


1Fast Words

The class is arranged into rows. The first person in each row is given a piece of chalk. The blackboard is divided into sections. No more than six teams.

The teacher calls a letter and the students must write as many words as they can beginning with that letter, in the allocated time. Their team-mates can call out hints, but be warned, this is very noisy.

Next, the second member gets the chalk and goes to the board and the teacher calls out a new letter.

The team with the most correct words is the winner.

2.Word Association

The teacher starts the game by saying a word, such as \\"Hotel\\".

For example:

Teacher: Hotel

Student A: Bed

Student B: Room

Student C: Service

Student D: Food

Student E: Restaurant

Student F: Chinese

As you can see, any association is ok.

If the student can\\'t answer (5 second limit) he or she must stand up. The last student seated is the winner.

If the association is not obvious, the student is asked to explain the association.

3.Chinese Whispers

Divide the class into even rows.

The last member of each row (at the back of the class) is taken out of the classroom. A \\"key\\" letter, word or sentence (depending on level) is given.

The students run back inside, and whisper the \\"key\\" to the next student in their row. It is whispered down through the row until the last member writes it on the board.

The first student to write it correctly on the blackboard is the winner!


11.字母排顺序接力赛 把两组20个字母大小写的卡片打乱次序贴在黑板上,一边一组。

然后将全班分成两组(或按男女分组),游戏开始,各组依次上来一个学生,以接力的方式,一人移动一个字母,按字母表的顺序重新排列,看哪组最快最准确。 12.快说字母对抗赛 将全班分成若干小组,对抗赛在两个小组中进行,在教师宣布游戏开始后,第一组的第一名学生立即说出一个字母(如C),第二组的第一名学生应立即说出下一个字母D。

说错或不能迅速说出字母的记负分,最后哪组扣分最少为优胜。 13.字母排队 每人发一张字母卡片,教师说一个字母(如C),则持字母C及其后四个字母(DEFG)的学生应立即站出来按次序排好队,如班级人数较多,也可以将学生分成两组进行竞赛。

14.大写找小写 教师在黑板上贴出一组大写字母,每组找一名学生到讲台上来,教师发给他们打乱次序的小写字母卡片,在教师宣布"开始"后,他们要尽快按大写字母的次序把小写字母贴在黑板上,贴得最快最准确的组获胜。 15.抢凳子 教师将学生分成两组,分别发给26个字母大写和小写的卡片,并在台前摆放五张凳子围成一圈,游戏开始,教师说出三个字母,同时开始播放音乐,两个组中持这三个字母卡片的六个学生应立即上前并围着凳子小跑;音乐一停就抢凳子坐好,组内三个人都抢到凳子的,给该组记10分。

16.字母滚雪球 这是个训练学生记忆字母能力的游戏,把学生分成若干组或男女两组。游戏开始,第一位学生说一个字母(如:B)第二位学生在后任意加上一个字母(如:BE)然后依次进行(如B…BE…BEX…BEXG…BEXGL…),说错了就被淘汰,说得多而准确的小组为胜。

17.猜字母 全班分成若干组,教师给学生们出示一些字母卡片(如10个字母),让学生们认读后,教师任意抽出一张卡片放在背后,依次让各组的学生猜,猜对的组得10分,然后教师再出另一张继续让学生们猜,各组第一排的学生都猜过后,第二排的学生接着猜,最后看哪一组得分多。 18.字母书写传递比赛 这是一个训练学生书写字母的游戏,以每一排为一组,将全班分成若干组,教师分别发给每组最后一排的学生一张纸片,上面写有一个字母,只允许这个学生看这个字母,在教师说"开始"后,最后一排的学生即用手指把纸片上的字母写在前面学生的背上…这样依次进行下去,最后第一排的学生把所传的字母写到黑板上,传得最快最准确的组获胜。

19.字母书写对抗赛 在黑板上挂一张字母表,参赛的两个组各派四人到前面,面对全班站好队,游戏开始,甲组的第一名学生转过身面向黑板,乙组的第一名学生在字母表上任意指一个字母,甲组的第一名学生看清后,便在该组第二名学生的背上用手指写这个字母,然后让第二名学生把这个字母说出来,说对的记10分,游戏继续进行,由甲组的第一名学生指字母,乙组的第一名学生书写,乙组的第二名学生猜字母,最后得分多的组获胜。 20. 找元音 教师给学生们一些既有元音字母,又有辅音字母的卡片,每个学生持一张,教师说"开始"后,持有元音字母卡片的学生应立即举着卡片,到前面来按次序站队,这游戏也可将全班学生分成两组进行竞赛,按正确次序先站好队的组获胜。

21. 找伙伴 教师发给学生们字母卡片,每个学生持一张,然后让持有含相同音素的字母的学生站在一起,如教师说音素,则持有F,M,N,S,X等字母的学生应立刻到前面站在一起。 22. 摘苹果,学音素 教师先在黑板上挂一张长满苹果的果树挂图,每个苹果上都写有一个字母,再出示几个篮子,每只篮子都贴有一个字母,如S,A(或K)E(或P),然后找几名学生上前面来,把果树上的苹果摘下来,将含有相同音素的字母放入相应的篮子里,如:将写有F,M,N,X等字母的苹果放在贴有字母S的篮子里,将写有B,C,D,V等字母的苹果放入有字母E(或P)的篮子里,最快最准确的获胜。


Based on the once-sheng and some of China's online game research analysis, the main line to the game Chuanqi of the Chinese history of the development of online games, online games come to the conclusion of the defined features and regional characteristics of online games in China has made reasonable The analysis, and the author of today's mainstream online games to make a profit on a combination of instances, the final text of the summary and make their own recommendations.。


青少年玩游戏好不好的英语论文With the development of the national economy, computers are no longer much of a luxury for most of the Chinese families in cities, which has laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of business in computer games in recent years. Since computer game has dominated the life of many people, especially the young, parents and teachers cry out against it. However, in my humble opinion, it is meaningless to debate whether or not computer game is detrimental, since computer game itself is neither good nor bad; it is totally at our disposal. Being an indispensable side-product of IT industry, computer game has been burning its way into the fabric of social life. Obviously, the appliance of three dimensions and special sound effects has turned the plain gaming process into a visual and audio feast that we have never been to before. In addition, the brand new experience of playing another role in games is so vicarious and gratifying that when playing, people tend to immerse themselves thoroughly into the virtual world. These two are probably the most important reasons why computer gaming has been so obsessing, especially to younger generations. As far as adults are concerned, indeed, the possibility is small that one falls into the trap of computer games. Having developed a sense of priorities, an adult is often well aware of the limit of time and the limitlessness of work to be done. Thus, more often than not, playing computer games is merely adopted by many as a respite from work and pressure. Compared to grown-ups, children are relatively susceptible to computer games due to their burning curiosity and psychological immaturity. However, the fact is, time has witnessed intrusions of a diversity of new distractions, such as films in the 1920s, TV in the 1950s and video games in the 1980s, none of which managed to remove children from classrooms and playfields, while survey results indicate that a great majority of pupils choose to sit in front of a computer only when there is nothing else to do. All in all, computer games are, in essence, nothing more than the upgrade of video games, the memorable company of my generation in childhood. Ever since, few cases have been reported that people dropped out of school as a result of video-gaming addiction. What video games have left to me is simply a nostalgic smile, while I am occasionally stricken by a wave of reminiscence about the days when I 'co-operated with friends to smash up the enemy's headquarters'. Thus, I believe that it is the same with computer gaming. It can definitely be a good entertainment and recreation, as long as it is taken in moderation. Computer-gaming binge is absolutely dangerous, but in that case, it is not the games to blame.。


青少年玩游戏好不好的英语论文 With the development of the national economy, computers are no longer much of a luxury for most of the Chinese families in cities, which has laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of business in computer games in recent years. Since computer game has dominated the life of many people, especially the young, parents and teachers cry out against it. However, in my humble opinion, it is meaningless to debate whether or not computer game is detrimental, since computer game itself is neither good nor bad; it is totally at our disposal. Being an indispensable side-product of IT industry, computer game has been burning its way into the fabric of social life. Obviously, the appliance of three dimensions and special sound effects has turned the plain gaming process into a visual and audio feast that we have never been to before. In addition, the brand new experience of playing another role in games is so vicarious and gratifying that when playing, people tend to immerse themselves thoroughly into the virtual world. These two are probably the most important reasons why computer gaming has been so obsessing, especially to younger generations. As far as adults are concerned, indeed, the possibility is small that one falls into the trap of computer games. Having developed a sense of priorities, an adult is often well aware of the limit of time and the limitlessness of work to be done. Thus, more often than not, playing computer games is merely adopted by many as a respite from work and pressure. Compared to grown-ups, children are relatively susceptible to computer games due to their burning curiosity and psychological immaturity. However, the fact is, time has witnessed intrusions of a diversity of new distractions, such as films in the 1920s, TV in the 1950s and video games in the 1980s, none of which managed to remove children from classrooms and playfields, while survey results indicate that a great majority of pupils choose to sit in front of a computer only when there is nothing else to do. All in all, computer games are, in essence, nothing more than the upgrade of video games, the memorable company of my generation in childhood. Ever since, few cases have been reported that people dropped out of school as a result of video-gaming addiction. What video games have left to me is simply a nostalgic smile, while I am occasionally stricken by a wave of reminiscence about the days when I 'co-operated with friends to smash up the enemy's headquarters'. Thus, I believe that it is the same with computer gaming. It can definitely be a good entertainment and recreation, as long as it is taken in moderation. Computer-gaming binge is absolutely dangerous, but in that case, it is not the games to blame.。









When I am free, I like playing games, especially computer games. Playing games makes me relaxed. I usually play computer games at the weekends, because I have much free time then. In weekdays, I can only play small games, because I must finish my homework first. Playing games before sleep do not influence on sleep and my parents agree me to do that. I am happy they do not forbid me playing games。


Nowadays, online games had invaded us aggressively. We can hardly know anyone with no concept of what online game is about. As we march into the high pace life of twentieth century. The aggression of Online game is uncontrollable. Some say that it is a blessing, some say that it is a menace. We know that the best way to kill time is undoubtly to play online game. However, most student refuses to obey themselves and spend almost all of their time playing online game endlessly. They are very addictive to we young people. We know that rules varied from game to game。

so if go on to play each and every game, we turn out to be investing our future. In a word, online game is nice to play, but only if you can limit time well.。


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