温湿度测量仪102 双击自动滚屏 文章来源:一流设计吧 发布者:16sheji8 发布时间:2008-08-18 09:44:44 阅读:920次 摘要 为保证仓库日常工作的顺利进行,首要问题是加强仓库内温度与湿度的监测工作。
这个系统能够对库区内每个库房中各仓位的温度及湿度的变化情况进行实时自动检测,一旦出现异常现象便于及时处理,有效地提高了事故的预见性和工作效率。 本系统由AD590及HS1100进行信号采集,经过MC14433对采集到的模拟信号进行数模变换,在单片机8031基本系统中进行数据处理,并具有实时显示及报警等功能。
通过计算机控制可以实现人机分离,节省人力物力,且本设计造价低,是比较理想的温湿度检测系统。 关键词: 单片机 温度传感器 湿度传感器 A/D转换 显示 Abstract For guaranteeing the warehouse daily smoothly progress, the major problem is to enhances the monitoring of the temperature and the humidity inside the warehouse . The traditional method is to use testing devices of Hygrometer, Hair Hygrometer, Double Metals measuring and Humidity Paper etc. Passing the labour power proceed examination, to match with the temperature and humidity requesting to proceed ventilating, reducing the Damp and the temperature etc. This kind of artificial testing method Wasted a lot of time and the efficiency is very low,and the error is big. Therefore we need a kind of device that is the price cheaply, usage Conveniently and accurated measure the temperature and the humidity .The design of this system is consist of to the machine of PC that as to control core, according to AD590 and HS1100 measure automatically the temperature and the humidity.This system can be getting to the automatic examination for the variety circumstance between the temperature and the humidity of every areas inside the warehouse, once appearing the abnormality phenomenon is easy to handle,therefor the system increases [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页 本文来自: 一流设计吧(munication becomes more convenient and long distance transmission without interruption . The system can be simplified and expanded , facility maintenance. This design is a touring temperature measurement system based on DS18B20 and AT89C2051 . AT89C2051 is a single-chip microcomputer with a small Flash ROM whose size is small and price is cheap ,with DIP20. This system is developed by C programe language which has many features of high language such as the assembler language , its storehouse of function is abundant , fast operation and high efficiency to compile , have good planted abilities , and it can realize the direct control on hardware of system . This design completes the function of interuption control of DS18B20 and caculation of measurement temperature . Display programe achieve the act of touring measurement and display of the value of temperature in every point , and allow correct of the error through interuption programme to realize the correction of the sensor according to the calibration of the temperature .This system has powerful practicability and high dependability. Key word: Digital sensor; AT89C2051; DS18B20; Temperature;Data acquisition 目 录 摘要 ⅠAbstract Ⅱ第1章 前言 1第2章 传感器的选择 32.1 DS18B20的简介 42.1.1 DS18B20的发展 42.1.2 DS18B20的特点 52.2 DS18B20的工作原理 52.2.1 DS18B20的测温 52.2.2 DS18B20的操作顺序 82.2.3 DS18B20的存储器结构 122.2.4单总线数字温度传感器自动识别技术 132.3 DS18B20使用中的注意事项 14第3章 系统硬件单元电路的设计 153.1X25045可编程看门狗监控E2PROM 153.1.1X25045芯片介绍 153.1.2X25045与AT89C2051的接口电路 173.2显示部分 173.2.1显示电路 173.2.2单片机与MAX7219的电路连接 203.3单片机最小系统 213.3.1AT89C2051及其特点 213.3.2芯片说明 223.3.3低功耗工作方式 23第四章 系统软件设计 254.1主程序 254.2读出温度子程序 254.3温度转换命令子程序 254.4计算温度子程序 274.5显示数据刷新子程序 274.6看门狗的软件设计 28第五章 调试过程的说明 29结论 30参考文献 31致谢 32附录 33 原件摘: /bencandy.php?fid=42&id=2927。
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