Generally speaking, a speech may have the following stylistic characteristics: To begin with, it must be very persuasive. Thus the sentence patterns are very well-organized, with repetitions, parallelism and contrasts frequently used. Secondly, it should be emotional so as to be convincing, because the speaker should face the audience directly and his words should not only be orderly and informative but also be expressive and inspiring. Therefore, the stylistic devices such as similes and metaphors are often involved. Finally, in many cases, written-conversational style is usually used with not very formal diction and not very complicated sentence structure. Bibliography: [1]. Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 28, 1963 [2]. Wang Shouyuan, Essentials of English Stylistics, Shandong University Press, July, 2000 [3]. Pan Shaozhang, English Rhetoric and Writing, Shanghai Transportation University Press, December, 1998 [4]. Widdowson, H. G. Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1975 [5]. Leech, G. N. “ 'This bread I break' Language and interpretation”. In D.C. Freeman. (ed.). Linguistics and Literature Style. New York:Holt, Rinhart & Winston. Acknowledgements: It was really a laborious task to accomplish a B.A thesis. Many people gave me support and help in the process of writing the paper. I'd like first to give my grate to my dear teacher, vice professor Mr. Liu Fagong, who generously gave me his kindly help and instructions during the whole process of my paper-writing. Then I'd like to give my many thanks to my classmates who helped me a lot with my information collecting and paper-polishing. Most important of all, I want to give my thanks to my mother university and all the teachers in the English College, who educated and cultivated me to be a qualified teacher in the future. A Brief Introduction to the Author: Su Zhanghai, a student in Class One 1988 Grade, majoring in English Education, and a well-to-be teacher in Shandong Agricultural University, who whole-heartedly gives his best wishes to all the teachers in Qufu Normal University.Article resource :。
Function and Application of Descriptive Translation Studies
1 Introduction
The intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of Descriptive Translation Studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.
Since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. From then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. Among these schools is Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS).
DTS approaches translation from an empirical perspective. Translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. Therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.
每个方向有各自的写作要求,但都包括Title, Abstract, Introduction, Body, Conclusion,Notes, Bibliography, Acknowledgement。当然,在写之前还要写选题报告,开题报告还有结题报告。
写文学方面的要看英文原著,当然也可搜索大量资料,但要想写出好的文章得到高分必须要Do it by yourself. 还有我想说的是论文最好提早下手,这样才可以有大量时间不断的修改。 总之,要写出好论文就得多用心,多找资料,多跟论文导师交流,多看,多写。
一、课题研究的背景。 所谓课题背景,主要指的是为什么要对这个课题进行研究,所以有的课题干脆把这一部分称为“问题的提出”,意思就是说为什么要提出这个问题,或者说提出这个课题。比如我曾指导的一个课题“伦教文化研究”,背景说明部分里就是说在改革开放的浪潮中,伦教作为珠江三角洲一角,在经济迅速发展的同时,她的文化发展怎么样,有哪些成就,对居民有什么影响,有哪些还要改进的。当然背景所叙述的内容还有很多,既可以是社会背景,也可以是自然背景。关键在于我们所确定的课题是什么。
一个课题要开展,必然需要一些经费来启动,所以最后还应该大概地估算一下本课题所需要 的资金是多少,比如搜集资料需要多少钱,实地调查的外出经费,问卷调查的印刷和分发的费用,课题组所要占用的场地费,有些课题还需要购买一些相关的材料,结题报告等资料的印刷费等等。所谓“大军未动,粮草先行”,没有足够的资金作后盾,课题研究势必举步维艰,捉襟见肘,甚至于半途而废。因此,课题的经费也必须在开题之初就估算好,未雨绸缪,才能真正把本课题的研究做到最好。
在网上找的 我也刚写完 这个差不多很规范了本科毕业论文开题报告论文题目the Application and Innovation of Gothicism in Wuthering Heights 一、选题的意义和研究现状1.选题的目的、理论意义和现实意义 长时期以来, 人们视艾米莉•勃朗特为英国文学中的“斯芬克斯”。
关于她本人和她的作品都有很多难解之谜, 许多评论家从不同的角度、采用不同的方法去研究, 得出了不同的结论, 因而往往是旧谜刚解, 新谜又出, 解谜热潮似永无休止。 本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉•勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。
2.与选题相关的国内外研究和发展概况 各民族的文学中都有许多惊险、恐怖的故事, 但似乎没有哪一种文学像英美文学那样不仅创作出数量众多、质量优秀的恐怖文学作品, 而且还形成了一个持续发展、影响广泛的哥特传统( Gothic tradition) 。哥特文学现在已经成为英美文学研究中的一个重要领域。
对哥特文学的认真研究开始于20 世纪二三十年代, 到70 年代以后, 由于新的学术思潮和文学批评观念的影响, 该研究出现了前所未有而且日趋高涨的热潮。根据在国际互联网上的搜索, 到2000 年9月为止, 英美等国的学者除发表了大量关于哥特文学的论文外, 还至少出版专著达184部, 其中1970 年以后为126 部, 仅90 年代就达59 部, 几乎占总数的三分之一。
当然,近年来哥特文学研究的状况不仅在于研究成果迅速增加, 更重要的是它在深度和广度方面都大为拓展, 并且把哥特传统同英美乃至欧洲的历史、社会、文化和文学的总体发展结合起来。二、研究方案1.研究的基本内容及预期的结果(大纲) 研究的基本内容:本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉•勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。
预期的结果(大纲):1.A Survey of Gothic 1.1 Definition of Gothic 1.2 the Origin of Gothic Novels 1.2.1 Historical Reasons Folklore in Germantic Nationality Drama in the Renaissance the Bible and Legends in Christianity 1.2.2 Development of the Novel Itself Challenge of Romanticism to Rationalism Sublime and Beautiful2. Emily's Gothic Heritage 2.1 Theme 2.1.1 Good and Evil 2.1.2 Revenge 2.2 Characters Description 2.2.1 Villain-hero 2.2.2 Delicate Young Girl 2.3 Atmosphere, Environment and Plot 2.3.1 Terror 2.3.2 Mystery 2.3.3 Supernatural3.Emily's Gothic Innovation 3.1 Combination of romanticism and Realism 3.1.1 Change of the Background 3.1.2 Use of Symbolism 3.1.3 Stream of Consciousness 3.1.4 Illusion and Subconsciousness 3.2. Description of Figure Emotion and PsychologyReference2.拟采用的研究方法 主要有资料查找、理论探讨研究、阅读法3.研究所需条件和可能存在的问题研究所需条件:纸张、打印设备、图书馆、互联网上获取国内外文献资料;可能存在的问题:(1)文献不足; (2) 由于个人的观点和能力,使对研究对象分析不够全面和深入。三、研究进度安排、参考文献及审查意见1.研究进度安排(1)论文指导第一周(学期第八周):学生完成初稿。
2. 应收集资料及主要参考文献(不少于8条)[1] Bronte, Charlotte. 1907. Charlotte Bronte's preface to the second edition, Wuthering Heights. London: J. M. Dent Sons Ltd. p. 20.[2] Gerin, Winifred. 1971. Emily Bronte [M]. New York: Oxford University Press.[3] Marie, Mulvey-Roberts. ed. 1998.The handbook to gothic literature [A]. New York: New York University Press. p. 83.[4] Punter, David. 1980. The Literature of Terror [M]. London: Longman. p. 6.[5] 方平. 1993。
这是我的开题报告,你参考一下吧。 课题名称 An Analysis of the Different Cultural Connotations of Color Words between English and Chinese 试析颜色词的中英文化内涵差异 课题来源 Self-Selected and Approved by the Tutor 一、课题背景及意义 (课题的立题依据及研究意义) Research Background: A language not only expresses facts, ideas, or events which represent similar world knowledge by its people, but also reflects the people's attitudes, beliefs, and world outlooks etc. People of different cultures structure the world around them differently, at least in the language they use to describe that world. Languages differ enormously from one another, and these differences are related to important differences in the customs and behaviors and other aspects of the cultures in which those language reside. In a word, language is a mirror of culture. When we learn a new word we tend to look for its meaning in the word itself. Yet in addition to its dictionary meanings, the same word may stir up different associations in people, because of cultural differences. In our daily life, color words are the common illustrations of the cultural differences in language use. In Chinese and English cultures, color words are in the same way influenced by cultures, and used widely in people's daily life. Research Significance: As the differences between Eastern and Western cultures led to the understanding of the color words are not the same . Color words contain a lot of deep meaning, implies a different ethnic feelings. If we do not take into account the impact of cultural differences, we are difficult to understand the implicit meaning of color words. The significance of this thesis is to enable a better understanding of color words, in order to enhance communication skills, avoid conflict of cultures. 二、课题研究现状及发展趋势 (课题研究领域的发展现状及可能的发展方向) Research Status: Study of color words has long attracted linguists' attention. The bright lights of the objective world and for humankind as a whole are the same, but the national language or in different books of different ages or different geographical dialects often be found to have different understanding about color words. This concentrated and fully prove that language is the result of human cognition to understand and express the objective world, different groups of people in cognitive understanding and expression of the world, due to the different natural environment, social life, cultural traditions. Study of color words in different languages between the similarities and differences. The same object can look at how the differences in cognitive terms showing similarities and differences between how the social and cultural differences and further expansion of the semantic differences, which for the cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics and culture, linguistics, and on second language teaching of applied linguistics has an important significance.. Research Tendency: 21st century's color words study should stress the originality on research based on the achievements of the previous scholars, domestic or abroad. The study should keep track of the latest development of color words, making breakthrough, upgrading the research quality. 三、研究内容及研究目标 (对研究的内容进行说明,并阐明要达到的目标) Research Contents: A. Cultural Connotations of Black and Reflections in Idioms 1.Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms 1.1 Black Is Associated With the Solemn and the Dignified 1.2 Black Is Associated With Profit 1.3 Black Is Associated With the Black People 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms 2.1 Black Is Associated With the Death 2.2 Black Is Associated With the Evil and Unfortunate 2.3 Black Is Associated With the Shame and Disgraceful 2.4 Black Is Associated With Anger B. Cultural Connotations of White and Reflections in Idioms 1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms 1.1 White Is Associated With the Pure and Lucky 1.2 White Is Associated With Integrity and Honesty 2. Negative Connotations and Reflections in Idioms 2.1 White Is Associated With Death and Poor 2.2 White Is Associated With Worthless and Timid C. Cultural Connotations of Red and Reflections in Idioms 1. Positive Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms 1.1 Red Is Associated With Honor and Love 2. Negative Connotations and Their Reflections in Idioms 2.1 Red is Associated with the Obscenity 2.2 Red Is Associated With Revolution and Socialism. 2.3 Red Is Associated With Danger 。
英文题目: 英文题目与中文题目对应。题目的首字母,题目中各单词首字母大写,但以下情况例外:冠词不大写;不满五个字母的虚词(如介词、连词) 不得大写,满五个字母的虚词可大写,也可小写,满七个字母的虚词(如: through)必须大写。
例 The Effect of Classroom Management on High School Academic Achievement
I.(引言) Introduction
各小标题:顶格,Times New Roman, 小四号字,加粗,1.5倍行距;
段落:首行缩进,Times New Roman, 小四号字,1.25倍行距。下同。
Discourse analysis is the attempt by various linguists to extend themethods of analysis for the description of words and sentences to the study oflarger structures in, or involved in the production of, connected discourse. …
As linguistic has become all the more popular in the field of …
1. Topic of the debates
The notion of “topic” is clearly an inquisitively satisfactory wayof describing a strict principle that people have been in obedience with forquite a long time, and this principle makes one stretch of discourse aboutsomething and the next stretch about something else (Brown,1983:76). Hence,it is used very frequently in discourse analysis. …
1.1 Comparison of sentential topic
Sentential topic is associated with the descriptions of sentencestructure. …
1.2 Comparison of discourse topic
Sentential topic is not the traditional topic we usually mean. Therefore,…
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