






orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits. Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released, Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, it Be able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work. Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely, Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style. Third, the quality of positioning People's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people. Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges. The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of。


orientation and innovation in outdoor advertising design(户外广告设计的创新理念) Abstract: With the pace of China's market economy continues to accelerate, there is bound to affect the enterprise's survival and development. In addition to improving its own internal business management system and product quality, and often would resort to outdoor advertising in the mass media for product promotion, corporate image promotion, because advertisers, especially in outdoor advertising design, targeted, targeted, consumers appear places, outdoor advertising is also arise where a corresponding, to enable enterprises to increase even greater benefits. Outdoor advertising design and placement should fully take into account the different geographical groups of aesthetic and consumer preferences, in large and medium cities and rural areas should also be targeted advertising is different, and even between the city and neighboring cities are different, in the Advertising location choice, advertisers and advertising companies should avoid over-concentration of outdoor advertising of lots released, where too much visual interference factors, often can not be accurate and clear transmission of advertising messages, but should choose advertising patchwork of lots, ambient lighting at night to avoid interfering with an accurate flow of advertising content, while the ad is released, Ad-designed social environmental factors can not be ignored in order to target advertising design as a starting point; For example: product concentration in the electronic business point of sale with the food content and form completely different food advertising, in the content, it can be from a cultural Folk connotation dig, while electronic products to reflect the role of technology and knowledge, there must be a certain degree of cultural taste, because the consumer groups in the present is the relative concentration of highly educated groups. Only in-depth investigation and analysis, to understand their aesthetic preferences, targeted to develop accurate and targeted advertising creative and marketing tools, it Be able to achieve the desired results. To Beijing and Guangzhou as an example, Guangzhou, outdoor advertising design like the straight to the point, given away, which is Guangzhou's fast-paced lifestyle and preferences related to outdoor advertising in Beijing is seeking a taste and mood, only the scientific and precise positioning, will receive good results, kind of "a world of paper copy line" strategy will not work. Japan's Toyota Motor in China, a long period of research, playing a "must have car to the Piedmont Road, there are roads there must be Toyota," a very Chinese advertising language, click on China's Ai Chezu impressed. A place where there is consumer groups, outdoor advertising will accordingly appear where it is. In the countryside, our outdoor advertising design for the performance of township consumer groups content, and thus the performance of our content and form of outdoor advertising design and urban differences should be so adapted to local people's aesthetic form of expression, can be a more appropriate and easier to impress people. Conversely, Right one from the content and form of outdoor advertising are better designed to reflect the degree of feedback can be a reflection of a regional consumer base level of the cultural heritage and style. Third, the quality of positioning People's lives can not do without advertising, but advertising will not be able to leave the consumer, China's current need to have entertainment, humor, and viewing of advertising works, so that the audience in a relaxed, pleasant atmosphere, to accept the transmission of messages; Therefore, the understanding of consumer psychology, with high-quality advertising works impress people. Creative design is the positioning of outdoor advertising from the concept expressed by the form of a special theme of the performance of ads, with the design of practical and emotional connotation graphics, outdoor advertising design creativity without trend, without borders. Creative design is constantly on the ideological and cultural innovation, rather than the technical design. Creativity to reflect the human spirit, reflecting cultural. How to do creative, is advertisers and advertising planning, writers, designers are commonly faced challenges. The creative design of outdoor advertising signs must have a clear form of language into the sales of graphic language, and have the aesthetic connotation and denotation. Gestalt psychology, on the form of aesthetic vision, perception analysis, stressed the importance of。



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Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume more of a particular brand of product or service. “While now central to the contemporary global economy and the reproduction of global production networks, it is only quite recently that advertising has been more than a marginal influence on patterns of sales and production. The formation of modern advertising was intimately bound up with the emergence of new forms of monopoly capitalism around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century as one element in corporate strategies to create, organize and where possible control markets, especially for mass produced consumer goods. Mass production necessitated mass consumption, and this in turn required a certain homogenization of consumer tastes for final products. At its limit, this involved seeking to create 'world cultural convergence', to homogenize consumer tastes and engineer a 'convergence of lifestyle, culture and behaviors among consumer segments across the world'.” [1] Many advertisements are designed to generate increased consumption of those products and services through the creation and reinvention of the "brand image" . For these purposes, advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with factual information. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags and billboards. Advertising is often placed by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization.[citation needed] Organizations that frequently spend large sums of money on advertising that sells what is not, strictly speaking, a product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations, and military recruiters. Non-profit organizations are not typical advertising clients, and may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as public service announcements.[citation needed] Money spent on advertising has increased dramatically in recent years. In 2007, spending on advertising has been estimated at over $150 billion in the United States[2] and $385 billion worldwide,[3] and the latter to exceed $450 billion by 2010.While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited Commercial Email and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance to users of these services, as well as being a financial burden on internet service providers.[4] Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools, which some critics argue is a form of child exploitation.[5] Contents [hide]1 History1.1 Mobile billboard advertising1.2 Public service advertising2 Types of advertising2.1 Media2.1.1 Covert advertising2.1.2 Television commercials2.1.3 Infomercials2.1.4 Celebrities2.1.5 Media and advertising approaches3 Criticism of advertising3.1 Hyper-commercialism and the commercial tidal wave3.2 Advertising and constitutional rights3.3 The price of attention and hidden costs3.4 Influencing and conditioning3.5 Dependency of the media and corporate censorship3.6 The commercialisation of culture and sports3.7 Occupation and commercialisation of public space3.8 Socio-cultural aspects, sexism, discrimination and stereotyping3.9 Children and adolescents as target groups3.10 Opposition and campaigns against advertising3.11 Taxation as revenue and control4 Regulation5 Future5.1 Global advertising5.2 Trends6 Advertising research7 See also8 References9 Bibliography10 External links [edit] History Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BCE.[6] As the towns and cities of the Middle Ages began to grow, and the general populace was unable to read, signs that today would say cobbler, miller, tailor or blacksmith would use an image associated with their trade such as a boot, a suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a candle or even a bag of flour. Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from the backs of carts and wagons and 。


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首先,要从现实的弊端中选题,其次,要从寻找科学研究的空白处和边缘领域中选题,最后,要从寻找前人研究的不足处和错误处选题。 第二、要根据自己的能力选择切实可行的课题。


其次,要有浓厚的研究兴趣,选择自己感兴趣的课题,可以激发自己研究的热情,最后,要能结合发挥自己的业务专长。 接下来的工作就是研究课题,研究课题一般程序是:搜集资料、研究资料,明确论点和选定材料,最后是执笔撰写、修改定稿。


第二、研究课题的重点工作———研究资料。 第三、研究课题的核心工作―――明确论点和选定材料。



正文是论文的核心内容,包括绪论、本论、结论三大部分。 第五、研究课题的保障工作―――修改定稿。


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