

找了一篇,你自己看看, My View on the US Gun Culture At the local time 7:15 in the morning, April 16th,2007, Korea student Cho Seung-Hui opened fire in the campus of Virginia Tech University ,which killed 33 students including himself ,and wounded another 17. Police said it was the deadliest shooting rampage in US history . It is not the only accident.From Sep.27 to Oct.9th,four shooting rampages happened in American campuses ,killing six students and one headmaster.As statistics shows ,an average of 30,000 people die from shooting every year,and 12 kids die under the gun every day .Apparently,the abuse of the guns has been a serious problem in the US since a long time ago,so why doesn't the authority take tough measures onor just ban owning guns privately? Obviously,this is easy said than done,as behind these shooting rampages there is an unmovable gun culture,which was formed and develepped in the particular historical circmstances,and enjoyed long time developping in the modern times. The History of Gun Culture An American scholar says,"Every American citizen is born with a rifle."This is in some degree correct,as the American gun culture do have a long history. As early as the 1600s,when the first Europeans came to the continent of the North America,what they had to face were the crue beatles,the frequent conflits with the local Indians,as the government at that time did not had the power to provide necessary defense,the people could only rely on themselves,thus,undoubtfully,gun played an significant rule in self-defense.In many states,suchu as Virginia,Massachusetts,the local governments encouraged people to own and carry guns ,and even to form army to protect themselves as well as the public.So no wonder When it came to the time of the Independent War,the substancial role the armed civilians played enhanced the importance of owning guns privately.Because it was the people with private guns who first opened fire to the Lexington ,which led to the beginning of the war.In the views of many Americans,the victory of the Indenpendent War was largely determined by the fact that most Americans own and carry guns with them. Time to the development the westen lands,again,the guns palyed its unrelacable role.During the time of the Civil War,in order to the victory of the North,the Lincon government strongly encourage the pulbic to own guns ,and meanwhile suport massive production of all kinds of guns.All these measures helped to establish the inportant position in people's mind.Consquently,the Americans began to take the right of owning guns privately for granted. /blog492575.htm。

2.急求:一千字左右 关于英国的文化历史等方面的论文

近代早期英国国家财政体制散论 在16-18世纪中叶英国社会所发生的深刻而广泛的变迁中,国家政权既推动或限制、规 范着社会的变迁,又以自身的性质、职能的转变成为这场社会变迁的重要组成部分。

自 16世纪绝对主义王权兴起之后,英国国家政权的统治职能在内涵与外延上都开始发生转 变,17世纪的政治风云更使国家政权的阶级属性和统治方式、管理职能朝着近代化的方 向前进。君主立宪政体的确立使英国土地贵族、工商资本家、金融银行家等各个统治集 团的利益获得了更为充分、更为有效的表达。

本文仅就英国国家财政体制在这一时期的 转变和完善作一些探讨,以期能够加深和丰富对近代英国社会变迁的整体认识。 一、近代国家税收体系的建立 税收之于一个国家,犹如血液之于生命。

在向近代国家转型的过程中,构建具有近代 意义的税收体系对任何一个政府都具有极为重要的作用和意义。一个完整意义上的近代 国家税收体系必须具备公开、公正、有序、有效等诸种不可或缺的特征。

所谓公开、公 正,是指国家税收应具有公共事务的性质,必须得到社会成员的认可和认同。所谓有序 、有效,是指国家税收体系运行时的每一环节、过程都应该依照一定的法度,即国民之 意愿而行,国家税收的每一项收入、支出及绩效都要向国民有所交待,接受国民或其代 议机构的核准。

这些特征在技术上就体现为制税、收税、用度、审计等多种层次和制度 。这种近代税收体系的建立决定于制度、经济、社会和文化等各种历史和时代因素,也 是国家政权与社会中各个集团、阶层、阶级利益反复角逐、长期斗争的结果。

英国之所 以能够在二、三百年间由一个二流国家跃居西欧诸国之首,在很大程度上得益于它较早 地建成了一个相对较完备的国家税收体系。其最大的特征就是由议会控制着整个国家税 收体系的关键:征税大权。

由议会控制、把握征税权,是中世纪晚期西欧英、法、西诸国共有的现象。这是由当 时重建法律和秩序,消除贵族叛乱,驱逐外敌的社会普遍需求所使然。

随着时代发展, 每个新兴的民族国家政权极欲获得更多的赋税收入,然而由于各个政府和它的国民相互 作用方式不同,从而形成不同的税收制度。在西班牙,“出于对内乱的厌倦,西班牙的 代议机构卡斯提尔国会将征税管制交给了王权,”在法国,由于“三级会议极欲终止法 国动乱的愿望,使王室不经被统治者的同意便夺取了征税权,造就这一权力的紧张形势 过去之后,这一权力却长久地保留下来”。

[1](P149,147)而英国则不同,即或是在绝 对主义君权达顶峰的都铎时代,英国国会尤其是下院仍牢牢地把持着征税大权,都铎君 王们只能依靠其他途径开辟财源,如没收教产加以拍卖。斯图亚特王朝欲强化王权,夺 得征税大权,但遭到国会的顽强抵制。

在王权与国会之间所展开的复杂激烈的斗争中, 征税权始终是双方争夺的一个要点。虽然历经内战、复辟等种种磨难,由国会控制征税 大权的原则一直未得改动。

直至1688年“光荣革命”发表《民权宣言》规定:王室在议 会规定的税收之外从事征税是非法的,[2](P186)再次确定了国会的征税权。 征税是归王权还是归议会,究竟有何差别及意义呢?笔者以为大体有以下几个方面值得 关注: 其一,从政体层面上看,税权的归属决定了未来国家政体的发展方向。

西、法两国王 权由于攫取征税大权而迅速发达起来,建立了对社会经济的全面控制,成为一种不受任 何力量约束的专制王权;这两国中的等级(三级)会议,由于将财权拱手转让给王权,而 使自身“成为国家机器特别是王权的赘疣。结局是可以预见的,三级会议停开了,而王 权却因时移事易不再恢复会议产生前的老样子,国王摆脱了身上的紧箍,开始向专制的 方向大踏步迈进。”

[3](P407)道拉斯·诺斯指出“……法国国王所获得的自由的程度 和其英国对手比起来是大相径庭的。这种区别在这两个国家后来两个世纪的经济发展中 产生了重大的影响。”

[3](P407)英国国会则因手中一直紧握征税大权,故而成为遏制 王权走向全面专制的重要力量。正是这种力量使得都铎王权的绝对主义统治处于相对有 限、相对薄弱的境地,使得英国国会在一次次与王权的冲突较量中逐步占据上风,不仅 保全了自己的存在,而且也最终确立起立宪君主制政体。

其二,从行政管理层面上看,税权归属也是决定国家统治制度安排的重要因素。获得 了征税权力的法国王权,处于直接面对众多臣民和经济组织的地位。

而单凭君王及其小 小宫廷是无法承担由众多程序组成的征税过程及管理事务的,从而使建立一支专业的官 僚队伍和繁杂的事务机构成为自然而然之事。绝对的王权与庞大的行政官僚组织的结合 遂成为16—18世纪三百年间法国统治制度安排中最为明显的特征。

英国则不然,王权既 无征税之权,亦就不存在维持一个庞大的中央政府和一支依赖王权的庞大的官僚组织的 必要。 其三,从国家财政状况看,税权归属亦是决定税收数量、种类的重要因素。

在西、法 建立起王权对税收绝对控制的国度中,决定税赋数量结构的关系相对简单,即国家的需 要与臣民财富之间的关系。而在近代初期,诸国争雄的军事战争是。





关键词: 他者,自我,身份,双重性,边缘人 | the other, the ego, identity, duality, marginalized person


关键词: 关键词:野性,人性,巴克,狼,异同 | Key Words:wildness, humanity, Buck, wolves, differences, similarities


关键词: 沉默, 隔阂,社会冷漠,女性地位,替罪羊(牺牲品) | silence; alienation; social coolness; feminism; victim


关键词: 生态意识,深层生态学,《野性的呼唤》,《白牙》 | ecological consciousness, deep ecology, The Call of the Wild, White Fang


关键词: 语码转换,功能,中英双语, 交际策略 | code-switching; definition; classification; communicative strategy


关键词: 句法特征,对比,翻译,应用 | contrastive study, syntax, application, translation


关键词: 信用证,诈骗,新动向,对策 | Letter of Credit; crimes; new trends; countermeasures


关键词: 叙事手法,倒错时序,叙事者,象征主义 | narrative technique, anachrony, narrator, symbolism


关键词: 诗歌,绘画,意象派诗歌,具象派诗歌 | Poetry; Painting; Imagist poetry; Concrete poetry


关键词: 关键词:英语委婉语,语用学原则,二语习得 | Key Words:English euphemism; Pragmatic principles; Second Language Acquisition


关键词: 中国公司,企业文化,企业文化建设 | Chinese companies; Corporate culture; Corporate culture establishment


The term English literature refers to literature written in the English language, including literature composed in English by writers not necessarily from England; Joseph Conrad was Polish, Robert Burns was Scottish, James Joyce was Irish, Dylan Thomas was Welsh, Edgar Allan Poe was American, Salman Rushdie is Indian, V.S. Naipaul was born in Trinidad, Vladimir Nabokov was Russian. In other words, English literature is as diverse as the varieties and dialects of English spoken around the world. In academia, the term often labels departments and programmes practising English studies in secondary and tertiary educational systems. Despite the variety of authors of English literature, the works of William Shakespeare remain paramount throughout the English-speaking world.This article primarily deals with literature from Britain written in English. For literature from specific English-speaking regions, consult the see also section at the bottom of the page.Contents [hide]1 Old English2 Renaissance literature3 Early Modern period3.1 Elizabethan Era3.2 Jacobean literature3.3 Caroline and Cromwellian literature3.4 Restoration literature3.5 Augustan literature4 18th century5 Romanticism6 Victorian literature7 Modernism8 Post-modern literature9 Views of English literature10 See also11 External linksOld EnglishMain article: Anglo-Saxon literatureThe first works in English, written in Old English, appeared in the early Middle Ages (the oldest surviving text is Cædmon's Hymn). The oral tradition was very strong in early British culture and most literary works were written to be performed. Epic poems were thus very popular and many, including Beowulf, have survived to the present day in the rich corpus of Anglo-Saxon literature that closely resemble today's Norwegian or, better yet, Icelandic. Much Anglo-Saxon verse in the extant manuscripts is probably a "milder" adaptation of the earlier Viking and German war poems from the continent. When such poetry was brought to England it was still being handed down orally from one generation to another, and the constant presence of alliterative verse, or consonant rhyme (today's newspaper headlines and marketing abundantly use this technique such as in Big is Better) helped the Anglo-Saxon peoples remember it. Such rhyme is a feature of Germanic languages and is opposed to vocalic or end-rhyme of Romance languages. But the first written literature dates to the early Christian monasteries founded by St. Augustine of Canterbury and his disciples and it is reasonable to believe that it was somehow adapted to suit to needs of Christian readers. Even without their crudest lines, Viking war poems still smell of blood feuds and their consonant rhymes sound like the smashing of swords under the gloomy northern sky: there is always a sense of imminent danger in the narratives. Sooner or later, all things must come to an end, as Beowulf eventually dies at the hands of the monsters he spends the tale fighting. The feelings of Beowulf that nothing lasts, that youth and joy will turn to death and sorrow entered Christianity and were to dominate the future landscape of English fiction.Renaissance literatureMain article: English RenaissanceFollowing the introduction of a printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, vernacular literature flourished. The Reformation inspired the production of vernacular liturgy which led to the Book of Common Prayer, a lasting influence on literary English language. The poetry, drama, and prose produced under both Queen Elizabeth I and King James I constitute what is today labelled as Early modern (or Renaissance).Early Modern periodFurther information: Early Modern English and Early Modern BritainElizabethan EraMain article: Elizabethan literatureThe Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the field of drama. The Italian Renaissance had rediscovered the ancient Greek and Roman theatre, and this was instrumental in the development of the new drama, which was then beginning to evolve apart from the old mystery and miracle plays of the Middle Ages. The Italians were particularly inspired by Seneca (a major tragic playwright and philosopher, the tutor of Nero) and Plautus (its comic clichés, especially that of the boasting soldier had a powerful influence on the Renaissance and after). However, the Italian tragedies embraced a principle contrary to Seneca's ethics: showing blood and violence on the stage. In Seneca's plays such scenes were only acted by the characters. But the English playwrights were intrigued by Italian model: a conspicuous community of Italia。


本科论文,大概1000-2000字或5-10页便可,关键是条理清晰。 在选题的同时,也要有足够的原始资料来支撑。我建议你可以选一个直接的题目:何谓英国文化:

What is British Culture?

以下链接一的网址及相关链接提供了一个较为全面的原始资料。你可以用以下的办法:文化本身是多元化的,在其中挑选三数个你自己相对有把握的,然后详加描述,可以加入一些短故事,那便更有情趣了。若只选一些文化的代表特征,可以把题目修改为: Aspects of British Culture 英国文化浅谈。


The British Pub Culture or Why do the British like to drink standing on sidewalks?


英国人的幽默感也很特殊,如果你对 British Humour有兴趣, 我可以提供一些相关的链接给你。 写作上需要帮助,可以给我留言。






Why American Culture is Unique American culture is unique because it is nurtured, formed and developed under certain conditions, which are characteristically(特性)American. The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族) and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.1. Rough EnvironmentThe early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of American. The environment there was very rough but they believed the poor land could purify their mind so they chose the place along the coast. From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west. The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found in the western part of the country. The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they looked for a better life. So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage(遗产) of American2. Ethnic DiversityThe population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups coming from many races, nationalities, and religions. People refer to the United States as "melting pot "and the dominant people are British. American is made up of WASP+MM, that is, White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants plus Middle Class and Male. In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to American three times. They brought their own culture to American and later on different cultures were mixed together. Thus the unique American culture is formed, a common cultural life with commonly shared values.3. Plural religionThe fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States. The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States. Christianity(基督教) is the dominant religion in American and Protestant (新教)is predominate(主导). Any individuals are equal before God and they believe they can communicate directly to God so they can share the same idea. Under the protestant, many new ones are formed and different explanations produce different sect of religion. Churches are independent and American religion is no longer religion seculars. The institution permits the practice of religion and the political power is separate form religion. So there are more religions in American than in other countries.4. Current influence:Nowadays,we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society. American family is typically parents and their unmarried children. Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children. Many Americans live in mobile homes whose homes are built with wheels. They can be moved. The people in American have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place. Quite a number of people change residences(住所) every year. The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime. The courage to try something new has been an American characteristic. American democracy means majority rule, but it also means protection of minority rights. There are certain freedom which the United States promises to all its citizens and members of minority group cannot be denied these rights by a vote of the majority. Americans also like to be involved in many challenge activities and sports to show their adventurous spirits. All of these are affected by the heritage of the American history.From the facts above, we can see American culture is unique which was cultivated, formed and developed by the main three factors, rough environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion and still is affected and determined by them now。


一、引言 文化,这两种孕育自不同半球的文化,由于历史、地理环境、生产制度等方面的原因,有着极大的差异,截然不同的特色。

这两种文化差异,一直备受关注。随着全球化的到来,全世界各民族间商业交流往来的日益频繁,了解中西方文化价值差异可以更好促进民族间经济、文化交流与沟通,从而避免所引起的不必要的误会和麻烦,导致的文化休克(culture shock)或交际失败(communication failure)。


英国著名学者培根曾说过:“The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its proverbs.”(一个民族的天才、智慧和精神,都可以在其谚语中发现。)本文将从汉英谚语入手谈谈中西文化在地理环境、宗教信仰、历史、文学传统、民族性格、思想观念等方面的差异。

二、地理环境 文化是在一定的自然环境里生发出来的。人们所生存的不同环境势必影响人 们的生活、生产方式,影响人们对客观外界的观察与思考。


这些谚语必然反映出自然环境的不同特征,带有鲜明的地域文化和生态文化的色彩。 英国是个岛国,四面环海,海岸线曲折多变,港湾楔入,岛屿众多。


如: There's as good fish in the sea as ever come out of it.有了大海,还怕没鱼。 No fishing like fishing in the sea.捕鱼要到大海。

Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock.船离舵,要闯祸。 A dog in the morning,sailors take warning; a dog in the night is the sailors' delight.朝虹出天际,水手心事重,夜间见彩虹,水手乐哈哈。

He goes a great voyage that goes to bottom of the sea.到达海底的人,才算做了一次远航。 特殊的地理环境形成了特有的岛国气候。

英国气候潮湿,天气变化大,岛上晴天少,雨天多,且多阵雨,因此,英国人出门常带把雨伞。由于英国天气变化无常的缘故,英国人非常关心天气,也喜欢谈论天气,并因此而产生了许多关于天气的谚语[1](P85): April weather, rain and shine both together.一边日出一边雨,晴雨无常四月天。

An English summer, three(or two)hot days and a thunderstorm.英国的一个夏季,三(两)个热天一阵大雷雨。 A misty morning may have a fine day.早晨有雾露,可能是晴天。

When the wind's in the west, the weather's at the best.风从西方起,天气最佳丽。 而处于另一个半球的中国则有着不同的地理自然风貌,中华文明发源于长江黄河流域,中国自古是典型的农耕社会,人们过着自给自足的农耕生活,农业是国民经济的重要支柱,农业在历代政府中都受到极大的重视。

因此产生了许多与农业相关的谚语。 如:庄稼百样巧,地是无价宝。

人勤地不懒,勤奋谷仓满。 田里无神无鬼,全靠肥料土水。

庄稼老汉不知闲,放下锄头拿扁担。 农夫不种田,城里断炊烟。

田像一块铁,在于人来打。[2](P240-241) 我国的天气谚语,从量上、质上,以及悠久的历史传统上,值得称道。

如“灶烟往下埋,不久雨就来”、“春天孩儿脸,一日变三变”、“太阳颜色黄,明日大风狂”、“久晴大雾必阴,久雨大雾必晴”、“夜里星光明,明朝仍旧晴”等等。[1](P85) 三、特定历史 每个民族都以不同的方式在人类历史的画卷中写着自己特定的历史。


Shoe-maker's wife goes bare feet.这句谚语正是出自于十六世纪资本主义新兴时期,小资本家拼命发家致富,属于手工业者的鞋匠们为积攒钱财,竟然连给妻子买鞋穿的钱都不舍得花。十七世纪起英国在东印度扩张,十八世纪中叶建立殖民统治。

He came safe from the East –India, and was drowned in the Thames.他从东印度安然归来,却淹死于泰晤士河。[3](P79)英国历史上曾遭到多次其他国家的入侵。


1066年法国诺曼底登陆后,英国为法国所征服。 法语很长时期成为英国的官方语言,贵族、朝臣、地主和上流社会都使用法语,如当时的英国国王爱德华是完全不会说英语的国王,因此有英谚云:Jack would be a gentleman if he could speak French.要是杰克能讲法语,那他就是个绅士了。

而三种语言交配混合到英语中,充实了英语语言,也带来了许多拉丁语、法语谚语。[1](P84) Anger is a short madness .愤怒是短暂的疯狂。

(拉丁语) Art is long, life is short. 艺术是无限,生命是有限的。(拉丁语。


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本文主要为您介绍库存管理优秀毕业论文,内容包括存货管理的毕业论文怎么写,求一篇有关存货管理的论文,大专水平,大神们帮帮忙哇,企业存货管理的论文。论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文












本文主要为您介绍人力资源管理专业毕业论文模板,内容包括求几篇人力资源论文范文,求一篇关于人力资源管理方面的论文(5000字),人力资源管理专业的论文5000字。范文(二)事业单位绩效管理的现状与对策探讨 摘要:事业单位绩效管理工作是事业单位人
















本文主要为您介绍电子商务会计本科毕业论文选题,内容包括电子商务毕业论文题目,电子商务论文题目,电子商务专业毕业论文的选题都。我国电子商务发展的模式浅析 电子商务的发展,既引发经济理论,经济结构,经济增长等方面的变革,也引发企业作业模








本文主要为您介绍上海外滩的毕业论文,内容包括《我心目中的外滩》的作文,有关陆家嘴建筑的论文给300分,上海外滩的作文。希望我的回答对您有所帮助 在甬江、余姚江、奉化江三江交汇之地,宁波城市的正中心,静静地躺着那个历史比上海黄浦外滩还




本文主要为您介绍库存管理优秀毕业论文,内容包括存货管理的毕业论文怎么写,求一篇有关存货管理的论文,大专水平,大神们帮帮忙哇,企业存货管理的论文。论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文












本文主要为您介绍人力资源管理专业毕业论文模板,内容包括求几篇人力资源论文范文,求一篇关于人力资源管理方面的论文(5000字),人力资源管理专业的论文5000字。范文(二)事业单位绩效管理的现状与对策探讨 摘要:事业单位绩效管理工作是事业单位人















