例子可也用"Bad Boys",那两个黑人警察的. 你要有一个思路,怎么开始,重点是什么,关于英雄主义的什么? 给你个例子: 1. Introduction (why do you want to study this topic and the contribution of your thesis) 2. Background or Literature Review (What did other people write about this topic, e.g. mainstream of American film, the dominant idea projected in American film, other scholar's opinion, and then frame your own view. You should break this down to different sub-headings.) 阅读文献 3. Methodology (What kind of approach you take to research this topic? Why do you choose this movie, say representative? How do you collection information, i.e. source? 4. Results (Analysis the information. What are the results? Discussion) 5. Conclusion 每个章节你可以有一些小的论述部分,分开如 1.2 aldkglkda 1.3 adktpy r'qwiha 希望对你有帮助 :)。
一、有非常多:与狼共舞、燃情岁月、玩具总动员 系列、小鸡快跑、战鸽快飞、冲走小老鼠、浪漫鼠德佩罗、斯瓦辛格系列、史泰龙系列、《亡命快递》、大地雄心等等等,。
一、有非常多:与狼共舞、燃情岁月、玩具总动员 系列、小鸡快跑、战鸽快飞、冲走小老鼠、浪漫鼠德佩罗、斯瓦辛格系列、史泰龙系列、《亡命快递》、大地雄心等等等,。
美国梦、乐观主义——美国电影《阿甘正传》反映的思想观念和价值观 【摘 要】电影反映人们的生活,思想观念和价值观。
【关键词】美国电影 《阿甘正传》 美国梦 乐观主义 20世纪以来的100年,世界传播事业和信息产业飞速发展。科学技术不断进步,将人类带入了信息社会。
《阿甘正传》 (1994)是由罗伯特•泽梅基斯导演,汤姆•汉克斯主演的一部“愚人电影”(反智电影)。该电影获得了巨大成功——在1995年的第67届奥斯卡金像奖角逐中,《阿甘正传》一举获得13项提名,包揽最佳影片、最佳男主角、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳剪辑和最佳视觉效果六项大奖,还夺得了当年全美10大票房影片的首位,并在有史以来最卖座的影片排行榜上名列第四,4年后该片又进入美国史上最伟大的百部电影之列。
因此《阿甘正传》可以说是美国电影史上一部愚人电 影的神话。 一、《阿甘正传》简介 福瑞斯特•甘(阿甘)出生在上世纪中叶、美国南部阿拉巴马州的绿茵堡镇,由于父亲早逝,他的母亲独自将他抚养长大。
阿甘和女孩珍妮青梅竹马,可珍妮有自己的梦想,不愿平淡地度过一生…… 二、《阿甘正传》的主题 亲情、友情和爱情一直是人类历史上永恒的话题。围绕着愚人文化这一背景,影片讲述了发生在阿甘身上的亲情、友情和爱情故事。
《阿甘正传》表达了许多不同的主题,其中被导演反复强调的就是对生活永不放弃。这部电影不仅给人以情感上的教育,而且也是一部关于美国 20世纪50年代到1982年的社会史,非常值得一看。
阿甘的故事象一面多棱镜一样折射出生活的各个方面,引发观众对自己生活的思考。 三、《阿甘正传》反映的美国思想观念和价值观——“美国梦”和“乐观主义” 从《阿甘正传》中我们能够想到人们追逐已久的美国梦以及乐观主义。
今天,美国梦依然存在,大量亚洲人和拉美人把美国看成是实现梦想的摇篮。那到底什么是美国梦呢?虽然已有些许变化,但却有一个永不变化的主题:或成为富人,或成为体育英雄,或成为著名演员,或有参观白宫和得到美国总统接见的机会 ,或通过勤奋刻苦成为一家跨国公司的董事。
6.跪求 论《老人与海》英雄主义 英语论文
"A man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed, is he." - the old man and the sea Personal attention-seeking means everyone is longing for his ability to get others to his attention, the mentality.Hemingway 1899 was born in America, his life character, brave, strong combative have a strong tendency of personal heroism. In Europe, gun battle. In the African jungle to catch ferocious beast, in the ring to master the challenge. Also in his fiction is full of war, fighting, love sport, and tourism. The author of the character of his works is the old man and the sea ", in this work embodies a confident, daring to challenge the fate of courage, show the fighting spirit. This work was huge, even as the church sermons.Actually, Hemingway's works in many so-called "heroics" composition, more is the bursting of the emotion, Hemingway other piece like "the sun also rises," "A farewell to arms", "short fiction works", the "garden of Eden", "A Movable Feast" etc, can say "and" personal attention-seeking "almost touch on edge.You can then consider the topic. If the old man and the sea ", the following reference analysis Outstanding performance:One is to human life. Look! The roar of the shark, aggressive resembles, but not a ChuiMu into the old man! Old man with despair, hunger in battle, heart always in silently thoughtfully: people were not born to overthrow. It is one of life's tenacity and strong embody!2 is the ultimate meaning of life works. Consider, old man with hunger, cold, dark, don't say to work by a fishbone empty? Man is completely cut off line is easy, but he has no! He is in trouble with the strong competition in battle,! YuSiWangPo rather too obstinate. Old man and the sea and in the volatile, completed the people's life force. Here is the success in said: "life is born, the brilliance of itself, not in a dead results - - - - - - - - the heel in cardiac alive!Three QuanZhu work is the concept of "success". The win on the material can be secular sense of success, but not necessarily successful life. If the life as a business to succeed, then, the life first should be perfect personality. Xiang is a loser, but he is recognized as the hero, Liu, but still seized by one as "surabaya rogue". If the solemn, farewell to the significance of human birth.Four works embodies the spirit of America's western values and. Adventure and heroics usually for the beauty of the old man, San Diego small fishing boat to upload the mayflower "in" the same spirit, namely: can I failed, but you destroy me, I always strive for a breakthrough. Reason: the nationality of works for the works of a worldwide.5 is the work presents a new dialogue between man and nature. "The old man and the sea" dialogue ", is weak and strong, loneliness and noise, winning and losing dialogue, it is different from the dialogue with the island, Crusoe is some life. Shark, the sea is spoiled, and the spirit of land for long. People in turbulent waves, and in living in the region, is absolutely called?6 is the product of work is personified. This course should brush, chicheng frankly. As is known to all, Hemingway's life in nature, good adventure. Challenge vitality He thought, no power of life. He hates to human desires, lust, and love, he often bypass the crowd around, magical place hunting, war, piao sentiment. Because of this, he mentally alone in the sea as fighting with the old man of sharks. However, he was born, until picked a secular evil theory with empty, only to double fishbone tube rifle issued a warning to the world.limitations This is a novel, but also can take it as a fable. Hemingway sing out here to humans fighting spirit stubborn. The novel is optimistic note and the end. Through the boy will once again with a new man, to fight and a new hope.But, of course, we should also realize that as a bourgeois individual Hemingway's limitations. He neither see, see the way society, the strength of the masses, he is in a weak foothold to personal struggle spirit came. Consequently, he failed to hero is only the hero. The old man and the sea "optimism is wide dark a glimmer of the air, and throughout the is a melancholy throughout the pain.The old man is a real image, or if the employee is but a critics say a laborer appearance of Hemingway's intellectuals? We think that is a - the true image of laborer, though, may be slightly. The writer is a true to his characters will simply as his mouthpiece. If Santiago only cosmetic of Hemingway, this novel won't have such power of moving. Santiago's thoughts and feelings and not beyond him such a laborer of thoughts and feelings. He in the boundless sea battle with fish, fish that will both as the enemy 。
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