通讯录管理系统内容:程序代码,毕业论文(10132字),开题报告,外文翻译,答辩PPT 摘要:本通讯录信息管理系统用计算机管理电子通讯录的一种计算机应用技术的创新,在计算机还未普及之前通讯管理都是由联系人采用名片,笔录手工记帐的方式来操作的.现在一般的通讯录管理都是采用计算机作为工具的实用的计算机通讯录管理程序来帮助人们进行更有效的通讯录信息管理。
而对于后者则要求应用程序功能完备,易使用等特点。 经过分析,我们使用 MICROSOFT公司的 VISUAL BASIC开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。
关键字: 通讯录信息管理,管理信息系统,visual basic ,access Abstract:The directory information management systems using electronic directory of a computer management computer application technology innovation in the computer communications management are not popular before the introduction of business contacts, The accounting approach to the operation manual transcription. general directory management are now using the computer as a tool for computer directory management procedures to help people more effectively directory information management. Directory management system is a typical management information system (MIS), including its main development background to the establishment and maintenance of the database and front-end application development 2. The request for the establishment of strong data consistency and integrity, good for the security of the data. For the latter request applications functions, such as easy to use features. After analysis, we use Microsoft visual basic development tool companies, the use of its various object-oriented development tools, especially data that can be easily accessible and concise window manipulation database intelligent objects, the first prototype application system in a short time and then, computation of the initial prototype system needs to constantly revise and improve until the formation of a viable system of user satisfaction. keyword : directory information management, management information systems, visual basic, access 目 录 第一章 引言 1.1 课题背景 1.2 系统简介 1. 3 开发工具介绍 第二章 系统的分析 2.1 系统开发的目标和思想 2.2 系统的可行性分析 第三章 系统的设计 3.1 系统的功能结构设计 3.2 系统的数据库设计 3.3 界面设计与代码设计 结束语 致谢 参考文献 1.陈明 . 软件工程学教程 .科技出版社,2002 2.萨师煊,王珊 . 数据库系统概论 . 第三版 . 高等教育出版社,2000 3.飞思科技产品研发中心 . visual basic 6.0数据库应用开发 .电子工业出版社,2003 4.飞思科技产品研发中心 . visual basic 6.0开发者手册 . 电子工业出版社, 2002 5.申旻 . visual basic 6.0高手突破 . 清华大学出版社,2002,302 6.Steve Teixeira,Xaviver Pacheco著,龙劲松,王瑜,谢尚书译 . visual basic 6.0开发人员指南 . 机械工业出版社 .2003来自 希望可以帮得到你。
以前写了一个简单的:#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>; /*与malloc.h差不多*/ #include <string.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std;#define maxlen 15 struct persons {int num; /*定义结构体数组用于缓存数据*/ char name[20]; char e_addr[20]; char tel_no[15]; char sim_no; char arch; }persons[maxlen]; typedef struct lnode{ /*通讯录结构中结点的定义*/ int num; char name[20]; char e_addr[20]; char tel_no[15]; char sim_no; char arch; struct lnode *next; }listnode,*linklist; linklist head=NULL,r=NULL; /*定义头指针和尾指针*/ listnode *s,*p0,*p1,*p2,*p3,*p4,*p5,*p6,*p7,*p8,*p9; int i; char name1[10],ch;char tel_no1[15];char arch1;char sim_no1;char e_addr1[20]; char s1[20]; FILE *fp; /*定义文件指针*/ void creat() /*将文件的信息读入结构体数组在转存入链表中*/ { int j; long k; fp=fopen("数据文件.txt","r t"); /*打开文件*/ if(fp!=NULL) {for(i=0;i<=maxlen;i++ ) { j=fgetc(fp); if(j==EOF) return; k=i; fseek(fp,k*sizeof(struct persons),0); /*读取一个人的信息*/ fread(&persons[i],sizeof(struct persons),1,fp); s=(linklist)malloc(sizeof(listnode)); /*装存入链表中*/ s->num=persons[i].num; strcpy(s->name,persons[i].name); strcpy(s->e_addr,persons[i].e_addr); strcpy(s->tel_no,persons[i].tel_no); s->sim_no=persons[i].sim_no; s->arch=persons[i].arch; if(head==NULL) /*用尾插法将其插入链表中*/ {head=s;r=head;head->next=NULL;} else {r->next=s; r=s;r->next=NULL; } }fclose(fp); } else { fp=fopen("数据文件.txt","w"); /*不能打开另开辟一个文件*/ i=1; } } void Show() {printf("成功调用该函数\n");} void Delete() {printf("成功调用该函数\n");} void Input() /*向.通讯录中输入一个人的信息*/ { s=(linklist)malloc(sizeof(listnode)); printf("\n\n\t请输入该用户的信息:"); printf("姓名:"); scanf("%s",&s->name); printf("电话号码:"); scanf("%s",&s->tel_no); printf("单键拨号:"); scanf("%s",&s->sim_no); printf("E-mail地址:"); scanf("%s",&s->e_addr); printf("类别:"); scanf("%s",&s->arch); if(head==NULL)printf("\n\n"); else {p8=head; while(p8!=NULL&&strcmp(s->name,p8->name)!=0&&strcmp(s->tel_no,p8->tel_no)!=0) p8=p8->next; if(p8!=NULL) {printf("您添加的用户已存在!"); free(s);}} if(head==NULL) { s->next = 0; head=s; r = s;} else { s->next = 0; r->next = s; r = s;} } void Alter() { printf("success!\n");} int main() { system("color a"); creat(); do { printf("\n\n\t\t请选择操作:"); printf("\n\t\t1.显示通讯录"); printf("\n\t\t2.删除通讯录"); printf("\n\t\t3.添加通讯录"); printf("\n\t\t4.编辑通讯录"); printf("\n\n\n"); printf("\t请选择:"); cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case '1': Show(); /*用单条件多选择语句实现调用与循环*/ break; case '2': Delete(); break; case '3': Input(); break; case '4': Alter(); break; fclose(fp); exit(0); break; default: printf("\n\t The num should 1-6!!! \n"); break; } } while(1); }。
#define Node struct node
Node /*结构体类型定义,包括:姓、名和电话号码*/
char szName[20];
char szPhoneNum[12];
Node *next;
Node *strpHead; /*全程变量,链头指针*/
Node *strpCurrent; /*全程变量,用于指明当前在链表中的位置*/
/*function prototypes*/
void HandleChoice_f(int ); /*--函数原形说明*/
void AddRecord_f();
void InsertNode_f(Node *);
Node *InsertPoint_f(char *);
void MakeNewHead_f(Node *);
void AddToEnd_f(Node *);
void MoveToEnd_f();
void DisplayList_f();
void DeleteRecord_f();
void DelHead_f();
void DelEnd_f(Node *);
void DelMid_f(Node *);
int VerifyDel_f();
void DelNode_f(Node *);
void DelList_f();
void SearchByName_f();
void WriteFile_f();
void LoadFile_f();
void Help_f();
int main()
7.c语言 通讯录
{ cout<<"请输入第"<
9.c语言程序 通讯录
#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" #define N 3 typedef struct student { char num[11]; char name[15]; char sex; char birth[15]; char phone[15]; char email[15]; char addr[30]; struct student *next;}STUDENT;/*以下是函数原型*/STUDENT *init(); //初始化void create(STUDENT **headp); //创建链表STUDENT *delete(STUDENT *head); //删除STUDENT *update(STUDENT *head); //修改void print(STUDENT *head); //打印记void search(STUDENT *head); //查找void save(STUDENT *head); //保存STUDENT *load(); //读入STUDENT *insert(STUDENT *head); //插入记录void append(); //追加记录int main(){ int i; char choose; STUDENT *head; head=init(); printf("1、创建通讯录\n"); printf("2、插入通讯录\n"); printf("3、删除通讯录\n"); printf("4、修改通讯录\n"); printf("5、查询通讯录\n"); printf("6、追加通讯录\n"); printf("7、打印通讯录\n"); printf("8、保存通讯录到文件\n"); printf("9、从文件中读取通讯录\n"); printf("0、退出\n"); do{ choose=getchar(); switch(choose) { case '1': create(&head); break; case '2': head=insert(head); break; case '3': head=delete(head); break; case '4': head=update(head); break; case '5': search(head); break; case '6': append(); break; case '7': print(head); break; case '8': save(head); break; case '9': head=load(head); break; case '0': exit(0); } }while(choose!='0'); }STUDENT *init(){ return NULL;}void create(STUDENT **headp){ int i,s; char c; STUDENT *head=NULL,*tail; head=(STUDENT *)malloc(sizeof(STUDENT)); tail=head; for(;;) { tail->next=(STUDENT *)malloc(sizeof(STUDENT)); tail=tail->next; if(!tail) { printf("\n内存溢出!"); return NULL; } printf("输入一个记录:\n"); scanf("%s %s %c %s %s %s %s",tail->num,tail->name,&tail->sex,tail->birth,tail->phone,tail->email,tail->addr); printf("继续输入?\n"); c=getchar(); getchar(); if('Y'!=c||'y'!=c) break; } tail->next=NULL; *headp=head;}void print(STUDENT *head){ STUDENT *p; p=head; while(p!=NULL) { printf("%s %s %c %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",p->num,p->name,p->sex,p->birth,p->phone,p->email,p->addr); p=p->next; }}STUDENT *delete(STUDENT *head){ STUDENT *p,*q; char s[11]; printf("要删除的学生的编号\n"); scanf("%s",s); q=p=head; while(strcmp(p->num,s)&&p!=NULL) { q=p; p=p->next; } if(p==NULL) printf("\n表中数据为空!\n",s); else { printf("%s %s %c %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",p->num,p->name,p->sex,p->birth,p->phone,p->email,p->addr); getchar(); if(p==head) head=p->next; else q->next=p->next; free(p); printf("\n成功删除编号为%s的学生\n",s); } return(head);}void search(STUDENT *head){ STUDENT *p; char s[15]; printf("要查找的学生的编号\n"); scanf("%s",s); p=head; while(strcmp(p->name,s)&&p!=NULL) p=p->next; if(p==NULL) printf("\n没有编号为%s的学生\n",s); else printf("%s %s %c %s %s %s %s %s %s\n",p->num,p->name,p->sex,p->birth,p->phone,p->email,p->addr);}STUDENT *update(STUDENT *head){ STUDENT *p,*info;; char s[15]; printf("要修改的学生的编号\n"); scanf("%s",s); p=head; while(strcmp(p->name,s)&&p!=NULL) p=p->next; printf("\n输入学生数据:\n"); scanf("%s %s %c %s %s %s %s",p->num,p->name,&p->sex,p->birth,p->phone,p->email,p->addr); info->next=NULL; p=head; while(strcmp(p->name,s)&&p!=NULL) p=p->next; return head; }STUDENT *insert(STUDENT *head){ STUDENT *p,*q,*info; char s[11]; printf("输入要在哪个编号前插入:\n"); scanf("%s",s); printf("\n输入学生数据:\n"); info=(STUDENT *)malloc(sizeof(STUDENT)); if(!info) { printf("\n内存溢出!"); return NULL; } scanf("%s %s %c %s %s %s %s",info->num,info->name,&info->sex,info->birth,info->phone,info->email,info->addr); info->next=NULL; p=head; q=head; while(strcmp(info->num,s)&&p!=NULL) { q=p; p=p->next; } if(p==NULL) if(p==head) head=info; else q->next=info; else if(p==head) { info->next=p; head=info; } else { info->next=p; q->next=info; } printf("\n插入成功!"); return(head);}void save(STUDENT *head){ FILE *fp; STUDENT *p; char outfile[10]; printf("输入要保存的文件名如c:\\test.txt:\n"); scanf("%s",outfile); if((fp=fopen(outfile,"wb"))==NULL) { printf("文件打开失败!\n"); exit(1); } p=head; while(p!=NULL) { fwrite(p,sizeof(STUDENT),1,fp); p=p->next; } fclose(fp); printf("数据保存成功!\n");}STUDENT *load(){ STUDENT *p,*q,*head=NULL; FILE *fp; char infile[10]; printf("输入要打开的文件名如c:\\test.txt:\n"); scanf("%s",infile); if((fp=fopen(infile,"rb"))==NULL) { printf("文件打开失败!\n"); exit(1); } p=(STUDENT *)malloc(sizeof(STUDENT)); if(!p) { printf("内存溢出!\n"); 。
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