1.英语作文 很多大学生毕业后去大城市工作
we have over the past few years you can graduate from college after a two-way choice of a large number of people are the big cities to chung, then create a small city in particular, a lack of talent, it is precisely because of this lack of talent, then work it to the grass-roots level to the work of young people in small cities to provide a very good chance
to work in a town
in china,there are so many graduates pouring into the society every year that it is not easy for them to find a good job after graduating.many graduates would like to work in big cities.they think there are more opportunities in a city than in a town.and the salary is higher.hower,there are many graduates who like stay in a town to develop their careers.they believe that it is less competive in a town than in a city.as long as they work hard,they can also put their dreams into realities and live a happy life.what's more,the environment of a town is better and the air is fresher.for these reasons,to my mind,i would rather work in a town.
2.辩论赛 大学生毕业后应该去大城市发展还是回家乡发展
如果你是一些很普通的专业,那么你就看一下你的专业在家乡有没有适合的企业?如果有,待遇也可以的话,也可以回到家乡来发展,因为家乡有人脉,有熟悉的场所,也能更好的发展自己的才能。 毕竟这是你生活二十几年的地方,你对这里比其他地方都要熟悉,这里可以发挥你的才智的话,离父母近一些也是一个能多尽孝道的好途径。以前不是说:父母子啊,不远游吗?
To Leave or Stay—— Choice after Graduation What do you want to do after graduation from university, looking for job or further study? Everyone has its opinion and I think their decision for some reasons below:Some students would rather step into society for work than stay for further study. Some of them are tiring of study, in addition to gaining more experience, they have oblige to earning money to support their family, they are independent. Some of them for the reason that their family fail to afford to the tuition for further study, and perhaps they have to earn money for the sake of pay back the money borrowed from the bank.Some want to stay for further study instead of looking for jobs. First, they are capable to pay the tuition, they do have energy and time to learn more knowledge; Second, they plan to get higher degree for better competition and better jobs, as it is known to all that nowadays higher degree means more opportunity to get a better job. Third, fierce competition cause employee section are prone to the job seekers with higher degree, so it is!To sum up, that so many college students continue to go for further study after graduation is not a simple phenomenon, it proves that the oriented function of society has a profound effect to our students, so we should have the ability of judgement.zyw_kakier Jun 2th,2006(I hope you can give me some advice, countless thanks!) 我的名字叫郑扬威 ,来自物理与电信工程学院 zyw_kakier 在 2006-6-7 8:22:56 发表 :::网友评论: 2006-6-10 22:52:27 zyw_kakier 发表评论 Thank you for you common.I do think so and we should believe that ability and quality are the most important cindition for looking a job.Actually, I still haven't make up my mind to go for further study. It is really a hard choice.Do you have any poinion,my friend!!! 2006-6-9 23:02:36 angel66566 发表评论 I hold the same opinion as 常春藤 . I believe you will have a clearer idea two years later, because you have to make choice at that time rather than hesitate to make choice! 2006-6-9 23:02:24 angel66566 发表评论 I hold the same opinion as 常春藤 . I believe you will have a clearer idea two years later, because you have to make choice at that time rather than hesitate to make choice! 2006-6-8 0:32:08 常春藤 发表评论 I think that denpends on your own view. It's hard to say that whether those people who have got further study can earn a better job than the students just after graduation from university or not ,if someone just holds the view that nowadays higher degree means more opportunity to get a better job, maybe that will make him disappoint,because everything changes rapidly day by day .but no matter when it is always right for us to hold every opportunity to improve our knowledge and experience as possible as we can .The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them, make them! [1] 共 1 页 4 条 正在第 1 页。
Last sunday, Mr.Lee got up very early to go fishing.
He spent the whole day sitting beside the river but got nothing at the end of the day.
Therefore, Mr.Lee was very dissapointed due to that he had to go home by dinner time.
On his way home, Lee thought that his wife might be mad at him for bringing nothing back. So he bought a big fish at the market before he got home.
At least, he was happy finally for what he could bring home.
每个城市都有每个城市的优缺点!但是,一个认为好的城市 那才是真正能安心工作的城市!同样每个城市的文化底蕴和内涵都是不一样的 所以,如果某一个城市有所牵挂的人或物乃至是事,都可以考虑 。 但是,正因为城市的文化底蕴不一样 所以 在之前应该慎重的考虑 不要听信 片面之词! 一个不同的文化底蕴城市,可以造就不同的城市传奇,铸就不同的人生辉煌!
一、首先应该选择 一个 文化 底蕴较深厚的 一线城市 (虽然 竞争压力大 但是同样可以 培育出更好抗压心里与自我的性格优越性)
二、找一个有一定发展潜力的公司 中等或中下等的公司较好! 因为公司越大相对竞争越激烈 对于刚入社会来说它所带来的副作用很多!
三、所找的工作最好专业对口 如果不对口也木什么多大关系。但是职位潜力必须要有!还有就是最重要的一点,晋升空间要大!
四、在满足上述要求 正式 工作的时候,多向前辈学习! 不要太张扬或高调! 对于刚入社会的来说,高调只会导致最后被迫离开公司或者在公司没什么朋友 。
五、一定要搞好 同事之间的关系! 有时背后的好话,比人前的美言更有用!而且还会让在关系不错的情况下关系更近一步!
南京是个不错的城市!六朝古都,十代帝王。造就了 南京浑厚的文化底蕴!其城市潜力更是无穷!虽然现在没有那些顶级城市的奢华 但是同样!也没有顶级城市那么的黑暗。
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