献用

The Great Gatsby is probably F. Scott Fitzgerald's greatest novel--a book that offers damning and insightful views of the American nouveau riche in the 1920s. The Great Gatsby is an American classic and a wonderfully evocative work.Like much of Fitzgerald's prose, it is neat and well--crafted. Fitzgerald seems to have had a brilliant understanding of lives that are corrupted by greed and incredibly sad and unfulfilled. The novel is a product of its generation--with one of American literature's most powerful characters in the figure of Jay Gatsby, who is urbane and world-weary. Gatsby is really nothing more than a man desperate for love.Overview: The Great Gatsby:The novel's events are filtered through the consciousness of its narrator, Nick Carraway, a young Yale graduate, who is both a part of and separate from the world he describes. Upon moving to New York, he rents a house next door to the mansion of an eccentric millionaire (Jay Gatsby). Every Saturday, Gatsby throws a party at his mansion and all the great and the good of the young fashionable world come to marvel at his extravagance (as well as swap gossipy stories about their host who--it is suggested--has a murky past).Despite his high-living, Gatsby is dissatisfied; and Nick finds out why. Long ago, Gatsby fell in love with a young girl, Daisy. Although she has always loved Gatsby, she is currently married to Tom Buchanan. Gatsby asks Nick to help him meet Daisy once more, and Nick finally agrees--arranging tea for Daisy at his house.The two ex-lovers meet and soon rekindle their affair. Soon, Tom begins to suspect and challenges the two of them--also revealing something that the reader had already begun to suspect: that Gatsby's fortune was made through illegal gambling and bootlegging. Gatsby and Daisy drive back to New York. In the wake of the emotional confrontation, Daisy hits and kills a woman. Gatsby feels that his life would be nothing without Daisy, so he determines to take the blame.George Wilson--who discovers that the car that killed his wife belongs to Gatsby--comes to Gatsby's house and shoots him. Nick arranges a funeral for his friend, and then decides to leave New York--saddened by the fatal events and disgusted by the easy way lived their lives.Wealth as an Exploration of the Deeper Qualities of Life: The Great Gatsby:The power of Gatsby as a character is inextricably linked with his wealth. From the very beginning of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald sets up his eponymous hero as an enigma: the playboy millionaire with the shady past who can enjoy the frivolity and ephemera that he creates around him. However, the reality of the situation is that Gatsby is a man in love. Nothing more. He concentrated all of his life on winning Daisy back.It is the way that he attempts to do this, however, that is central to Fitzgerald's world-view. Gatsby creates himself--both his mystique and his personality--around rotten values. They are the values of the American dream--that money, wealth and popularity are all there is to achieve in this world. He gives everything he has--emotionally and physically--to win, and it is this unrestrained desire that contributes to his eventual downfall.Beyond Enjoyment?: The Great Gatsby:In the closing pages of The Great Gatsby, Nick considers Gatsby in a wider context. Nick links Gatsby with the class of people with whom he has become so inextricably associated. They are the society persons so prominent during the 1920's and 1930's. Like his novel The Beautiful and the Damned, Fitzgerald attacks the shallow social climbing and emotional manipulation--which only causes pain. With a decadent cynicism, the party-goers in The Great Gatsby cannot see anything beyond their own enjoyment. Gatsby's love is frustrated by the social situation and his death symbolizes the dangers of his chosen path.F. Scott Fitzgerald paints a picture of a lifestyle and a decade that is both fascinating and horrific. In so doing, he captures a society and a set of young people; and he wrote them into myth. Fitzgerald was a part of that high-living lifestyle, but he was also a victim of it. He was one of the beautiful but he was also forever damned. In all its excitement--pulsating with life and tragedy--The Great Gatsby captures brilliantly the American dream in a time when it had descended into decadence.还有几篇也不错,可惜网址发布上来,给百度拒了。







同样的例子也可以在《麦田里的守望者》中的霍尔顿 考尔菲德的身上看到。


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