2. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and Home Owner Saving Behavior”. Regional Science and Urban Economics,26,1996.pp.313-336.
3. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and The Decision to Save for Down Payments.” Journal of Urban Economics,36,1994.pp.209-237.
4. Karl E. Case ,John M. Quigley, Robert J. Shiller. “Comparing Wealth Effects: The Stock Market versus The Housing Market”. University of California,Berkeley. 2003, SepTEMber, pp.1-15.
5. Levin,Laurence.“Are Assets Fungible? Testing the Behavioral Theory of Life-Cycle Savings”.Journal of Economic Organization and Ehavior, 36,1998.pp.59-83.
6. Milton. Friedman.“ A Theory of The Consumption Function. Princeton University Press, PrinCETon”.1957.
7. Nikola,Dvornak and Marion Kohler.“Housing Wealth ,Stock Market Wealth and Consumption : A Panel Analysis for Australia”.Reserch Discussion Paper ,Jul.2003。
8. Starr-McCluer,Martha.“The Stock Market Wealth and Consumer Spending”.Mimeo, Federal Reserve Board of Governors,1999.
9. Skinner, Jonathan.“Housing Wealth and AgGREgate Saving”.Regional Science and Urban Economics,19,1999.pp.307-324.
10. Yoshikawa,Hiroshi and Fumio Ohtake.“Female Labor Supply,Housing Demand ,and The Saving Rate in Japan”.European Economic Review,33,1989.pp.997-1030.
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2. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and Home Owner Saving Behavior”. Regional Science and Urban Economics,26,1996.pp.313-336. 3. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and The Decision to Save for Down Payments.” Journal of Urban Economics,36,1994.pp.209-237. 4. Karl E. Case ,John M. Quigley, Robert J. Shiller. “Comparing Wealth Effects: The Stock Market versus The Housing Market”. University of California,Berkeley. 2003, SepTEMber, pp.1-15. 5. Levin,Laurence.“Are Assets Fungible? Testing the Behavioral Theory of Life-Cycle Savings”.Journal of Economic Organization and Ehavior, 36,1998.pp.59-83. 6. Milton. Friedman.“ A Theory of The Consumption Function. Princeton University Press, PrinCETon”.1957. 7. Nikola,Dvornak and Marion Kohler.“Housing Wealth ,Stock Market Wealth and Consumption : A Panel Analysis for Australia”.Reserch Discussion Paper ,Jul.2003。
8. Starr-McCluer,Martha.“The Stock Market Wealth and Consumer Spending”.Mimeo, Federal Reserve Board of Governors,1999. 9. Skinner, Jonathan.“Housing Wealth and AgGREgate Saving”.Regional Science and Urban Economics,19,1999.pp.307-324. 10. Yoshikawa,Hiroshi and Fumio Ohtake.“Female Labor Supply,Housing Demand ,and The Saving Rate in Japan”.European Economic Review,33,1989.pp.997-1030.。
转自百度道友:《2. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and Home Owner Saving Behavior”. Regional Science and Urban Economics,26,1996.pp.313-336.
3. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and The Decision to Save for Down Payments.” Journal of Urban Economics,36,1994.pp.209-237.
4. Karl E. Case ,John M. Quigley, Robert J. Shiller. “Comparing Wealth Effects: The Stock Market versus The Housing Market”. University of California,Berkeley. 2003, SepTEMber, pp.1-15.
5. Levin,Laurence.“Are Assets Fungible? Testing the Behavioral Theory of Life-Cycle Savings”.Journal of Economic Organization and Ehavior, 36,1998.pp.59-83.
6. Milton. Friedman.“ A Theory of The Consumption Function. Princeton University Press, PrinCETon”.1957.
7. Nikola,Dvornak and Marion Kohler.“Housing Wealth ,Stock Market Wealth and Consumption : A Panel Analysis for Australia”.Reserch Discussion Paper ,Jul.2003。
8. Starr-McCluer,Martha.“The Stock Market Wealth and Consumer Spending”.Mimeo, Federal Reserve Board of Governors,1999.
9. Skinner, Jonathan.“Housing Wealth and AgGREgate Saving”.Regional Science and Urban Economics,19,1999.pp.307-324.
10. Yoshikawa,Hiroshi and Fumio Ohtake.“Female Labor Supply,Housing Demand ,and The Saving Rate in Japan”.European Economic Review,33,1989.pp.997-1030.”》
转自百度道友:《2. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and Home Owner Saving Behavior”. Regional Science and Urban Economics,26,1996.pp.313-336.
3. Engelhardt,Gary V.“House Price and The Decision to Save for Down Payments.” Journal of Urban Economics,36,1994.pp.209-237.
4. Karl E. Case ,John M. Quigley, Robert J. Shiller. “Comparing Wealth Effects: The Stock Market versus The Housing Market”. University of California,Berkeley. 2003, SepTEMber, pp.1-15.
5. Levin,Laurence.“Are Assets Fungible? Testing the Behavioral Theory of Life-Cycle Savings”.Journal of Economic Organization and Ehavior, 36,1998.pp.59-83.
6. Milton. Friedman.“ A Theory of The Consumption Function. Princeton University Press, PrinCETon”.1957.
7. Nikola,Dvornak and Marion Kohler.“Housing Wealth ,Stock Market Wealth and Consumption : A Panel Analysis for Australia”.Reserch Discussion Paper ,Jul.2003。
8. Starr-McCluer,Martha.“The Stock Market Wealth and Consumer Spending”.Mimeo, Federal Reserve Board of Governors,1999.
9. Skinner, Jonathan.“Housing Wealth and AgGREgate Saving”.Regional Science and Urban Economics,19,1999.pp.307-324.
10. Yoshikawa,Hiroshi and Fumio Ohtake.“Female Labor Supply,Housing Demand ,and The Saving Rate in Japan”.European Economic Review,33,1989.pp.997-1030.”》
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mended practice of AACE International, the Cost Estimate Classification System provides
guidelines for applying the general principles of estimate classification to asset project cost estimates.
Asset project cost estimates typically involve estimates for capital investment, and exclude operating and
life-cycle evaluations. The Cost Estimate Classification System maps the phases and stages of asset cost
estimating together with a generic maturity and quality matrix that can be applied across a wide variety of
This guideline and its addenda have been developed in a way that: 。。。。。。。。。。。..
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[10]《建设工程工程量清单计价规范》 (GB50500-2003)
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