

Theme party is an important form of class activities, classes and effective means of education and moral education work in school is main position.As the network age, people's values and outlook, moral philosophy and attitude to life and existence is changed, the education workers must adjust, advancing with The Times and adapt to the new situation under network environment and development. Currently, the primary class cannot exist with the network environment problems. Therefore, the school must stand in the development, all-round, coordinated and reshape the banner, organization of special training, improve the quality of teacher professional class, improve strategy research, thereby improving pertinence and effectiveness of moral education, cultivate modern moral qualities of youth.Using the method of documentary, questionnaire survey method, the case study and comparison analysis. Firstly, the analysis of the network environment on the effect of class under the network environment, the main characteristics of the class, the main function, commonly used types and theoretical basis and organizational principle. Then for class status surveys, summed up now, class education target, vague existing content from students' practical and creative design, the student participation owed is not high, the emotional interaction such problems, and finally put forward four, improve class strategies, clear goal, the class under the network environment, perfect the juvenile moral system, Network environment characteristics, the breakthrough with banner development bottleneck, Develop school-based training, improve the special class quality, To create a good atmosphere, improve class status。



In this paper,combining the method of describe and explain,and on the basis of the results from previous studies,several ways to inspect the non-measured "one quantity" the use of the structure and mechanism. This article is start with language, observe the language in the matter of fact, reveals the non-measured "one quantity"s structure are different from "a number of quantities". Then, this structure of the internal components of the overall structure and a sufficient description of the points, on the basis of this, we also try from a cognitive, language, the use of economic principles and language of the unspoken theory was transformed into perspective, such as an in-depth analysis. This paper is divided into four parts, which is the first part of problem solving, introduces the topic of the status quo and the main focus of this paper. After the three parts is the main thesis. In the main part of this paper, non-measures "were of a" structure was divided into three subcategories, the three subcategories are common, but internal and external features of the composition, but different. In this paper, a comprehensive understanding of the distribution of its syntax, semantic characteristics, language functions on the basis of this particular structure of the formation mechanism to make an explanation.。


This study was the "People's Daily", "China Youth Daily" and "New People's Daily" in South Korea for a content analysis of news reports on the Korean Wave in the Context of the Chinese media - how to build and how to build a national image of Korea.

Study found that South Korea in the Chinese paper in the media exposure has been established over a number of Western countries and in the middle class. From the content side, Chinese media reports in South Korea for more hard news for more focus on South Korea's political, cultural and economic issues, the right to speak for more than dominated by the social elite, mainly to the positive news, the negative nature for South Korea reported less in terms of form, for use of pure Korean news reports this style to news reports, but more inclined to use in the long length, and South Korea reported for more than a digital version of advantages.

Study, in the international media in the process of inter-State relations on the content and form of communication have a major impact on China and South Korea relations between the countries so that the media in South Korea's national image on the building had a bias.

Key words: South Korean national image content analysis of newspapers in China


Mathematics Education in China by the examination-oriented education as a long-term effects of the classroom teacher "re-indoctrination style of teaching, light Inquiry Teaching"; re limited 穿丹扁柑壮纺憋尸铂建knowledge of the "Society" Light infinite knowledge, "will study", teachers used to let through a large number of exercises students to learn mathematics, and this is the basic feature of mathematics teaching. In fact teachers teaching should not only allow students to concepts, conclusions and skills, memory, imitation and acceptance, more importantly, through education to enable students to develop independent thinking, to find the problem, self-exploration, positive practice, appropriate reflection, etc. capacity. Therefore, teachers are teaching methods improvement and innovation, not only specific education and teaching methods, strategies, should also include whether their education and teaching of leading, motivating, etc. basic features. So, how to improve and innovate the ways teachers teach the new curriculum reform the key. In high school mathematics teaching, the function accounted for a large proportion of the content, it is a focus of high school mathematics teaching and difficult. Therefore, high school students to learn the function became hot and difficult to learn mathematics. As the function of the contents, and relatively abstract, in teaching, often lectures students will encounter when you hear it, "understand", but the answer function, but the overall feel when Problem difficulties, there was no way situation. My high school mathematics curriculum standards are also to function as the high school mathematics curriculum throughout the main line, the new function of the content of the course has undergone many changes in the content of the function has adopted a new approach. Accurately grasp the new mathematics curriculum in high school function, location, requirements, and deal with the changes in the way, for the effective implementation of the function of teaching, promoting student understanding of the nature of the function of great significance. This article aims to create from the situation, the question guided learning, self-exploration, information technology integration, and several other aspects of the teaching function of the new curriculum under study, summed up allows students to truly understand the function of thinking of teaching. Key words: convergence of information technology situational problem Guidance。


In this paper,combining the method of describe and explain,and on the basis of the results from previous studies,several ways to inspect the non-measured "one quantity" the use of the structure and mechanism. This article is start with language, observe the language in the matter of fact, reveals the non-measured "one quantity"s structure are different from "a number of quantities". Then, this structure of the internal components of the overall structure and a sufficient description of the points, on the basis of this, we also try from a cognitive, language, the use of economic principles and language of the unspoken theory was transformed into perspective, such as an in-depth analysis.

This paper is divided into four parts, which is the first part of problem solving, introduces the topic of the status quo and the main focus of this paper. After the three parts is the main thesis. In the main part of this paper, non-measures "were of a" structure was divided into three subcategories, the three subcategories are common, but internal and external features of the composition, but different. In this paper, a comprehensive understanding of the distribution of its syntax, semantic characteristics, language functions on the basis of this particular structure of the formation mechanism to make an explanation.


Iron and steel industry as a raw material-based industries, in developing the national economy plays a decisive role. In recent years, although China's iron and steel industry has made remarkable development, however, iron and steel manufacturing technology and equipment level is not high, especially for iron and steel industry has a symbolic significance and high value-added core equipment: complete sets of equipment, such as rolling, continuous casting and rolling Complete sets of equipment, large-diameter seamless pipe, more than 100 tons of ultra-high-power electric equipment such as still and the introduction of technology-based.Domestic steel structures and equipment manufacturers to lower the quality of primary products, the lack of core technologies so that China's iron and steel manufacturing equipment and equipment steel manufacturers throughout the value chain in processing and assembly are still in place, only lower profits Iron and steel are powerful high-tech and high value-added technology-based manufacturing technology and equipment, the use of the stage of industrialization in developing countries, access to a large number of profit.How to make iron and steel enterprises in China and equipment, iron and steel manufacturers to effectively enhance the adoption of manufacturing equipment to improve product mix and improve product quality, in full digestion and absorption of foreign advanced technology on the basis of the set for China's iron and steel manufacturing equipment, the development of innovative ideas on the Elimination of The introduction of technical and psychological dependence on the path to rely on innovation, training in core technology on the basis of competitiveness, step by step in the research and development, manufacturing, management, sales and other important aspects of China's iron and steel equipment to improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector,China's iron and steel to build their own brand of equipment, to develop manufacturing equipment for iron and steel development policy system, a clear understanding of the macroeconomic situation and structural adjustment efforts, concerned about the application of the green, fully implement the scientific concept of development so that a resource-conserving and environment-friendly steel equipment as soon as possible Industrialization and at the same time promote the iron and steel manufacturing equipment and related industries, the completion of China's "big iron" to the "steel strong" by leaps and bounds.Based on research and innovation, the competitiveness of core technology, industrialization, the industrial chain, industrial clusters, and so on the basis of the theory, an analysis of China's iron and steel equipment for the industrialization of the main objectives and core technology, based on this summary of the iron and steel equipment manufacturing industry And the evolution path of industrialization of the main factors on how to seize the equipment, iron and steel to create positive opportunities for development, and how reasonable the technical innovation in the iron and steel enterprises concerned about the dynamics of R & D,Planning, business operation and management of a reasonable way to form their own intellectual property rights of scientific research, to build our brand equipment, iron and steel, iron and steel equipment for the development of manufacturing system development policy, and iron and steel equipment manufacturing industry of the general pattern, combined with case studies for China's iron and steel Equipment manufacturing industry, to enhance the international competitiveness of the feasibility of the proposal.。




2.摘要应采用第三人称,不用“本文(this paper)”或“作者(the author(s))”作为主语,一般也不用“本文中(in this paper)”作定语或状语。




Select cadres training with Chinese characteristics as the exchange of cadres training system, in which play an important role in promoting economic and social development,training, but under the new situation also exist on the understanding of the work, or shortage of cadres selection unreasonable, extensive management etc.. Taking Nanning City cadres"double double training" project as an example, the application of project management to thewhole process of Nanning City cadres "double double training" project implementation, in order to explore a suit of Nanning city actual, can play a better management of cadrestraining action project. The project based on the life cycle theory, this paper will Nanning Citycadres "double double training" project is divided into project stage management,implementation stage management and the finishing stage management in three stages, and the objectives and tasks of the three phase of the in-depth analysis and research, put forward relevant optimization means of management, and explore the establishment of thecadres sent model. The Nanning City cadres "double double training" project process management effectiveness evaluation, made a conclusion.。


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