




从这个意义上说,妈祖精神无疑是中华民族的优秀文化遗产之一。 从妈祖文化的外延来说,则是指妈祖信仰持续一千年来形成许多值得我们深入研讨和借鉴的相关学术文化课题。



由此记载可证,钓鱼岛列岛自古就是跟台湾连结在一起的中国领土。 在反侵略战争史上,有关古籍曾记载中国水师将领依恃妈祖庇护多次把殖民主义者驱逐出澎湖海域的史实。


至于妈祖助潮让郑成功的舰队顺利进入台湾鹿耳门港的传说,则在台湾已家喻户晓。 在海上交通贸易及沿海港口开发的历史上,更与妈祖信仰有密不可分的关系。









天津天后宫所存的灭火“水机”,是迄今发现最早的机械消防器材之一。 妈祖文化的外延仅直接记载妈祖信仰的历史文献资料最保守的估计超过一百万字。

它涉及经济、政治、军事、外交、文学、艺术、教育、科技、宗教、民俗、华侨、移民等领域的许多课题,内容相当丰富,史料价值很高。 妈祖民间信仰的学术价值在本世纪70年代起就引起学者的注意,作为一门学问进行研究。




2.谁能提供我一篇关于dink family 的英语论文,谢谢!

The DINK familyChildren of the 50's all had their Dinky toys. After Dinky toys came Match Box toys - a new generation and a new age. At least with Match Box toys you couldn't pull the tires off and eat them. There was quite a fad in the 50's. Children would tie a string around their Dinky toy and negotiate it over a predetermined obstacle course. Just imagine a few hundred kids pulling Dinky toys around the playground. It must have looked a sight. The fads in those simple days worked in a regular cycle - Dinky toys, cigarette cards, bottle tops and marbles. The kids today miss out on all the good things in life, don't they? Today a DINK is not a model car of the 50's. A "dink" is a Double Income No Kids family. This was once a rare species and given that it doesn't breed, you would assume that its present aberration would quickly die out, but not so. It is on the increase. We might well ask why? It may simply be that female "dinks" are still caught in the mind warp of the early 70's - Women's Lib and all that. Those were the heady days when freedom for women would be gained by taking on the male curse of work. Actually, we blokes missed out on a great chance at that time. We should have let the girls have our jobs and we could have stayed at home, getting together at lunchtime for a Bar-B-Q with all the mates. What's happened is we have all ended up as little cogs in the wheels of production. Strangely enough, a "dink" family is not a very normal family. Some 85% of people in the developed world live in a traditional family environment. We all believe in the family unit - mum, dad and the kids. We see it as the basis of society. Most political parties are "for the family." A politician would never dream of doing or saying anything to alienate such a massive slice of the electorate. Governments are "pro-family." None-the-less, "dinks" are on the increase and to a great extent governments are to blame. Even the taxation system favours "dinks". If governments really favoured the family, they would allow income splitting for taxation purposes. The truth is that a single income family is the dying breed. When both partners in a marriage have to work to survive, then the raising of children is something which doesn't come easily. If we have them, we have them late and we can only have one or two, as the financial burden is becoming too much to bear. Loss of the second income can easily bankrupt many a family. So, to become a "dink" is the only easy solution. One suspects that this is not God's plan for a happy society. Doing the DINK(Beijing Today)Updated: 2004-05-25 09:42DINK, which means "double income and no kids," has become a new lifestyle for young couples in big cities. DINK families have been growing steadily in number since the 1980s. There are now at least 600,000 DINK couples in China, mainly in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangzhou. In Beijing, about 10% of young married couples say they do not intend to have children. A recent survey by horizonkey.com found that since 1997, the number of couples in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Wuhan choosing to have children has fallen by 11.3%, while people aiming for DINK status increased by 1.1% to 10.51%. Besides, most DINK couples have higher income. Among couples whose total monthly income was more than 5,000 yuan, 13.7% of them had opted for a DINK family unit. But among couples whose total monthly income was less than 1,500 yuan, the number was just 5.5%. I want to be free! Why do more and more couples choose not to have children? Many old people think that it is to have more freedom. They regard this as an irresponsible choice. "I know they have free choice, but if every family does not bear children, the human race would become extinct," said Hou Yuchuan, a retired middle school teacher. "Most adults received love an care from their parents. I think it is rather selfish if they do not then bear children and pay out the same love and care their parents gave them." However, couples have their own reasons for DINK families. "I think a child is a little 'destroyer' of the love between a couple," said Zhang, a woman in her twenties, to xinhua.net. "Life for my husband and I is easy and romantic. If we had a child it would spoil everything." "We enjoy traveling, taking photos, reading books, taking exercise and enjoying all the delicious foods in Beijing, so having a baby is not in our plans," said a couple who have been married for seven years and did not wish to reveal their names. "life is short, we'd like to use all our money and time to enjoy life itself. 。






从这个意义上说,妈祖精神无疑是中华民族的优秀文化遗产之一。 从妈祖文化的外延来说,则是指妈祖信仰持续一千年来形成许多值得我们深入研讨和借鉴的相关学术文化课题。



由此记载可证,钓鱼岛列岛自古就是跟台湾连结在一起的中国领土。 在反侵略战争史上,有关古籍曾记载中国水师将领依恃妈祖庇护多次把殖民主义者驱逐出澎湖海域的史实。


至于妈祖助潮让郑成功的舰队顺利进入台湾鹿耳门港的传说,则在台湾已家喻户晓。 在海上交通贸易及沿海港口开发的历史上,更与妈祖信仰有密不可分的关系。









天津天后宫所存的灭火“水机”,是迄今发现最早的机械消防器材之一。 妈祖文化的外延仅直接记载妈祖信仰的历史文献资料最保守的估计超过一百万字。

它涉及经济、政治、军事、外交、文学、艺术、教育、科技、宗教、民俗、华侨、移民等领域的许多课题,内容相当丰富,史料价值很高。 妈祖民间信仰的学术价值在本世纪70年代起就引起学者的注意,作为一门学问进行研究。





















6.英语论文 the relation between language and culture

Culture and language are deeply related in that language can be used to reflect the culture of a particular society or the language can reflect the culture and its world view. Language is used to express and sustain culture and cultural associations that exist in a given society. Different ideas result from the use of different languages within a culture. World view is a structure consisting of ideas and beliefs through which a person interprets the world around him and also the world view determines how the person interacts with it. World view can be shaped by the culture and language that is common in a particular society. This is because people in a society use their language to express their culture thus expressing the world view in that society.Ways in which language reflects culture and worldview The relationship between culture and language begins when one is born. This is because a child is exposed to the environment and this helps him/her to become part of his cultural team. The surroundings and the people the child interacts with shape the life of a child, his thoughts and language. People in a society are not the same both physically and psychologically and the interaction varies from one person to another and from one place to another. The behavioral patterns that are exhibited by these different groups will vary and they may be approved or disapproved (Soler, &Jorda, 2008). The same behavior patterns will vary from one place to another hence forming the foundations of various cultures. The differences in culture and behavior form different world views for a person and society. Culture is said to be the beliefs and values that are used to manage people's life in a particular society and people use the language in the society to express the different views in the society. This makes the person's views to depend on the culture that has shaped them. A person describes his/her view using the language that has been developed by his/her culture. The understanding of people's culture can be improved by knowing their language (Jandt, 2004). People's world view can differ even if they are brought in similar behavioral patterns and culture as they speak different languages. The language a person uses to express his/her views will limit him/her. This is because various languages create different restrictions thus different people sharing the same culture and speaking different languages will have different world views. This is an indication that language is formed by culture and the culture of a society can be revealed through language. This culture is transferred to a new generation through the use of language. Thus for a child to learn a new language he should learn the new culture. The world view of a given society will depend on the culture in that society and also the language the people in that society use. This has forced many teachers and parents to teach the young children their culture and language so as to give the children the right views on their culture. The teachers should use materials that include the culture and language of that particular society in their work so as to help the students understand their cultural background and their language use (Adler, &Rodman, 1997).Ads by Google They can do so by choosing the right training styles so as to discover the differences that result from the use of various languages in a society that is sharing a single culture. This will help the student in understanding his/her culture as he/she will not have a bad conception. Language policy can be used to make people aware of the cultural variations in the society and also to understand them. This will help the people in the society to accept their culture and also maintain multiculturalism in the society (Adler,&Rodman,1997). There are three concepts that can be used to identify or explain a world view in a given culture by analyzing the language used. A cultural code is made up of beliefs and values of a given society. The culture of a given society trains the members in the society how to behave. It also trains people on how to interpret things and forms a person's personality. All these things are done through the use of language to express culture. Conversation helps people in the society to express their culture through verbal means or non verbal means. The language that is developed by a given culture is used to communicate the world view in the society and also help in interaction. Culture and language gives an individual a sense of belonging by making him/her to be part of a given community (Jandt, 2004).Conclusion Language and culture are entwined such that people in the society cannot live without 。



At the point of finishing this paper, I'd like to express my sincere thanks to all those who have lent me hands in the course of my writing this paper. First of all, I'd like to take this opportunity to show my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Ms. , who has given me so much useful advices on my writing, and has tried her best to improve my paper. Secondly, I'd like to express my gratitude to my classmates who offered me references and information on time. Last but not the least, I'd like to thank those leaders, teachers and working staff especially those in the School of Foreign Languages. Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.

8.food cultures in America and China英语论文相关资料

The Comparison and Research about Chinese and Western Food Cultures 1. Introduction Food, as essential prerequisite for existence, is any substance that provides the nutrients necessary to maintain life and growth when ingested (Pamela & Kathryn, 1998:2). It plays an irreplaceable role in the development of society and in the progress of human beings, whether in ancient times when primitive man ate the raw flesh of birds and beasts or in modern times when humans have entered the new era of information, and whether in East or in West. There are great disparities between China and Western countries in etiquette and content of food cultures, so the comparative study of Chinese & Western food cultures will help us increase cross-cultural awareness that tolerating, understanding, and furthermore, appreciating and respecting cultural difference is essential if we are to achieve cross-cultural competence during the interaction. Moreover, as we communicate with people from different cultures, we will learn more about them and their way of life, including their history, values and the substance of their personality, and eventually, we will understand them better, or feel empathy with them. Based on the above-mentioned purposes, the author of this thesis hopes this research, to some extent, be of significance both theoretically and practically. 2. Theoretical Foundations 2.1 Defining culture What is culture? How to define it? Culture is a system of shared benefits, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation through learning (Longman Dictionary, 2002:535) We define culture as the deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meaning。

9.有题为my college life 英文的论文吗

What can you do to make your college life colorful ? describe the ideal life in college .

When I was in high school , I had dreamt of having a wonderful life in college . I said to myself that I would do lots of interesting things to make the next few years filled with happiness. I even make a detailed plan . but when I entered college I found it quite different from what I thought before ,I felt a little depressed .As I don't know what to do after class .in fact , we have far less lessons than we had in high school;. So , what should I do in the long spare time . I didn't know ,so I spent much of my time reading , you know ,some novels , but ,day after day ,I began to feel boring only to read . Will the next four years be the same ? I wondered .if so , I will be crazy ,Four years have too much spare time , four years reading novels ,four years feel depressed ,I couldn't think more about it .So after a period of several weeks , I started to make a plan for my college life , in order to make it colorful and valuable . First of all , I should get up early in the morning rather than sleep late , even on the weekends, then I can do some exercises as body building .Second , I should go to the library , of course , not just for novels , other kinds of books like maths , English are included . if I still have some spare tie , I will find a part-time job . in this way , I could gain some money and what is the most important, experience , I can know more about the real world .


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