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In 1845, when he was 28 years old Thoreau spent two years Jane in the beautiful environment of the Walden woods

Pu reclusive life, think of life, the relationship between man and nature, as well as the modern people living in the

Encountered embarrassment. This period of seclusion is the result of this simple and fragrant, lonely and fragrant powder

"Walden". At a time when Emerson advocated the Transcendentalist movement, a surge

Now a group of outstanding writer, Melville, Hawthorne as representative, to apprentice, assistant identity in Emerson

The birth of the home Thoreau with the thin "Walden" sideways in the great writer of the forest, and it


1845年,时年28岁的梭罗在环境优美的瓦尔登湖丛林中度过了两年简 朴的隐居生活,思索人生、人与自然的关系,以及现代人在都市生活中所 遇到的困窘。这段隐居生活的结果便是这部简单而馥郁、孤独而芬芳的散 文集《瓦尔登湖》。此时正值爱默生所倡导的超验主义运动高涨,一时涌 现出麦尔维尔、霍桑为代表的一批优秀作家,以学徒、助手身份住在爱默 生家里的梭罗凭借这部薄薄的《瓦尔登湖》侧身于这批大作家之林,而毫 不逊色。


What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate.Self-emancipation even in the West Indian provinces of the fancy and imagination, -- whatWilberforce is there to bring that about? Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toiletcushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates! As if you couldkill time without injuring eternity.The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmeddesperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to consoleyourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair isconcealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is noplay in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperatethings.When we consider what, to use the words of the catechism, is the chief end of man, and whatare the true necessaries and means of life, it appears as if men had deliberately chosen thecommon mode of living because they preferred it to any other. Yet they honestly think there isno choice left. But alert and healthy natures remember that the sun rose clear. It is never toolate to give up our prejudices. No way of thinking or doing, however ancient, can be trustedwithout proof. What every body echoes or in silence passes by as true to-day may turn out tobe falsehood to-morrow, mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that wouldsprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields. What old people say you cannot do you try and find thatyou can. Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new. Old people did not know enoughonce, perchance, to fetch fresh fuel to keep the fire a-going; new people put a little dry woodunder a pot, and are whirled round the globe with the speed of birds, in a way to kill old people,as the phrase is. Age is no better, hardly so well, qualified for an instructor as youth, for it hasnot profited so much as it has lost. One may almost doubt if the wisest man has learned anything of absolute value by living. Practically, the old have no very important advice to give theyoung, their own experience has been so partial, and their lives have been such miserablefailures, for private reasons, as they must believe; and it may-330-be that they have some faith left which belies that experience, and they are only less youngthan they were. I have lived some thirty years on this planet, and I have yet to hear the firstsyllable of valuable or even earnest advice from my seniors. They have told me nothing, andprobably cannot tell me any thing, to the purpose. Here is life, an experiment to a great extentuntried by me; but it does not avail me that they have tried it. If I have any experience which Ithink valuable, I am sure to reflect that this my Mentors said nothing about.One farmer says to me, "You cannot live on vegetable food solely, for it furnishes nothing tomake bones with;" and so he religiously devotes a part of his day to supplying his system withthe raw material of bones; walking all the while he talks behind his oxen, which, withvegetable-made bones, jerk him and his lumbering plough along in spite of every obstacle.Some things are really necessaries of life in some circles, the most helpless and diseased,which in others are luxuries merely, and in others still are entirely unknown.The whole ground of human life seems to some to have been gone over by theirpredecessors, both the heights and the valleys, and all things to have been cared for.According to Evelyn, "the wise Solomon prescribed ordinances for the very distances of trees;and the Roman praetors have decided how often you may go into your neighbor's land togather the acorns which fall on it without trespass, and what share belongs to that neighbor."Hippocrates has even left directions how we should cut our nails; that is, even with the ends ofthe fingers, neither shorter nor longer. Undoubtedly the very tedium and ennui which presumeto have exhausted the variety and the joys of life are as old as Adam. But man's capacitieshave never been measured; nor are we to judge of what he can do by any precedents, so littlehas been tried. Whatever have been thy failures hitherto, "be not afflicted, my child, for whoshall assign to thee what thou hast left undone?"We might try our lives by a thousand simple tests; as, for instance, that the same sun which


In 1845, when he was 28 years old Thoreau spent two years Jane in the beautiful environment of the Walden woodsPu reclusive life, think of life, the relationship between man and nature, as well as the modern people living in theEncountered embarrassment. This period of seclusion is the result of this simple and fragrant, lonely and fragrant powder"Walden". At a time when Emerson advocated the Transcendentalist movement, a surgeNow a group of outstanding writer, Melville, Hawthorne as representative, to apprentice, assistant identity in EmersonThe birth of the home Thoreau with the thin "Walden" sideways in the great writer of the forest, and itInferior. 1845年,时年28岁的梭罗在环境优美的瓦尔登湖丛林中度过了两年简 朴的隐居生活,思索人生、人与自然的关系,以及现代人在都市生活中所 遇到的困窘。

这段隐居生活的结果便是这部简单而馥郁、孤独而芬芳的散 文集《瓦尔登湖》。此时正值爱默生所倡导的超验主义运动高涨,一时涌 现出麦尔维尔、霍桑为代表的一批优秀作家,以学徒、助手身份住在爱默 生家里的梭罗凭借这部薄薄的《瓦尔登湖》侧身于这批大作家之林,而毫 不逊色。

5.英语翻译一段 瓦尔登湖

人该怎样的生活着? 这是一个千载而下的人生命题。

"How should the people live" is a thousand years hence life proposition. 在梭罗看来,“那些在店铺、公事房、田野中到处可见的人们,仿佛都在赎罪一样,从事着成千种的惊人苦役”,It seems to Thoreau that "in shops, and offices, and fields, the inhabitants and everywhere, have appeared to me to be doing penance in a thousand remarkable ways." “这样的人,除了做一架机器之外,他没时机来做别的。”"This kind of person.Besides doing a machine, he has no time to do other." “人类在过着静静的绝望的生活。”

"The human lead lives of quiet desperation." 对于此,梭罗下决心找出人生活的最高准则。For that, Thoreau makes up his mind to find out the highest principle for human life. 在瓦尔登湖,梭罗已经实现了这一愿望。

In the Walden,Thoreau's wish is being realized. 他说:“解决生命中的一些问题,不但要在理论上,而且要在实践中。”“要按照智慧的指示,过着一种简单、独立、大度、信任的生活。”

He said,"To solve some problems in the life, not only in theory, but also in practice". "love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust." 何以为之呢? How should one explain it? 梭罗认为:“我们如大自然一般自然地过一天吧,不要因为硬壳果或掉在轨道上的蚊虫的一只翅膀而出了轨。” From Thoreau's point of view, he said,"Let us spend one day as deliberately as Nature, and not be thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito's wing that falls on the rails." 在瓦尔登湖,梭罗用极少的原材料建起了他认为舒适可住甚至是温暖的木房子,在那里,他用自己的双手耕地种豆、钓鱼、做面包。

In Walden, Thoreau built a warm wooden house with very little material which he think it's comfort to live and even a warm wooden house, where he cultivated species with their own hands, beans, fish, bread. 他认为正是他的需要很少,所以能用较少的劳动就能养活并满足自己。He believes that his wants are few so that he can earn himself own bread with less labor and are soon satisfied. 在没有一丝欲望、纯净的大自然里,他悟出了尘世中人们痛苦之由就在于“, 花了一个人生命中最宝贵的一部分来赚钱,为了在最不宝贵的一部分时间里享受一点可疑的自由。”

In the pure nature without a trace of desire, he finally realized a new educational idea, that is, the cause of people anguish is" spent the most valuable part of the life to make money, in order to enjoy a little suspicious freedom in the least valuable part of the time." 欲望之多,索取无厌的人生是痛苦,而生活的最高准则是“简单而安宁,如同大自然一样。” An accumulative life with too much desire is always painful. And the highest principle for life is "simple and peace, just like the sky." 在瓦尔登湖,梭罗在平静的生活中观察着身边的一切自然,并有所发现,有所感悟。

In Walden, Thoreau observed all the nature around in a quiet life ,make new discoveries and feeling. 梭罗在瓦尔登湖停留,实际上是在宇宙中选择了一块属于自己心灵的圣地,通过它来透视外面的世界,Thoreau stay in Walden, in point of fact he select a piece of hallowed groundan on his own in the universe, dissecting the outside world through it. 同时,他也向世人展示了怎样在博大世界中选择一小片土地,去发现简朴生活的意义,At the same time, he shows the world how to choose a sliver of land in the grandness of century. 去发现简朴生活的意义,去全身心地爱一片土地,去赋予它以魂魄。To find out the meaningful of plain living, to loves a stretch of land with all of your heart, to attach a soul to it. 在梭罗的性格中,那种崇尚直觉与感受、崇尚生命与自然、崇尚自由与独立蕴涵着人生哲学。

The flaw in Thoreau's character , the kind of respect for intuition and feelings, life and nature, freedom and independence of will be often a philosophy of his life.。

6.英语翻译一段 瓦尔登湖

The deep thinking of Walden

It is a millenary life proposition—how to live? In Thoreau's view, “people can be seen anywhere in the shops, offices, fields, engaged into thousands of shocking hard labor as if they are atoning”, such people, “ have no opportunity to do anything but being a machine.” “Humans are living a life of silence and desperation.” Determined to find out the highest principles of human life for this, Thoreau achieved his aspiration in Walden. He said: “it is not only in theory but also in practice should we solve the problems in life.”


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