某百货店POS积分管理系统 ——积分添加和通票回收 摘要 百货商店是与人们生活密切相关的重要部分,是人们购买日常生活用品最为方便,且日常用品最为丰富集中,日常消费也最为频繁的场所,随着现代社会的进步,生活节奏的加快,它的重要地位越来越显著。
而通票回收主要是根据初期的参数数据对通票回收数据再度处理,生成新的通票回收数据文件。模块是基于日文系统Windows 2000,采用C#开发语言,并使用SQL server 2000的数据库来实现了积分点添加以及通票回收处理的功能。
系统着重程序的运行异常处理,CSV文件的读写和数据库的基本操作处理。 关键词:计算机应用;管理信息系统;POS;SQL数据库;积分添加;通票回收 The Integral Management of POS System for a Department Store ——The Integral adding and Ticket Recovering Abstract The department store is playing an important role in our daily life, where we can purchase something conveniently. It is also a place that having a large numbers of goods and attracting so many customers to consuming in it. With the development of modern society and speeding up of the pace of the life, its importance is becoming more and more evident. In order to give consumers a more convenient service platform and standardize the business, a system of POS Integral adding is designed. This system is worked in the form of integral adding points, statistic the circumstance of shopping of the client in the shop. In order to increase the sale and bring more discounts to the clients, the store would return the consumers something when the point is accumulated to a certain degree, The integral adding inserting and ticket recovering is playing an important role in store. Integral adding is dealing with the points which produced from every daily transaction and change the relating data table information. Ticket recovering is dealing with the recalling data again according to the primary parameter data and produces the new file of recalling data. This module is based on the Windows 2000 of Japan's system and the C# developing language SQL server 2000 database are adopted to realize the functions of integral adding inserting and ticket recovering. More attention is paid to the abnormal processing, the reading and writing of CSV file, and the base operating of database. Key words: Computer application; Management information system; POS; SQL database; integral adding; ticket recovering 目录 以上参考于三七毕业设计网,只是作品的部分简介,完整的全套作品均包含开题报告+可执行程序(网站)+源代码+论文+答辩稿PPT+中英文翻译材料,更多参考请点击访问,不明白之处可以请教客服人员。
某百货店POS积分管理系统 ——积分添加和通票回收 摘要 百货商店是与人们生活密切相关的重要部分,是人们购买日常生活用品最为方便,且日常用品最为丰富集中,日常消费也最为频繁的场所,随着现代社会的进步,生活节奏的加快,它的重要地位越来越显著。
而通票回收主要是根据初期的参数数据对通票回收数据再度处理,生成新的通票回收数据文件。模块是基于日文系统Windows 2000,采用C#开发语言,并使用SQL server 2000的数据库来实现了积分点添加以及通票回收处理的功能。
系统着重程序的运行异常处理,CSV文件的读写和数据库的基本操作处理。 关键词:计算机应用;管理信息系统;POS;SQL数据库;积分添加;通票回收 The Integral Management of POS System for a Department Store ——The Integral adding and Ticket Recovering Abstract The department store is playing an important role in our daily life, where we can purchase something conveniently. It is also a place that having a large numbers of goods and attracting so many customers to consuming in it. With the development of modern society and speeding up of the pace of the life, its importance is becoming more and more evident. In order to give consumers a more convenient service platform and standardize the business, a system of POS Integral adding is designed. This system is worked in the form of integral adding points, statistic the circumstance of shopping of the client in the shop. In order to increase the sale and bring more discounts to the clients, the store would return the consumers something when the point is accumulated to a certain degree, The integral adding inserting and ticket recovering is playing an important role in store. Integral adding is dealing with the points which produced from every daily transaction and change the relating data table information. Ticket recovering is dealing with the recalling data again according to the primary parameter data and produces the new file of recalling data. This module is based on the Windows 2000 of Japan's system and the C# developing language SQL server 2000 database are adopted to realize the functions of integral adding inserting and ticket recovering. More attention is paid to the abnormal processing, the reading and writing of CSV file, and the base operating of database. Key words: Computer application; Management information system; POS; SQL database; integral adding; ticket recovering 目录 以上参考于三七毕业设计网,只是作品的部分简介,完整的全套作品均包含开题报告+可执行程序(网站)+源代码+论文+答辩稿PPT+中英文翻译材料,更多参考请点击访问,不明白之处可以请教客服人员。
POS (Physical Optics-based Shaped Reflector and Phased Array Design Tool)是基于 PO 的反射面天线赋形设计和相控矩阵优化软件,能够根据预先设定的等值波束覆盖图(Contoured Beam Coverage)对单、双或多反射面天线进行赋形(shaping)。
▪基于地面的天线设计,如雷达、VSTA 、射电望远镜等
产品特性:PO 和 PTD 高频算法
▪基于先进的用于校正设计变量的优化算法,遗传算法(GA)和 Minimax
POS的应用实现了信用卡、借记卡等银行卡的联机消费,保证了交易的安全、快捷和准确,避免了手工查询黑名单和压单等繁杂劳动,提高了工作效率。 中国产业研究报告网发布的《2013-2017年中国银行POS机行业分析与投资战略研究报告》共九章。
您若想对银行POS机产业有个系统的了解或者想投资银行POS机行业,本报告是您不可或缺的重要工具。 参考:。
POS系统基本原理是先将商品资料创建于计算机文件内,透过计算机收银机联机架构,商品上之条码能 pos机基本原理透过收银设备上光学读取设备直接读入后(或由键盘直接输入代号)马上可以显示商品信息(单价,部门,折扣。)加速收银速度与正确性。每笔商品销售明细资料(售价,部门,时段,客层)自动记录下来,再由联机架购传回计算机。经由计算机计算处理即能生成各种销售统计分析信息当为经营管理依据。
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