
1.马克思的简介 英文版

Marx is one of the founders of Marxism, the organizer and leader of the First International, and the founder of the Marxist political party.


The revolutionary mentor of the proletariat and working people all over the world, the spiritual leader of the proletariat, and the pioneer of the International Communist movement.








《马克思主义与形式:20世纪辩证的文学理论》 弗雷 德里克·詹姆逊著。

詹姆逊是马克思主义文学批 评在美国的主要代表。《马克思主义与形式》出版于1971 年,被公认为一部重要的文学批评著作,也是一部重要的 思想杰作。

詹姆逊认为,西方马克思主义批评较之于苏联 的传统,可以称作是一种更为黑格尔式的马克思主义,它 的兴起,在德国可以追溯到1929年卢卡契的《历史和阶级 意识》所引起的理论热潮和马克思《1844年经济学哲学手 稿》的重新发现,在法国则可以追溯到30年代后期黑格尔 的复兴。 在此书中,詹姆逊对这种马克思主义及其主要理 论家——T·W·阿多诺、华尔特·本杰明、赫伯特·马 尔库塞、恩斯特·布洛赫、乔治·卢卡契、让—保罗·萨 特进行了评述。

詹姆逊认为,一个形式,无论是什么样的 哲学假定来说明它,作为一种实践或者作为一种概念的 活动,它总是涉及两极之间一个火花的跃动,两个不等的 术语的连结,两种明显不相关的存在方式的连结。 因此, 在文学批评领域中,社会学方法必然将个别艺术作品与 更大的社会现实形式并置起来,这种社会现实形式被以 某种方式视为个别作品的来源或本体论基础,视为它的 格式塔场,而作品本身则被看作是一个反映,一个象征, 一个典型的显现或是一个简单的副产品。

詹姆逊认为,一 旦获致这种文化统一体的概念,社会学活动的两个基本 要素——作品与背景——便开始以一种辩证的甚至可以 说是化学的方式相互作用了,而这种相互联系的事实先 于任何概念范畴,诸如起因、反映和类比等,这些范畴是 随即用来解释这个事实的。 因此,这种思想也就明显地以 一个愿望为标志,这个愿望就是在一个图式中连结两个 无法比较的现实,两种独立的符号代码或系统,两种不同 质不相称的术语:精神与物质,个别经验的材料与公共社 会的更大形式,存在的语言与历史的语言。

詹姆逊指出, 传统上的马克思主义批评提供了进入辩证方法之微妙和 马克思主义社会经济学之复杂的捷径,但是,恩格斯从内 容中所了解的东西,一种当代的马克思主义批评却应该 能够表明,它从形式里面也可以了解到这些东西。 詹姆逊 试图呼唤一种辩证的文学批评,并进一步呼唤一种总体 上的辩证思想,这种辩证思想是作为时间中的一个形式, 作为过程,作为一个独特的决定性结构的经验。

一种辩证 的文学理论首先关注的问题,是文学作品本身的统一性 问题,作品作为一个完整事物的存在,作为一个自主的整 体。 詹姆逊认为,关于形式与内容的区分,尽管它可以应 用于各种各样的现象之上,但其本质上却是起源于美学 的,因为它来自黑格尔对神学和哲学史的研究,当然还有 对艺术的研究,换言之,它来自那些本质上属于上层建筑 的材料之中,这实际上也就解释了它在马克思主义手中 具有巨大力量的秘密。

因为在文化领域中相对明晰的和 可以展示的东西,即变化,从本质上讲是内容寻求其合适 的表现形式的作用,恰恰是政治、社会、经济现实的具体 化世界中不明白的东西,因此,隐藏的社会或经济材料根 据自由的逻辑发展的观念,就具有爆炸性的解放效果了。 历史是人类劳动的产物,正如艺术一样,并且也服从类似 的动力:这就是这种形而上转换的力量,并且它终将解释 文学批评与总体上的辩证思想的近似原因。

因为在这个 方面,辩证思想可以被看作是由亚里士多德发展起来的 那种以形式为主导的模式的倒转:在这里,形式不被看作 是我们所由出发的原初图式或模式,而是看作我们借以 结束的内容本身的深层逻辑的最终表达。 这就解释了为 什么我们对个别艺术作品的判断在性质上终究是社会的 和历史的。

因此,完成了的形式,或者没有完成的形式,或 者依据某种既定比例完成的形式,它与内容的适应,从长 远来看,是它完成于其中的那个历史时刻本身的最珍贵 的表现之一,确实,形式本身不过是内容在上层建筑领域 的完成而已。 他认为,在这个方面黑格尔与马克思持有相 似的观点:完美的艺术作品,也就是说,形式完全适应于 内容的作品,在理论上讲是不存在的。

但是,在黑格尔的 理论中,其原因是因为艺术终究将要超越自身而变为神 学和哲学,在艺术越来越接近于那个完全的自我意识即 绝对精神的时候,它将自身作为感官游戏而摈斥了。 对马 克思主义来讲,与此相反,随着思想的逐渐具体化,哲学 抛弃了自身。

但是,只有当艺术以某种方式具体地完成于 社会自身之中时,客体与主体的适应,或者说形式对内容 的适应,才会作为一种想象的可能性而存在,因此,形式 的完成,正如形式的缺陷一样,都可以看作是某种相对应 的深层的社会和历史结构的符号,这种结构正是批评所 要探索的对象。 。


也许我这个能帮上你 Karl Marx (1818-1883) is the founder of scientific socialism, the proletariat international instructors. Marxism 1818, on 5 was born in Prussia Rhine city of Trier, by a Jewish family lawyers. 1835-1841, has the University of Bonn and Berlin University studying law. In 1837, began studying Hegel's philosophy, and joined the young Hegelians "Dr club." 1841 graduate of the University philosophy doctorate. October 1842 to March 1843, the "Rhine" editor-in-chief. June 1843, and Yan-ni marriage. In autumn, moved to Paris, jointly with Lugar, "Germany and France Yearbook" magazine. At that time published some articles that he has become a materialist and communists. Marx's theory of historical materialism and the residual value of the two found that the utopian socialism from a science. 1847, together with the Engels were invited to participate in the justice alliance, I will be restructured as its communist alliance. In communist alliance to attend the second congress of the first, commissioned by the General Assembly, together with Engels drafted the alliance program, which is the scientific communism is satisfied that the literature of the "Communist Manifesto." "Declaration" published to mark the birth of Marxism. France in February 1848 after the outbreak of the revolution, commissioned by the alliance, in Paris build a new Central Committee and was elected Chairman of the United Democrats. April, back to Germany to participate in the revolution. Europe during the 1848 revolution, founded in Kelun "on the new Rhine." After the failure of the revolution, in exile in London. The 1950s and 1960s, in extremely difficult conditions, the completion of the Marxist economic theory, published in 1867, "Das Kapital" vol second, three volumes by Engels in 1885,1894, finishing the publication. September 1864 International Association of the first international workers after its establishment, was elected the members of the Commission, concurrently secretary of the German communications. He drafted the Declaration of the Establishment of the International, the Provisional Constitution and the previous Congress of important documents, the reality is the first international leader and the soul. During the 1871 Paris Commune revolution, the first commissioned by the international total, wrote "the French civil war" systematically summed up the lessons Corporation revolution, the development of the proletarian revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat theory. Old age and disease by the torture, remains committed to helping countries to the growth of the socialist political parties and personnel theoretical research. March 14, 1883 death in London.。


推荐几个网页给你munism, he was a philosopher, social scientist and one of the major economists of his or any other age. Already deeply involved in socialist politics, his Communist Manifesto may be described as the most important political pamphlet of the nineteenth century. His life was spent in London, writing and organising, the former taking increasing precedence over the latter. The comprehensiveness of his studies and the difficulties of his personal circumstances meant that many of his major projects remained unfinished at his death. His masterpiece Das Kapital is only partially complete; the first volume appeared during his lifetime; and further material was edited by Engels. Much other material has been published posthumously including the important Grundrisse and Theorien über den Mehrwert . Using Hegel's dialectical method, but abandoning his political philosophy, he attempted to show both how society was progressing through successive stages towards the ultimate goal of communism and how that process might be accelerated. To this end he absorbed as much as much as possible of the existing social and economic thought; for example, his knowledge of previous writings in political economy was as nearly comprehensive as was possible at the time. His ideas have inspired both political Marxism and a very large body of social science grounded in his theoretical schema.Secondary Literature E. Mandel, Marxist Economic Theory (Merlin Press, 1962); M. Rubel, `Marx, Karl', International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences , D. L. Sills (ed.) (Macmillan and Free Press, 1968), vol. 10; D. McLellan, Karl Marx. His Life and Thought (Macmillan, 1973); L. Kolakowski, Main Currents of Marxism , 3 vols (OUP, 1978).EngelsBirthplace Barmen, Germany.Posts Held Cotton manufacturer and journalist.Publications Books: 1. The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845, 1958); 2. The Holy Family (with K. Marx), (1845, 1956); 3. The German Ideology (with K. Marx), (1845, 1939); 4. The Peasant War in Germany (1850, 1956); 5. Anti-Dühring (1878, 1959); 6. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (1880, 1935); 7. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884, 1942); 8. Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German Philosophy (1886, 1941).Career Revolutionary and Marx's close collaborator and friend. After their first meeting in 1844 to discuss Engels's early economic writings, Engels gradually left theoretical work to Marx and concentrated on polemical and journalistic writing. He wrote extensively on military topics and the military aspects of revotution. After Marx's death, he organised the editing and publication of his works, including the unpublished second and third volumes of Kapital , and provided them with important introductions. Because of the close association in which he and Marx worked it is almost impossible to distinguish their individual contributions to any aspect of theory on which they wrote, including the subject of economics.Secondary Literature G. Mayer, Friedrich Engels: a Biography (Chapman, 1936); T. Ramm, `Engels, Friedrich', International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences , D. L. Sills (ed.) (Macmillan and Free Press, 1968), vol. 5; W. O. Henderson, The Life of Friedrich Engels , 2 vols (Frank Cass, 1974).----------Marx and Engels: CommunismNineteenth-century hought about social issues took a different turn with the work of such reformers as Godwin and Proudhon. The most comprehensive and influential new way of thinking about social, economic, and political issues was that developed by German philosopher Karl Marx. Like Ludwig Feuerbach, Marx belonged to a generation of German scholars who appropriated but diverged significantly from the teachings of Hegel. Early in his own career, M。

5.马克思的简介 英文版

Marx: Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law (1843), of the Jewish nation (1843), 1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844), On Feuerbach (1845), the philosophy of poverty (1845), wage labour and capital (1847), Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte 18, 1998 (1852), criticized the outline political economics (1857), criticized the preamble political economics (1859), a total of three Theory of Surplus Value Volume (1862), wages, prices and profits (1865), Capital Volume I (1867), the French civil war (1871), Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875) They co-authored: German Ideology (1845), the Holy Family (1845), The Communist Manifesto (1848), the American Civil War (1861), Capital II (1893), third on Capital Volume (1894) Engels: German farmers war (1850), Germany's revolution and counter-revolution (1852), the Anti-Duhring (1878), the utopian socialism from the development of science (1880), Dialectics of Nature (1883), family , the system of private ownership and national origin (1884), Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of Germany's classical philosophy (1886)。


推荐几个网页给你munism, he was a philosopher, social scientist and one of the major economists of his or any other age. Already deeply involved in socialist politics, his Communist Manifesto may be described as the most important political pamphlet of the nineteenth century. His life was spent in London, writing and organising, the former taking increasing precedence over the latter. The comprehensiveness of his studies and the difficulties of his personal circumstances meant that many of his major projects remained unfinished at his death. His masterpiece Das Kapital is only partially complete; the first volume appeared during his lifetime; and further material was edited by Engels. Much other material has been published posthumously including the important Grundrisse and Theorien über den Mehrwert . Using Hegel's dialectical method, but abandoning his political philosophy, he attempted to show both how society was progressing through successive stages towards the ultimate goal of communism and how that process might be accelerated. To this end he absorbed as much as much as possible of the existing social and economic thought; for example, his knowledge of previous writings in political economy was as nearly comprehensive as was possible at the time. His ideas have inspired both political Marxism and a very large body of social science grounded in his theoretical schema.Secondary Literature E. Mandel, Marxist Economic Theory (Merlin Press, 1962); M. Rubel, `Marx, Karl', International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences , D. L. Sills (ed.) (Macmillan and Free Press, 1968), vol. 10; D. McLellan, Karl Marx. His Life and Thought (Macmillan, 1973); L. Kolakowski, Main Currents of Marxism , 3 vols (OUP, 1978).EngelsBirthplace Barmen, Germany.Posts Held Cotton manufacturer and journalist.Publications Books: 1. The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845, 1958); 2. The Holy Family (with K. Marx), (1845, 1956); 3. The German Ideology (with K. Marx), (1845, 1939); 4. The Peasant War in Germany (1850, 1956); 5. Anti-Dühring (1878, 1959); 6. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific (1880, 1935); 7. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884, 1942); 8. Ludwig Feuerbach and the Outcome of Classical German Philosophy (1886, 1941).Career Revolutionary and Marx's close collaborator and friend. After their first meeting in 1844 to discuss Engels's early economic writings, Engels gradually left theoretical work to Marx and concentrated on polemical and journalistic writing. He wrote extensively on military topics and the military aspects of revotution. After Marx's death, he organised the editing and publication of his works, including the unpublished second and third volumes of Kapital , and provided them with important introductions. Because of the close association in which he and Marx worked it is almost impossible to distinguish their individual contributions to any aspect of theory on which they wrote, including the subject of economics.Secondary Literature G. Mayer, Friedrich Engels: a Biography (Chapman, 1936); T. Ramm, `Engels, Friedrich', International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences , D. L. Sills (ed.) (Macmillan and Free Press, 1968), vol. 5; W. O. Henderson, The Life of Friedrich Engels , 2 vols (Frank Cass, 1974).----------Marx and Engels: CommunismNineteenth-century hought about social issues took a different turn with the work of such reformers as Godwin and Proudhon. The most comprehensive and influential new way of thinking about social, economic, and political issues was that developed by German philosopher Karl Marx. Like Ludwig Feuerbach, Marx belonged to a generation of German scholars who appropriated but diverged significantly from the teachings of Hegel. Early in his own career, 。


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本文主要为您介绍马克思写的大学毕业论文,内容包括马克思论文800字,马克思主义原理论文2000字,大学生关于马克思基本理论的论文。马克思主义哲学的辩证思维方式: 有人说哲学就是在你不知向左拐还是向右拐的时候,告诉你左有左的好处、右有右好












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