1.生物专业论文摘要在线翻译 急啊
China marine life multiplicity and present situation the marine life multiplicity is the sea species idioplasm resources adapts the changeable living environment, but can maintain the survival, the development, the evolution foundation, contains the species multiplicity, the heredity multiplicity and the ecosystem multiple and so on 3 levels. This article has made the elaboration on the China marine life multiple present situations, because a series of direct or indirect factor, China marine life multiplicity is facing many threats, regarding this, this article proposed some protection marine life multiple countermeasures。
一 毕业论文分为专题型、论辩型、综述型和综合型四大类
二 毕业论文的规格 :学年论文 毕业论文 硕士论文 博士论文
三 毕业论文:是大学生在大学的最后一个学期,运用所学的基础课和专业课知识,独立地探讨或解决本学科某一问题的论文,它是在撰写学年论文取得初步经验后写作的,它的题目应该比学年论文大一点、深一点。其基本标准应该是:通过毕业论文,可以大致反映作者能否运用大学三四年间所学得的基础知识来分析和解决本学科内某一基本问题的学术水平和能力。当然,它的选题一般也不宜过大,内容不太复杂,要求有一定的创见性,能够较好地分析和解决学科领域中不太复杂的问题。本科毕业论文篇幅一般在六干字以上。大学本科毕业生的毕业论文,如果写得好,可以作为学士学位的论文。
四 选题的重要性
五 选题的原则
理论联系实际,注重现实意义 (实用价值和理论价值)
勤于思索,刻意求新 (从观点、题目到材料直至论证方法全是新的 、以新的材料论证旧的课题,从而提出新的或部分新的观点、新的看法 、对已有的观点、材料、研究方法提出质疑,虽然没有提出自己新的看法,但能够启发人们重新思考问题 )
知己知彼,难易适中(要充分估计到自已的知识储备情况和分析问题的能力 、要考虑到是否有资料或资料来源、题目的难易要适中 、题目的大小要适度 )
六 选题的具体方法
浏览捕捉法 (将阅读所得到的方方面面的内容,进行分类、排列、组合,从中寻找问题、发现问题、将自己在研究中的体会与资料分别加以比较,找出哪些体会在资料中没有
追溯验证法 (先有拟想,然后再通过阅读资料加以验证来确定选题的方法 )
以经济学论文来讲,首先要掌握经济学原理 、还要掌握应用经济学知识,包括工业经济学、农业经济学、商业经济学、财政学、外贸经济学、金融学、企业管理学,等等 、
还要掌握研究经济现象必须具备的方法论知识,这主要是指经济数学、统计学、会计学、电子计算机的应用技术等有关数量分析方法的基本知识 、撰写经济学论文而不掌握数
七 积累资料的方法
以下几方面的材料 :统计材料、典型案例、经验总结等等 、国内外对有关该课题学术研究的最新动态 、边缘学科的材料 、名人的有关论述,有关政策文献等 、搜集论文作
八 资料的辨析 :适用性 、全面性 、真实性、新颖 、典型性
九 形成论点和论据
The main body of a book take ginger as material, alcohol to follow contents being that 510 nm places determine the always yellow ketone of ginger in wavelength as the luminosity extracting the beam split , adopt visible light to come to abstract yellow ketones among them menstruum. Different level testing that thickness, has strengthened than liquid, extracting time and the impact of four factors over yellow ketone draw rate extracting the temperature , every Shan factor has all taken among them 5 considering alcohol mainly. By the fact that the Shan factor carries out preliminary preparation by screening on to extracting a technological parameter coming the experiment, handicraft testing that the primary and secondary relation coming to ascertain parameter effect gets optimum drawing thereby by orthogonality. The condition testing that the best ascertaining that extracts a handicraft's is to take 80%'s alcohol solution as menstruum , strengthen liquid than being 1 : 25, 5 hs , draw rate are maximal in 70 ~C lower back-flow. The primary and secondary having ascertained influencing factor is the thickness extracting the temperature , extracting time , alcohol , strengthens the liquid ratio. Test the always yellow ketone adopt Shan to pick up ginger coming the factor experiment and the orthogonality experiment , aim at seeking the best approach of yellow ginger ketone matter digestion , provide a reference , establish a basis for the products developing the yellow ketone of ginger for the yellow ketone choosing ginger rationally extracts a handicraft.
Abstract: the market demand for the buckeye, but because the buckeye conventional breeding way is seed propagation, reproductive slower, plus the buckeye rate is low and seeds, seedlings to inactivation rate is weak, so the unearthed, reproduction rate low, difficult to meet the market demand. Therefore, from the flowering length, the effect of the climatic conditions and take the morphological structure, flowering length to the pollen of energy, energy, the seed vigor of pollen influence on some physiological indexes of determination to proven buckeye rate, low birth rate, low reason for improving the buckeye setting out the theoretical basis and reproduction rate, in order to improve the buckeye breeding take measures to meet the demand of the market.
The growth of the buckeye flowering characteristics
Keywords: buckeye, Growth flowering, Dynamic measurement
This article has concerning three aspects that have the meaning of human living and developing by debating biotechnology,biotechnology has have the capacity and condition,market demand by providing development opportunity .These aspects set forth the reason of biotechnology industry rapid development. 本人英语不是很好 仅四级水平 不过个人感觉翻译的还可以 看看楼主满意不 呵呵 难免会有错误。
Abstract: the market demand for the buckeye, but because the buckeye conventional breeding way is seed propagation, reproductive slower, plus the buckeye rate is low and seeds, seedlings to inactivation rate is weak, so the unearthed, reproduction rate low, difficult to meet the market demand. Therefore, from the flowering length, the effect of the climatic conditions and take the morphological structure, flowering length to the pollen of energy, energy, the seed vigor of pollen influence on some physiological indexes of determination to proven buckeye rate, low birth rate, low reason for improving the buckeye setting out the theoretical basis and reproduction rate, in order to improve the buckeye breeding take measures to meet the demand of the market.The growth of the buckeye flowering : buckeye, Growth flowering, Dynamic measurement。
Corn rhizosphere, the separation of Health and the nature of a preliminary study Abstract: This paper discussed by the natural conditions of the corn plant roots separation, purification be the root of the plate, their classification identification of patterns; will be pure The re-vaccinated within the plate in the tissue culture vaccine without access to the corn roots, determine the host of the corn plant growth and development; isolated to the growth of corn in the role of Health has Yijun; Key words: corn ; Within the Health and bacteria; separation; symbiotic colonization。
我最近刚好写过一篇这样的文章,不过字数没那么多,希望可以让过关! 生物与软件 关键词 :先进、互补性、前景、综合国力、造福人类 摘要 :生物与电子计算机技术的融合是时代的趋势,将开创光明的未来,造福人类。
正文 : 事物正确的发展趋势是与当代最主流的先进事物相融合,从而达到普及,使整个人类向前跨步。 自从比尔·盖茨建立了微软帝国,开创了个人电脑的时代,世界的全面信息化就变的不可避免。
而生物学作为现今最热门及将来最有前途的科学,将不可避免的与电子计算机科学相互融合,互取其长。 于1984年7月在联邦德国西柏林召开的第14届国际植物学大会总结了植物学总的三点发展趋势,其中就有“以电子计算机为手段的数学模拟方面的研究和系统分析方面的研究”。
生物软件初现雏形。 两者的互补性 : 现在计算机操作系统及各种软件的运行都是按照一定的程序进行的,而人体的各种新陈代谢也是按照既定的各种程序进行的。
人类以后计算机的研制要借鉴生物自身具有的各种调控程序,而这种方面的研究也已经开始,如生物计算机,及对人体大脑的解密而正在研制的智能计算机。 相比之下,人类生物学的研究也离不开电子计算机技术的发展。
例如现在生物学的发展已经进入分子生物学时代,而由于电子计算机技术的发展,很多生物科学研究方面的软件也应运而生,它极大地减少了科学家及生物公司技术工人的工作量,提高了效率,增加了收益。例如在基因工程中就会常用到很多生物软件,现简介一种: Omiga 2.0:主要功能:编辑、浏览、蛋白质或核酸序列,分析序列组成。
用Clustal. W进行同源序列比较,发现同源区。实现了核酸序列与其互补链之间的转化,序列的拷贝、删 找核酸限制性酶切位点、基元(Motif)及开放阅读框(ORF),设计并评估PCR、测序引物。
查找蛋白质解蛋白位点(Proteolytic Sites)、基元、二级结构等。查寻结果可以以图谱及表格的显示,表格设有多种分类显示形式。
用户也可以添加、编辑或自定义某些查寻参数。可从MacVectorTM、Wisconsin PackageTM等数据库中输入或输出序列。
另外,该软件还提供了一个很有特色的类似于核酸限制酶分析的蛋白分析,对蛋白进行有关的多肽酶处理后产生多肽片段。 实际上,大部分对核酸蛋白的序列分析功能,在Omiga 2.0中都能找到;而且界面非常友好。
Omiga作为强大的蛋白质、核酸分析软件,它还兼有引物设计的功能。 当然,Omiga还有很多同类软件。
如日立软件公司(Hitachi Sofeware Engineering Co.,Ltd.)97年推出的DNASIS 2.5,加拿大的Premier公司开发的Primer Premier 5.0等。 发展前景 : 生物软件具有很有的兼容性,可以支持现在的操作系统。
我们来看一组关于生物软件产品的售价: 基因芯片综合分析软件ArrayVision 7.0 :售价6900美元 供应BI-2000医学图像分析系统 48000元(人民币)/套 显微镜自动平台系统 5800元(人民币)/套 Paup 一种功能强大的商业版系统进化分析软件,价值数千美金。 由此我们可以看出生物软件是一个相当大的产业,新的产业造就新的财富,新的财富将由新人来获得,而具有生物与电子计算机技术的新一代大学生,无疑将充当这群去创造新财富的新人。
意义及作用 : 当今世界,国与国之间的竞争,不仅是军事实力的竞争,更是综合国力的竞争。而科学技术的竞争在当今日益知识化信息化的世界显得尤为重要,因而也就成为综合国力竞争中极其重要的方面。
在当今世界日益重视身体健康的情景下,生物与计算机的结合必将造福人类。 由此观之,生物软件的发展是时代的趋势,而我们这一代,将是这趋势的创造者。
Objective: To β △ thyroid hormone receptor gene in rats in the distribution of different characteristics, and is familiar with using PT-PCR analysis of the results. Method: TR β △ gene were expressed in a variety of organizations, including the liver, brain, skeletal muscle, heart, kidneys express the most. From various organizations in the mRNA, to extract the mRNA as a template retroviral cDNA synthesis of the first chain. And the template for PCR amplification TR β △ double-stranded cDNA. According to the purpose of gene transcription design of the two primers. Using fluorescence quantitative PCR method of quantitative analysis. Results: The Organization of extracting RNA, OD260/OD280 are between 1.7-2.0 between, OD260/230 range between 1.5-1.9. Identification of agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR results showed that in the expected around about 160 bp PCR products with a purpose. TR βΔ PCR product of the identification of agarose gel electrophoresis results showed that the PCR amplification of DNA molecular size to 176 bp for the purpose of the zone. Manager gene and gene quantitative determination of its amplification curve and no dissolution of miscellaneous peak, while the corresponding peak melting song Tm value and amplified products similar to the theory of Tm. Conclusion: The results showed that TR β △ gene expression at the mRNA level of a certain spatial distribution of characteristics: the liver, brain, spleen, kidney tissue in both the gene expression, the expression and spleen was significantly higher than that of other organizations.。
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