Convertible bonds depends primarily on the performance of the investment and financing of the operating conditions of the issuing company. Of financiers, the convertible bonds can lead to low-cost financing, equity dilution is relatively weak, to improve the capital structure, flexibility and strong performance; For investors, convertible bonds provide both the safety of the outstanding principal and give access to potential stock earnings growth opportunities. Convertible bonds for the use of effective investment and financing activity, we need to scientifically measured convertible bond performance of the investment and financing, investment and financing in order to avoid errors in decision-making. First, the performance of convertible bond financing analysis The issuance of convertible bonds by the financing of the performance of earnings per share to reflect. At the operational effectiveness of certain circumstances, the higher the earnings per share, stock value, the more a more shareholder wealth, the better the performance of financing. Analysis in order to facilitate understanding, the following examples. Example: the original capital of the company FeiDa 9 000 million, 0.3 yuan per share, the original debt capital of 5 000 million, the annual interest rate of 3%, 33% income tax rate. Refinancing is to be 10 1 0 million yuan investment in new projects, the company decided to issue a face value of 1 000 million, interest rate 1.5% (simple interest), 5-year convertible bonds 100,000, Convertible price of 10 Yuan / shares, the conversion period of six month bonds to the maturity of the bonds after the day ended, and an agreement: If the closing price of shares FeiDa 30 consecutive trading days below the 70% Convertible Price, creditors have the right to hold all or part of convertible bonds to 105% of face value (including the current interest) price to sell the company FeiDa; FeiDa shares if the closing price for 30 trading days the price is higher than 130 percent Convertible, FeiDa companies have the right to 105% of face value (including the current interest) will be the price of the Convertible Bonds have not yet bought back. In addition, if the company is issuing shares FeiDa financing, according to the current stock market price of 8 / 1 125 million shares issued; if the general issue of bond financing, to issue a face value of 1 000 million, the interest rate 3% (simple interest), 5 years 100,000 bonds. FeiDa company in the investment project under the premise of change, set up new projects of interest to achieve an annual pre-tax profit for the EBIT, the various modes of financing under the earnings per share (EPS) were calculated as follows: Convertible bonds can be converted before: EPS1 = [(EBIT-10 000 * 1.5%) (1-33%) ÷ 9 000] +0.3; After Convertible Convertible Bonds: EPS2 = [EBIT (1-33%) +0.3 * 9 000] ÷ (1 000 +9 000) (Note: The number of Convertible = 10 000 ÷ 10 = 1 000 million); Issue of ordinary shares: EPS3 = [EBIT (1-33%) +0.3 * 9 000] ÷ (1 125 +9 000); General bond issue: EPS4 = [(EBIT-10 000 * 3%) (1-33%) ÷ 9 000] +0.3. It is clear that investment in new projects no matter how effective are EPS1> EPS4, EPS2> EPS3, that is, if the failure Convertible convertible bonds and convertible bond financing is always better than the performance of bond financing; Convertible convertible bonds, if successful, Convertible bond financing is always superior to the performance of common stock financing. Order EPS1 = EPS3, the mode of financing can be obtained in two of the non-points: EBIT1 = -2 680 (million). Order EPS2 = EPS4, the mode of financing can be obtained in two of the non-points: EBIT2 =- 1 030 (million). (1) When the return on investment in new projects is very poor, that is, at EBIT <-2 680 million cases, because of new projects FeiDa cause of the decline in the overall effectiveness of the company, stock prices down not up, Convertible bound to fail, then there is EPS3> EPS1> EPS4, convertible bond financing at this time is better than the performance of bond financing in general worse than the common stock financing. (2) when the new investment projects in poor, that is, although EBIT at more than -2 680 million, but still not enough to promote the exercise of creditors to the case of equity, then there is EPS1> EPS3, EPS1> EPS4, at this time Convertible bond financing is better than the performance of common stock financing and bond financing in general, is the best option. (3) When the new project a very good investment returns, that is, companies in the Mainland share prices have risen, and the exercise of incentive to creditors to the。
财务激励体制在企业管理中的重要意义(供你参考) 摘要:在所有权与管理权两权分离的现代企业当中,建立并完善财务激励机制对于规范企业财务管理制度,实现企业相关者利益最大化以及健全现代企业制度都具有相当重要的意义。
笔者从财务激励制度建立,完善及作用等几个方面剖析了财务激励制度对在企业管理中的重要意义。 关键词:财务激励 机制 利益相关者 企业管理 长期以来,在企业管理中逐渐形成两大激励范畴:财务激励和非财务激励。
财务激励是以企业财务主体涉及的利益关系方为激励对象,以财务利益为激励诱因,并通过一定的财务安排,诱导利益相关方实现既定的企业财务目标或管理目标。 而财务激励之外的即为非财务激励范畴,主要包括行政激励和心理激励。
一、建立适合企业自身的财务激励机制 (一)对企业经理人及其团队的激励。现代公司制企业对经理人的激励通常是通过薪酬激励计划和股权激励计划来实现,其目的是使经理人认同企业的利益并将其与自身利益挂钩、企业的未来发展和经理人自身未来的财富增长挂钩,并在此基础上开展各方面工作。
同样地,对于经理人而言,通过适当的激励方式对其领导的管理团队实施激励,更有利于提高管理的效率和顺利完成各方面工作。 (二)对供应商和客户的激励。
在企业的价值创造中,上游的供应商和下游的客户都在企业的价值链中处于重要的地位,因此不仅要通过市场交易行为和交易合约来建立和维持正常的业务关系,更要通过一定的激励措施以及激励制度安排,来拓展、深化和优化与其之间的财务关系,对他们通过业务拓展、经济利益等诱导因素实施行为引导,使他们在业务开展过程中,有充分的积极性主动配合企业的财务安排。 (三)对债权人和债务人的激励。
一方面在一定的营运资金政策下,举借一定量的短期债务和产生一定量的债权;一方面在一定的资本结构下,安排长期债务的比例。 基于债权人和债务人不会主动配合企业的理财活动的假定,企业财务管理人员要想优化债权和合理安排负债,就要运用激励艺术。
(五)对企业员工的激励。 实际上,对于预算制定和执行,更为合理的做法是引入激励机制,使所有的具有自我利益最大化的个人和部门在一个完整的激励计划下,不是推委而是主动地承担和完成预算任务,使企业的全面预算的制定和实行能得到全体企业成员的关注和积极参与,而不是财务部门闭门造车和简单机械的控制。
二、财务激励体制的重要作用 (一)在筹资中,财务激励首先集中体现在激励性融资工具的运用上,例如可转换债券的运用。可转换债券是一种混合证券投资工具,风险投资者可以利用它有效地控制投资风险并获得较高的收益,即通过债券的优先求偿权可以保证其投资的回收,或以企业的良好成长性引导投资者行权从而由债权人变成股东。
又如,普通优先股,参与优先股等也是具有典型财务激励意义的筹资方式,其特殊的利益保障合约条款使其成为确保股东利益和增加股票自身吸引力的激励性融资工具。 (二)在日常的营运资产管理中,也存在大量的策略性财务激励安排。
如在应收账款的管理和存货管理中,信用政策就是一项基于商业信用的财务激励安排,正如在折扣期内付款给予现金折扣这样的财务利益诱导设计就是典型的财务激励的产物。 在存货管理中,借助于对业务链上下游的商业伙伴和客户实施充分有效的财务激励,则可以润滑企业与商业伙伴、客户之间的关系,企业因此获得源于财务激励的良好财务关系,可实现持续地获取客户的商业信用,提高资金运动的速度和质量。
(三)在预算编制和执行中,财务预算作为工作任务和绩效评估、奖酬的依据对企业高层管理人员和普通员工的行为努力具有很强的财务激励效应,尤其在预算的执行中责任会计很好地体现了财务激励与约束效应。 而在预算制度本身就是一项系统的财务激励安排,在企业预算管理中,努力建立以预算管理为基础的激励制度,发挥了重要的作用,提高了企业的管理效率。
(四)企业的股利政策也相当程度上借助于财务激励来协调企业与中小股东之间的经济利益,财务激励是企业的股利政策有效作用的重要手段。 实际上,不同的股利政策都提供了不同的财务。
No. 债券代码 债券简称 债券简称 票面利率(%)
1 110003 新钢转债 新钢转债 2.4
2 110007 博汇转债 博汇转债 1.4
3 110009 双良转债 双良转债 0.8
4 110011 歌华转债 歌华转债 0.8
5 110012 海运转债 海运转债 0.7
6 110013 国投转债 国投转债 0.5
7 110015 石化转债 石化转债 0.5
8 110016 川投转债 川投转债 0.5
9 110017 中海转债 中海转债 0.5
10 110018 国电转债 国电转债 0.5
11 110078 澄星转债 澄星转债 2.7
12 113001 中行转债 中行转债 0.8
13 113002 工行转债 工行转债 0.7
14 125089 深机转债 深机转债 0.6
15 125709 唐钢转债 唐钢转债 1.7
16 125731 美丰转债 美丰转债 1
17 125887 中鼎转债 中鼎转债 0.8
18 126729 燕京转债 燕京转债 0.7
19 129031 巨轮转2 巨轮转2 0.8
Convertible bonds as a development of financial derivatives for a long time, as China's enterprises increasingly diversified forms of financing, the financing instruments in the capital markets in recent years has played an increasingly important role. However, convertible bonds in China's research is still in its infancy because of this, through convertible bonds of literature, can be refined to reflect the risks of bonds to the main points of content, the use of certain methods of evaluation, training logic may be bonds Risks, prevention and the search for a solution. The convertible bonds of the elements; convertible bonds issued at the time the conditions; convertible bond issuance program, and other documentation for the collection, collation, analysis, which can be extracted from the initial risk bonds, convertible bonds issued a risk of failure, the Shares listed on the risk of failure, the three "convertible bonds," the risk of failure of the conversion, the four bonds may be unique in China's market economy system with the problems and risks. Through the bonds may be risk analysis and its recommendations put forward by the measures, one may be prudent to issue bonds to choose the time, the design reasonable, "Bond" elements, the three companies must improve or convertible bonds with good operating results in order to Issuance of convertible bonds, convertible bonds four to determine a reasonable price, and so on. Any kind of financial derivatives in the income for people at the same time will inevitably accompanied by risks, "bonds" is no exception. This issue must have a clear understanding, must not only "convertible" superiority of the financing side, and it may ignore the risk to the enterprise. China's convertible bonds in the market is still at an early stage of development, as some of the conditions do not have, so have a greater risk of more harm. Therefore there should be more convertible bonds and the risk of a pre-sentence analysis, done in a timely manner to prevent a risk, thereby reducing the economic losses.。
可转换债券 是指持有者可以在一定时期内按一定比例或价格将之转换成一定数量的另一种证券的债券。
可转换债券 英语为:convertible bond(或convertible debenture、convertible note)。公司发行的含有转换特征的债券。在招募说明中发行人承诺根据转换价格在一定时间内可将债券转换为公司普通股。转换特征为公司所发行债券的一项义务。可转换债券的优点为普通股所不具备的固定收益和一般债券不具备的升值潜力。参见:可转换信用债券,convertible debenture
因此,即使可转换债券的收益比一般债券收益低些,但在投资机会选择的权衡中,这种债券仍然受到投资者的欢迎。 可转换公司债券在国外债券市场上颇为盛行。
文章来源:上海证券报 。
可转换公司债券(Convertible Bond,CB)
可转换公司债券是一种被赋予了股票转换权的a rel=nofollow href=wiki.mbalib/wiki/%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E5%80%BA%E5%88%B8 target=_blank公司债券/a,也称可转换债券。发行公司事先规定a rel=nofollow href=wiki.mbalib/wiki/%E5%80%BA%E6%9D%83%E4%BA%BA target=_blank债权人/a可以选择有利时机,按发行时规定的条件把其a rel=nofollow href=wiki.mbalib/wiki/%E5%80%BA%E5%88%B8 target=_blank债券/a转换成发行公司的等值股票(a rel=nofollow href=wiki.mbalib/wiki/%E6%99%AE%E9%80%9A%E8%82%A1%E7%A5%A8 target=_blank普通股票/a)。可转换公司债是一种混合型的债券形式。当投资者不太清楚发行公司的发展潜力及前景时,可失投资于这种债券。待发行公司经营实绩显著,经营前景乐观,其股票行市a rel=nofollow href=wiki.mbalib/wiki/%E7%9C%8B%E6%B6%A8 target=_blank看涨/a时,则可将a rel=nofollow href=wiki.mbalib/wiki/%E5%80%BA%E5%88%B8 target=_blank债券/a转换为a rel=nofollow href=wiki.mbalib/wiki/%E8%82%A1%E7%A5%A8 target=_blank股票/a,以受益于公司的发展。可转换债券对于投资者来说,是多了一种投资选择机会。因此,即使可转换债券的收益比一般债券收益低些,但在投资机会选择的权衡中,这种债券仍然受到投资者的欢迎。可转换公司债券在国外债券市场上颇为盛行。这种公司债券最早出现在英国,目前美国公司也多发行这种公司债。日本于1938年“商法”改正后-些公司开始发行这种债券。
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