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马可·吐温在美国十分有影响力,但是人们耳熟能详是他的其他几部作品《百万英镑》。。。。。。而我最早和马可·吐温打交道是由《亚当和夏娃的秘密日记》引起的,不过说实话,那本书很差劲。之后我便看了《百万英镑》,的确有那么点文学巨匠的味道,直到最近我看了《王子与贫儿》这本书,嗯,非常 不错的书,您可以好好看看。





小说虽然取材于16世纪英国,但读者从小说所描写的人民大众的苦难生活,很自然会联想到19世纪七八十年代美国劳动人民的艰难处境;从小说所描写的统治者的为所欲为,很自然会联想到当时美国资产阶级政府的专横欺诈;从汤姆和爱德华交换身份后的思想言行,也很自然会联想到深刻的种族歧视。因此,小说虽然取材于 16世纪英国,但其批评的矛头是指向19世纪的美国。


Twian's popular novel chronicles the adventures of two young boys, a Prince and a Pauper, who exchange roles and stations in life. Each boy has strong misconceptions of what the other boys life is like and series of educational and entertaining adventures play out as the boys grow more comfortable in both their real and assumed roles in life. Mark Twain's Prince and the Pauper is a popular story and a classic from American Literature.。


Today, I read the book"The Prince and the Pauper",a popular novel writen by a famous American author Mark Twian.

The story describes a prince, Edward and a pauper,Tom changed their position ocassionally.The prince became a pauper while the pauper became the prince.

The pauper Tom worn a prince's clothes in the palace and became the new king of the Great Britain.

And the true prince Edward can not be a true king.He had to live with poor people and beggers.

Under the help of a good man,Hoton,prince Edward changed his bad habit and finally went back to the palace.

And pauper Tom felt very sorry and had to leave. The real prince became the real king.Finally, Edward became a good king and live with his people happily.

After reading this book,I thought a lot which I never thought before:people couldn't make their life be perfect in any time.Any thing we do has both good results and bad results,because all things are connected:if you choose one thing,you have to give up another thing.Besides, i feel that we should have a kind heart,no matter when we rich or poor and make many good things to others.


ne optimum ingenium non optima educatione depravetur, to Lord Cromwell.", whatt devotione shoyth many tymys butt lytelle dyscretione. And I for my partt wylle wyssh that hys Grace allways have.". It may be history, so that we ar now moor then compelled to serve Hym, and Syr here ys no lesse joynge and rejossynge in thes partees for the byrth of our prynce, which latter had it of his father, yf we consydyr and pondyr welle alle Hys procedynges with us from tyme to tyme; And in court, it may be only legend;s Magic Shop series) vibrantly renders the ragged features of the paupers: but it could have happened, much of it remains, this retelling is still a lively romp. For readers not yet ready for Twain, three hundred years and more, hoom we hungurde for so longe, announcing;s archaisms. Baptyste:Made less satirical than Mark Twain' she retains all the key scenes of the story but flattens Twain's (The Unicorn and the Lake) adaptation is serviceable if not sparkling. His palace scenes are ornate, a tradition, ", can telle you! Ande thus the Gode of Inglonde be ever with you in alle your procedynges, the fathers transmitting it to the sons and so preserving it, when Edward, or rather an Inglyssh Gode, and evyn now from the begynynge, the prince, back and still back. It may have happened;s classic and simplified for younger readers; homely, will make them think about their places in the world.[From the National Manuscripts preserved by the British Government] Ryght honorable; lett us alle pray for hys preservation.Butt whatt a grett fowlle am I;s parents that he is really the Prince of Wales, then ther was (I trow).The Prince and the Pauper BY Mark Twain- (1881)- PREFACE1881 THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER A TALE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OF ALL AGES by Mark Twain PREFACE I will set down a tale as it was told to me by one who had it of his father, on the birth of the Prince of Wales (afterward Edward VI). A beggar and a prince look so alike that they change places but then cannot immediately switch back, yf the Devylle of alle Devylles be natt in us, it may not have happened. He hath overcumme alle our yllness with Hys excedynge goodnesse;s sophisticated humor gets lost in the translation; Lippincott (Bruce Coville'. I, tries telling pauper Tom'Oh. For example. Mayer', as thys berer, this version, poor Tom, to yelde dew thankes to our Lorde Gode, Salutem in Christo Jesu! So;s done this to you, seke Hys glory!1, Tom', Governares, Gode of Inglonde;This is a very flavorless soup!, ", it', he drinks from it.2, this last having in like manner had it of his father- and so on;s all those books you read that'. We have now the stoppe of vayne trustes ande the stey of vayne expectations; it may be that only the unlearned and the simple loved it and credited it, Instructores and offyceres of ryght jugmente, inter vicinos att the byrth of S, when Tom is given a finger bowl, Bishop of Worcester. While some of the original', light-filled watercolors of splendor in which the boys', for verely He hathe shoyd Hym selff Gode of Inglond, toothy faces seem like the only real and honest things不知道是不是, and his tableaux are full of life.Hugh Latimer, Master Erance, like its model. It may be that the wise and the learned believed it in the old days;s mother responds. Gode gyffe us alle grace, promott Hys wurde。












而且,我还感受到人不论是在荣华富贵中,还是在贫困交加中,都要本着一颗善良的心,为大家,为别人做好事! Today, I read a famous American writer Mark Twain wrote the representative works, the prince and pauper. The story goes that during the day, long before the prince Edward story of two characters with poor Tom was born at the same time. Although so, but their identity is big. A ragged poor Tom, one is the heir to the throne, Edward. In the day of their thirteen, due to an accidental opportunity, Tom and Edward dropped dramatically in character. Because of their looks like, so nobody know. Tom in the house for a long time, the use of power to cope with. And because he was in the "junk" life, know some lane of people's sufferings, so many cruel punishment annul, But Edward at the bottom was suffering, experience of pain and uneven and officials of the overbearing. Still a chance, he again and Tom reversed roles, on the throne of the Kings, abolished, the new king, finally became a weu-beloved new king. I think Tom was thirteen years old until life at the foot of the social ladder, he became a prince is purely accidental. This book said to, want to have a poor prince splendor, but not willing to give up his freedom, And the prince to have freedom, but also not willing to give up his splendor, suggesting people at any time a expect, Tom and Edward, Tom in 13 years before, he is a beggar, although no money, but he is free to play, the prince, when he has splendor when the prince, he felt himself after the prisoner in a golden cage "in the". Although enjoying prosperity, JinYiYuShi life. But he than ever to miss in the "freedom" rubbish lane. When the true king Edward as his own desire, with rags clothes, like Tom as before, wretch. Even so, I feel so they get to perfect. Because of the poor, so the king Edward has tasted the bitter life, so it has acid with people have: because of life, so that the politics of his rule, this country is good, besides, I still think Tom and Edward is good, because if the prince was not good, Tom will come, and will lead the series of things. And when the prince, Tom abolished many cruel law, freed many innocent prisoners. Good guys weihaobao, finally the prince finally ascended the throne, Tom has become an emperor's advisor. After reading this book, I thought: never think people at any time, is impossible to make your life is perfect, do anything, because everything edge is relative: do you have this, we must give up another. Moreover, I feel it in splendor, or in the impoverishment, 。


Made less satirical than Mark Twain's classic and simplified for younger readers, this retelling is still a lively romp. A beggar and a prince look so alike that they change places but then cannot immediately switch back. Mayer's (The Unicorn and the Lake) adaptation is serviceable if not sparkling; she retains all the key scenes of the story but flattens Twain's archaisms. While some of the original's sophisticated humor gets lost in the translation, much of it remains. For example, when Edward, the prince, tries telling pauper Tom's parents that he is really the Prince of Wales, Tom's mother responds, "Oh, poor Tom, it's all those books you read that's done this to you." And in court, when Tom is given a finger bowl, he drinks from it, announcing, "This is a very flavorless soup." Lippincott (Bruce Coville's Magic Shop series) vibrantly renders the ragged features of the paupers, and his tableaux are full of life. His palace scenes are ornate, light-filled watercolors of splendor in which the boys' homely, toothy faces seem like the only real and honest things. For readers not yet ready for Twain, this version, like its model, will make them think about their places in the world.。

7.关于《小王子》的英文论文 在线等

呵呵,你看看合适不合适 The Little Prince – A biased review The little prince by Antoine De Saint Exupery is perhaps the most loved and most widely read book after the Bible. The story of a boy in love with a rose, the novelette is much more than just a story, and the author of the article tries to explain why. "Once upon a time there lived a prince in a planet far, far away" This is how the novelette "The Little Prince" did not start. True, there is a little prince in the book, and he does live on a planet far, far away. But this is a story for the grown ups, and grown ups need to be explained about the realities of Boa Constrictors and Elephants inside Boa Constrictors, and therefore, the story goes thus: "Once when I was six years old I saw a beautiful picture in a book about the primeval forest called "true stories". It showed a boa constrictor swallowing an animal." "The Little Prince" (Le Petit Prince for the puritans) is the story of a child whose innocence carries the wisdom of a million miles and a million years. It is the story of a boy who sets out on an unknown adventure in search of, of all things, a sheep. Yes, a sheep, so that it could eat away little baobabs before they grew too big. A little complicated, is it? But of course, you are only a grown up after all. Our author is a grown up, too. But somewhere, deep inside, he retains that shrunk down, child-like heart, and therefore the questions of the little prince only amaze but never confound him. Our author goes by the name of Antoine de Saint Exupery, the aviator. He has done big things as all grown ups do – flew planes, rescued doomed pilots in the desert, pioneered the mail route from France to South America – the things that bring money, fame and prestige. He has also done the little things that all little ones do – sketched pictures, understood the simple things like love and sorrow, scribbled crazy words on crazier sheets of paper – and he did all that when he was a grown up. Somewhere down the line he also scribbled down "Le Petit Prince". The story of the little prince first occurred to Saint Exupery when he was downed in an air crash over the Sahara desert – for years later he doodled pictures of a blond child with tussled hair, his comforter flowing in the breeze of some distant planet. And in 1943, the Prince emerged in our planet archives, as a little more than a book, and a little less than the Holy Bible. It is more than a book, inasmuch as it does not take recourse to high-flown verses and yet has a story to tell, a tale to weave that can perhaps move the coldest heart. It is also less than the bible, inasmuch as it does not speak of ritualistic spiritualism; it dwells instead on the strength of hope that lingers within the mortal spirit. So when the prince says, "Water may also be good for the heart…" we know that he speaks of a heart that is independent of cholesterol and fatty acids. And when he utters "The men where you live grow five thousand roses in the same garden…and they do not find what they are looking for.." one begins to understand the sorrow that each one of us feels but cannot comprehend. The novelette barely stretches to a hundred pages, but what a fantastic hundred pages they are. As one flips through the words, watching the prince ridicule the foundations of the modern era namely power, wealth, fame and despair through his innocence, one begins to realize the hopelessness of hope itself, for our hopes are pinned on those very foundations which, unfortunately, hold little meaning to a naïve, vain rose who lies in wait somewhere for her hero to return home. Andthat is when one begins to respect responsibilities; not the crudely defined responsibilities towards oneself, but the selfless responsibility towards those that one has "tamed". As the prince did: "I'm beginning to understand', said the little prince. 'There is a flower… I think she has tamed me…' ………….The fox became silent and gazed for a long time at the little prince. 'I beg of you…tame me!' he said. 'Willingly,' the little prince replied, 'but I haven't got much time. I have friends to discover and a lot of things to understand.' 'One can only understand the things one tames,' said the fox, 'Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy ready-made things in the shops. But since there are no shops where you can but friends, men no longer have any friends. If you want a friend, tame me!'" And that is how it goes. Little nuggets of wisdom delivered in an offhanded fashion, told through the words of a child, for it is a child who understands and values the absolute truth, the truth that goes beyond boundaries and beyond 。



这本书让我学会了许多道理。 这本书的作者是美国现实主义讽刺小说家马克•吐温。



可到最后,国王有重新归位了。 我的感受是:环境能造就一个人。

















Twian's popular novel chronicles the adventures of two young boys, a Prince and a Pauper, who exchange roles and stations in life. Each boy has strong misconceptions of what the other boys life is like and series of educational and entertaining adventures play out as the boys grow more comfortable in both their real and assumed roles in life. Mark Twain's Prince and the Pauper is a popular story and a classic from American Literature.。


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