

IntroductionMachining aims to generate the shape of work-piece form a solid body,or to improve the tolerances and surface finish of a previously formed work-piece,by removing excess materials in the form of chips. Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations,tolerances, and surface finishes often unobtainable by any other technique.However, machining removes materials, which has already been paid for, in the form of relatively small particles that are more difficult to recycle and are in greater danger of becoming mixed. Therefore,developments often aim at reducing or-if at all possible-eliminating machining, especially in mass production.For these reasons, machining has lost some important markets, yet, at the same time, it has also been developing and especially having captured new markets with the application of numerical control.Some feel for the important of machining may be gained from the observation that in 1983 there were about 2 million metal-cutting machine tools in the unite states ( of which some 5% were numerically controlled ) and that labor and overhead costs amounted to $125 billion, or 3% of the GNP.。


《机制》专业毕业论文写作规则 为规范我系《机制》专业学生毕业论文的写作,使学生掌握规范的论文写作要求和方法,特制定“《机制》专业学生毕业论文写作规则”。

学生在进行毕业论文写作时应严格遵照规则的要求,指导教师应按此规则指导学生毕业论文的写作。 毕业论文包括摘要与关键词、目录、正文、参考文献、致谢、附录、毕业论文指导教师评语、毕业论文评阅人评语、答辩委员会成绩评定。

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摘要篇幅以150字左右为宜。 关键词是反映毕业论文主题内容的名词,选用3~5个,每个关键词之间用分号隔开。

关键词排在摘要下方。 2、外文摘要与关键词 外文摘要应采用第三人称表达句,谓语动词尽量用现在时或者过去时主动语态,并注意转行规则。

外文摘要篇幅以100单词左右为宜。 三、目录 要求目录的层次分明,章、节、页号清晰。

四、正文 正文是毕业论文的主体,要实事求是,准确无误,层次分明,合乎逻辑,简练可读。对有关方面要求分述如下: 1、文字、图、表、公式、数字用法 论文的文字、图、表、公式、数字要求用计算机打印。





论文中重要的公式或者后文中须重新提及的公式,一律用阿拉伯数字连续编排序号,序号加圆括号,如(1)、(2),排在版心右侧。 论文中的公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻和各种计数与计量的数字,均用阿拉伯数字。


用数字作为词素构成定型的词、词组、惯用语、缩略语、以及近两个数字并列用所表示的概数,均使用汉字数字。表示概数时,数字间不加顿号,如五六吨、十六七岁等 2、前言(绪论)和结论 正文中必须包括前言(绪论)与结论。

前言(绪论)在正文的最前部,结论在正文的最后部。 前言应简要地说明毕业论文的内容、意义、目的、前人研究情况及其与本论文的关系等;前言不要与论文摘要雷同或者成为摘要的解释,不要注释基本理论,不要推导基本公式. 结论是毕业论文最终和总体结论,是论文的精华。


可以在结论或讨论中提出建议、研究设想、仪器设备改进意见、尚待解决的问题等。 五、参考文献 为了反映毕业论文中有关内容的科学依据和作者尊重他人研究成果的严肃态度,同时向读者提供有关信息的出处,正文之后一般要列出主要参考文献。


论文中引用参考文献时,应用方括号把引用文献的序号括起,写在引用处文字的右上角。 参考文献在参考文献表中列出的顺序应按论文中引用顺序排列,序号左顶格,用阿拉伯数字加方括号表示,如[1],[2],每条参考文献结尾处以“。”

结束。 示例: [序号] 主要责任者: “文献题名” , 《刊名》, **年第*期。

[序号] 主要责任者: “文献题名”,出版社, 版次, 起止页码。 六、致谢 致谢是作者对他认为在论文过程中特别需要感谢的组织或者个人表示谢意的内容,位于正文之后,但不是毕业论文的必需的项目。

七、附录 附录是作为论文主体的补充项目,并不是必需的。 对某些重要的原始数据、数学推导、计算程序、框图、结构图、注释、统计表、计算机打印输出件等可附在毕业论文后面。

八、毕业论文封面、毕业论文指导教师评语、毕业论文评阅人评语、毕业论文答辩成绩评定。 以上各项内容均按所发格式进行打印、填写。

九、论文打印格式 1、纸张选用A4。 2、论文题目为3号黑体字,可分一或二行居中。

3、论文题目下空一行,左起空二格为“摘要:”(小四号黑体,字间空一格);后面为摘要内容(小四号揩体)。 另起一行为“关键词:”与“摘要:”对齐(小四号黑体);后面为关键词内容(小四号揩体,词间用分号隔开)。



Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written. The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other. As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond. Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy. Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son Linton.Heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge. This is shown by Linton's fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliff's enmity toward his son. Linton even says "。

my father threatened me, and I dread him - I dread him!"(244) to express his feeling about Heathcliff.The hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children. This element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wives don't know each other. This had happened between Isabella and Heathcliff. Isabella did not really 。



呵呵 (因字数有限制,我可发给你) 英语本科毕业论文 The Spirit of Revolt of Tess --Study in Tess of the D'Urbervilles Thesis statement: Everyone knows that Tess's life is a great tragedy, but she is still a courageous woman who dares to fight by all means. In order to defeat the unfortunate fate she always resists the decadent society, the traditional concept, and the hypocrisy religion. Outline Ⅰ.Brief Introduction to Tess of the d'Urbervilles A. Women's role in industrial movements during 19th century in England B. A brief commentary of the novel 1. the writer --Thomas hardy 2. general introduction of the novel Ⅱ.Tess's spirit of revolt all through her life A. Tess's fight to the moribund society 1. the moribund society 2. Tess's fight to the moribund society B. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept 1. the traditional moral concept 2. Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept C. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion 1.the hypocritical religion in that time 2. Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion D. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage 1.Tess's unfortunate marriage 2. Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage Ⅲ.Conclusion: In a word, Tess has shown a powerful woman's image to common people with her unyielding spirit of revolt. She, to the moribund society, traditional old morals, hypocritical religion, capitalist marriage system, has carried on the strongest revealing and criticism. Her kindhearted enlightenment, noble emotion, strong personality, and her resistance in imbuing all rooted in the hearts of the people forever, worth savoring. Abstract This paper mainly focuses on the spirit of revolt of Tess. First of all, this paper begins with a brief introduction to the novel. Then, this paper makes a brief commentary of the novel. Moreover, it concentrates on :(1) Tess's fight to the moribund society. (2) Tess's resistance to the traditional moral concept. (3) Tess's resistance to the hypocritical religion. (4) Tess's resistance to the unfortunate marriage. And at last the paper reveals that Tess is actually a character with the spirit of revolt all through her life. key words:tragedy,Spirit of revolt,industrial movement,unfortunate fate 内容提要 本文研究的是小说主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”。首先,本文对小说的背景做了介绍。

然后,对文本进行简要评论。再次,本文主要从以下四个方面对文本主人公“苔丝”的“反抗精神”进行集中讨论:(1) 苔丝对腐朽社会的抗争;(2) 苔丝对传统的道德观念的反抗;(3) 苔丝对伪善的宗教的反抗;(4) 苔丝对不幸婚姻的反抗。

最后,揭示出苔丝整个人生经历中的反抗精神。 关键词:悲剧,反抗精神,工业运动,不幸命运。


[abstract] This is Changsha YuanGe residential area design, 【construction's long, wide】,(不知道是你写的不全还是怎么,有点不通,如果你要加数字,就用the length of construction is。the width of construction is。) a total of 12 layer, total building area is。, building height of principal part is。. Design content mainly includes the architectural design and structural design .

The part of architectural design Including the overall layout,the plane and vertical transportation, and the requirements of fire prevention and evacuation. Design mainly include

planar configuration, elevation and profile design and fire protection and evacuation design, etc., follow the principle of "safty,availability,economy,aesthetics" , satisfy people's demand for residential use function and aesthetic.

Design structure using short-leg

shear wall system, to adapt to the new housing concept of people. Combining with hand calculation and PKPM computing , including load calculation (gravity load, wind load),shear walls and floor slabs, the design calculation of beam and reinforcement.

Key words: short-leg shear wall; High-rise residential; The structure design



摘要:The search engine facilitator offers chaining to infringe to the file of the third party's websites on law " Help " Behavior, should go on responsibility of belonging to applicable fault responsibility principle to behavior this, assert whether it forms " help infringes " Key judge last fault. At this moment, avoid " haven principle " of the responsibility mechanism as the search engine facilitator ,Become and assert its effective and easy rule to have subjective fault, and to the exceptional situation applicable to this principle, " standard of the red flag " Can play valid supplementary function in asserting. Our country legislates to have should be right " The standard of the red flag " Spirit absorb,in order to improving by search engine " infringe at help " Assert by rule, disputes legal when it is relevant to be solve better. 关键词: Search engine Help infringes Haven principle Standard of the red flag。

7.英语高手:求毕业论文摘要翻译(谢绝在线翻译)在线等 急


Customization is enhancing under the environment of fierce competition of market economy. The profits of enterprises are greatly reduced and the

survival of the fittest is the inevitable result of competition. The main goal of production and management is to gain maximum profit, thus all the operational activities have to be under control. As for manufacturing enterprises, cost management is the crucial chain in enterprise management which concerns the cost, economic efficiency and survival of

the enterprises. To a large extent, competitive mechanism is developing the competition between the methods and controls of cost management.

tian yang machinery co.,ltd in jinlin city is taken as an example

in this paper. To start with, cost management is first introduced which includes cost concept, content of cost management, importance of cost management and company introduction. Secondly, many problems of cost management and control ranging from product research and design to product distribution are analysed before and after the event. The reasons for the existing problems are concluded according to history data and practical circumstances. In the end, relevant strategies and solutions are come up with so as to put omnibearing cost management into practice and to increase economic efficiency of enterprises.

Key words: manufacturing enterprises; cost management; cost control


With the employment mechanism becoming more and more flexible and the growing shared recruitment information since the reform and opening up, job-hobbing among employees of enterprises has becom more and more common. What are the reseaons for job-hobbing?How should enterprises cope with job-hobbing of their employees? This paper analyzed the resasons for job-hobbing and studied on measures enterprises should take to deal with job-hobbing.

Keywords: job-hobbing of employees, employer, empolyee, social environment






























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本文主要为您介绍药学医院毕业论文选题,内容包括关于药学方面的论文题目,有谁可以帮我想一个药学专业毕业论文的题目先说声谢谢拉,毕业论文题目报告题目是《药学发展的新动态》。1,药物不良反应浅析 2,保护中药材资源,促进中药现代化 3,中药鉴




本文主要为您介绍药学毕业论文安全用药,内容包括药品安全论文,药学毕业论文怎么写,药学毕业论文。社区药品质量安全存在的几个相关问题 摘 要 本文针对目前新型社区医疗卫生服务模式中,有关药品质量安全方面存在的一些问题进行讨论,目的为




本文主要为您介绍淮阴师范学院函授毕业论文,内容包括淮阴师范学院论文%多少算抄袭,函授毕业论文写作格式怎么样的呢,函授本科师范大学的毕业论文,是学校给题目,还是自己决定谢谢。函授毕业论文写作格式如下: 指导教师的聘请及职责: 1.学生自







