

Progress in Developing and Implementing Business Enterprise Architectureand Transition Plan:The Army's enterprise architecture is aligned with the Department's federated approachto business system modernization. We established business area domains in conformance withthe Department's overall domain structure. Each domain is responsible for developing abusiness system transition plan and a systems architecture that aligns with the Department'sEnterprise Transition Plan and Business Enterprise Architecture. Mature architectures have beendeveloped for the financial management and logistics fields. We are adopting the DoD-widehuman resources solution in the form of the Defense Integrated Military Human ResourcesSystem.Under oversight of the Army's Chief Information Officer, we implemented a disciplinedportfolio management process that requires each business domain to perform a completeinventory of all business systems within its purview and to register the systems in a single Army-wide portfolio. According to the Army's Chief Information Officer, the portfolio managementeffort enabled the Army to reduce the total system inventory by 1,500 systems from 3,200 to1,700 systems. An additional 300 Army-wide business systems have been marked forretirement, pending the development and implementation of modern replacements.By adopting the Department's business domain construct and federated approach tomodernizing business systems; creating business system transition plans; aligning architectureswith the Business Enterprise Architecture; and managing business systems investments through adisciplined portfolio management process, the Army will be able to comply with Section 332 ofthe Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Act. We already have scrutinized morethan 100 major business system modernization efforts and received approval from the DefenseBusiness Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) to continue these programs.The Deputy Under Secretary of the Army is responsible for ensuring effective executionof our enterprise architecture and modernization efforts across all business domains. This seniorofficial also is the Army's Defense Business Systems Management Committee representative.Governance at the Deputy Under Secretary level enables the Army to implement sustainablebusiness process improvements and to develop compliant business systems.In this context the Army has developed and is implementing a comprehensive financialimprovement and audit readiness plan to guide financial modernization activities. Thisintegrated plan outlines 1,947 specific actions needed to improve financial accountability andreporting, and assigns responsibility for completion of these tasks to 20 organizations within theArmy and DoD. We have completed 673 of these tasks with independent verification by theArmy Audit Agency. The Army's financial improvement plan is a component of the DoDFinancial Improvement and Audit Readiness Plan and the Enterprise Transition Plan.The Department's Inspector General reviewed our audit readiness plan and found that theplan sufficiently captures all actions necessary to resolve problems in obtaining an audit opinion.The plan provides a foundation to improve accountability and financial reporting within theArmy, and has yielded tangible, sustainable results. The Inspector General reviewed our auditplan and identified areas needing improvement. We have substantially resolved the InspectorGeneral's concerns, and are currently awaiting their final report, which we expect will reflectfavorably on the efficacy of our plan. The plan provides a foundation to improve accountabilityand financial reporting within the Army, and has yielded tangible, sustainable results.For example, we anticipate, based on preliminary reports, that the Army Corps ofEngineers will receive a qualified audit opinion of its fiscal year 2006 Civil Works financialstatements when the Inspector General releases its opinion in March 2008. Civil Works is alarge financial entity within the Army comprising $5.9 billion in annual appropriations, $44.5billion in total assets and $26.7 billion in total property, plant and equipment. The Army Corpsof Engineers has the largest property, plant and equipment asset base of any agency within theExecutive Branch receiving a favorable audit opinion, and is the seventh largest in terms ofannual appropriations. We have corrected the conditions linked to the qualified opinion of thefiscal year 2006 financial 。


Progress in Developing and Implementing Business Enterprise Architectureand Transition Plan:The Army's enterprise architecture is aligned with the Department's federated approachto business system modernization. We established business area domains in conformance withthe Department's overall domain structure. Each domain is responsible for developing abusiness system transition plan and a systems architecture that aligns with the Department'sEnterprise Transition Plan and Business Enterprise Architecture. Mature architectures have beendeveloped for the financial management and logistics fields. We are adopting the DoD-widehuman resources solution in the form of the Defense Integrated Military Human ResourcesSystem.Under oversight of the Army's Chief Information Officer, we implemented a disciplinedportfolio management process that requires each business domain to perform a completeinventory of all business systems within its purview and to register the systems in a single Army-wide portfolio. According to the Army's Chief Information Officer, the portfolio managementeffort enabled the Army to reduce the total system inventory by 1,500 systems from 3,200 to1,700 systems. An additional 300 Army-wide business systems have been marked forretirement, pending the development and implementation of modern replacements.By adopting the Department's business domain construct and federated approach tomodernizing business systems; creating business system transition plans; aligning architectureswith the Business Enterprise Architecture; and managing business systems investments through adisciplined portfolio management process, the Army will be able to comply with Section 332 ofthe Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Act. We already have scrutinized morethan 100 major business system modernization efforts and received approval from the DefenseBusiness Systems Management Committee (DBSMC) to continue these programs.The Deputy Under Secretary of the Army is responsible for ensuring effective executionof our enterprise architecture and modernization efforts across all business domains. This seniorofficial also is the Army's Defense Business Systems Management Committee representative.Governance at the Deputy Under Secretary level enables the Army to implement sustainablebusiness process improvements and to develop compliant business systems.In this context the Army has developed and is implementing a comprehensive financialimprovement and audit readiness plan to guide financial modernization activities. Thisintegrated plan outlines 1,947 specific actions needed to improve financial accountability andreporting, and assigns responsibility for completion of these tasks to 20 organizations within theArmy and DoD. We have completed 673 of these tasks with independent verification by theArmy Audit Agency. The Army's financial improvement plan is a component of the DoDFinancial Improvement and Audit Readiness Plan and the Enterprise Transition Plan.The Department's Inspector General reviewed our audit readiness plan and found that theplan sufficiently captures all actions necessary to resolve problems in obtaining an audit opinion.The plan provides a foundation to improve accountability and financial reporting within theArmy, and has yielded tangible, sustainable results. The Inspector General reviewed our auditplan and identified areas needing improvement. We have substantially resolved the InspectorGeneral's concerns, and are currently awaiting their final report, which we expect will reflectfavorably on the efficacy of our plan. The plan provides a foundation to improve accountabilityand financial reporting within the Army, and has yielded tangible, sustainable results.For example, we anticipate, based on preliminary reports, that the Army Corps ofEngineers will receive a qualified audit opinion of its fiscal year 2006 Civil Works financialstatements when the Inspector General releases its opinion in March 2008. Civil Works is alarge financial entity within the Army comprising $5.9 billion in annual appropriations, $44.5billion in total assets and $26.7 billion in total property, plant and equipment. The Army Corpsof Engineers has the largest property, plant and equipment asset base of any agency within theExecutive Branch receiving a favorable audit opinion, and is the seventh largest in terms ofannual appropriations. We have corrected the conditions linked to the qualified opinion of thefiscal year 2006 financial 。

3.会计英语论文 800字哦

CONCLUSION The Committee believes that calls for separate private company GAAP should be framed within the legal and institutional environment of each country. If public and private companies are subject to the same financial reporting requirements, as in many IASB countries, then the need for separate private company GAAP might be justified within an appropriate cost-benefit framework. In contrast, private companies in the U.S. are not required to comply with public company GAAP. Given this difference in the institutional environment, calls for private company GAAP in the U.S. must consider the demand for and supply of financial reporting information in the current private company marketplace. Survey research in the U.S. indicates that private company users find public company GAAP financial statements to have significant decision usefulness, and to be cost-benefit effective. In addition, evidence suggests that when the cost-benefit calculus is not favorable, market forces lead to deviations from GAAP. While some assert that the needs of private company financial statement users differ from those of public company stakeholders, the Committee does not find clear evidence of differential user needs or a clear articulation of how differential needs would lead to a framework for GAAP that differs from the current public company financial reporting requirements in the U.S. Overall, if there is demand for separate private company GAAP, then market forces, rather than standard setters, may be better at meeting the differential information needs of . The Committee does not see a persuasive argument for standard setters to create a separate private company GAAP in the U.S.结论 该委员会认为要求独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则应裱在法律和制度环境的。


鉴于此,分别在制度环境呼吁私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国必须考虑需求和供给的财务报告信息在当前的私人公司的市场。 调查研究表明,在美国上市公司,用户找到私人公司财务报表有显著的公认会计准则决策有用性、利益有效。

此外,有证据表明,在财政微积分并非有利,市场力量导致偏离公认会计准则的前提下。虽然有些断言的需要,民营企业财务报表使用者不同利益相关者的上市公司,委员会不会发现明显的证据表明微分用户需求或一个清晰的清晰度的需求导致了差,不同于一般公认会计原则框架当前上市公司财务报告的要求,在美国的整体,如果有需求,独立的私人公司公认会计准则的前提下,市场力量,而非标准者,可以更好地满足需求. 微分信息该委员会也不觉得有说服力的论据为准则制定者去创造一个独立的私人公司一般公认会计原则在美国。


Financial control is the business administration core, in the business administration putting into effect, need to give financial control to core position, financial control to harmonize other various administration synthetically , to form the resultant force taking attaining enterprise's objectives as direction. With our country socialist market economy uninterrupted growth, enterprise is produced manage the process level of socialization and the activity modernizing horizontal ceaseless rise , financial affairs are more and more complicated, financial control also the reason is unitary to complicated , arriving at high level from low level. Enterprise beneficial to reinforcing enterprise financial control, makes use of fund rationally effectively , improves the fund utilization ratio; Beneficial to enterprise accurate count , makes great efforts to reduce cost cost; Beneficial to enterprise discovers turn out manage be hit by have problem , be cut down financial affairs loss, enterprise beneficial to improving production management control level , beneficial to enterprise increases economic efficiency. Close our country medium-sized and small enterprises mortality for 5 years is 70% , about 30% retinue's medium-sized and small enterprises is in deficit state , investigates whose cause, having being commensurate to part enterprise is to bring about because of financial control is weak. But for this purpose, find out the countermeasure having problem and studying in medium-sized and small enterprises financial control, to promote the medium-sized and small enterprises reformation and develop, be that the accountant community needs the problem thinking deeply that and solving, scale is less , capital and technology formation are lower since medium-sized and small enterprises outputs, accept factors such as tradition system and outside macro-economy effect, the person there exists oneself development and without exception unadaptable condition of market economy in aspect will do in the field of financial control. Importance that the out of small business finance of thesis manages start , study medium-sized and small enterprises financial control have problem and adverse effects these problems had on medium-sized and small enterprises , talk about the method resolving financial control having the problem again , discuss the principle that the medium-sized and small enterprises tax revenue plans and prepares. 供参考。


加强企业财务管理,有利于企业合理有效地利用资金,提高资金利用效率;有利于企业精打细算,努力降低成本费用;有利于企业发现生产经营中存在的问题,减少财务损失,有利于提高企业生产经营管理水平,有利于企业提高经济效益。 我国中小企业近五年的淘汰率为70%,约30%左右的中小企业处于亏损状态,究其原因,有相当部分企业是因为财务管理薄弱而造成的。


5.求一篇英文财务论文 最好中英都有的那种


Finance is the science of funds management.[1] The general areas of finance are business finance, personal finance, and public finance.[2] Finance includes saving money and often includes lending money. The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money and risk and how they are interrelated. It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted.

Finance works most basically through individuals and business organizations depositing money in a bank. The bank then lends the money out to other individuals or corporations for consumption or investment, and charges interest on the loans.

Loans have become increasingly packaged for resale, meaning that an investor buys the loan (debt) from a bank or directly from a corporation. Bonds are debt instruments sold to investors for organisations such as companies, governments or charities [3]. The investor can then hold the debt and collect the interest or sell the debt on a secondary market. Banks are the main facilitators of funding through the provision of credit, although private equity, mutual funds, hedge funds, and other organizations have become important as they invest in various forms of debt. Financial assets, known as investments, are financially managed with careful attention to financial risk management to control financial risk. Financial instruments allow many forms of securitized assets to be traded on securities exchanges such as stock exchanges, including debt such as bonds as well as equity in publicly-traded corporations.

Central banks, such as the Federal Reserve System banks in the United States and Bank of England in the United Kingdom, are strong players in public finance, acting as lenders of last resort as well as strong influences on monetary and credit conditions in the economy

The main techniques and sectors of the financial industry



Funds are the lifeblood of our ability to operate normally, while the fund management has become the core content of corporate governance. Finance and Accounting is exclusively through certain technical means and methods of accounting for funds, and specifically for corporate governance, decision-making accounting information in a discipline. As we all know, with the continuous development of the economy, financial accounting in the management, decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial accounting of quality, a direct impact on the managers, operators, investors and the public interest, but also affect the company's economic, social image and social credibility, and therefore the process of socio-economic operations irreplaceable status.

Enterprise Management is designed to achieve maximum benefits in the enterprise, that is a great honor to bring to the enterprise, and the various enterprises will realize the healthy and sustainable development. Business operations and financial condition is through the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and reflected. The accounting department directly through the corporate accounting, business conditions and results for effective financial analysis, not only to promote enterprise managers can quickly understand how much of the current corporate profits and the level of debt capacity, but also can be found Enterprise The size of the risks, pros and cons of corporate capital structure, so that the operators use many aspects of the enterprise to make the right decisions, with minimal risk, the most healthy financial position to achieve the maximum profit the best. At the same time, you can also find some essential issues, in order to improve management to provide the basis of some relevant


First, the privately operated enterprise the question and the reasonanalysis which exists in the financial control As everybody knows, business management including productionmanagement, marketing management and financial control and so on manyaspects, but the financial control is the enterprise entire managementsystem core, enterprise's financial control goal is a goal which theenterprise pursues. Obviously, only has take the financial control asthe center, the coordination operates management system each aspect,can effectively strengthen the business management, the promotionenterprise develops.Said from the nation that, the privately operated enterprise quantitymultitudinous, distributed is widespread, the differently, in addition receives the macroscopiceconomic environment and the system influence, the privately operatedenterprise was strengthening the financial control aspect to meet thecertain resistance, for example: The policy "the discrimination"causes the privately operated enterprise and the major industry cannotthe fair competition, the local authority, the profession controlsection's intervention, causes the privately operated enterprise thefinancial control goal short-term, again is main is the privatelyoperated enterprise financial control owner's influence oversized andso on some subjective factors existences, causes the financial controlthe importance to neglect. Therefore, in its financial control existsquestion also many and varied, I believed, at present the universalexistence question and the reason mainly have: . (1) financing difficulty, the revolving fund is insufficient, causeslake of the financial control Cheng Duanyuan. At present, the our country privately operated enterprise initiallyestablished has been independent, the channel many Yuan financingsystem, but, financed difficultly, to guarantee difficultly, still wasthe most prominent question which the restriction privately operatedenterprise developed, the main question was: First, is in debtexcessively many, financing cost high, risk big, creates the privatelyoperated enterprise credit rank low, helps the letter relatively to beworse. Second, the majority privately operated enterprise right andwrong major industry, some banks the traditional ideas and theadministrative intervention influence, insufficiently are warm-heartedto its loan. Third, the facilitating agency is not perfect, lacksspecially the financial facilitating agency and the loan guaranteeorganization which serves for the privately operated enterprise loan. Analyzes its main reason to display in two aspects: One is the financeindustry is insufficient to the privately operated enterprise's creditaid. Our country finance system from establishes to the serviceproject, mostly is take the big enterprise as the service object, theprivately operated enterprise's credit service is often neglected.Because the loan is difficult, in the production management processneeds the fund to be insufficient, enormously has restricted theprivately operated enterprise's development. Some privately operatedenterprises, although exists temporarily difficultly, but the bankonce supports can bring back to life; Two is the privately operatedenterprise's financing channel is unitary, adapts the market demandchange with difficulty. As a result of some privately operatedenterprises, in both cannot obtain the bank the loan support, and doesnot have self- financing or to the social public financing ability,imperceptibly, strengthened the enterprise financial control also tobecome an empty talk, the financial control has also become mediateslake of the source. (2) financial control is weak, lacks the scientific nature, causes thefinancial control to take a step difficultly. The majority of privately operated enterprises have the financialcontrol link to be weak, moreover to strengthens the financial controlaspect insufficiently to take, has not understood the financialcontrol from the true significance in enterprise's status. The mainquestion includes: One is the fund management is lax, financialcontrol weak, creates the fund to leave unused or to be insufficient.Two is the receivable account funds turnover is slow, causes the fundrecycling difficulty. Three, the inventory control is weak, createsthe fund delay. Four is re- Qian Qingwu, the property drainsseriously. Analyzes its reason mainly is: One is some privately operatedenterprises thought cash more the better, causes the massive cashesnot to participate in the turnover, some are the fund lacks the planarrangement, excessive purchase real estate, but causes the enterpriseto be unable to deal with the management urgently 。


。 。 Secondly, from the perspective of financial management, family business finance activities, investment activities, management activities and incentive mechanism to analyze the main problems; Finally, from a family business to improve the financing environment, and guide the family business for the right investment decisions improve the financial management system and establish an effective incentive mechanism is proposed in four areas of financial management improvement measures family business 。 。



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