

Mergers and acquisitions market economy and modern enterprise system product of the combination, its position in China's economic development is increasingly important. China is now the face of an active M & A market, how can we reasonably and accurately target enterprise pricing has become the key issues affecting mergers and acquisitions activity. This paper provides an overview of the theory of corporate mergers and acquisitions, analyzing the implications for valuation of the target company M & A, describes the main methods to assess the value of M & A target companies. This paper is divided into seven sections. The first part is the preface introduces the theoretical results of business valuation and abroad. The second part is the theoretical part, first introduced the theory of mergers and acquisitions and valuation. The third part introduces the M & A commonly used valuation methods. The fourth part introduces the development status of China's mergers and acquisitions and characteristics. Part V describes the current situation and problems of mergers and acquisitions in the valuation. The sixth part is some of these issues resolved measure. Part VII is the conclusion.Keywords: Mergers and acquisitions valuation assessment Assessment methods。


abstract] in the modern hotel management, the user-friendly management rose gradually for the mainstream management idea. Modern hotel user-friendly management, on the one hand wants the customer to be satisfied, stressed that take the customer as the center; On the other hand, must satisfy the staff places the key position, stressed that the hotel must take the staff as a book. Proposed “staff first, customer second” the management idea, i.e. does not have satisfaction staff, does not have satisfaction guest. This article suggested that the user-friendly management idea will introduce to staff's management, achieves realizes the staff to be satisfied, improves the hotel grade of service, thus lets the customer be more satisfied, the hotel quicker development goal.。


Abstract:Real estate loan has become one of the important bank assets, whose loan quality will make an deep impact on the earnings and risk conditions of banking industry. Centered on the indirect banking finance, our domestic real estate market financing risks are excessively concentrated on the banking system. Let's take Jinyang New Area of Guiyang for example, the real estate market is overheated with a relatively great housing price rise,which will inevitably causes a certain degree of risks.Liquidity surplus accumulate increasingly more real estate bubble, and Operational risks like "Fake Mortgage" can be found everywhere. Moreover, the continuous bank interest rises between 2006 and 2007 boost more monthly payment pressure toward consumers and meanwhile raise the personal defaulty risks. With the influence of financial crisis of this year and the continuous interest reduction of central bank,the real estate market of Jinyang Area is turning for the better, but the uncertain affactions the crisis brings to us are still not optimistic. It's time for us to take active measures to restrain loan impulsivity,regulate loan activities, complete internal control, strengthen external inspection and at the same time to disperse banking risk through financial innovation.

Key words: Jinyang New Area; Real Estate Market;Housing Mortgage Loan; Risk Precaution; Financial Innovation


With 2008 global financial crisis, not only slow world economic growth, but also directly or indirectly impact on our economic growth. Today the government to implement a proactive fiscal policy and loose monetary policy, the dual stimulation, the Chinese real estate market gradually develop steadily from 2007 to the rational over the apparent over-heated period of adjustment. January 2009 real estate market started to recover, house prices gradually picked up. At the same time, the real estate market, there's some obvious problems and has not been alleviated, the contrary to be getting worse.

As the real estate transactions, the object is not moving, complex, leading to an open between the providers and buyers there is a serious problem of information asymmetry. Today, universal access to the domestic economic crisis and the impact of significantly lower income growth, rising unemployment and prices rise, not fall. Home buyers and open the information asymmetry between providers is exacerbated by high house prices and low-income between the level of contradiction. At the same time the real estate market information asymmetry has also led to irregularities in the market, the market a serious waste of resources, consumer interests are damaged, triggering adverse selection and moral hazard, among others. This

With the status quo of China's real estate market information asymmetry on the type of real estate information asymmetry, causes, hazards analysis, and how to improve the information asymmetries put forward countermeasures and suggestions. Hope that China's stable and healthy development of real estate continued to provide a meaningful reference.

Keywords: real estate developers, home buyers information asymmetry stable development



In the Chinese market economy system of perfect gradually and personnel system reform, college graduates also further by the former national bag distributive changed into talent market, execute self-dependent career choice, two-way choice. Students think graduates employment, the whole process often become very important for an interview by the necessary one level. Want to fierce job hunting competition seek to their ideal position, break through the interview shut are particularly important. I personally think graduate needs thorough understanding of contemporary the profound meaning of the interview. It is the accepting unit personnel recruitment procedures important segment. It is mainly through the interviewee applicant with the formal talk to applicant, in order to achieve the business knowledge level, appearance poise, work experience, to apply for a job motivation, expressing ability, development potential, reaction ability, individual hobby etc form relatively objective understanding, familiar with, to decide whether to hire the judgement of the candidates with the decision-making process. The interview form agile diversity, general the interviewer is two-way communication, the applicant with a different number of contrast, interview process take the question and answer form, ask questions are generally by the interviewer design ahead of good questions group, or the applicant with a conversation in the random questions. No matter what forms and modes, the purpose is to comprehensive study and understand the basic quality. This paper discusses the recruitment concept, and the meaning of a job interview, analyzes the characteristics of a job interview, finally, it introduces the design of a job interview, including interview system flow, interview questions design and common interview mistakes. Individual students think interviews are the most frequently used recruitment selection tool. Interview have other method incomparable advantages, it can make a recruiter opportunity to directly contact applicant, judge whether the applicant work with enthusiasm and wit, still can evaluate the facial expressions, instruments and emotional control ability, etc, thus obtains the direct-viewing understanding and eventually decide if you can offer. So, many enterprises in hire employees, before an interview with the applicant is very necessary. Keywords: a job interview, Enterprise; 加油哈!!。


[Abstract] ASP.NET technology development sites operating system courses, and the network operating system of teaching curriculum, teaching students to make management more timely, efficient, and improve the quality of teaching, but also enhance the students to learn the operating system Enthusiasm. At the same time the system development principles, the system's features and design programmes were introduced. Key words: ASP.NET operating system, curriculum, database。


Geographical indications as an important part of intellectual property has been effective in promoting the integration of resources and the characteristics of the sound development of the industry, but because of rampant counterfeit products in recent years, the national market, geographical indications, and does not play its due role. In this paper, the legal protection of geographical indications, the importance of starting on the status of the protection of geographical indications for analysis, and further drawn to strengthen the legal protection of geographical indications. Moreover, China's current system of protection of geographical indications to build, there are many problems, leading to the protection of geographical indications difficult to adapt to the real needs. I learn from foreign countries through the protection of geographical indications of experience combined with our country's basic national conditions, to improve China's ideas on the legal protection of geographical indications, a number of recommendations put forward specific。


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