

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get, but what if, what if you knew that you were gonna get the chocolate of death in three days?

I would sit down and do nothing else but to reflect on the first day. I would think about the past. What did I do? Are they good or evil? What haven't I do, and what I really wanna do? Then I would smooth from my mind all the complaints and annoyances. I would enjoy the cloud dancing, the river singing, the wind stroking. And I would enjoy all sounds of the nature. When the darkness fell, I would talk to the shining stars in the sky.

Then the first day passed. I would spend the second day with my families and friends. I would hold my mom's arm and take her for a walk chatting. We could talk about the old happy memories of us. And I would sit by my dad's side and hold his hands as he once held mine, feeling how the time have carved on his hands. Oh, my friends, we would have a party that night. We will sing together dance together and laugh together.

Finally, the last day came as doomed. I would use the whole day to pray. I would pray for my dad and mom, wishing them a happier life and healthier bodies. I would pray for the mountains, wishing them green forever, the rivers clear forever and my friends happy forever. I would pray for the whole world wishing them to become more appreciated of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values, wishing them to bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do. I would pray pray and pray until died.


Death How to cope with the inevitability and finality of death was one of the more disturbing of the many troubling questions which prompted the writing of 'Foundations'. It also provided the motive for the proposal to establish the Society of HumanKind. The hope which that first founding book creates is that by our own efforts in and through the Society we will gain eternal life for ourselves and for every member of our species. If we are to dedicate ourselves to the achievement of that Aim we must truly believe that it will be realised. The corollary must be an equal conviction that both the dead and the yet to be born are not forever lost to us, a consequence which gives the Treatise on Morality its force.。


这是一篇相关文章,希望你喜欢我的答案!Euthanasia,a step toward death worthyIf we look at history we find a pattern that is constantly repeated,the punishment.The more painful were unworthy was death and more serious the crime,an example of this is the stake,impalement and dismemberment.For this reason it is thought that in the same way it has the right to live in dignity also have died in the same condition.But the history of euthanasia begins with these facts,existed long before in Sparta when malformed children were thrown into the mount to maintain the purity and domination of race,later the Britons killed the sick without hope of cure and Hindus drowned in the river to the hopeless.All these cases were the principles of euthanasia which until then had no name defined.Currently talk of euthanasia is talking about a death without physical suffering that is raised voluntarily.The transition from life to death without suffering.The can be classified into different forms of practice,the volunteer takes into account the wishes of the patient or involuntary ignores the patient's desire because it is not in the authority to make that decision on her life.And only used under circumstances of terminal illness advanced,incurable and palliative where we avoid the suffering,pain and discomfort caused by the disease.As the case of Karen Quinlan who drive in a vegetative state since April 1975 to July 1985 that in 1941 Esposito Elaine comes into unconsciousness and died after 37 years or Ramon Sampedro in 1998 falls into paralysis after an accident and then to fight for justice for the approval of their programmed death is denied and decides to commit suicide.The words spoken before the judge,"My mind is the only part of me that's still alive and I'm a head attached to a dead body." Echoing in the ears of many people as they wanted an end to their suffering.Which brings us to a question can the man have his own life?Not sure I can answer this question only know that euthanasia is a way to die with dignity that prevents the suffering of the patient and his family.。


Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily Bronte went to her grave in 1848 believing that her only novel was a failure. It was not until 1850, when WUTHERING HEIGHTS received a second printing with an introduction by Emily's sister Charlotte, that it attracted a wide readership. And from that point the reputation of the book has never looked back. Today it is widely recognized as one of the great novels of English literature. Even so, WUTHERING HEIGHTS continues to divide readers. It is not a pretty love story; rather, it is swirling tale of largely unlikeable people caught up in obsessive love that turns to dark madness. It is cruel, violent, dark and brooding, and many people find it extremely unpleasant. And yet--it possesses a grandeur of language and design, a sense of tremendous pity and great loss that sets it apart from virtually every other novel written. The novel is told in the form of an extended flashback. After a visit to his strange landlord, a newcomer to the area desires to know the history of the family--which he receives from Nelly Deans, a servant who introduces us to the Earnshaw family who once resided in the house known as Wuthering Heights. It was once a cheerful place, but Old Earnshaw adopted a "Gipsy" child who he named Heathcliff. And Catherine, daughter of the house, found in him the perfect companion: wild, rude, and as proud and cruel as she. But although Catherine loves him, even recognizes him as her soulmate, she cannot lower herself to marry so far below her social station. She instead marries another, and in so doing sets in motion an obsession that will destroy them all. WUTHERING HEIGHTS is a bit difficult to "get into;" the opening chapters are so dark in their portrait of the end result of this obsessive love that they are somewhat off-putting. But they feed into the flow of the work in a remarkable way, setting the stage for one of the most remarkable structures in all of literature, a story that circles upon itself in a series of repetitions as it plays out across two generations. Catherine and Heathcliff are equally remarkable, both vicious and cruel, and yet never able to shed their impossible love no matter how brutally one may wound the other. As the novel coils further into alcoholism, seduction, and one of the most elaborately imagined plans of revenge it gathers into a ghostly tone: Heathcliff, driven to madness by a woman who is not there but who seems reflected in every part of his world--dragging her corpse from the grave, hearing her calling to him from the moors, escalating his brutality not for the sake of brutality but so that her memory will never fade, so that she may never leave his mind until death itself. Yes, this is madness, insanity, and there is no peace this side of the grave or even beyond. Many people in the world are trying to find a perfect companion.Some of these may marry and not know what their new husband or wife is like.This kind of situation often leads to separation or hostility. Other situations may develop between two friends that stem from jealousy, desire for revenge, uncaring parents, etc. Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights displays several characteristics of destructive relationships. Three of these are uncaring parents, marriage without knowing the person, and jealousy. Uncaring or unsympathizing parents are shown throughout this story to be an element of destructive relationships. Because Heathcliff gained all the attention from Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley became disassociated from his father. This separation continued until after Mr. Earnshaw had died.Another example is between Hindley and Hareton. Hindley became such a drunk and a gambler that he could not properly care for young Hareton. This led to a separation between Hareton and his father as well. One primary example of an uncaring parent is shown between Heathcliff and his son Linton.Heathcliff did not even want his son for anything except enacting a part of his revenge. This is shown by Linton's fear of Heathcliff and Heathcliff's enmity toward his son. Linton even says "。

my father threatened me, and I dread him - I dread him!"(244) to express his feeling about Heathcliff.The hostility and separation between father and son in this book shows that uncaring parents can cause serious damage in relationships with their children. This element of destructive behavior may stem from an unhappy marriage in which the husbands or wives don't know each other. This had happened between Isabella and Heathcliff. Isabella did not really 。

5.求一篇500字左右的英文短篇小说 关于生命与死亡主题的

My Brother's Suicide Is Helping Save Lives 住在美国阿肯色州的妮基18岁,之前从没有听别人谈论过自杀这回事。

但当这事发生在自己家人身上时,她觉得不能再沉默了。 My little brother, Tyler, and I were extremely close growing up. We'd make up top-secret handshakes after watching our favorite show. We spent hours talking about music: I play the clarinet[单簧管], and Ty was a true band geek[怪胎] whose trumpet[小号] was never far out of his reach. Sure, we bickered[斗嘴] over stupid stuff—it drove me crazy when he'd leave up the toilet seat in the bathroom! But we told each other everything. Or so I'd thought. 我和弟弟泰勒自幼就非常亲近。


Dazed [茫然的] and Confused 茫然与困惑 There was nothing particularly memorable about the cold midwinter Arkansas day when Ty killed himself. Ty, 14, got home from band practice and did the usual: cheerfully greeted everyone, then went straight to his room to practice his trumpet. Once dinner was ready, he joined my mom, my dad, and me to eat barbecued[烤肉] chicken while watching TV. I noticed then that Ty wasn't talking much—typically[通常] he and my dad joked around the whole time. But it didn't seem like anything was wrong, and after taking out the trash, Ty went back to his room. I had no idea it would be the last time I'd see him. 泰自杀的那个仲冬天,寒冷的阿肯色一切如常,没有发生什么印象特别深刻的事情。14岁的泰参加完乐队训练后回到家,像平常那样高兴地向各人问好,然后径直走回自己房间练习小号。



我没想到这是我最后一次见他。 It was nearly 8 o' clock when I heard what sounded like glass breaking coming from Ty's room. My dad went to find out what happened, then my mom checked too before dragging[拖,拉] me into their bedroom. “What's going on?” I asked. She was crying so hard, she couldn't answer. Then my dad showed up with all of our shoes and coats and screamed, “He's still got a pulse[脉搏]. We're going to the emergency room[急救室]!” 差不多8点的时候,我听见泰的房间里传出类似玻璃破碎的声音。



爸爸随后拿着我们的鞋子和外套出现了,他叫道:“他还有脉搏。我们要去急救室!” “Oh, my God, I don't get it! What happened?” I yelled. But no one answered me. All of a sudden, an ambulance[救护车] was at my house, and we got into the car and sped off behind it. When we arrived at the hospital, Mom and I were put in a private room while my dad checked on Ty. “What's going on?!” I asked again. Mom was hyperventilating[强力呼吸], but she was able to catch her breath enough to say, “Ty tried to kill himself.” “噢,我的天啊,我不明白!发生什么事了?”我叫道。




I was in total denial[否认]. “That's not funny!” I yelled. Then my dad returned, looked at my mom, and shook his head as if to say, “Ty didn't make it.” My mom passed out[昏倒]. I didn't have any emotion. I wasn't even crying. NOTHING made sense[有意义]. 我一点也不相信。“开什么玩笑!”我叫道。



一切都显得毫无意义。 Feeling Lost 怅然若失 After Ty shot himself, my family alternated[交替,轮流] between tears and silence, barely leaving the house. I didn't go to school for more than four months. I just couldn't understand why he'd done it—he'd never said that anything was wrong, and it wasn't until after Ty died that his friend told us that my brother had confessed[承认,坦白] to having thoughts of suicide[自杀]. I went to therapy[治疗], but I didn't like talking to a stranger. Thankfully my best friend was always there for me, but she never pushed me to share my feelings. 泰开枪自杀后,我们一家总是在眼泪和沉默之间徘徊,几乎没有离开过房子。



On the Oscar Wilde fairy tale in the sense of death

Abstract: The end of the 19th century British Aestheticism • writer Oscar Wilde is a controversial figure, but his early works has been a fairy tale praise. U.S.绝伦his magic fairy tale was filled with thick atmosphere of death. In this paper, with its "Happy Prince" and "pomegranate" House on two of the eight fairy tales, from "death" to the point of view, focusing on the Oscar Wilde fairy tale version of the "death" Xu Xie, "death awareness" Instead of "death" to the root causes of, in order to better explore the Oscar Wilde of "love" understanding.

Key words: Oscar Wilde fairy tale sense of death


英语专业的论文我就多了,不过你给的分也太多了点,给你发些题目吧,追加就分,给个红旗,同性恋和文化多元性《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析 浅析广告英语中的修辞西方思潮对当代中国青年的负面影响论美国电影对中国电影业造成冲击的原因 逃避,不如直面 ——浅谈“逃避主义”的根源 英汉广告文化和翻译从尊卑与平权看中西方文化的道德差异分析《傲慢与偏见》中的一个次要人物 做合格的外贸人才——针对英语专业在校生从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象 浅谈中学英语听说教学 从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧与成长《哈姆雷特》戏剧中的悲剧因素 英国女王伊丽莎白一世的宗教改革 英国战争对英语习语的影响 个体语言与语境 开发草地生态旅游促进西部经济发展 海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析 愉快教学法在初中英语教学中的研究中学英语教学中的肢体语言的应用 解读《简。

爱》的帝国主义意识 浅析美国早期移民文化 中国和西方的酒文化 中英死亡委婉语对比分析苔丝的反叛精神 浅谈交际法在中学英语教学中的应用 关于攀枝花市公示语汉英翻译的调查与分析 消除不良商标翻译的策略 大学英语教学中的弊端及对策 论美国“西进运动”的双刃性 七曲山大酒店的管理弊端及其对策 从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的性格对命运的决定作用 企业文化对企业发展的作用 论中西方文学作品对正面人物的刻画 一位坚强独立的女性——简·爱 试论格萨拉生态旅游区的现状及发展前景妇女——当代美国社会不可小觑的力量 浅谈格萨拉景区旅游开发前景 像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩 初中英语课堂互动教学的探索 论旅游英语的特征 中学生个体差异与英语素质教育商标语的翻译 初中学生个体差异与英语教学 论《美国悲剧》中萝贝塔的悲剧性 从现代汉语中的外来词看中国文化对西方文化的吸收与 论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格 攀枝花民族中学英语教学特性分析及对策 从福娃“改名”谈文化词的翻译策略 美国英语与英国英语在词汇上的差异 非语言交际在中学英语教学中的有效应用 从《哈利·波特》看儿童的成长 浅析苔丝之死 《老人与海》象征主义探究 “师道尊严”对当代中国英语教学的负面影响 日常生活中提高英语口语方法探析 攀枝花生态旅游的发展 在国际商务谈判中建立良好第一印象的技巧 从《西风颂》看英国积极浪漫主义的特征 企业文化在企业发展中的作用 习语及习语的汉英翻译盖茨比美国梦的幻灭——透视现实生活中的爱情 文化差异对第二语言学习的影响 浅析爱默生的《论自助》——人生自主的源泉 在中西方文化背景中对龙的不同阐释 论教学交往互动中的对话 冷战后美国外交的文化阐释 网络对当代青少年的影响 欧美人所理解之天堂世界观 基于作品人物浅析菲茨杰拉德 中国80后一代眼中的美国文化和中国文化 解读《皆大欢喜》中的浪漫主义 从《红字》和《荆棘鸟》看宗教禁欲主义下的爱情跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 谈如何理解海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》网络在中学英语教学中的应用 我看简·爱的爱情 中美家庭教育与个人能力培养 试论言语行为理论在广告语中的运用 《老人与海》的悲剧色彩:对完美主义的质疑 英语名的取名艺术 英语名的取名艺术 分析简·爱的美 中西文化中颜色词的象征意义 重拾爱伦·坡的哥特小说——从写作手法剖析 论《红字》中的孤独因素 汉语语言环境对英语学习的影响 小学英语教育中的新方法 中西方婚俗的差异 斯佳丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性 交际法在中学英语课堂的应用 论修辞在英语广告中的应用 中国西部未来人才需要 论福斯塔夫的性格 从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看20世纪初女性的社会 从商标及广告翻译看中英文化差异 儿童英语的交互性教学 英文谚语的文化场景在中译文中的缺失与弥合 浅谈大学生英语口语表达能力的提高 美国高等教育的多元化 教师在小学英语教学中的角色和作用分析罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧之研究 放松艺术——论失落情绪的消除社会底层的底层——分析美国非裔妇女的社会地位论中西饮食文化差异 文化认同的悲剧 从美国“迷惘的一代”看当今中国年轻人的生活 中美文化视野中对个人主义的认同差异透过《飘》看现代女性对待生活的态度 美国社会的葛朗台现象 多种方法,提高初中英语课堂效益学前幼儿的英语口语教学方法和技巧 论毒品对青少年的危害 从原创广告分析中美文化差异 乐山大佛风景区宗教旅游资源的研究 从迷茫的玛尔特的悲剧看女性存在的社会价值从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观 美国黑人文化得以幸存的原因解析 激发学生学习英语的兴趣 英国的民族个性——高贵与务实在饮食中的表现 大学双语教学的现状及对策 倾城之恋》与《飘》的女性主义解读 浅析中国慈善事业发展现状 思想的解放 理性的光芒 浅析美国的个人主义与中国的集体主义林奇与狼牙山五 从英汉习语的翻译看中西方文化差异初中英语教学的弊端及对策论家庭教育和学校教育的结合 都市边缘文化中西方同性恋文化浅析 《简·爱》的浪漫主义解读冷战后的美国对外战略 洋快餐对中国饮食文化的影响 中国教育体制下情境教学法的误区 美国俚语中的文化特征美国黑人文化的灵魂—。


一般英语和电影挂钩的话,太专业的东西你大概也写不了,一般都是写翻译方向的,比如说就电影名的翻译技巧写篇,eg.1.Analyzing and Appreciating the Translation Skills of the English Lines in the Film Red Cliff赏析电影《赤壁》(上)中的英语台词的翻译技巧2.Domestication-oriented Translation of English Film Titles英语电影片名的归化翻译策略或者写人物分析类的论文eg.An Analysis of the Film The Lion King and Its Characters电影《狮子王》作品及人物分析或者就某部特定的电影,写中西方文化的对比eg.An Analysis of Different Characters between China and the U.S. from the Aspect of Comic Movies通过喜剧电影看中美性格的异同或者单纯写一个民族某种特殊文化在电影中的体现eg.An Analysis of Modern "American Dream" in the Movie The Pursuit of Happiness浅析现代美国梦在电影《当幸福来敲门》中的体现这大概就是我们当年部分同学的论文方向,参考下吧。


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本文主要为您介绍对美食app研究的毕业论文,内容包括关于美食的论文1200字,关于中国美食的论文,《广东美食文化研究报告》论文。论潮汕美食中的潮人精神作者:第五届潮学国际研讨会论文集 资料来源:陈友义 李昌欣潮汕美食以其鲜明的地方特色和




本文主要为您介绍关于竹笛毕业论文,内容包括关于笛子的起源,谁能提供些资料写论文要用的,有关长笛的论文都想知道,有关长笛的论文都想知道。笛子的起源非常古老。很久以前,我国就有关于“笛子”的记载。 《风俗通》记载为汉武帝时丘仲制笛。




本文主要为您介绍大专电子商务毕业论文前言,内容包括电子商务论文前言怎么写,电子商务毕业论文专科该怎么写写些什么内容,求电子商务(大专)毕业论文3000字左右简单点的,最好是自己写的.。电子商务环境下的会计实务问题初探 字数:17146.页数:16








本文主要为您介绍毕业论文怎样应用文献综述,内容包括毕业论文文献综述怎么写,本科毕业论文的文献综述怎么写,毕业论文文献综述范文怎么写,哪有参考。文献综述概述[毕业论文文献综述的格式] 文献综述是研究者在其提前阅读过某一主题的文献后








本文主要为您介绍建筑工程混凝土毕业论文范文,内容包括建筑施工技术毕业论文,关于一篇混凝土施工方面的论文,求一份5000字的混凝土毕业论文,求一份5000字的混凝土毕业论文。化学灌浆法在建筑施工技术中的应用 摘要:随着化工工业的发展,化学灌




本文主要为您介绍电商毕业班毕业论文怎么写,内容包括电子商务毕业论文怎么写来篇完整的~~~,电子商务的毕业论文怎么写,电子商务毕业论文怎么写。电子货币的发展及在电子商务中的应用 摘要:随着网络技术的发展,电子货币作为基于网络的支付结算