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Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written. The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other. As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond. Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy. Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son Linton.Heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge. This is shown by Linton's fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliff's enmity toward his son. Linton even says "。

my father threatened me, and I dread him - I dread him!"(244) to express his feeling about Heathcliff.The hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children. This element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wives don't know each other. This had happened between Isabella and Heathcliff. Isabella did not really 。



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National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 美国国家卫生统计中心的统计报告 11。 NCSTRL 计算机科学研究报告和论文 12。

Project Gutenberg Electronic Public Library 电子图书,2002前提供10000种全文电子图书 13。 Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet 美国国会图书馆提供的美国国会报告和历史文献 14。

UNESCO 联合国教科文组织提供的文档 15。 United States Geological Survey 美国地质考察报告 16。

World Development Sources (World Bank) 世界银行报告 17。 Delphion 世界各国专利,可看到前十三页全文 18 美国数学学会(AMS)的三种免费期刊 Bulletin Electronic Research Announcements Notices of the American Mathematical Society 19 Physics Today 美国物理学会(American Institute of Physics)提供的免费杂志 20 Frontiers in Bioscience 生物科学期刊和图书,文章被Biosis、CA、Medline等重要二次文献数据库引用 21 The World Wide Web Journal of Biology 被Biosis Previews引用 22 Science Magazine 23 Scientific American 24 ACM Digital Library 25 Issues in Science and Technology 《科学与技术问题》,美国。

1984年创刊,全年4期,ISSN 0748-5492,National Academy of Sciences,探讨和阐述科学、技术和卫生事业发展中的政策问题。 26 Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 《符号逻辑通报》,美国。

1995年创刊,全年4期,ISSN 1079-8986,刊载数学、哲学、计算机、语言学等领域中有关符号逻辑方面的论文、书评和会议论文摘要。 27 Progress of Theoretical Physics 《理论物理学进展》,日本。

1946年创刊,全年12期,ISSN 0033-068X,发表日本理论物理学者的研究成果。文章用英文、德文、法文发表。

28 Australian Journal of Physics 《澳大利亚物理学杂志》,澳大利亚。 1948年创刊,全年6期,ISSN 0004-9506,刊载物理学(从基本粒子到天体物理学)领域的研究论文、简讯和评论。

29 New Journal of Physics 《新物理学杂志》,英国。 1998年创刊,ISSN 1367-2630,是一种全文电子杂志,它在物理学领域相当具有权威性。

该杂志编辑竭力通过出版对物理学家有益并能引起物理学家关注的高品质文章,从而把《新物理学杂志》办成本领域最主要的科学杂志。 30 Journal of Biological Chemistry 《生物化学杂志》,美国。

1905年创刊,全年52期,ISSN 0021-9258,Journal of Biological Chemistry Subscription,刊载生物化学领域的研究成果。 高价刊。

31 Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 《化学与药学通报》,日本。 1953年创刊,全年12期,ISSN 0009-2363,发表生物分析化学、生物化学、药理学、毒理学和生物药学方面的研究论文及报告,用英文出版。

32 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 《微型机械与微型工程杂志》,英国。 1991年创刊,全年4期,ISSN 0960-1317,刊载微型机电、微型机械和真空微电子技术方面的研究论文,涉及微型系统的控制、程序和建造、微型结构和器件、集成电路、电子与光子器件等基本结构、器械和系统设计研究。

33 VDI-Z 《德国工程师协会综合生产杂志》,德国。 1857年创刊,全年12期,ISSN 0042-1766,刊载机器制造、金属加工工艺、生产规划管理、生产系统、生产评价以及金属加工设备与系统等方面的论文,兼及行业新闻、新产品介绍。

34 Modern Machine Shop 《现代机械车间》,美国。 1928年创刊,全年12期,ISSN 0026-8003,全面报道制造与机械工业的新闻和技术信息,内容包括工程、工业机器人、研究与开发、程序设计、安全规则与设备等。

35 Process Engineering 《加工工程》,英国。 1920年创刊,全年12期,ISSN 0370-1859,刊载化工加工技术以及设备、材料和保养等方面的文章。

36 Signal 《信号》,美国。 1946年创刊,全年12期,ISSN 0037-4938,美国武装部队通信与电子学会的会刊,刊载有关电信、电子和技术摄影在军事应用方面的文章,以及指挥、控制、通信与情报的研究进展报。



呵呵 (因字数有限制,我可发给你) 英语本科毕业论文 The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'Urbervilles Thesis statement: Everyone knows that Tess's life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion. Outline Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'Urbervilles A. Women's role in industrial movements during 19th century in England B. A brief commentary of the novel 1. the writer --Thomas hardy 2. general introduction of the novel Ⅱ.Tess's spirit of revolt all through her life A. Tess's fight to the moribund society 1. the moribund society 2. Tess's fight to the moribund society B. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept 1. the traditional moral concept 2. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept C. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion 1.the hypocritical religion in that time 2. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion D. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage 1.Tess's unfortunate marriage 2. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage Ⅲ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring. Abstract This paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess's fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life. key words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate 内容提要 本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。

然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。

最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。 关键词:悲剧,反抗精神,工业运动,不幸命运。


Distance Learning This paper will summarize two articles on distance learning and give the author ‟ s views on the benefits and obstacles of implementing distance-learning in a junior and senior high school learning environment. Jeannette McDonald, in her article: Is “ As good as face -to-face ” as good as it gets? (2002), raises a very important question as to whether “ [the] goal [of online learning should be] to meet existing standards of traditional education ” (McDonald, 2002) or “ has distance learning, and especially online education opened the door to enhanced strategies in teaching and learning ” (McDonald, 2002)? Online learning may just be “ doing different things ” (McDonald, 2002). What are these different things? Jeannette McDonald claims that “ distance education can be a frontier for new methods of communication giving rise to innovative teaching and learning practices that may not be possible in traditional, place-bound education ” (2002). The article discusses both the positive and “ potential negative impacts of online education ” (McDonald, 2002). There are many benefits to using online distance learning environments. Online education is available “ anyplace, anytime [for] global communities of lea rners based on shared interests” (McDonald, 2002). Jeannette McDonald claims that “ online education [with its] group-based instruction [and] computer mediated communication (CMC) provides an opportunity for new development and understanding in teaching and learning ” (2002). CMC encourages “ collaborative learning [by not providing] cues regarding appearance, race, gender, education, or social status bestowing a sort of anonymity to participants ” (McDonald, 2002). Distance also “ permits the expression of emotion (both positive and negative) and promotes discussion that normally would be inhibited. [Yet, this same] text-based [positive aspect of online learning], makes online education more cumbersome and therefore takes more time than face-to-face learning. [In addition,] the sheer bulk of messages can be overwhelming ” (McDonald, 2002). The learner only has the written text and no other “ non-verbal ” (McDonald, 2002) cues. This may confuse the learner and cause “ misunderstanding ” (McDonald, 2002). The article lists the “ seven principles of good practice in undergraduate education ” (McDonald, 2004) published in 1987 by the American Association of Higher Education Bulletin. Jeannette McDonald claims that “ online education has the potential to achiever all of these practices ” (2002). There is a need for quality and standards for distance learning. “ In April 2000, the institute of Higher Education Policy produced a study with 24 benchmarks for the success in Internet-based distance education ” (The Institute for Higher Education Policy, 2000). Although Jeannette McDonald feels that there are “ biases against distance learning programs ” (2002), her recommendation is “ to take advantage of the potential of online education [by striving] to understand the technology and how it affects human communication and interaction ” (2002). “ In the road to dotcom in education ” (2004), Mark David Milliron deals with a very progressive idea that suggests educators “slow … down from [their] busy lives… to be free to focus first on connecting with learners and connecting them to learning … before [they] end up feeling like [they] are no longer using technology, but are being used by it ” (Milliron, 2004). He compares education to a highway where educators are faced with many “ road hazards ” . Mark。


The Effect of the Violation of Cooperative Principle on Humor


Humor language is a popular artistic human communication form, which is lubricant of successful communication and condiment of daily life. While they can set people roaring with laughter, they can also set people thinking. However, people in non-English speaking countries cannot completely understand English humor because of the differences between cultures. It is of great value to study humorous speech under pragmatic items. There are many scholars who have researched the formation of humor language from the perspective of pragmatics. Cooperative Principle, as one of core principles, if violated, can be one reason of the production of humorous speech. A better understanding and appreciation can be achieved with the pragmatic analysis of concrete humorous speech under Cooperative Principle. This paper introduces the originality, definitions and classifications of humor, summarizes the development, concrete content and violation of Cooperative Principle, and tries to analyze English humor specifically in terms of “quantity, quality, relation, manner” four maxims of Cooperative Principle, which has the enlightening and guiding functions for language communication and language teaching.

Key words: humor; Cooperative Principle; violation

以上是我大学的毕业论文标题、摘要、关键字~是关于语言学中语用学里面的Grice合作原则违反对幽默的影响~ 论文、封面、开题报告一应俱全~




121. The Independent Spirit of Hester Brynne in The Scarlet Letter


122. On the Meanings of Images in Moby Dic


123. Democratic Idea in Leaves of Grass


124. The Analysis on different Concept of Value in Sister Carrie


125. Mark Twain's Humor & Satire in Adventures of Huckberry Finn


126. 从接受美学看莎士比亚《 第十二夜》中的喜剧元素

Comic Elements in << The Twelfth Night>> from the Perspective of Receptive Aesthetics

127. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的奶妈和《西厢记》中的红娘人物形象比较

The Comparison of Nanny in Romio and Juliet and Hongniang in Romance of the Western Chamber

128. 试论自卑情结对夏绿蒂 勃朗特创作的影响

The Influence of Inferiority Complex on the works of Charlotte Bronte

129. 从依恋理论看《呼啸山庄》主人公希力克列夫悲剧性格的形成

The Forming of Heathcliff”s Tragic Personality in Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Attachment Theory

130. 灵与肉的对立――从《无名的裘德》中的苏和阿拉贝拉人物分析看哈代的悲观主义

The contrast between the Spirit and the Flesh--- Hardy's Tragic Thought analyzed through Sue and Alabella in Jude the Obscure

131. On the Realistic Style of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales


132. On Shakespeare's Religious Ideas


133. On the Essence and Specialty of Shakespeare's Tragedy


134. On the Linguistic Features of Burns' Poetr


135. On the Fatalistic Ideas in Hardy's Works


136. Fitzgerald, Spokesman of the “Roaring 20's”----- A Study of His (e.g. The Great Gatsby)


------ 再读《了不起的盖茨比》

137. Ernest Hemingway, Spokesman of the “Lost Generation”.


138. A Further Study of the “Code Hero” in Ernest Hemingway's Works.


139. William Faulkner's Style in (e.g. A Rose for Emily.)



I. Review of the Work of the Past Five Years The past five years since the First Session of the Tenth National People's Congress was a momentous period. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), governments at all levels and people of all the ethnic groups in China diligently followed the guiding principles set out at the Sixteenth CPC National Congress and worked in concert and with dedication. We vigorously responded to the complex and volatile international environment, strove to overcome various difficulties hindering economic and social development, and prevailed over the sudden and severe outbreak of SARS and catastrophic natural disasters such as the recent snow and ice storms in the south that the region has rarely seen before. We made major achievements in reform, opening up and modernization, which attracted the attention of the world. – The economy reached a new high. China's GDP in 2007 reached 24.66 trillion yuan, an increase of 65.5% over 2002 and an average annual increase of 10.6%, rising from the sixth highest one in the world to the fourth. Total government revenue reached 5.13 trillion yuan, a 171% increase over 2002. Our – The agricultural tax was rescinded, ending the centuries-old practice of farmers paying taxes. China's grain output rose four consecutive years to reach 501.5 million tons in 2007. – Major progress was made in the reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), the financial system, fiscal and taxation systems, the system of foreign trade and economic cooperation, and the administrative system. China has entered a new stage in developing a more open economy. Total volume of imports and exports reached $2.17 trillion in 2007, raising China from the sixth largest trading nation in the world to the third largest.。


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