

The Advantage And Disadvantage of College Enlish Teaching With Multimedia

Nowadays,there are more and more multimedia technology taken advantage of in teaching because of its powerful function.

Certainly,it is of great advantage itself.For example,teachers can make the contents we will learn in advance and show us in the class.Thus will save a lot of time and so we can learn a lot more knowledge in the same time than before.Besides,this way of teaching is so interesting and attractive that we will build more deep impressions on what we learn.

However,too much time of contacting with multimedia will do harm to our body.Such as nearsightedness.And because it teaches too detailedly,our imagination will become lower and lower.







In the school teaching,as different teaching means,both the multi-medium teaching and the traditional teaching method realize and serve the educative purpose.Each teaching method has its advantages and limitation compared with the others.It is the suitable teaching method for some teaching content,but not suitable for other teaching content.Neither the multi-medium teaching method nor the traditional teaching method can be substituted by each other.According to the course feature and specific conditions of the students,teachers should choose the suitable teaching method to exert to the fullest extent of its advantages and void its shortcomings.The teaching effect can be greatly raised. With the development of modern science and technology, multi-medium, especially computers, is always used in class teaching and plays a more and more important role. As the most advanced teaching method, it presents teaching content of courses by multi-media information such as sound、picture etc. In English teaching, with the assistance of multi-medium has a special superiority. Compared with the traditional mode of teaching, there is an especially advance to teach by multi-medium. It can arouse students' learning interests more, and improve their studying efficiency. However, there are also some problems that we should pay attention to. Firstly, .multi-medium provides a best feeling state, which is benefit to arouse students' learning interest. Secondly, multi-medium has a mutual affection, which is benefit to develop the leading role of students. Thirdly, multi-medium provides a good language environment, which is benefit to cultivate students' expressing ability and communication ability. Finally, multi-medium can organize the information efficiently, which is benefit to improve the class efficiency. There are some problems that we should pay attention to. First of all, the great function of multi-medium should be elaboration as full as possible. What's more, we need to connect teachers' guide function with the assistant function of multi-medium. In the end, we need to make courseware creatively and use it reasonably. For the reason that there are still some problems in multi-medium teaching in colleges and universities even though it's now in the stage of computer assist teaching. When we take the multi-medium teaching, we should emphasize on management, technology and expenses, develop software reasonably, develop teachers modern teaching skills, and establish management models, and evaluation systems for multi-medium teaching.我尽力了~~~。



我们要充分发挥这些优势,把多媒体作为认知工具,激发学生创新意识,培养创造思维能力,同时利用多媒体有效地辅助英语教学。 一、利用多媒体组织课堂教学 教师是否能组织学生的集中注意是教学成败的一个重要因素。


抓住这一时机,我又在开始上课时的5分钟之内,对学生进行语音训练,充分利用录音设备,多听标准的语音,让学生在语音的学习中,感知语音的优美、语调的自然流畅,培养学生的语感,提高学生学习英语的浓厚兴趣。 二、利用多媒体创设情境,提高学生的求异、洞察能力,激发学生的学习兴趣 在小学英语教学中,直观教学多优于一般的讲解,利用生动、形象的电化教学手段进行听、说训练很容易,使学生产生新奇感,使学生能够集中注意力,而且形象的电化教育又创设了一定的教学情景,使学生犹如身临其境,可加深学生对所学知识的理解。


这时,我就趁机教学What's this? It's a bed.反复几次,学生不仅掌握了单词拼读,理解了词义,还掌握了What's…?It's…的句型。 在教学打招呼用语时,用自制课件,将孩子们喜爱的卡通猫制成小动画,并拟人化,加以配音。


谁想先和cat交朋友啊?”孩子们都举起了小手,争着打招呼。每说对一个,小猫就会给他奖励,翘起它的大拇指,说“Hello!你真棒!”或“Hi ! Good!”听着小猫的夸奖,孩子们的兴致更高了,说得就更起劲了。

接着,我又让善表演的学生模仿小猫和大家打招呼并用实物投影放映到电视中,孩子们从大屏幕上看到自己很兴奋,都努力地表演,教学气氛非常活跃,学习兴趣不断高涨,在很轻松、自然的环境中复习、运用了所学知识,取得了良好的教学效果。 三、用多媒体图像刺激与丰富学生的想象 想象是在外界刺激物影响下,在头脑中对记忆的表象进行加工改造新形象的过程。

再造形象能形象地理解自己不曾感知或无法直接感知的事物,因此,利多媒体课件这一刺激物激发学生的再造形象,有利于学生深化认识陌生及抽象的事物,故事书中的“The Lonely Lion”借助课件展示猴子的活泼狡黠、狮子被困笼中的无奈与无助以及重返森林后的喜悦,再造想象了故事发生时的情境,体会狮子向往自由的情感。得当使用多媒体课件,在视觉与听觉交织的立体空间,能促使学生展开想象的翅膀,丰富想象的内容,畅谈内心的感受,从而更快更好地投入新的学习过程。

如:在教学“The Farm”一课时,利用多媒体课件展示优美的田园风光,使学生犹如置身于大自然之中,让学生在优美的画面中不知不觉地接受新知识,学会cow, duck, farm, field 等单词及句型,加深了学生对学习内容的理解。通过对一幅幅彩色画面的再造想象,学习由抽象到具体,由枯燥到形象直观,同时激发了学生对美的事物和对美好生活的热爱与追求。

四、利用多媒体展现情景,提高口语表达能力 “说”是听、说、读、写四项语言基本技能中最直接、最常用的交际方式,是语言能力中非常重要的组成部分,随着我国英语教学改革的深入,学生口头表达能力的培养越来越受到重视,而作为基础的小学英语其口语在此尤显重要。 运用先进的现代化教育设备,根据教材内容进行巧妙的多媒体设计,可提高课堂效率,取得良好的教学效果。

如小学英语第二册第七课,课前,我播放了这节课所学有关食物的歌曲《It's time for lunch》来渲染气氛,营造学习英语的氛围,以便学生能很快进入学习状态,并用微机播放剪辑好的对话,进行播放回顾和润色,在此期间,根据实际需要对本课对话情景进行部分消音或全部消音处理,以便给学生更多的思维空间,让学生自由配音,更好地进行发散思维和创造性思维。学是为了用,在课结束之前,我又将卡通人物和食物用投影放映并展示给大家进行现场交际活动。

给学生提供练习材料,让情景的设置配合情景活动,为学生提供想像空间,创造进一步理解语言的条件,将所学知识变为己用,讲出来,让他们有开口的欲望,并真正说出口,进行语言交际,从而提高学生的口语水平,形成流畅的语流和悦耳的语感。 通过实践。


Increasing Awareness on Using Multimedia in Education — Barbara Watson Barbara Watson started her presentation by noting that the use of multimedia in teaching is, of course, just one aspect of the wider issue of the effective use of IT in Higher Education.In encouraging use of multimedia in teaching, there are 3 main issues:• cost —- reliable equipment is very expensive • awareness -— lecturers will make effective use of the technology if they are aware of its potential and trained in its use • training —- ongoing and intensive training programmes are needed Lack of awareness is a major problem for many academic staff who may not be fully appreciative of the educational potential of IT when appropriately used, or of CAL applications which may be available. Even if they are aware of the potential, they may not have reliable access to suitable lecture theatre facilities or sufficient support to feel comfortable with making use of facilities available. Barbara noted that few lecturers watched other staff teaching and that this could prove a useful training method. The use of IT at conferences is becoming more common (though not always better!) and this may be an additional incentive to staff to use presentation technology.Staff need support within institutions from:• educational technologists —- to advise on the evaluation of IT materials and the integration of IT within the curriculum. • trainers -— to train academics how to use the equipment confidently and to be able to set equipment up in 10 minutes. They need to be shown the pros and cons of different types of equipment. The training needs to be ongoing to ensure confidence is maintained and knowledge kept up-to-date. • technicians —- to ensure the equipment functions, is reliable and works when it is meant to. Teaching staff need to make decisions about whether they will develop their own materials or use existing systems. For presentations do-it-yourself is clearly appropriate and there are many tools and an emerging set of experience of good practice. Software tools such as PowerPoint, authoring packages such as ToolBook and HTML editors such as Netscape Gold offer suitable technology for putting together a presentation. All allow inclusion of text, images and video and presenters should be using the technology to good effect if the end result is to be an improvement on simple transparencies and slides. Use of video can be very effective. The incorporation of already existing "clips" of images, video, models etc can make presentations effective and less time-consuming to produce.Teachers considering embarking on development of CAL packages need to do so with some caution. Training is a requirement but the major barrier is the time involved in creating quality resources. Teachers should look at materials which are available through TLTP (Teaching and Learning Technology Programme) and other sources.There is a need for institutional support in causing a change in culture if IT is to be taken on board in teaching and learning in a way which is time-effective for the teacher and enhances learning for the student. This needs to happen despite the sometimes conflicting pressures caused by assessments of research and teaching. Not an easy balance to strike. External support is available to staff through CTI Centres (Computers in Teaching Initiative) and the TLTP Support Network (TLTSN).Barbara described the activity of the Teaching and Learning Technology Service at the University of Durham which was set up in 1992. The aims are to encourage, support and develop the use of IT in teaching and learning. This is a service to all departments offering advice, information and courseware development. The University has about 70 lecture rooms spread over (a hilly and river dissected) 3 miles. Nearly all rooms have OHPs and slide projectors and most larger theatres are networked. New lecture facilities have been built with data video projection, twin slide projectors and data network connection. The central service also has some portable equipment which is in constant use. In addition some departments and colleges (with conference trade in mind) have their own equipment. A major problem for both fixed and portable equipment is in timetabling, with matching lecturers' needs and expectations to the available equipment. There is also a problem with transporting portable equipment around various University sites. Support is provided by 2 technicians though there is no formal training programme on the use of the facilities.Modern teaching and learning requires access to self study facilities for 。


I am Liu Yulin.I am a girl.I am 13.I am from Zhangping China.I'm a student.I am in Class 3,Grade 7.I have a round face and small eyes.My nose is small and My mouth is small.I have a brother.His name is Liu Kaixiang.He is 3.He is not a student.He has a round face,big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.He doesn't long hair.。


英语广播对英语听说能力的提高摘要: 收听英语广播在英语学习具有不可低估的作用, 是广大学生学习英语中可以利用的有效途径。

英语广播有利于英语听说能力的培养; 英语广播有利于英语阅读能力的培养。只要技术条件允许, 收听在线英语广播是最佳选择, 我们应该善于利用。

关键词: 英语广播; 英语学习Abstract: Listening to English broadcasting, an effective and available approach to English learning, plays an important role in English study. English broadcasting helps us improve our ability to English hearing, speaking, and reading. Provided that the internet technology is available, listening to English broadcasting online is the best option. We should make full use of it.Key words: English broadcasting; English learning 广播在传统的新闻媒体中, 以其特有的优势成为人们生活中的首要媒体。但随着信息时代的到来, 电视, 报纸, 网络等媒体发展迅猛, 广播正从人们的生活中慢慢消失。

然而广播具有设备要求低, 传播速度快, 传播范围广, 用语口语化等特点, 所以它仍然是人们了解信息的主要渠道之一。同样, 它也是学生提高英语应用能力的重要途径之一。

收听英语广播具有诸多的优点, 如: 英语广播的特殊性质决定了其用语的口语化, 发音准确且地道, 为学生提供了很好的学习例证; 英语广播的内容极具多样性, 生动时尚, 具有传播信息快的特点, 可避免英语学习陷入枯燥乏味的境地; 英语广播兼具选择性和开放性, 含盖了大量的信息, 政治, 经济, 军事到文化, 体育, 娱乐, 应有尽有, 五彩斑斓, 学生可以根据自身需要或兴趣选择收听不同的节目, 如Gateway to English ,daily news, lecture on a special topic 等都是颇受欢迎的英语广播节目; 收听英语广播不需要花费过大代价, 只需一部收音机就可以轻松自如的学习英语, 经济便利。由此可见, 收听英语广播在英语学习具有不可低估的作用, 是广大学生学习英语中可以利用的有效途径。

1 英语广播在英语学习中的作用 1.1 英语广播有利于英语听说能力的培养 根据最新大学英语四级考试大纲的规定, 英语听力所占比例提高到35%。听力理解部分要求学生听懂VOA 和BBC 国际新闻的主要内容。

所选材料为学生熟悉的VOA 或BBC 一般新闻报道, 短评或讲话等。这类题型经常让学生方寸大乱, 不知所措。


它没有适时的材料供学生参考, 从而可以避免文字信息的干扰, 学生不得不全身心地听取信息, 切实提高听力能力。首先, 学生可以通过收听英语广播掌握英语新闻的结构特点。

一般而言, 英语新闻广播常采用“倒金字塔”结构( inverted pyramid structure) 。这种结构最突出的特点就是依照事实的重要性来铺陈叙述, 即最重要最吸引人的信息放在开篇的首句, 叫做新闻的“导语”( news lead) ,次要的放在其后。

所以学生在收听英语新闻时一定要掌握每则新闻开头提供的信息。其次, 收听英语广播可以培养学生将既有背景知识同所听材料密切联系的能力, 从而更好的理解英语新闻节目。

请看以下三则新闻:( 1) [Colombo] Srilanka is set to mark a full year without major ethnic bloodshed as government forces and Tamil rebels notch up their longest ceasefire in the decades - old separatist war, officials said yesterday. The truce, initially declared by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam on Christmas Eve last year, and reciprocated by the new government of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesing. He was holding well, military spokesman Sanath Karenaratne said.( 2) [India] At least four people have been wounded in an explosive attack near the Moslem holy area in India Kashmir ' s summer capital Srinagar. India police say militants threw a bomb near the Hashrabow Shrine. The attack follows a car bombing that killed 12 people in Srinagar on Thursday. That bombing was blamed on militants of the pro- Pakistan Hesbu Mujahedin. The militants had warned of new attacks after peace talk with India failed.( 3) [Also in India] Indian commandos are moving in on a basement of the Golden Temple Complex in Amritsar to flush out militant Sikh separatists who have taken refuge there. More Sikh militants are believed sheltered in the inner sanctum of the Golden Temple itself, the Sikhs holiest shrine. Indian forces have had the Temple Complex in Punjab State under siege since May 9. The Sikh extremists are waging an armed campaign for an independent Sikh homeland. 以上三则新闻涉及了民族争端, 恐怖袭击和宗教冲突等文化背景知识。收听英语广播时注意联系已有的文化背景知识一方面有利于学生预测新闻内容, 另一方面可减轻记忆负担, 增强记忆能力。

如此一来, 学生就能准确迅速地解读新闻。说是英语学习中最重要且最难的一项技能。

它包含了两个过程———听和说。听是理解言语的过程, 属于领。


分布式多媒体双向控制系统设计 论文编号:ZD435 论文字数:32054,页数:56,有开题报告,任务书,文献综述 摘要:为了改革传统教学手段之不足,充分发挥多种教学手段的功能,在校园有线电视网的基础上,基于CAN总线和红外遥控技术,采用软件管理和授权控制方法,实现了电化教学中心与多媒体教室群之间的双向灵活控制,构成了具有交互式双向控制能力的多媒体教学网络系统。


关键词:CAN总线、红外遥控、交互式、分布式 ABSTRACT The both direction control system for distributed multi-media ABSTRACT: In order to overcome the disadvantages of traditional education method and bring into play the advantages of multiple education means, a multi-media education network system with the ability of interactive bidirectional control is constructed on the foundation of campus CATV (Community Antenna Television). Based on CAN bus and infrared remote control technology and with software-managed and authorization-controlled method, commands and information transmission can be bipolar between audio-visual education center and multi-media classrooms. With the multi-media education network system, the audio-visual education equipment in the audio-visual classrooms can be controlled in the multi-media classrooms. Taking advantages of this multi-media education network system will increase greatly the utilization ratio of audio-visual equipment and improve effectively the level of teaching and management.Keywords: CAN bus, infrared remote control, interactive, distributed 目 录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………….Ⅰ Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 第1章 绪论 ………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 课题名称及来源………………………………………………………………………2 1.2 研究的意义与目的……………………………………………………………………2 1.3 设计任务及要求………………………………………………………………………2 第2章 现场总线简介………………………………………………………………………3 2.1 现场总线的技术特点 ……………………………………………………………… 3 2.2 现场总线产生的必然性………………………………………………………………4 2.3 几种现场总线简介……………………………………………………………………5 第3章 总体方案确定 ……………………………………………………………………12 3.1系统组成 …………………………………………………………………………… 12 3.2控制中心组成…………………………………………………………………………12 3.3多媒体教室组成………………………………………………………………………13 3.4控制总线网的选择……………………………………………………………………14 第4章 系统硬件设计 ……………………………………………………………………18 4.1总线控制网设计………………………………………………………………………18 4.2 主控器及其周边辅助设备的设计与选型…………………………………………23 4.2.1 主控制机/播放机接口卡设计……………………………………………24 4.2.2 继电器输出模块设计…………………………………………………… 26 4.2.3 红外发射模块的设计与选型…………………………………………….27 4.3分控器的设计…………………………………………………………………………30 4.4音视频切换器的设计…………………………………………………………………36 4.5双工对讲系统的设计与选择…………………………………………………………38 4.6 VOD技术在分布式多媒体双向控制系统中的应用…………………………………42 结 束 语 ……………………………………………………………………………………46 参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………47 致 谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………48 附 录……………………………………………………………………………………49 以上回答来自: /41-7/7031.htm。


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