

The emergence of the institution of compensation for mental injury indicates the development of social civilization development has reached a new level. With the development of society, the increasingly rich material life, people pay more attention to the spirit realm of life, civil main body their personal rights are infringed upon by requiring the infringer remedies by property compensation civil legal system has been the world wide approval, at present our country's spiritual damage compensation system is still exists serious defects, based on the concept of the institution of compensation for mental injury, scope and some legal provisions in China was analyzed, institution of compensation for mental injury problems and to perfect the institution of compensation for mental injury provide constructability Suggestions, making it a better protection of the legal rights of the parties. Keywords: Spiritual damage compensation Legislative defects perfect State compensation。


法律专业论文中文摘要Chinese abstract of legal profession法律专业[法] legal profession ; 法律专业培养系统掌握百法学知识,熟悉我国法律和党的相关政策,能在国家机关、企事业单位和社会团体,度特别是能在立法机关、行政机关、检察机关、审判版机关、仲裁机构和法律服务机构以及涉外、涉侨等部门从事法律工作的高级专权门人才。

论文[lùn wén][名]paper; thesis; dissertation; treatise; discourse ; 中文:Chinese摘要[zhāi yào][名]abstract; (摘录下来的要点) summary; remark; tabloid; [动](摘录要点) make a summary; make an abstract ;。

3.法律论文 英文摘要

题目:With regard to criminal law theory in the understanding of a flagrant crime正文:Flagrant crime as a general social phenomenon, has been in existence for thousands of years of social history; including, in particular the concept of school as a flagrant crime committed, it can be said with the general sense of the crime have simultaneously; the concept of criminal law as a flagrant offense, has historically existed in thousands of human society. Openly committed as a criminal and the negative cultural expressions, whether it is the specificity of the Criminal Code norms on moral values or the reverse, and are worthy of criminal law theory researchers to explore in depth. However, for a long time, China's Criminal Law刑法理论界on the "objective elements constitute a crime," the study focus, multi-objective aspects of running an essential element, that is against the act, against the findings and results of behavior and the causal relationship between on; for the crime as an objective choice of the implementation of elements of the crime the way, but rarely get involved. In this paper, exploring a flagrant crime, not only confined to the study of criminal law perspective, but also learn from the crime, ethics, sociology, such as the perspective of the norms of a flagrant offense, the nature of black social evil, the negative value and its comprehensive evaluation contains. Author惟愿through so many levels, multi-angle discussion to a more deepening and comprehensive three-dimensional interpretation that the truth will be openly committed to maximize the show in the face of social and readers, so expect it to for the development of China's Criminal Jurisprudence criminal applications of the research on the subject domain, to make its own modest contribution.摘要的英文是:Abstract关键词是:Key words内容是:Flagrant;Flagrant crime。

4.求 法律英语的 论文

Plea bargain, also known as defense trade, defense negotiations, plea agreement, the United States six or seven decades on behalf of the emergence of a criminal system, that is, before the trial, the prosecutor, and the defense through the preparation, and then the two sides to negotiate, bargain. If the prosecutor, the defense to meet the requirements, then the prosecutor, or to withdraw the charges, or downgrade charges, or requests in the future mitigation of punishment. "Plea Bargaining" is now widely used and accepted as legitimate by the U.S. Supreme Court proceedings.In the U.S., has to file an indictment or information the book cases, not have to be resolved through the trial stage, and now more and more widespread through "plea bargaining" to. Before the hearing, the parties must be careful preparation, including two lawyers who met with potential witnesses, to obtain expert evidence, gather information about cases and so on, and then the prosecution and the defense to negotiate outside the court, as market transactions, it said Plea Bargaining. If the defense to meet the prosecution's request to be the prosecution of its lighter, reducing processing or withdrawn charges. As in the robbery, for example, U.S. law will be divided into three,A robbery can be sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment, reduced to three if the robbery, the penalty is imprisonment for seven years. Pairs of the plea bargain made public litigation, the court may accept or reject. If the court accepted the plea bargain, the court shall notify the accused, the court will plea bargain embodied in the ruling. If the court rejected the plea bargain, the court shall notify the parties of this fact, recorded in the volume, and give the defendant a chance to reply to withdraw his guilty.For the plea bargain this approach, the United States there are two different views, supporters believe that the implementation of plea bargaining has three advantages:1, can be "credible" conviction, given that nearly 90% of the guilt of the accused to reply, that is admission of guilt;2, closed quickly, can save time and costs;3, in some cases settled out of court as well, if a person has a criminal record, he will be discriminated against losing their jobs, to families and society a series of questions.Opponents believe that this practice is in fact the trial has become a trade deal with criminal cases in this way is not depending on the facts and the law, but the negotiations depends on the level of skills and tools is a system of adversarial trial One distortion is a concession to those who violate the law, and therefore advocate the abolition of this practice.。


: 行政诉讼法 the country of the provisions of article 50 : "people's court the case, does not apply to mediate." our 行政诉讼 system, and in control of the exercises, to protect citizens' rights. it plays an important role, 行政诉讼 does not apply the principle of mediation basically been implemented, however, in the implementation of the legislative spirit 行政诉讼, a large number of administrative cases in disguised form shall apply to solve disputes through conciliation by the administration has become an open secret, the chief。

6.法律论文 英文摘要

The crime takes the common social phenomenon blatantly, has existed in the social history several thousand years; And is specially violates blatantly as the criminology concept, may say with the general sense crime synchronization production; But violates blatantly as the criminal law concept, also has existed historically in human society over a thousand years. Commits the achievement one kind of criminal offense and negative cultural performance blatantly, regardless of being in the criminal law standard particularity or the ethical value reversion, is worth the criminal law theory researcher inquiring into thoroughly. However, since long, our country criminal law theorists to penology on “crime constitution objective important document” research attention spot, multi-deliveries in objective aspect necessary important document, namely harm behavior, harm result and behavior and in result causal relation; Regarding chooses the important document as the crime objective aspect the crime to implement the method, actually rarely has stepping. This article to blatantly crime inquisition, not only limits to the penology research angle of view, but also from the criminology, ethics, the sociology and so on multi-angle of view discussion violates blatantly separately standard, essence, social wicked evil, negative valence value implication and quality synthetic evaluation. The author only hopes through so many stratification planes, the multi-angle of view discussion, can and comprehensive clarifies by the even more three-dimensional deepening shows, will violate blatantly the inside story maximum limit presents in society and in front of the reading public, thus expected that it can develop our country criminal activity jurisprudence, the criminal application discipline research universe of discourse, makes own contribution slightly.。

7.法学论文 英文摘要

As a civil rights, privacy in modern society, an increasingly important role. It also changes in society, given new development right to privacy is reflected in the contents of the expansion of right to privacy, protection, enhancement values of the change, and other privacy trends. New developments in privacy, and social and economic, cultural, science and technology is closely related to many factors.Keywords: privacy the new development trends。

8.求 法律英语的 论文

Plea bargain, also known as defense trade, defense negotiations, plea agreement, the United States six or seven decades on behalf of the emergence of a criminal system, that is, before the trial, the prosecutor, and the defense through the preparation, and then the two sides to negotiate, bargain. If the prosecutor, the defense to meet the requirements, then the prosecutor, or to withdraw the charges, or downgrade charges, or requests in the future mitigation of punishment. "Plea Bargaining" is now widely used and accepted as legitimate by the U.S. Supreme Court proceedings.In the U.S., has to file an indictment or information the book cases, not have to be resolved through the trial stage, and now more and more widespread through "plea bargaining" to. Before the hearing, the parties must be careful preparation, including two lawyers who met with potential witnesses, to obtain expert evidence, gather information about cases and so on, and then the prosecution and the defense to negotiate outside the court, as market transactions, it said Plea Bargaining. If the defense to meet the prosecution's request to be the prosecution of its lighter, reducing processing or withdrawn charges. As in the robbery, for example, U.S. law will be divided into three,A robbery can be sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment, reduced to three if the robbery, the penalty is imprisonment for seven years. Pairs of the plea bargain made public litigation, the court may accept or reject. If the court accepted the plea bargain, the court shall notify the accused, the court will plea bargain embodied in the ruling. If the court rejected the plea bargain, the court shall notify the parties of this fact, recorded in the volume, and give the defendant a chance to reply to withdraw his guilty.For the plea bargain this approach, the United States there are two different views, supporters believe that the implementation of plea bargaining has three advantages:1, can be "credible" conviction, given that nearly 90% of the guilt of the accused to reply, that is admission of guilt;2, closed quickly, can save time and costs;3, in some cases settled out of court as well, if a person has a criminal record, he will be discriminated against losing their jobs, to families and society a series of questions.Opponents believe that this practice is in fact the trial has become a trade deal with criminal cases in this way is not depending on the facts and the law, but the negotiations depends on the level of skills and tools is a system of adversarial trial One distortion is a concession to those who violate the law, and therefore advocate the abolition of this practice.。


: 行政诉讼法 the country of the provisions of article 50 : "people's court the case, does not apply to mediate." our 行政诉讼 system, and in control of the exercises, to protect citizens' rights. it plays an important role, 行政诉讼 does not apply the principle of mediation basically been implemented, however, in the implementation of the legislative spirit 行政诉讼, a large number of administrative cases in disguised form shall apply to solve disputes through conciliation by the administration has become an open secret, the chief。


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