

Pick toOur enterprise capital operation, although in recent years starting late, but with the rapid development of capital operation in developed countries has a certain disparity of capital operation, know enough clear now, capital operation has become the enterprise management is very important part, in order to make our enterprise in the economic globalization competition of enterprises to grow, capital operation research is very important.The trend in the world economy, China's capital operation mode in the unceasing development, presents many new features, capital operation, technology and network services to become mergers and intermediary organizations, industrial capital and capital to form new financial capital, foreign capital operation develops rapidly, human capital becomes hot, etc. But after China's entry into WTO, further accelerate the pace of reform and opening up, the enterprise capital operation are confronted with many problems and challenges: operation concept distortion and raise efficiency is low, the investment capital, talent and main fuzzy intermediary organization is not perfect, foreign capital operation, the capital market development shortage of congenital malnutrition, government intervention, inefficient behavior, etc. In the economic globalization today, as our enterprise management is an important aspect of the operation, the enterprise must further accelerate the pace of technological innovation, the correct decision on strengthening investment and financing constraints, pay attention to the capital operation mechanism innovation, also the government should also improve the corresponding laws and regulations, and perfect social security system, regulating the capital market, only such enterprises in our country will be healthy development.Key words: shut capital, capital operation, the enterprise, the operation efficiency。


Mergers and acquisitions market economy and modern enterprise system product of the combination, its position in China's economic development is increasingly important. China is now the face of an active M & A market, how can we reasonably and accurately target enterprise pricing has become the key issues affecting mergers and acquisitions activity. This paper provides an overview of the theory of corporate mergers and acquisitions, analyzing the implications for valuation of the target company M & A, describes the main methods to assess the value of M & A target companies. This paper is divided into seven sections. The first part is the preface introduces the theoretical results of business valuation and abroad. The second part is the theoretical part, first introduced the theory of mergers and acquisitions and valuation. The third part introduces the M & A commonly used valuation methods. The fourth part introduces the development status of China's mergers and acquisitions and characteristics. Part V describes the current situation and problems of mergers and acquisitions in the valuation. The sixth part is some of these issues resolved measure. Part VII is the conclusion.Keywords: Mergers and acquisitions valuation assessment Assessment methods。


[abstract] This is Changsha YuanGe residential area design, 【construction's long, wide】,(不知道是你写的不全还是怎么,有点不通,如果你要加数字,就用the length of construction is。the width of construction is。) a total of 12 layer, total building area is。, building height of principal part is。. Design content mainly includes the architectural design and structural design .

The part of architectural design Including the overall layout,the plane and vertical transportation, and the requirements of fire prevention and evacuation. Design mainly include

planar configuration, elevation and profile design and fire protection and evacuation design, etc., follow the principle of "safty,availability,economy,aesthetics" , satisfy people's demand for residential use function and aesthetic.

Design structure using short-leg

shear wall system, to adapt to the new housing concept of people. Combining with hand calculation and PKPM computing , including load calculation (gravity load, wind load),shear walls and floor slabs, the design calculation of beam and reinforcement.

Key words: short-leg shear wall; High-rise residential; The structure design



Abstract Enterprises operating in China started late in the capital, although the rapid development in recent years, but with the developed countries there is still a certain gap between capital operation, capital operation of a lack of clarity of understanding, and now has become the enterprise capital operation and management of a very important part, in order to China's enterprises in the economic globalization, the growth of competition, the question of capital-to-business research is very important. The trend in the world economy, the capital of China's enterprises in the continuous development of business model, showing a characteristic of many new features, capital operation into a new technology, network, services and intermediary organizations, mergers and acquisitions to become hot, industrial capital and bank capital combine to form a new financial capital, the rapid development of foreign capital, human capital has become so hot. But China's accession to the WTO, the reform and opening up to further accelerate the pace of enterprise capital operation is faced with many problems and challenges: the concept of distortion operators inefficient investment and financing, capital operation of the main fuzzy, talent, and intermediary organizations are imperfect, external capital is relatively small, inadequate development of capital markets acquired congenital malnutrition, inefficient government intervention and so on. In the economic globalization, China's corporate governance as an important aspect of operations, enterprises must further accelerate the pace of technological innovation, the right to carry out fund-raising and strengthening the investment decision-making mechanism, focus on innovation and capital operation, at the same time the Government should also improve the corresponding legal laws and regulations, improve the social security system, and regulate the capital market, the only way the health of China's enterprises will be long-term development. 你看行不?。



The 3 nets integration in facing various difficulities under the complicated social backgroud. Among those ,the biggist trouble lies on the beneficial relations that involved in the process.This discourse is mainly about the thinking of the prospect of the 3 nets integration by combining the characteristcs of it and researching on the hardness and obastacles in the process to find a breakthrough of the establing requirement of 3 nets integration.


注意中文摘要一句话不要太长了有问题给我消息吧!还有这种翻译的好生意也通知我一下!Abstract In a highly scientific development era, the network can help us accomplish work more effctively to save cost and time better, so plenty of network companies raise and grow like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. However, in the worldwide financial crisis, many small enterprises could not keep moving because they lack of effective management of holding information about customers and staff. Network office, a new type office model blossomed recently, not only can save the hardware spending like office renting, but also can start work without location limitation. The content of this design is based on INTERNET. The administrator can check the reate of progress of part-time staff and customer task wherever if he connects the INTERNET with computer, and the project manager can assign and check the part-time staff going while part-time staff can check their daily work, and customers can check the fee they should pay monthly. By this mean everyone can conveniently work on line. Keyword: network office; OA system application development; browser/server;dynamic website。


Abstract:Real estate loan has become one of the important bank assets, whose loan quality will make an deep impact on the earnings and risk conditions of banking industry. Centered on the indirect banking finance, our domestic real estate market financing risks are excessively concentrated on the banking system. Let's take Jinyang New Area of Guiyang for example, the real estate market is overheated with a relatively great housing price rise,which will inevitably causes a certain degree of risks.Liquidity surplus accumulate increasingly more real estate bubble, and Operational risks like "Fake Mortgage" can be found everywhere. Moreover, the continuous bank interest rises between 2006 and 2007 boost more monthly payment pressure toward consumers and meanwhile raise the personal defaulty risks. With the influence of financial crisis of this year and the continuous interest reduction of central bank,the real estate market of Jinyang Area is turning for the better, but the uncertain affactions the crisis brings to us are still not optimistic. It's time for us to take active measures to restrain loan impulsivity,regulate loan activities, complete internal control, strengthen external inspection and at the same time to disperse banking risk through financial innovation.

Key words: Jinyang New Area; Real Estate Market;Housing Mortgage Loan; Risk Precaution; Financial Innovation


Moral early New Curriculum Teaching Method of Abstract: The revitalization of the national education promotion hopes education teachers today want to Marxism-Leninism , Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of China has entered the correct building a moderately prosperous society and social transformation to overcome stage ; And to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation dream of critical re- re- education ideological and political education school moral lesson for students moral education an important position to help students form a correct outlook on life, values, and morality the main channel to improve the ideological and moral education classes for students efficiency has become the primary ideological and moral education reform objective moral formation and implementation of effective classroom teaching method has become the beginning of the reform of key moral discipline teaching moral teaching teachers how early reform of teaching methods themselves must first understand what the author considered " moral curriculum standards " teachers only new curriculum standards the right to form their own interpretation of science teaching methods lay a solid foundation ; secondly to understand the background of the new curriculum under the ideological and moral teaching exist some problems in science teaching methods and teachers formed a key remedy ; under the new Curriculum beginning of the ideological and moral teaching again for preliminary and basic science teaching methods to explore the formation of an important part Besides humor, witty language of instruction in various forms all teachers teaching methods to add luster to the formation of scientific teaching methods to create a good educational environment to stimulate students' interest in breaking up the ideal of education and teaching effectiveness Keywords : new curriculum ; ideological and moral ; teaching problems ; teaching methods。


According to dairy production of the sewage produced water characteristics, Dairy plant to a sewage treatment plant "regulating pool - grease trap-UASB - SBR" technology for the design of the project. UASB Process for the production of dairy effluent, Most organic matter can be anaerobic microbial degradation and removal of the daily lot of oxygen can reduce energy consumption. Water quality conforms to GB8978-1996 "Integrated wastewater discharge standards," the two standards. Meanwhile, a sewage treatment plant can produce a large number of daily gas as a source of energy use. Biogas can be used for low-pressure boiler combustion of raw materials, For ease the current energy shortage increasing the pressure and the development of enterprises in the economic cycle is very important. The process also has short routes and energy recovery and the advantages of practicability.。


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