Now, the grievance that Gosling was airing was that he felt that this company would take technology from other companies and suborn it for their own purposes. But guess what? The shoe is on the other foot here. The Java community did not invent the idea of designing pages as a mixture of static HTML and dynamic code marked with special tags. For example, Cold Fusion did it years earlier. Even ASP (a product from the very software company of the aforementioned manager) popularized this approach before JSP came along and decided to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, JSP not only adopted the general idea, it even used many of the same special tags as ASP did. The JSP is an establishment at the model of Java servlets on of the expression layer technique, it makes the plait write the HTML to become more simple.Be like the SSJS, it also allows you carry the
static state HTML contents and servers the script mix to put together the born dynamic state exportation. JSP the script language that the Java is the tacit approval, however, be like the ASP and can use other languages( such as JavaScript and VBScript), the norm of JSP also allows to use other
源程序如下:import java.awt.Graphics; //声明applet使用了java.awt包中的Graphics类 import java.applet.Applet; //声明applet使用了java.applet包中的Applet类 public class.MyApplet extends Applet{ //声明一个名为MyApplet的公共类,它继承了Applet类 public String s; //声明一个字符串 public void init( ){ //Applet的初始化方法 s = new String("Hello World !"); //创建一个字符串 } public void paint(Graphics g){ g.drawString(s,60,40); } } 一、解释:1、Graphics类使得Applet可以绘制直线、矩形、椭圆形、字符串等。此程序中,绘制了“Hello World!”字符串2、方法init( )实现了字符串的创建3、paint( )中,g为Graphics类的对象。
二、编译源程序为Class文件 javac MyApplet.java 三、Applet中没有main( )方法作为Java解释器的入口,因此必须编写HTML文件,把Applet嵌入HTML文件中,然后用appletviewer来运行,或在支持Java的浏览器上运行HTML文件。HTML文件内容如下: